His to Princess

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His to Princess Page 19

by Theodora Taylor

  But this time he doesn’t have to give any royal commands.

  Everybody scatters, all but dismissing themselves and vanishing like fairytale elves.

  Later, Talia will have a chance to admire his large apartment, twice the size of her chambers, with a crystal chandelier, an enormous marble balcony, and an ocean front view. The monarch's bed is built into the wall with fine wood paneling around it, and carved spiral posts that support an elaborate canopy over the bed. But beyond that, Aldrich already did away with the over the top décor a few days before. He also had many of the priceless paintings that had hung in the room for years removed. He’ll tell Talia later that he hadn’t wanted dim paintings of fruit bowls and his ancestors’ portraits frowning at him while he lived here with the only princess he’d ever truly wanted to take to wife. With his sweet words in mind, eventually, Talia will refill some of the empty spaces with local artwork. She’ll also insist the room always, always have fresh orchids placed throughout.

  But this first time she’s brought here, she barely has the chance to glimpse the opulent space before Al slams the door behind the departing cleaning crew, and pins her to a nearby wall. He kisses her mouth, her jaw, down her neck. Talia’s skin lights up, tingling everywhere, and she moans softly.

  But before she’s too far gone, she makes sure to ask, “You’re sure? Really sure? Because between my family and yours, that’s a whole lot of crazy coming to our wedding.”

  Al suddenly breaks off the kiss. Pins her with a serious look. “Talia of this I am sure. More sure than I’ve ever been of anything in my entire life,” he tells her solemnly.

  Then his mouth returns to her neck, and his hands trace the curves of her pregnant body. It’s holding their son and daughter. Their future. Lips lock, hot and needy, hands groping.

  “Wait, is that…?” Talia asks, spotting something out the corner of her eye. “Is that—a mop?” she asks.

  Aldrich lifts his head and glances over his shoulder at the forgotten cleaning item. “Old marriage contracts and centuries of tradition be damned,” he intones. “It is obvious the fates have blessed our match.”

  “Mmm…definitely,” Talia agrees with a laugh as she tugs his head down for another kiss.

  But Aldrich breaks off again a few seconds later, and escorts her through the sitting room to his private bedroom. Another room she doesn’t get a good look at because he dims the lights and takes her straight to his large bed.

  “Hands and knees, Talia.”

  As always, the things guaranteed to raise her hackles during everyday conversation, completely melt her when they’re together in private behind castle walls.

  Talia does as he commands, and Aldrich moves behind her, climbing over her back to kiss her neck from behind. She reaches back to caress his body as his hands travel over hers, cupping her breasts, nimbly trailing up and down her belly.

  Finally, one of his hands comes to a stop between her legs, pressing into her cotton dress, warming the bits beneath. Then she hears the raspy sound of a zipper being opened, and the soft swish of his pants sliding to the floor.

  “I’ll take you from behind again,” he breathes, lifting her dress over her hips, pulling her panties down. “It’s the best position for the babies, according to my research.”

  “Your research? Aren’t you thoughtful,” Talia jokes, before cutting off with a gasp when one of his roving hands reaches down to spread her wet lips wide.

  “I’m thinking of the children,” he assures her. “Also, you need to make this morning up to me.”

  “Wait, wha—?”

  But before she can finish, he thrusts forward, driving deep into her. Talia cries out, filled by his girth. His hands find her swollen breasts and suddenly her mind can hold no more questions as his teeth dragging across her tender neck. Soon his thighs begin slapping against her behind as his thumbs rub circles around her extremely sensitive nipples.

  “Oh…Aldrich!” Talia thinks of the homeless veteran in the castle, the cocky prince in the lagoon, and finally, her beloved Aldrich, the father of her children who is more than capable of fulfilling the fantasies she didn’t even know she had.

  Her pleasure grows, mounting and cresting within her. Her head spins and she claws the fine linens, her body shuddering and her heart crying out with sweet, sweet relief as she finally gives in to her happily ever after.


  One Year Later

  For the first time in her life, Ella was wrong. Wrong about no one taking the throne from Aldrich.

  Only a few weeks after negotiating a deal with the Terre d’Or farmers to turn half the island into a working farm resort, and the other half into all-inclusive luxury resort properties, Aldrich abdicated the throne, knowing full well it would put a permanent end to the country’s tradition of monarchy. According to the Victoire constitution, if a ruling leader abdicates when there are no apparent heirs, the government is shifted to a three-party democracy, and the next leader is chosen by popular vote.

  However, when Aldrich announced his decision with a pregnant Talia by his side, the people responded in anger. They did not want him to go. Somehow, in giving Talia—dubbed “our Vickee” by the inhabitants of Terre d’Or—his pledge, and negotiating a decent deal for the future of Terre d’Or, Aldrich managed to completely win the loyalty of his nation’s citizens.

  Also, there was the matter of the royal wedding, which the tourism-dependent island was counting on for record profits.

  The people wanted him to lead. Aldrich’s resignation was rejected, and by a landslide popular referendum, he was elected as sovereign prince of a constitutional monarchy.

  Some say the people did it for Talia. Or because of her, because now, for the first time in the history of les Iles de la Victoire, a native Vickee reigns in the palace. Princess Talia. Even her feminist power suit mother couldn’t deny becoming a sovereign princess is an acceptable reason to drop out of law school. Both women firmly believe Talia will help so many more people in her current role than she ever could have as a corporate lawyer.

  After the love affair between a prince and a commoner, the changing land negotiation for Terre d’Or, and the abdication and re-election of the same man, les Iles de la Victoire has become very popular in the news.

  When Talia and her staff started planning the long delayed coronation, they found the guest list more than double what it was the year before. Not just because more locals had been invited (including the community in Papy’s village), but many international notables as well: European and African heads of state, movie stars, artists and musicians, Nobel Prize laureates, American politicians, and quite a few billionaires.

  This year, the beauty brigade is set up in the master wing Talia now shares with Aldrich. Sebastian’s done his magic again, and Talia dons another custom-made gown by the same local designer who created her emerald green maternity frock. Taking a cue from her mother-in-law, Talia wears her hair down in a loose curly bun at her nape…a Vickee variation on an old European style.

  She also decides to wear Yasmin’s emerald and diamond necklace to the new coronation. She and Aldrich figured they were breaking so many traditions, they should probably try to keep a few today.

  Talia’s coronation dress is floor-length and strapless, with shimmering scales of pale yellow that bow out at her knees and trail behind her in a short train.

  And even though photos of the twins have yet to be released to the media, their children are currently two of the most talked about babies in the world. Talia just hopes with her and Papy’s guidance, they can lead somewhat normal lives once the cacophony of weddings and coronations has died down.

  Trailed by Pascal, she makes her way through the reception room, greeting arriving guests as they gather for the pre-ball reception. They’ve opened the entire first floor of the chateau this year, and men and women in formal attire pour onto the terrace and into the gardens.

  Talia spots her mother, gloriously happy in a Versace gown.
  “Hello everyone!” Talia calls out, joining Ella who is laughing between Hervé and Bernard. These days, she positively glows.

  When her mother returned to the States last year, Ella was disbarred and divorced in a matter of months. She calls losing everything the best moment in her life. Now she lives in Paris, realizing a long-time dream of hers. And now that she’d been named the royal legal consultant, Ella plans to buy property in Les Iles de la Victoire, and move between Europe and the islands as her needs require.

  “Oh! Don’t you look magnificent, darling! Sebastian has done it again,” Ella says to Talia.

  The two men on either side of her nod enthusiastically.

  “It doesn’t take much with you de Samuel women,” Bernard says, shooting Ella a warm smile.

  “Why thank you, Bernard,” Ella says, returning his warm look.

  “Indeed.” Hervé steps in front of the man who was recently appointed Victoire’s first prime minister to get Ella’s attention. “But a woman’s worth is not only in her looks, as you’ve taught me, Ella.”

  “Oui,” Bernard agrees. “Ella has been blessed with an abundance of beauty and intelligence. I’ve always been amazed by your quick wit, Ella, even when we were sweethearts together on Terre d’Or.”

  “Oui, oui, you never fail to remind us that you have this very little bit of history,” Hervé says, an irritated note in his voice.

  “It was an important part of my life,” says Bernard. “Of both of our lives. I’ve always been very supportive of Ella. Isn’t that right, my dear?”

  Ella smiles and quietly removes herself. “Let me walk you back stage, Talia. Help you with the grandbabies.”

  As they leave the two men behind to glare at each other, Talia is in the very bizarre position of policing her mother’s love life. “Um, Mom? When are you going to put those two out of their misery and make a decision?”

  “As soon as your father and his little bimbo leave,” Ella responds without missing a beat. “Til then, it doesn’t hurt to be seen with two men fighting over me.”

  Talia laughs but warns, “Be careful. Bernard is a gentleman—as long as you don’t talk about his mama—but the duke…”

  She trails off, thinking of vicious chess moves he pulled to not only remain part of the Terre d’Or deal, but also remain on the Sovereign Prince’s Council.

  “Yes, I know exactly how the duke can be,” Ella says, her expression darkening. Leading Talia to wonder what kind of drama she’s missed during the lead up to the coronation.

  But before she can ask, they’re interrupted by a loud voice shouting, “Girl, look at you!!!”

  “Congresswoman Rustanov! I’m so glad you could come. I hope the journey wasn’t too difficult?” Talia says, leaning in to kiss the elegantly dressed woman on the cheek.

  But Eva Rustanov wants nothing to do with formal pecks on the cheek. She drags Talia in for a bear hug as the woman squeals, “Your Highness! I was so thrilled to get your invitation! When Ella told me you were marrying a prince, well, I had to come and give my support.”

  Talia is very grateful to Congresswoman Rustanov. Thanks to all her hard work, she was able to pull some strings to get Ella reinstated with the bar a few months ago. Which is why her mother hadn’t so much requested, as informed Talia that she was inviting Eva and her billionaire husband.

  “Mom tells me you may be on the campaign trail again. But for a much bigger role?” A few weeks ago, Ella hinted to Talia that Eva was considering a run for President of the United States. Talia hoped this turned out to be the case. The congresswoman was hugely popular back home, and exactly what the country needed after the last few years of turmoil.

  “Could be, could be,” Congresswoman Rustanov says. “We’re running it through the polls, checking our options. But between you and me, Ma’am, the numbers are very encouraging.”

  The two women share a happy smile and clasp each other’s hands. “You’ll definitely have to hit me up for a donation after the announcement is made.”

  “And an appearance,” Ella adds, ever her daughter’s PR manager even though Talia’s totally gone off plan.

  “I definitely will,” Eva assures her. “And congratulations again, Ma’am. I really couldn’t be happier for you!”

  Talia and Ella say goodbye to Eva before moving on to greet a bishop, a movie star, and the relatively young Cal-Mart CEO, Holt Calson, on their way to the anteroom serving as backstage for the ceremony.

  When she closes the door behind her, Talia expects to find Papy fussing over the babies. He all but ripped them out of Talia’s arms after her pre-beauty brigade feeding and insisted to Nelly that he could tend to them until it was time for the big event. But instead, she finds Aldrich, pacing in circles with a sleeping twin in each arm, while Papy dozes on a nearby couch.

  It’s a familiar sight these days. Running an island-wide charitable organization is hard work, and Papy is frequently sneaking in catnaps wherever and whenever he can.

  But as for Aldrich… “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be schmoozing?” she whispers.

  “Why bother? I know you are better at this than I am, as you are with so many things. I am okay to leave you to it,” he whispers with a devilish smile, looking like he’s gotten away with something. “Besides, I would much rather be here with the little ones.”

  He carefully leans forward to drop a kiss on Talia’s lips. “You look amazing, by the way.”

  “Thank you,” she says, too flattered to scold. Marriage hasn’t changed much between them, as it turns out. Al’s even better at disarming her with a compliment than he was back when they first met.

  She reaches out and removes their daughter, Axelle, from her husband’s arms, tucking her into a custom-made baby sling commissioned for this evening. When she’s not dropping off to sleep, Axelle has laughing brown eyes, and patches of red hair. Al adjusts their sleeping son, Maxime, in his sling, the baby’s curly dark hair peeping out over the edge of the fabric. Talia smiles as she thinks about the boy’s laughing eyes…so much like Aldrich’s.

  The two infants continue to sleep peacefully throughout the transfer. After all, they’re not missing much…just their father getting crowned Victoire’s first Sovereign Prince.

  Talia reaches over and straightens Aldrich’s hair, smoothing the curls over his ear. She places a hand on his cheek. They can hear the heraldry play in the ballroom to signal that the guests have gathered, and are waiting for their arrival.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests and friends! Les Iles de la Victoire presents to you Prince and Princess de Chanval du Fort.”

  A roar of less-than-polite applause commences. Talia quickly glances down at the bundle across her chest, and then at Aldrich’s sling. But no—the babies sleep on. Horns and cheering crowds are clearly no match for their afternoon nap.

  Talia smiles over her daughter’s tiny head at the man beside her. A family just like he promised. He grips her hand, grinning.

  “Happy?” he asks her, as the doors swing open, revealing hundreds of cheering people.

  “Ever after,” she answers with a grin.

  Then they walk out, together, as a very royal, very loving family.

  Le Sigh!

  How romantic was that?! Bianca and I were thrilled when this story presented itself the last time we managed to meet up for whiskey and coffee in Europe. Bianca and her French husband have one of the most romantic IRL meet-cute stories I’ve ever heard, so I knew I’d be in good hands while collaborating with her on my first French hero. We loved writing this passionate tale together, and now we’re just so super happy to share it with you.

  It has everything we love in a modern fairytale: a ne’er-do-well prince, a heroine with a heart of gold, and perhaps most importantly on that cold and rainy day when we outlined the story—a tropical setting.

  We fell in love with Aldrich and Talia and really can’t wait to see how that triangle between her mother, Prime Minister Bernard, and the Duke of Dia
mant works out! Also, will Eva Rustanov from HER RUSSIAN BILLIONAIRE eventually become the president of the United States? Here’s my promise to you, America… you’ll find out before the year is over. ;)

  Meanwhile, we really hope you enjoyed the inaugural book in my new Loving World series. If so, please consider leaving a review on Amazon, so that others might find this hot fairytale with heart!

  Double the love,

  Theodora and Bianca

  About the Author

  Theodora Taylor writes hot books with heart. When not reading, writing, or reviewing, she enjoys spending time with her amazing family, going on date nights with her wonderful husband, and attending parties thrown by others. She now lives in Los Angles, California, and she LOVES to hear from readers. So drop her a line or friend her on Facebook. And, if you love Interracial Romance as much as she does, sign up for her IR Weekly Bestsellers newsletter!

  Bianca Pierce is a California native who relocated to Paris to be with her French Man. She loves telling adventurous stories and finding love on the road. When Bianca isn't writing she enjoys listening to live music, walking her miniature dachshunds, and visiting with friends. Feel free to drop her a line at [email protected] -- she'd love to hear from you!

  Also by Theodora Taylor


  His One and Only

  His for Keeps

  His Forbidden Bride

  His to Own


  The Owner of His Heart

  The Wild One

  Her Perfect Gift

  His for the Summer

  His Pretend Baby

  His Revenge Baby


  Her Russian Billionaire

  Her Russian Surrender


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