The Vessel

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The Vessel Page 14

by Felicia Tatum

  Sighing, I nodded. “Ok, fine. Just do it.” I closed my eyes. I wasn’t sure if I was preparing to die or preparing for whatever worse thing could happen besides death. My heart beat faster. I was certain they could actually hear it. I felt a cool drop on my head, and a slight tingling where it landed. Peering one eyelid open, I looked at Mark in apprehension.

  “It’s dry. Let’s see what she says.”

  I relaxed realizing instant death probably wasn’t accompanying the drop of odd liquid. Mark moved to Juniper, though I couldn’t see what exactly he did to her. I noticed a slight change in her eyes, she looked at me with confusion and questioning instead of the regular warmth and friendship.

  “J, can you tell me what this guy looks like. Give me every detail,” Mark demanded sweetly. His tone was light and soft, but the words had impact to them.

  Her strange eyes searched his, but she relented. “Ok. Um…his hair is really dark brown. His forehead is a little high, like maybe he shouldn’t cut his hair so short. His eyes are really bright blue, kind of intense. His nose is normal, though slightly bends to the left. His lips are full. He’s kind of scruffy, like he hasn’t shaved in a few days. His ears…well…they kind of look like an elf’s.” She stared at Mark, obviously finished with her scrutiny of my new face.

  Chuckling, he lifted whatever it was he did to her, and turned to me. His eyes danced with his laughter as he patted me on the shoulder. “Well, it worked.”

  “I sound hideous,” I said angrily.

  “I’m sorry, man. I don’t know how to control how the features change.”

  Growling in anger, I stormed off to the kitchen. Pouring myself a glass of coke, I sat at the table, fuming over this stupid situation. I would be mocked, teased, and otherwise known as elf ear boy if the students at Arrow Rock High were anything like the ones at my old school. I could remember constantly being picked on growing up. As I grew, it had stopped, though not much. My first and only year of high school I remembered, was stressful. While my body was slightly muscular now, I was all skin and bones back then. The popular kids had mocked me relentlessly about everything from my clothing to my lack of muscles. Somehow, I knew those feelings would be surfacing again very soon.

  “You ok?” Juniper asked, pulling out the chair beside me.

  I shrugged, taking another long gulp of my drink. The coldness soothed me, calming my uneasiness a little.

  “Mark doesn’t realize that upset you. I don’t know what happened when I was unknowing to you. Care to share?” she inquired.

  “You really don’t remember?”

  She shook her head.

  “You said I had elf ears. And needed to grow my hair out because my forehead was too high, and my nose isn’t straight.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. “Whoa. I was kind of a bitch.”

  Laughing, I disagreed. “Nah, just honest. Seems like they could figure out a way to control what exactly happens, though.”

  “Yeah, I know. But listen, even if that’s what other people see, we see the real you. And trust me, everyone in that school was obsessed with you. The girls seriously would swoon when you walked into the lunch room.”

  “That was because of that calamitous guy.”

  “No, it was because of your looks. Don’t be so down on yourself,” she said, reaching out to squeeze my hand.

  I appreciated the gesture, so I smiled in return. “Thanks. We’ll see I guess.”

  “No worries. Besides, it’s just high school,” she laughed. Getting up, she patted me on the head like I was a dog or something, and sped out of the room.

  Yeah, it’s just high school.


  I rushed across campus, late for my advisement appointment. I probably wouldn’t get into any of the classes I needed or wanted, because this should have been done months ago. Who could blame me for forgetting?

  My backpack thumped against my back as I ran the closer I got to Johnson Hall. I didn’t have books yet, but my old notebooks were left over from last semester. Groaning, I weaved in and out of the crowd of freshmen standing on the sidewalk. Their glares did nothing for me, except make me angry. These kids block my path, then give me dirty looks. I finally reached my building, bounding up the stairs two at a time. The heavy door creaked as I pulled it open, the hinges not wanting to cooperate. Circling around to the other half of the building, I groaned when I saw the “Office Closed for Lunch” sign hanging on the main door. I’d missed my appointment by at least twenty minutes, and now I would have to reschedule. Sliding down the wall to sit on the floor, I pulled out my phone to play games while I waited.


  Thankfully, the office agreed to see me when they returned. I hadn’t gotten the classes I wanted, but I did end up getting into a few I needed. I headed to Grandma’s, my mind full of questions that needed answered. Once again we were on the hunt for the descendant, but I also was curious about Livvie’s powers. I’d told Grandma about her hearing animals. She set out to research things, and I was awaiting the verdict. Pulling into the driveway, I noticed her flowers were blooming more than usual. The vibrant colors assaulted my eyes as I glanced around. The lawn had been mowed, and it appeared that everything was in impeccable shape. I had a strong feeling this was Aiden’s doing and I didn’t like it.

  I bound up the steps, letting myself in. “Grandma?” I called, directing myself towards the kitchen. The table was clear, shining it was so clean. The sink, usually full of unwashed dishes, was spotless. The countertops sparkled so much I was sure I would see my reflection if I went and looked. Rolling my eyes, I backed out, turning towards her library. No sounds were in the house. Curious to what was happening, I walked a little faster.

  “Grandma?” I tried again. I flung the door open, not seeing any sign of life. I hurried forward, gaining access to the sorcerer hide out. There she sat, nose buried in a large book. Sighing, I steadied my breathing, hoping my heartbeat would slow. “There you are.”

  She looked up, her bright eyes twinkling. “Yes, little one, here I am. Were you looking for me?” she asked with a smirk.

  “Yeah, you had me worried. Have you found anything?” I questioned, leaning to hug her.

  Her smile disappeared, her eyes cast down. She didn’t want to tell me something.

  “What is it, Grandma?”

  “We have to search the records of all sorcerers’ ancestry in order to find the correct one. It could take years, little one.” Her eyes glistened with the hint of tears.

  I fell to the seat beside her, dejected. Head hung, I massaged my temples, willing my brain to come up with a solution. Legs shook up and down, nerves wracked. It hit me with a fierce force. Jumping to my feet, I startled Grandma enough to make her grab her chest.

  “I’ll just do a location spell on it. Find out where it is,” I excitedly explained.

  She gave me a soft smile, shaking her head. “All ancestry information is in one book, and while I do have access to it, it’s protected, Scottie. Long ago, before I was even born, a sorcerer didn’t like his family. He decided to change his ancestry, through the book, and it didn’t end well. In those times, a crime always resulted in death. He was executed not long after he was caught.”

  “So I have to physically look through hundreds of pages? Wait, is it in alphabetical order?” I asked in hope.

  She shook her head again, giving me a pitiful smile. My luck wouldn’t give me that. My love with Livvie was doomed, it seemed, as was her life.

  “We have to find a way to save her, Grandma.”

  “We will. I just need more time to think, little one.”

  “We’re running out of time.”

  “It’s August. We have a little over eight months. We have plenty of time.” She smiled, patting my hand. She was trying to comfort me, but nothing was working at this point.


  The skinny jeans I wore fit me perfectly. A pink tank top with a cardigan and flats completed my ensemble for the first day of school. My ha
ir was down, waves cascading all around my shoulders and back. I turned sideways, checking myself once more in the mirror and hurried to find breakfast. Since my parents were gone, and Kyle couldn’t remember to buy food, Anna and Juniper had been keeping me fed. Kyle told me that he suspected I would crave blood, for the vampire in me, at some point, though he wasn’t sure when. I dreaded it. The thought disgusted me, so I figured it wasn’t that time yet.

  I looked through the refrigerator, cabinets, and even in the laundry room, but Kyle had forgotten to get groceries. I shot Juniper a text, begging for food, and rushed back to my room to pack my backpack. I really need to get more organized. My phone chimed, pleading me to find it and answer. I threw pillows off the bed, demolishing my freshly cleaned room. I searched for what seemed like hours, only to find it stuck in my back pocket. Rolling my eyes and groaning, I silently let out thanks that no one was witness to my stupid moment.

  Scott: I’ll take you to school, if you want.

  Me: :) ok. I need food.

  Scott: Still didn’t go shopping?

  Me: No :(

  Scott: OMW

  I threw the notebooks in my bag, grabbed some change from the side table, and went outside to wait on Scott. He pulled up, hopping out the driver’s door to greet me. He pulled me close, his hard body warming me all over. I inhaled, loving the peppermint soap he had been using. He wore my favorite green buttoned shirt with jeans that sat low on his hips. His laid back, yet classy, look was extremely sexy. I loved it. His hair swooped in just the right way, letting one of his deliciously consuming eyes peek out underneath. He devoured my body with his gaze, causing a tightening in my core. A want for Scott filled me, causing all thoughts to become incoherent.

  “Baby,” he said, dipping his head to lightly press his lips to mine. They tingled from his touch, sending shivers all over my body. I pressed into him, deepening the kiss. He gripped my body, pulling away breathless. “Livvie, you have to go to school.” He bent to lock foreheads, his big brown eyes shining as they gazed into mine.

  Groaning, I allowed him to lead me to the passenger door. Before I could climb in, he hoisted me up, sliding me into the seat. With a squeal, I smacked at his arm playfully, giving him a stern look. “Ask next time, mister,” I demanded, poking his hard chest with my finger.

  He captured it, pulling it up to his lips. Ever so softly, he kissed the tip, raising a brow. He knew he teased me, yet he continued. I let one corner of my lips curve as I leaned in. I took his lips with mine, mingling our tongues and pulling the ends of his hair with my hands. I sunk my nails into his neck, moaning into his mouth. His grasp tightened around my waist and I pulled away. Smiling coyly, I told him it was time for school.

  He seated himself behind the wheel, gripping it a little too tightly. “What is it, Scott?” I cooed.

  “You know what it is. You drive me crazy, woman,” he said tensely.

  I giggled, then, searched for my food. “Where is my breakfast?” I questioned, sad he forgot.

  “I didn’t know what you wanted,” he said, turning to look at me. “Tell me and I’ll make it.”

  “You know…I suppose I could make it. I keep forgetting I have powers,” I admitted, stifling a laugh at how weird it was.

  His eyes brightened. “You could. Do it. Just imagine what you want. Smell it, taste it, see it.”

  “That’s all?”

  “That’s all.”

  I focused on the dash in front of me. I pictured a plate full of eggs, a biscuit, and bacon. I closed my eyes, smelling the heavenly combination of my desire. I could taste the cheese mixed with the eggs, the crispness of the bacon. I imagined the biscuit heavy with butter, soft and flaky to the touch. I pried one eye open, peering in front of me. There, inches from my touch, sat what I wanted. I jumped up and down in my seat, reaching to grasp Scott’s hand in my excitement. “I did it!” I exclaimed.

  Turning, I saw his face. His expression was swelled with pride, his eyes appreciative and caring. “You are amazing,” he whispered, caressing my face.

  Leaning into him, I smiled, asking, “Do you want something?”

  “Only you, love.”

  Grinning from ear to ear, I dove into my delicious food.


  I stood nervously outside the school with Mark. He insisted we couldn’t go inside without the girls, so I complied. Students were filing in, most giving me the complimentary “there’s the new guy” stares, while others gave me disgusted looks. Fidgeting with my backpack strings, I glanced up in time to see Olivia kissing Scott bye as she bounced out of his truck. Groaning internally, a plastered a happy grin on my face as Scott scowled at me. I lifted my hand, waving ecstatically as he passed. Olivia walked up to us, looking as magnificent as ever. Her hair gently lifted with the breeze giving the appearance she was walking the runway. She stopped just in front of us, smiling widely and excitedly.

  “What are you so happy about?” I questioned, brows raised.

  “Yeah, it’s the first day of school, Liv,” Mark said, looking at me for agreement.

  Nodding, I stared at her expectantly.

  “I made breakfast today,” she squealed, jumping up and down.

  Confused, I turned back to Mark for answers. Shrugging, he shook his head.

  “Congrats? You learned to cook…” I said, trying to add enthusiasm.

  “No….I made breakfast,” she whispered, glancing around for prying ears, “with my magic.”

  Now it made sense. Grinning, I moved closer to give her a side hug. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I pulled her close. “Well, congrats on that. Where’s mine?” I joked.

  Her eyes widened, a gleam in them. “You really want something?”

  I nodded excitedly.

  “Liv, not here! Someone could see you,” Mark argued.

  Pouting her lower lip out, and looking incredibly sexy, she said, “Fine. Ruin all my fun.”

  “What fun?” Sadie’s voice asked, coming from behind Olivia somewhere. She stepped into view, her long locks pulled back to show off her gorgeous face. Her eyes appeared wider, larger than normal. Her outfit hugged her body, showing off slight curves. I looked her over, not knowing how in the world I ended up with so many beautiful girls around me.

  “Mark won’t let me do….sorcerer stuff,” she whispered, glancing around like she was caught in a trap.

  “Here?” Sadie questioned, looking at Olivia like she was some kind of crazy person.

  Liv nodded, her face falling at the realization Sadie would agree with Mark.

  “It’s not safe,” Mark explained.

  Sadie nodded in agreement, still looking at Liv like that.

  “Where’s J?” She suddenly asked, glancing around. We all turned to Mark for the reply.

  “She insisted she would be on time. She’s having a few issues covering up…her eyes.”

  “Ooooh,” we all said in unison.

  He nodded, his lips in a tight line. He looked distant, showing his worry for his girlfriend. Olivia leaned to him, linking their arms at the elbows. She leaned her head on his shoulder, sighing as she said, "It's ok, Mark. She'll figure it out. Stop worrying."

  "I just know how she hates to be late."

  "Well, yeah, but she'll be here. She can move faster than a freakin’ train now, so it's gonna be fine," Olivia laughed.

  He smiled at her, nodding. "Ok, let's head in. The bell will ring soon."


  The day seemed to move slowly. I had a few classes with Mark, but none with Olivia or Sadie. So far. Lunch was just around the corner, and I hoped to see them there. The kids at Arrow Rock High weren't the kindest. I didn't know if it was because of my "looks" or because I was the new kid that was named Aiden. A few spoke of an Aiden they knew before, about how wonderful and sexy he was. It should have made me feel better, but it didn't. I shuffled down the hallway, dreading what drama may accompany lunch period. The lunchroom was large, tables covering most of the floor, and students covering most
of the tables. I searched for someone I knew, anyone, but found none. I sat near the window, at a corner by myself.

  I'd been there a few minutes when a tray plopping beside me startled me from my thoughts. I glanced up to see Sadie's large brown eyes smiling into mine. Happy she was here, I grinned, pulling my backpack from the seat beside me. "Hey, Sadie. Nice to see a half way friendly face."

  "Ha. Ha. Funny joke," she said rolling her eyes.

  I smiled widely, shrugging my shoulders. She shook her head, finally sitting down. A whooshing sound surprised me. It felt as if a window was open right by my head and the wind was blowing wildly. I turned just in time to see Juniper stop behind Sadie. Smiling wickedly, she seated herself on the other side of me.

  "Hey, New Aiden. Did I surprise you?"

  "A little. Thought I'd be here without anyone I know."

  Shaking her head, a mischievous gleam in her eye, she said, "No such luck."

  I laughed. “We were worried about you earlier,” I said, inspecting her eyes.

  “Yeah, I had some issues,” she growled.

  “We heard,” I laughed. Sadie giggled beside me, but at least attempted to smother it. Juniper gave me a glare. She appeared to be eating, but I knew better. She didn’t eat often, and the food on her plate didn’t look like something she would touch. I took a good look at the lunch I'd been given. It didn't look horrible, but it was hardly Sadie or Anna's cooking. Snarling my nose in disgust, I moved it around with my fork, seeing just how mushy the food was. It moved, something I took as a good sign.

  "It's edible," Sadie whispered, leaning close. A stray hair tickled my ear, sending chill bumps all down my body. She smelled of lavender, calming and soft.

  "It doesn't look it," I hissed back, looking hopeless and dramatic.

  She took a bite of her food, as if to prove it wouldn’t kill me. “We’ll cook you something good tonight, no worries.”

  I smiled, then grimaced as I cut my supposed chicken. I took the bite, praying it didn’t kill me. Then again, nothing else up to this point had killed me, so death by chicken would be interesting.


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