Blue Moon Magic 3: Never in a Blue Moon

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Blue Moon Magic 3: Never in a Blue Moon Page 1

by Shari Dare


  BOOK 3:


  Shari Dare



  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * * *

  This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable.

  Blue Moon Magic, Book 3: Never in a Blue Moon

  Shari Dare

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Published by

  Loose Id LLC

  1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924

  Carson City NV 89701-1215

  Copyright © September 2007 by Shari Dare

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

  ISBN 978-1-59632-538-8

  Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

  Printed in the United States of America

  Editor: Liam Stalls

  Cover Artist: Christine M. Griffin

  Blue Moon Magic, Book 2: Twice in a Blue Moon

  Honey Jans

  The Blue Moon has had an effect on each of Clarity Langford’s sisters.

  First it was Chastity, who couldn’t control her sexual impulses even in the office. There had been times when Clarity had caught her masturbating at her desk over the lunch hour. Of course, Clarity knew exactly what was going on: Chastity had come into heat and was getting ready to mate for life.

  Clarity had known that it was natural but it was a bit upsetting. She was afraid that before Chas and Justin could be mated, either the Betas would get their paws on Chas or someone would catch her making a fool of herself at her desk.

  When Chas was told about the fact that her entire family was among the Elite families of werewolves she was in complete denial. Only when she morphed for the first time and learned to enjoy the art of lovemaking as a wolf did she realize that what everyone was telling her was true.

  Next it was Charity. Somehow she got hooked on Internet sex. It was really sort of funny for Clarity to watch, but she couldn’t understand how anyone could talk to someone over the Internet and get any satisfaction.

  It didn’t help matters when Daddy decided Char needed a bodyguard. It was evident that Char didn’t think that Lucas could ever hold a candle to her CyberLaird. Of course, no one ever expected the Alpha male to become the prince to a Blue Moon Princess, but of course they were wrong. After Lucas saved Char from the Betas it was evident to everyone that Lucas was the man/wolf for her.

  Chapter One

  Clarity Langford couldn’t understand her sisters. They acted the way she had when she first went to college and was out from under her father’s thumb. James Farnsworth, her first lover, had loved her and dumped her. Once awakened, she’d found sex exciting. Of course it was still exciting, but it certainly didn’t consume her every waking moment the way it did her sisters. As the corporate accountant, she’d learned to balance business and pleasure.

  The way Chas and Char behaved anyone would think they were horny teenagers rather than thirty-something married women. After they’d mated, she’d thought their bad behavior would end; instead, they were so intent on a good fuck it was almost frightening. They knew who and what they were now so identity confusion was no excuse. Of course, finding out you were a werewolf could be upsetting. Clarity had known of the differences in the three sisters for years. She’d been a sophomore in college when their mother explained that she was one hundred percent human while her sisters were wolfen. It was a secret her mother told her was between the two of them, because her sisters were not to be told until they came into heat.

  She knew they had just recently come into heat, but that didn’t excuse their behavior, in her book. She also knew their differences made her life shorter, and, therefore, she’d found sexual pleasure earlier. As wolfen, her sisters would live for hundreds of years in comparison to her human lifespan of seventy to ninety years. They had just come into their peak and would be sexually active over the course of their lives, while she, in comparison would be dead and buried while they were still in their prime.

  “What’s up, Clarity?” Tom Morrison asked as he entered the office.

  Just the sound of his voice made her pussy lips weep. He’d been hot as a pistol last night when they’d played sex games in her apartment. “Not much,” she replied. “It’s just this P & L statement has me bugged.” And my clit is throbbing like Ricky Ricardo’s conga drum. If I were like Chas and Char, I’d be masturbating right in front of him in the hopes of getting a little afternoon delight. It would be different if they weren’t both happily married, but they think sex with their husbands is something to be enjoyed no matter where or when they want it. Thank God I have more control than they do.

  “Let me see,” Tom said, coming up behind her. “Maybe a fresh pair of eyes can spot the problem. How much are you off?”

  “Seventeen hundred dollars,” she replied, well aware that his eyes were glued to her ample breasts rather than the figures on the sheet lying on her desk. It was her own fault for wearing such a low-cut, sheer blouse.

  “Have you heard the latest from the office rumor mill?” Tom asked, his breath hot against her ear.

  “Which one? The one that says the company is on the verge of bankruptcy or the one that says Daddy is dying of cancer and can’t decide which one of us to leave the company to?”

  “Neither,” he said, shoving his hand down the front of her blouse. “This one says your whole family turns into werewolves at the full moon. Is that why you always have plans at that time of the month?” He fondled her breast and then tweaked her nipple.

  Tom was too close to the truth to suit Clarity. “Where did you hear that line of bull? I’ve never turned into a wolf in my entire life. If you must know, I always avoid people at that time of the month because they use the full moon as an excuse to act like idiots. I’m sick and tired of it. I learned a long time ago it was a good night for me to curl up with a book, a bowl of popcorn, and a glass of wine.”

  “If I’m a good boy and bring the wine can we get together tomorrow night? I even have a hot DVD we can watch to get us in the mood.”

  Like I need something to get me in the mood. If I weren’t at work, I’d be jumping your bones just for suggesting something like that. “If it will nip this ugly rumor in the bud, why not? I’ll even pop for a tray of shrimp and make my special dip. Does this mean we’re not still on for tonight? As I recall, you promised to take me to that new Japanese restaurant on the lake.”

  “Of course we’re going out tonight. I plan to pick up where we left off last night. I’m hot for you, honey, and don’t you forget it.”

  Tom kissed her long and hard before he left her office, promising an exciting evening to come. Even though he hadn’t helped her find the discrepancy, she had other things to think about. Somehow she had to stop t
he rumor that was circulating through the office like a wildfire in a drought. As far as she knew, no one other than her parents and sisters were aware of their wolfen characteristics and no one else in the clan ever mentioned them. Even though she was the youngest, she felt it her duty to protect Chas and Char as well as her father from these rumors. Hopefully, entertaining Tom tomorrow night would put an end to it. She certainly wouldn’t be turning into a wolf, and that in itself should help.

  It was just past one when Chas entered her office. “When are you going to get married, Clari? Justin is so good in bed I don’t know how I got along without him all those years. Char and I have been talking and we think you and Tom should…”

  “We should what? Get married? I don’t think I’m the marrying kind, like the two of you. Besides, why screw up good sex? You know I’m one hundred percent human. I can get my jollies with more than one guy. That’s why I wouldn’t be comfortable with just one man. It’s too restricting.”

  Chas smiled. “You’re my sister and I love you dearly, but you don’t know what you’re talking about. The next Blue Moon is coming soon and Daddy’s got his heart set on another moonlight mating with you and Tom getting married then.”

  “You can’t be serious. It’s one thing for him to arrange your marriage to Justin and Char’s to Lucas, but I’m not a wolfen princess. The continuity of the family line does not rest as heavily on my shoulders as it does on yours. I’m just the number pusher around here.”

  “Like hell you are. You know you’re a Blue Moon Princess, wolfen or not. You know that Daddy depends on your premonitions, like the one you had about Lucas and Char being in trouble in Las Vegas or the one about Justin and Lash going into the Betas’ lair to rescue Lucas. You also know that Rowan would do anything to harness your powers. Please let Daddy find you a husband or at least talk to Tom about the two of you getting married. It would be better than all of us having to worry about the Betas doing harm to you because of your powers.”

  “Look, Chas, my powers are not common knowledge outside of the family. Unless someone close to me is spilling their guts to Rowan, I’m nothing more than the black sheep of the family, and you know how sheep and wolves get along.”

  Clarity no more than spoke the words than lights exploded behind her eyes. She knew the feeling all too well. A premonition was trying to materialize for her. From the severity of the pain in her head she knew this one would not have anything to do with happily ever after.

  * * * * *

  Tom left Clarity’s office. He liked the way she got all flustered when he mentioned the werewolf rumor. Joanna and his mother were best friends as kids. It wasn’t until Charles asked Joanna to find a husband for Clarity that his mother had heard from her one-time friend. Tom was like Clarity in more ways than she knew. His father was a silver beard like Charles, and an Elite to boot. His two older brothers had married well and were breeding up a storm. For him, it had been different. He, like Clarity, had no wolfen characteristics. Instead, his humanity came with psychic powers. Even though his brothers considered him inferior, his premonitions had saved their sorry asses more than once.

  He headed toward Charles Langford’s office when the bright light of premonition assaulted his senses. Clari was in trouble. He knew it. He needed to talk to Charles about this.

  He waited in the outer office until Cordelia told him he could go in to see Charles. The man looked as intimidating today as he had the first time they’d met three months ago when Tom first arrived at Langford & Langford. He couldn’t help but wonder if it was just the man’s personality or he was put off by the fact that Tom was purely human, even though he was of the Elite clan. Would he have preferred that his youngest daughter marry someone like Justin or Lucas, even though such a match wouldn’t be right for her?

  “Something on your mind, Morrison?” Charles asked once the door closed behind him.

  “It’s Clarity, sir.”

  “What is it? Don’t you like her?”

  Tom laughed at the question. “Like is a pretty lightweight word. There’s not a man in the world that wouldn’t like her. I’d say it’s more like love. I couldn’t be happier about this match my mother and your wife have arranged.”

  “Then you’re ready for the Blue Moon Ceremony that’s coming in a few weeks?”

  “I am but I don’t think she is. There’s a problem.”

  “Problem? What kind of a problem? Isn’t she attracted to you sexually?”

  Tom thought about the love games they had played just hours earlier, to say nothing of what he had planned for not only tonight but also for tomorrow night.

  “We’re good in that department.”

  “Then what the hell is it, Morrison? Don’t beat around the bush; spit it out. What’s going on with my daughter?” Charles’s face had turned red and the cords in his neck stuck out.

  It was evident he was losing control. If he wasn’t careful he could morph into a wolf without even knowing it. Tom wondered how he could explain what he didn’t completely understand himself. “Nothing yet, but you have to know of her psychic powers. Well, I have those same powers and with them I sense there is going to be trouble for her.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I just left her office and got the beginnings of a premonition. It could take hours or even days for it to completely materialize. All I can tell you is that something is going to happen and I’m worried about it.”

  Charles nodded his head. “I understand. I know that’s how things happen with Clarity. Sometimes she never knows exactly what the visions mean. It certainly is unsettling, but I’ve learned to live with it. I guess I don’t have to tell you that it’s imperative you keep her safe. Will you be with her tonight?”

  “Yes, and tomorrow night, as well.”

  Charles raised an eyebrow in question. “She’s agreed to go out on the night of the full moon? She usually lays low during that time. I think she’s afraid of morphing like the rest of us, but of course we know that won’t happen. She’s like her mother in that respect. If I’m not mistaken you’re the same way. It’s the curse of being the third child.”

  Curse? I certainly wouldn’t call it that. I think it’s more like a blessing. I know what my brothers went through when they first morphed. I’m pleased that I don’t have that to look forward to. If the truth were known, I like the fact that I have the instincts of being Elite but none of the drawbacks. My only affliction is these damnable visions.

  “Call it what you want, sir, but I’m very happy with my position in the clan, as I think is Clarity. We aren’t going out tomorrow night. She’s allowing me to come over and watch a DVD with her while we enjoy a glass of good wine. I’m bringing the wine and the DVD and she’s supplying not only the apartment but also the shrimp. If I have my way, the shrimp will only be the appetizer.”

  “Are you telling me you plan to take her sexually?”

  “I’m discreet enough not to kiss and tell. She’s not like her sisters, sir. Unless I miss my guess she’s been sexually active for a long time. It’s best that way. I never did get excited about being the first one with a virgin.”

  Charles’s face turned red with embarrassment at Tom’s blunt description of his youngest daughter. The man wasn’t used to dealing with the human aspect of the Elite clan. It was common knowledge that human Elites were no different than any other human when it came to sexuality.

  Chapter Two

  Clarity put the shrimp on the table. The premonition trying to come through had let up earlier in the afternoon. For that she was grateful. Last night she had asked Tom to bring her home early and had not enjoyed any of the love games they usually participated in.

  The full moon was just cresting the horizon when the doorbell rang. Before answering Clarity checked her reflection in the mirror over the fireplace. Her silver-blonde hair swept against her shoulders and her full breasts strained against the lace cups of her bra under her sheer blouse. If the headache did
n’t return, she knew this could be an interesting evening. Having never before made love by the light of the full moon brought promises of excitement and the unknown.

  “Feeling better?” Tom asked, as he entered the apartment.

  “Much. What’s in the bag? It looks too big to be just a DVD.”

  “Oh, my dear, you are perceptive. Along with the wine and the DVD, I picked up some oysters on the half shell.” He set the bag down on the table and took Clarity in his arms.

  She leaned forward into his embrace, her lips aching for his to cover them and take her to the heights of pleasure. “Do you really think we need the oysters?” she whispered when the prolonged kiss finally ended. “I’m hot already and all we did was kiss.”

  “Probably not, but considering last night didn’t go well, I thought it wouldn’t hurt. Besides, oysters are so much fun to feed to a lover, don’t you agree?”

  She thought about slipping the raw oysters into Tom’s mouth and being likewise fed. “That does sound delicious. Why don’t you put in the DVD while I get a plate for these wonderful delicacies and open the wine?”

  Once she was in the kitchen, she wondered what was happening to her. The oysters would do the work as an aphrodisiac but she certainly didn’t need them. She was acting as badly as her sisters before they got married. What’s wrong with me? I’m certainly not a wolfen in heat.

  “Are you ready for me, my little vixen?”

  “Vixen?” she questioned as she brought the wine and oysters back to the living room. “I thought you were worried about me changing into a wolf, not a fox.”

  “The term, my dear, is morph, and you wouldn’t want me to call you my little bitch, would you?”

  “How do you know about morphing?”

  He held out his hand, inviting her to come to him. “We have all night for answers. For now, I have a little game in mind.”


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