Blue Moon Magic 3: Never in a Blue Moon

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Blue Moon Magic 3: Never in a Blue Moon Page 4

by Shari Dare

  The other brother, Rufus, was one she had seen during the attack, but only briefly and not long enough to give him a name. How Lucas could be related to either of these men was a mystery. Thank goodness he had received the characteristics of his Elite mother and not his sire.

  “Very clear,” Kill said. Even his voice made her sick to her stomach. “I can think of many things that will give me pleasure and bind the bitch to me. Trust me, Father, by the time her mating mark fades, she will be begging me to fuck her.”

  “One of us will be dead by then,” Clarity hissed.

  “Don’t count on it,” Rufus countered. “We’re going to introduce you now to your new home. Once we get you there, we’ll show you your place. You’re a bitch who will be in heat as soon as that mating mark fades. When it does, you will beg us to fuck you and we will gladly oblige. The Alpha whelps we get from you will be worth almost as much to us as your psychic powers.”

  “Rufus is right, my dear,” Rowan commented. “Charles will pay dearly to have his grandchildren at his side. I would imagine that he would even sacrifice your sisters to me to get your whelps back into his fold, especially if one of them is a male with psychic abilities.”

  In the only act of defiance she could muster, Clarity spit in Rowan’s face. She watched Rowan wipe the spittle from his face and smilee. If her act of defiance seemed funny to Rowan, it angered his son Kill. He retaliated with a hard slap to her face. “You’ll learn your place, bitch, and that place is not one where you or anyone else ever touches my father. Do I make myself clear?”

  Clarity stood her ground. Rather than answer she again spat at Rowan. Once she did, she cringed as she awaited Kill’s retribution.

  “Don’t be a fool,” Rowan growled. Anger flashed from his eyes, and the growl was menacing. If he didn’t control himself, she knew he would morph at any moment. Once at her side, he grabbed Kill by the arm and yanked him away from where Clarity stood. “There are better punishments than marking up her pretty face. Now, take her out of here.”

  With the two brothers holding her arms and dragging her away from Rowan, she felt defeated. Her only option was to struggle enough against the two of them to make her undesirable. Beta bitches were subservient, doing the bidding of the males. That wouldn’t be the case with her.

  “This one is more of a wildcat than a wolf,” Rufus said. “It will give me great pleasure to show her what her place in this society will be.”

  “Don’t be so eager,” Kill growled. “I’m the oldest, and as such should have her first. You may have my leavings, the way you always do.”

  Inwardly Clarity smiled. Maybe there was a way out of this after all. She could pit one brother against the other. It might work.

  Their grip on her arms tightened and her resolve began to fade. Her visions told her that what they planned had nothing to do with her being able to work her female wiles. She would be at their mercy.

  Don’t let them do this to me, she silently pleaded to Tom.

  I’m sorry I can’t help you. The voice in her head didn’t belong to Tom, but to someone unfamiliar to her. It caught her completely off guard. She’d heard Tom’s voice telling her he would get her out of this mess, but who could this stranger be? She doubted it was a Beta. There was no way any of them could hear her thoughts. The only people she could communicate with were Tom and her family. She also knew if she directed her thoughts to Tom, no one else could intercept them.

  Who are you?

  I am Beta.

  What do you mean, who am I? Tom’s voice came closely on the heels of the unbidden one. Hearing two men speaking to her in her head made her go weak in the knees.

  “Damn it all to hell,” she heard Rufus shout as she started to lose consciousness. “The bitch is going to faint. Who said Elites were stronger? This bitch certainly isn’t.”

  Chapter Five

  Tom stirred; his dreams had been disturbing to say the least. In them Clarity fought against not only Rowan but Kill and Rufus as well. The Tom in the dream warned her not to fight, to go limp and give them no resistance.

  Who are you? The sound of Clarity’s telepathic communication rang in his mind, bringing him to complete consciousness.

  Who am I? I’m Tom. He could feel her panic at the sound of his voice. Every nerve in his body felt her tense and then begin to slip away from him. The connection was broken when it became evident she’d lost consciousness. With her out of it, there was no way he could know what was going on. The very thought of losing his connection with her panicked him.

  He got up, still dressed in the suit and tie he’d put on this morning. He checked the clock…11:30. He’d have time to change into something more appropriate for the rescue before his cousins arrived. From the vibes he’d picked up from Clarity as she was sent through the time warp, he knew the transportation would be uncomfortable to say the least. It was best if he was dressed for it, and not wearing a cumbersome suit and tie.

  A commotion from the living room alerted him to the fact that Rom and Rem had arrived. After changing into a black sweat suit, he left the bedroom to join them. It surprised him to see Lucas sitting on the black leather couch Clarity had helped him pick out just last week. He wondered why no one seemed as nervous about what they were about to do as he was. Rather than make comment, he seated himself beside Lucas.

  “Are you ready for this?” Lucas asked. “If you aren’t the rest of us can go without you.”

  “You know I won’t allow that,” Tom snapped. “Besides, it’s not a good idea for you to go back to Rowan’s den.”

  “That’s what I thought, but I had to check.”

  “Like that was necessary,” Tom said. “You know as well as anyone what will happen if you were to go through that time warp. This is my fight. My brothers will be there, but for any of you to go would be like committing suicide.”

  “Lucas took us to the time warp where Clarity disappeared,” Rom said. “We all agreed it’s too dangerous for us to follow her.”

  “Too dangerous!” Tom shouted, as he got up from the couch and began to pace. “Of course it’s dangerous, but it has to be done. I heard her voice and then felt her go limp. It’s hard telling what those bastards are doing to her while she’s unconscious.”

  “Calm down,” Rom continued. “Let us finish. Logan has the ability to open another time warp. So does Lucas. It’s one that won’t be guarded. Once Uncle Travis gets here, we’ll be in and out before they even know we’re there.”

  Hearing his father’s name mentioned made Tom’s stomach churn with nervous anticipation. “I thought we agreed to leave the old man out of this.”

  “We did,” Tym replied. “But after Rom and Rem talked to Lucas, we decided it was best to go in under a cloak of invisibility. None of us have a problem with it, but neither Clarity nor you have that ability. We need the old man to help us out on this one. He’s one of the few Elites who can give you the talisman.”

  “Did I hear my name mentioned?”

  Tom turned to see his father standing in the doorway between the kitchen and living room of his apartment. It had been a year since they’d seen each other face to face, a year since his mother and Joanna arranged his mating with Clarity. Travis and Serena had not seen eye to eye in this matter, leaving Tom to go to Langford & Langford without his father’s blessing.

  To him, his father looked as dapper as he remembered. His white hair and beard were perfectly groomed and his Armani suit looked freshly pressed in spite of the teleporting he’d just done.

  “You look good, son. What’s this about keeping me out of the loop on this Beta thing?”

  “Look, Dad, it’s not like we intended to keep you in the dark completely. It’s just that…”

  “We know these Betas, Mr. Morrison,” Lucas interrupted. “They would like nothing better than to sink their teeth into a high ranking Elite. The last time anyone from this clan entered the den, it was to rescue me and that was after Rowan attacked Charles. It is far too dan
gerous for you, Charles, or Justin to go in after Clarity. I’m willing to help, but going back into that den would sign my death warrant.”

  “Then why were you there in the first place?” Travis demanded.

  “I’m an Alpha, sir. Rowan raped my mother and I’m the product. Several years ago, he kidnapped me and took me to his den. I was in the breeding program because of my Elite ties, not because I was Rowan’s son. He tried to brainwash me in believing the Elites were the enemy. Thankfully, it didn’t work. I’ve fought them every chance I’ve had since my rescue and won the heart of Charles’s middle daughter, Charity. Since I know what I’m talking about, I can tell you, in all honesty, that Tom was right in keeping you out of this. I know Rowan’s power. He almost killed Charles twice and I won’t give him that chance with either you or Charles again. What we need is your help for Tom and Clarity to become invisible. It’s our only chance to get either of them out of there alive.”

  Tom silently applauded Lucas for standing up to the old man.

  “Invisibility?” Travis questioned, as he seemed to mull the word over in his mind. “I can see where that would be a problem for Tom, and considering Clarity is also the third born, it could be a problem for her as well. You youngsters did the right thing. It won’t take me long to get what you need. By the time you’re ready to leave, I’ll be back.”

  Travis turned as though ready to transport himself back to the compound, then turned back to face Tom. “By the way, Tom, this is a nice place you have here. You must be doing well at Langford & Langford. I’ll be anxious to see Charles again. If all goes well, when will the mating ceremony be held?”

  It always amazed Tom as to how easily his father could go from subject to subject. “The Blue Moon is in three weeks. Providing we get Clarity back, the ceremony will be then.”

  “Splendid,” Travis said. “Your sisters-in-law will be here by then. They can fly in with the kids and your mother. It will be a grand mating.”

  “It will be if we get her back,” Tom replied. He knew he sounded less than optimistic, but he couldn’t help it.

  “Not if, baby brother,” Tan assured him. “The proper word is when. I’ve yet to see a Beta with enough brains to outsmart me when I’m invisible.”

  * * * * *

  Clarity could feel conscious thought returning to her body. With it, she heard the strange voice say, My name is Connor Logan Angus.

  But you can’t be one of them, she thought, concentrating only on this voice and not sending a message to Tom.

  I am a member of the Beta clan. I am the third son.

  That can’t be!

  And why not?

  Can you link to them like you are to me?

  I don’t know, I never tried.

  The thoughts sounded confused, like this was something new for the man who was talking to her. Whether you know it or not, I do.


  Only those of the same clan, family members, or mates can link. I’m an Elite, so what does that make you?

  That’s impossible. There’s no way I can be part of your clan. I don’t understand any of this.

  That makes two of us.

  Afraid her breathing would give her away she opened her eyes to see Kill staring at her ample breasts. Just beyond him a blond man sank deeper into the shadows, but not before she caught a glimpse of him. Was this the man who was communicating with me? Her inner thoughts made her wonder if he had heard them or if they had remained trapped within the confines of her mind.

  “It’s good that you are awake,” Rufus growled. “It would be a shame if you didn’t see what we plan to do to you.”

  Clarity pulled herself to a sitting position, thankful that she still wore her skirt, hose, and shoes. Once upright, she felt the tug of a chain attached to a collar around her neck. She put her fingers up and felt for a clasp. There has to be a way out of this, but how?

  Kill let out a low laugh. “Are you looking for this?” he asked, as he held a small key just out of her reach. “Resign yourself to your fate, bitch. You are our slave and you will be mine.”

  “I have a mating mark,” she said, putting her hand over the purple rose. “You can’t…”

  “I’m a patient man, Ms. Langford. I can wait for it to disappear. Many bitches here will satisfy my needs until then. What I can do is begin your training. I must admit, you are a bit old for such training, but it is considered fun for both parties. We’ll begin by ridding you of these damnable clothes.”

  She shuddered as he pulled her to her feet, then ripped the top button from her skirt before destroying the zipper. As the torn garment pooled around her ankles, she was painfully aware of the fact she wore no panties under her hose.

  “Interesting,” he said, as he slipped a long fingernail beneath the elastic waistband of the hose. “Very interesting indeed. What a strange form of leg covering you wear.” He motioned for Rufus to join him. “Have you ever seen such a thing before, brother?”

  Humiliated, Clarity stood still while the men ran their hands from her hip to ankle, snagging her expensive hose with their rough hands.

  “I have not seen them, nor do I like them,” Rufus commented. “I can see her muff, but I cannot feel the hair, nor can I enjoy her delightful cunt while she wears them. I also cannot feel the soft hair on her legs.”

  You can’t feel it, because I shave it. Hopefully, that will be a turn off for you.

  She shivered with dread as the elastic slipped from her waist and over her belly and ass. With it away from her body, she felt naked. The stockings clung to her legs and she knew that frustrated him. To her dismay, he ripped the silky material to shreds. So much for wearing expensive hose to the office just to impress Tom. She could only watch in horror as Kill looked at her as though she was a fresh kill and he was prepared to eat her.

  “Help me lift her to the sleeping slab so I can finish what we’ve started,” Kill ordered.

  As though she was weightless, Rufus picked her up and set her ass down hard on the stone slab. The roughness of the area bruised her butt cheeks and sent shockwaves through her entire pussy. The sensation caused a shocked “ouch!” to escape her lips.

  “You don’t know pain yet, my lovely,” Kill said, as he removed her high heels and slid the ripped stockings off her feet.

  Still holding the hose in his hand, he turned to Rufus. “Leave us alone. As the oldest, I will be the one to examine our new love slave. Assume the position, bitch.”

  She turned to refute his remark in time to see Rufus slink away and Rowan take his place.

  “You are little more than my whelp, Kill. You do not proceed with such a thing without my permission.”

  “Your permission? You are nothing more than my sire. As a gray beard, you no longer even visit the breeding program. What I have heard is that you can no longer satisfy your bitches, to say nothing of any others. I have not been so foolish as to bind myself to one woman. I have turned to the breeding bitches for my sons. This one is no different.”

  Rowan cuffed Kills’ ears. “No different? You are a fool to think so. She is an Elite Princess and the third born. Her psychic powers will be an asset to us, even though she is not wolfen. She must be prepared correctly, or she will be damaged when it is time to breed her. To begin with her position is completely wrong and you cannot keep her on a stone slab. As we speak, I am having a den prepared for her. Now, unlock the chain from the wall and bring her with us. I want all to see what we have captured.”

  “Captured, my ass,” Clarity shouted. “I was kidnapped. I’m not some prey you stalked and brought home for your dinner.”

  “That is where you are wrong,” Rowan said, as he dragged his sharp nails over her delicate breast. “In time, you will become the main course. Until then, I will instruct my son about your training. You’re not a Beta bitch. You are human and therefore more fragile. Even though you have been mated, it has not been with a firstborn Elite, Alpha, or Beta.”

  His statement shocked her. “How wou
ld you know such a thing?”

  “Your mating mark is a purple rose. Blue signifies the third-born son of an Elite, although I don’t know which clan has the rose as its mating mark. Of course, in due time, I’m certain you will tell me all I want to know.”

  Clarity heard the click of the chain as it was released from the wall, just as Kill yanked on it to pull her to her feet. She had no option but to follow him. The rough stones cut her feet, but she paid little attention. Instead, she focused on the last thing Rowan said to her. She’d heard all about how Rowan had tried to brainwash Lucas. Somehow, she would have to find a way to keep her identity and block out Rowan’s suggestions. There was no way she would ever willingly be of any help to the Betas.

  As they dragged her through the den, she could hear the murmurs of the men and women who gaped at her naked body. For the first time, she saw the Beta females were also naked. It surprised her that their breasts were relatively small compared to her more ample ones.

  The men, who were likewise nude, had large cocks and balls that hung low like the animals she’d seen in the zoo. It was evident the men could give the women pleasure, but she doubted if they enjoyed it. Sex here was for one thing and one thing only, to breed young. It wasn’t for physical pleasure nor was it for sexual gratification. For the most part, the breeders moved from female to female, shoving their cocks into the women’s cunts and spilling their seed in the hopes of bringing forth the next generation.

  “This is your den,” Rowan said, as he pushed her toward a pile of dirty blankets. “Attach the chain, Kill. It is time to begin her training. Like I said earlier, she isn’t a Beta bitch. I will monitor what you do and how you do it.”

  Clarity cringed as Kill attached the chain to an iron hook on the stone wall. Once it was in place, cuffs were attached to her wrists and ankles.

  “Assume the position,” Kill demanded, as he had earlier.


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