The Forgotten

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The Forgotten Page 3

by K. A Knight

He flies at me, wrapping his arms around me from behind as I try to get away. He lifts me before flinging me across the mat. I roll and groan as I stop. Fuck, that is going to hurt tomorrow.

  I get to my feet again as I see him coming towards me, his muscles bunching. My head is ringing at this point and my eyes blurring, it makes me sluggish and I don’t react quickly enough as an elbow comes towards my face, at the last minute he stops it and I stand there panting with his elbow two inches from my nose.

  “I don’t beat up girls,” he mutters quietly, stepping away. I wobble a step after him, and he sighs.


  I ignore him and he shakes his head before his elbow makes contact with the side of my head. I go down hard, I can feel unconsciousness flirting at the edge of my vision, but I try to fight it. If I pass out, he will never train me. I don't know how I know, but I do. So, I struggle and fight as I lay there, and eventually it fades and the pain returns, making me gasp.

  I look up to see him sitting next to me. “You okay?” he asks softly.

  “Never better,” I cough out, my eyes wincing as it pulls on my bruised ribs. He rolls his eyes and stands, holding his hand out to me. I know this moment is important, so I reach up and he pulls me to my feet softly, steadying me when I stumble. When he is sure I won’t fall, he walks back to his corner, leaving me in the middle of the mat. I see the other guards staring at me in shock before, with a yell from Jago, they quickly get back to what they were doing.

  Something drops down my chin and I reach up and wince when I feel my swollen lip. Shit, is it split?

  I look towards him to see him working out harder than before, and blowing out a breath I make my way over there slowly. Todd stops me halfway and offers me a water bottle. I take it with a mumbled thanks and a weak smile. When I reach Jago’s side I slump into the chair and watch him again. He flinches when he hears me, but ignores me. Is he punishing himself?

  “Thanks for not taking it easy on me.” His head snaps around and his eyes widen in shock. “Can you show me how to move like that?” I gush, leaning forward and wincing when I catch my lip.

  He looks at my lip and frowns. “You need to get checked out by a doctor.”

  Well, that isn’t happening. “I’m fine, will you show me?” I repeat, not giving him an out. He sighs and turns to face me again.

  “Why is this so important?” he questions, searching my face for the truth.

  I could spin some pretty lies but instead I give him the truth. “Because nothing down here interests me. I haven't felt that alive like I just did in years, not since I lost my parents. I want to see the world, I want to experience it, and I never want to be caught weak again. I want to be able to protect myself. I won't stop until I am a patrol and we both know without the right training I won’t make it long.”

  He stares at me and I stare right back.

  “Fuck, fine,” he grunts.

  I go to celebrate, and he holds his hand up. “You have one month, if at the end of it I say no, that you aren't good enough or ready, you will drop this stupid dream. If at any point during training I decide you aren't trying hard enough and good enough, I will cut you. I will treat you like any other recruit, you don’t get special treatment because you are a girl,” he finishes, obviously trying to scare me off.

  “Thank fuck, I don’t want to be treated like a delicate flower. It's not who I am, I want to be treated the same and I expect you to hand me my ass if I don’t do well. I wouldn't have come to you if I wanted to be coddled.”

  His lips twist and his eyes drop to my lips once again. “Fine, recruit. First thing tomorrow. Five AM sharp, we will have an hour of one-on-one training to get you up to scratch as quickly as possible, then you will train all day with the others. Understood?” he orders, his voice hardening.

  “Yes, sir, capt, main dude,” I carry on, and he groans before turning back to the weights.

  “Go get your face checked recruit, that’s an order.” With that he dismisses me.

  I nod and scamper away before he changes his mind. I get a few nods of respect on my way out and I walk with my head held high. All until I stumble into medical and spot Evan working. Fuck, isn’t he supposed to be on patient required only?

  I spin away ready to leave when his voice stops me cold. “Piper, what the fuck happened to your face?”

  I spin around like I wasn't just trying to run away and watch as he leaves the patient he was treating to storm towards me, his face like thunder and his eyes running across me. “Funny story, you see—”

  He cuts me off straight away. “Shut the fuck up and tell me who,” he demands, anger lacing his words but also worry. It makes me soften towards him before I remember I’m trying to distance myself.

  “I’m fine,” I state and hop up on the bed. I watch as he fights himself, his jaw clenching and hands balling into fists, before he turns to me and drags the privacy curtain shut. He steps up close, until our knees touch, and glares down at me. “Tell me now, Pip.”

  “Why? You going to kick their ass?” I snark, hurt returning to me even as I push it away.

  “You bet the fuck I am,” he growls, his nostrils flaring, and I can see he is really angry, no, not angry—livid.

  “No need. It was my choice,” I say, looking away.

  “What the fuck does that even mean Piper?” he shouts, and the curtain slides open and a nurse pokes her head around.

  “Everything okay Doctor—”

  He cuts her off mid-sentence. “Fine, shut the fucking curtain.”

  She pales before throwing me a sympathetic look and shutting the curtain after her. Evan’s moods are lethal and well known, and he is at the peak at the moment.

  “Ev, please, my head hurts too much to argue right now,” I whine, looking down at my knees and fiddling with my ring.

  I hear his breathing stutter before his finger curls under my chin and lifts it. “You better tell me everything Pip, I thought we didn’t have secrets from each other.” I see him deflate and the hurt in his expression before he turns away, busying himself with a tray of medicines and antiseptic.

  Sighing, I slip off the table and wrap my arms around him from behind. No matter my issues, they are just that, my issues, and he doesn’t deserve to be hurt because of them. I know he loves me, and it must kill him seeing me like this.

  “I’m sorry, I just needed some space ‘kay? I promise we are good, and I am fine.” He is stiff in my arms but soon melts, blowing out a breath and turning, before drawing me into a hug, careful of my aching ribs and head. I snuggle deeper, breathing in the scent that is just him. He might be a twat to everyone else, but I know deep down he is a big softie.

  “Space from me?” he asks, and I can hear the sadness in his voice. I don’t look up because I don’t want to be the reason he is hurting.

  “From everyone, I needed to think some shit through,” I admit, hedging the truth.

  “Did you figure it out?” he presses, and I can hear the hesitation in his voice. I nod against his chest before stepping back and slipping from his arms.

  “Yep, you aren’t going to like it, but you either need to be supportive or not say anything at all. Now can we be done with all this mushy shit?” I fidget and he grins at me, but I can still see the concern in his eyes. I jump back up on the table and my head spins. Evan rushes to my side and cups both sides of my face, swearing as he waits for me to breathe through it.

  “I’m fine,” I mumble and tap his hands, not admitting how amazing it feels for him to hold me.

  “Tell me everything, and if you leave anything out, I will revoke your cuddle privileges for a month,” he warns as he turns away to sort out some medical shit.

  I freeze at his words, looking at the floor. I told myself I would draw a line between us, keep it friendly, but I can never sleep unless I am in his arms. I don’t feel safe. Not that I told him that, he just knows I have nightmares. Knocking the problems away for another day I start from the top. When I am done,
he is gaping at me.

  “Seriously, you need to shut your mouth. You look like you are sucking ghost dick,” I say helpfully and he snaps his mouth shut with an eye roll.

  “Piper, be serious for a second. What the hell were you thinking?” He scowls at me and I wince as he dabs my cut lip.

  When he's done, I reply, “It’s my choice, remember what I said about being supportive? Who believed in you when you said you were going to select early and become a doctor? Who ran through all those stupid tests and medical books with you?”

  He sighs and looks down, defeated. “Fine, I don’t like it, but you are right. I can’t exactly quiz you on this, but I will patch you up afterwards. Just promise me you will stay smart. If it gets to be too much, there is no shame in backing out.”

  I nod and he smiles, but it looks strained. “Seriously, you should have seen me though. I was kicking ass, taking names...” I can see he is uncomfortable, so I trail off, and it makes me sad. Is this a part of my life I am going to have to keep from him? That would cause distance and I know it.

  “Kicking ass, taking names?” comes a familiar gruff voice from the curtain.

  I grin and look up to Jago. “Fucking yeah I was. Not my fault you're some kind of super strong machine. Whatcha doing here, el capitan?”

  He groans and leans against the wall where I can see him. I see Evan throwing looks between us before he obviously connects the dots. He stands up and glares at Jago who completely ignores him.

  “Stop calling me that recruit. I came to make sure you did as you were told for once,” he replies.

  “Then you obviously don’t know Pip,” Evan snarls, before turning around and smashing the tray of equipment about.

  “Pip?” Jago snorts and looks at me. “Cause you are short?”

  “Pfft, I am not short. You are just massive,” I defend and I can almost feel the steam rising from Evan’s head.

  “Yeah, I also heard that, apparently, I am hot, but a cunt?” he queries and I tilt my head, where did this playful side come from. When his eyes flicker to Evan I roll mine. Boys.

  “Cummuffin actually,” I point out and he inclines his head.

  “See you tomorrow,” he points out before straightening and turning to leave.

  “Yup, five AM el capitano!” I shout after him and I see him shake his head.

  I look back at Evan to see him glaring holes in Jago. “Er, Ev? You okay?” I ask.

  He turns to me, his face red and his eyes narrowed. “Fine, why?” He questions, his voice tight.

  “Oh, no reason, just that you are breaking your medical thingies.” I jump down and smile at him before leaving too.

  “Fuck!” I hear him shout, and I laugh as I head back to my room to shower.

  Evan and I moved out of the orphan quarters when he chose his selection. He convinced whoever is in charge of housing to give us en-suite rooms right next to each other. His, of course, is a lot larger and has a living room, that’s why we tend to hang out there. Usually I would just go straight there, but I remember my promise of drawing lines. So instead, I go to my own and shower before relaxing in bed. I must fall asleep at some point, because I hear shuffling and I dart upright just as Evan climbs onto the bed. I eye him before sliding backwards wordlessly so my back hits the wall. He gets in and faces me, our heads sharing the same pillow, our pinkies wrapping around each other automatically.

  I close my eyes, beyond tired as our legs tangle.

  “Are you mad at me?” he whispers into the dark room, sounding so much like the little boy I grew up with.

  “No Evvie. I’m not mad, I’m just realising some things,” I reply, the dark making me brave.

  “What things?” he asks softly, moving closer so our foreheads touch and we are sharing the same air, our lips so close.

  “Things like it’s time I grow up and stop chasing you,” I admit, opening my eyes. I can barely see him it’s so dark, but I hear his quick inhale.

  “You never have to chase me, it’s always me and you,” he replies.

  I swallow hard. “I wish that was true.” Untangling my finger and legs, I turn over and face the wall as the first tear drops onto my pillow.

  He’s silent before he lets out a sigh, shuffling closer he curls up behind me, his arm draping over my waist and his leg thrown over mine. “You’ll see,” he whispers into my ear before gently kissing my neck. I hold in my gasp as he buries his head into the back of my neck and hair.

  So much for my fucking rules.

  Evan is gone by the time my alarm goes off at 4:30am. The lights in my room come on automatically with the noise. When my hand falls to his spot I can feel it is still warm and it sends a tingle through my body that I choose to ignore. Sluggishly, I get to my feet and get dressed in workout clothes. Looking up I notice the clock—shit, I won’t have time to get coffee.

  I debate what would be worse, today without coffee or facing Jago being late. It’s a hard battle but eventually I trudge to the gym, ignoring my soul reaching for that dark caffeinated goodness.

  I get there just in time to see him unlocking the door and slipping inside. Grumbling, I follow after him and slide in before the door shuts.

  “Mornin’ captain,” I say tiredly. He spins and glares at me.

  “Fuck, don’t sneak up on me.” He takes one look at me and rolls his eyes. “Come on, a good workout will wake you up.”

  The days pass in a blur of training and more training. I see less and less of Evan, only at night when he slips into my bed when he thinks I am asleep. Instead, I spend all my days with Jago. On the fifth morning of me running late again, which has been every day with no caffeine, I turn up at the gym. Without a word, he thrusts a cup at me and walks to set up the gym. Peering down I spot coffee. Praise the gods.

  “I knew you liked me,” I say before taking a sip and sighing in happiness.

  “Don’t push it,” he grumbles, as he lifts the three mats and carries them to the middle of the floor. I watch his muscles as he heaves the mats which, when I tried to pick up I couldn't even budge, with no effort and drops them in place without breaking a sweat. I find myself checking him out pretty much all the time. It’s hard to ignore the tingles in my body, or how my heart speeds up. Or my vagina turning into a slip n slide whenever he’s around, something I saw on a film with Evan, especially when he is pinning me or teaching me a move which means him maneuvering me. I am a total perv, and I am cool with that.

  But he does push me harder, every day I feel myself getting stronger and the moves come easier. He drills me—hehe—hard, like he promised, not giving me any special attention. After our own training session each morning, I spend five hours with the other recruits learning hand-to-hand, defence, different forms of fighting, and how to kill a person. It’s intense and three men have already dropped out. Jago eyes me every day like he expects me to quit, and every day I come back harder and more raring to go. Every time I nail a move, I see the pride flash in his eyes before he covers it. I will admit it sends a thrill through me.

  I spot the other recruits eyeing us both, but I ignore the looks and keep pushing myself harder. I will prove them all wrong, Evan too.

  Downing the cup, I put it on the side and start to stretch like Jago taught me. As I bend down, I feel someone behind me before hands grip my hips, the heat of them burning through and branding me.

  “You need to twist when you do that,” Jago murmurs and twists my hips like he wants me to.

  “Okay,” I reply, trying to keep the breathlessness out of my voice. All this sweaty bodies touching every day thing is riling me up. I am like a walking, talking lady hard-on.

  His hands linger there for a moment before he lets go and steps back. I straighten and run through the other warm ups, trying to ignore him as he circles me and points out corrections every now and then. Once I am done, he nods and kicks off his boots. I do the same and we walk onto the mats, facing each other.

  “We will practice that hold we tried yesterday, I
want you to be able to do it in your sleep,” he says as he steps back.

  I nod and get into position. With my back to him I wait, my only warning is the slight movement in the air, his feet silent on the mat, before I go down hard. Landing on my face as he pins me there, I push back with my arms and legs like he taught me but it’s no use.

  Eventually, I manage to get out of the position, but it took way too long. Jumping to my feet I aim my back at him. “Again, that was too slow. They aren’t going to wait while I figure it out,” I growl, pissed at myself.

  We do the move time after time, until I can get out of it quicker each time. He drops me again, but I was expecting it. Ready to get out of it, I freeze when I feel his hardness pressed against my arse.

  Panting, I wiggle back, trying to get free only to freeze when he groans. The silence stretches and I try and ignore his cock pushing against my arse.

  It’s like we know if we say anything or move, it will make this little bubble pop. When we hear voices coming from outside, he rolls off of me and I jump up. Ignoring me completely, he walks over to the front of the class ready to start today's lesson.

  Coughing, I turn and down half my bottle of water, trying to push the feeling of his body on mine away.

  My body hits the mat with a thud, again. Groaning I stand up, wincing at my poor abused ass. I wonder if Jago will massage it better? I spot him eyeing me out of the corner of my eye, so I throw him a thumbs up. He shakes his head, but I see his lips twitch, one day I will get him to fully smile. His hands are behind his back as he stalks around the mats, taking in the recruits training.

  “How long have you been fucking him?” comes a sneer, and I turn to see my sparring partner eyeing my body. What was his name again, Tom? Tedd? Ryan? Some shitty name for a shitty guy. I ignore him and stretch out my arm, waiting for him to come at me again. He circles around me, his eyes blatantly perusing my body.

  “I bet that’s the only reason you got into this and why he went easy on you on the mat,” he adds, darting in with a jab, which I block.


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