The Forgotten

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The Forgotten Page 18

by K. A Knight

  I choke on my food and she leans over and pats my back. “He- he said that?” I cough, reaching for a drink and taking a sip.

  “Yup, first night you came. We understood of course, the state you were in. It’s obvious he was protecting you, so we let it be. But I would hope you would like to meet everyone?” she inquires, suddenly looking self-conscious.

  Swallowing because that’s the last fucking thing I want to do, I paste on a smile. “Of course, I just needed some time…”

  She reaches over but stops before touching me. “We understand Piper. You do not need to explain,” she finishes softly, a sad understanding in her eyes and that's when it hits me. They are all so happy because they have felt pain, Trev tried to explain but I didn't understand until now. She does understand, they all do because in some way or form this world has hurt them all.

  More people flock over to our table as I mull over my new revelation. She introduces me to everyone, but names start to blur even as I smile and talk to them. When I’ve finished eating, I find myself relaxing in their midst as Martha tells a story to a young boy who is laughing along.

  I eventually say goodbye and head back to the Hall. When I get there, I spot Trev talking to a bunch of people so I sidle up close and take a seat, happy to watch him work. If I am to help him, I need to know how this runs.

  When he's finished talking, they leave happy and he makes his way over to me, a welcoming smile on his face. “I heard you were corralled into breakfast.”

  I grin, leaning back in the chair. “I had no choice, Martha was involved.” He nods as he sits down, a sigh escaping him.

  “Everyday, morning to noon, I am here for any concerns, complaints, and patrol meetings. If you choose to help me, I would love to have you here with me. In the afternoon, I either patrol or go on the hunts. Every member of our tribe works in some capacity.”

  I nod, taking it all in. “It would be patrol for me,” I answer automatically, surprising myself. It seems they couldn't ruin my love and eagerness to be out there, helping, protecting.

  “Okay, so let’s go through some current issues.” He turns to me and I listen intently as he outlines issues the tribe presently faces, while explaining some rules and how the hierarchy is set out.

  I am entranced and hours later, I am still talking with the tribe leader, learning from him.

  I spend my days with Trev and my afternoons on patrol. I don't go far at first, Simon and I stay closer to the camp until I am comfortable with the terrain, and then we venture farther.

  He shows me where they collect water, and the location of the hunting fields. He also shows me the escape routes in and out. They even have some through the mountain, I peered into the dark hole but it gave me the shivers so I moved on fast. When I asked if anyone could get through, he told me nothing exists on the other side... just barren.

  I soak up all the knowledge like a sponge, I even watch the way he walks because for such a big man he sure is silent. I try copying him and once he catches me he shows me how to move in near silence.

  My days are so busy that at night I sleep like the dead, curled up in Archel’s shirt. The smell of it helps settle me, and even once when I woke up in a cold sweat, I felt like he was here with his scent lingering on me and the sheets. I have also started getting up early and running again, before training with my bow and katana. My body is almost fully recovered now. I don’t get tired halfway through the day and besides the random twinge of my leg every now and again, I can start to build my strength and stamina back up.

  Before I know it, the five days are up.

  I am just walking through a section of the trees, checking the snares and traps when I hear a familiar sounding motorcycle roaring towards us. I grin over at Simon and he jerks his head towards the road that Archel will be coming in from. My smile only grows, and I salute at him before I take off in the direction of the road, moving through the trees and traps with ease, and step out of the tree line as my shadow rounds the corner like some kind of angel, the sun haloed behind him.

  He roars to a stop, kicking out the stand as he sits on the idle bike. He grins over at me and I beam back. Stepping closer I hesitate at his side.

  “What, too good for a fucking hug, Princess?” he mocks.

  Sticking my tongue out at him I move into his open arms and he wraps them around me, pulling me close. I hear him sigh and I feel the same way, I guess as much as I didn't want to admit it, I was terrified he wouldn't come back. I can thank my parents for abandonment issues. I breathe in his scent, content to be in his arms. He feels like home and safety and maybe even a little happiness.

  “Did you bring me a present?” I ask, my voice muffled by his chest, but I feel it when he laughs, shaking against me.

  “Hop on, Princess.” Pulling back from his chest I roll my eyes at him, but I swing my leg over the seat behind him and hold on to his waist as he kicks off and roars into the camp. He goes straight to our hut before stopping again. I get off and he grabs his bag from the back of the bike.

  I follow him inside, almost bouncing on my toes.

  “Never thought I would say I missed this fucking room,” he grumbles, and flops back on the bed, the bag on the floor by his feet.

  Frowning, I take him in. He’s covered in sand and blood and looks exhausted. His eyes are shadowed, his face pale. “What happened?” I demand, stepping between his parted thighs.

  He opens his eyes, wearily looking at me. “Same shit, different day.”

  “Archel,” I warn and he grins at me, those fucking dimples of his peeking out.

  “I love the way you say my name, like you don’t know whether to kiss me or kick me.” He laughs and my mouth drops open as I sputter. “Relax, Princess. I’m fine. Was just a hard ride, we are on the opposite side on the Wastes and I encountered a few Berserkers that I had to deal with.” He closes his eyes and I narrow mine. “Come here,” he mutters without even looking at me.

  Crossing my arms, I glare at him. He peeps one eye open and smirks when he sees me. Lightning fast, he darts up and grabs me, sending me tumbling onto his chest. Humming, he wraps his arms around me as he sighs.

  Eventually, I relax. “Are you okay?” I ask, concerned.

  “Nothing I couldn't handle, but Princess? I need to leave again in three days. Shit is going down. I can feel it in the wind.” He sounds so concerned that I can’t be mad.

  Pushing up, I look down at him as he tangles our legs. “Then I come with you.”

  He shakes his head sadly, and cups my cheek. “No, you are needed here and I wouldn't be able to concentrate with you there. I will be back, I just need to find out some information.”

  “Promise?” I whisper, not liking it but knowing he is right, I would only hinder him.

  “Always, I will always come back to you Piper.” We share a soft caring look. “Besides, who is going to play Fuck, Kill, Eat with you?”

  I laugh and he leans up, and I freeze when he drops a soft kiss on my lips. Not pushing, just gentle. “Couldn't resist,” he murmurs against my lips and pulls back, searching my face. “I have wanted to do that since the first time I saw you.”

  “When I was holding a gun to you?” I joke and he laughs.

  “Yes,” he confirms.

  Dropping my head to his chest, I lie there in his arms. “Crazy bastard,” I mutter and he grins, sweeping his lips over my forehead.

  “What did I miss, tell me everything,” he insists, and I thought I missed this jerk...okay I a tiny bit. Teeny tiny. But I tell him everything, he would only go and beat it out of someone else if I didn’t.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon just relaxing and catching up and before I know it, it’s time for evening meal. I grab his hand and drag him with me, vowing to let him have an early night, but I know I need to go or Martha or Simon will come looking for me. They don’t let me wallow or hide.

  We find our normal spots on the ground to eat quietly as I watch people. Simon drops a drink nearby f
or me and Martha toddles over and makes sure I have enough to eat.

  “Seems like you have made some friends,” he comments, leaning back on his arms. Dropping my now empty plate I lean back on his arm and watch the fire dance.

  “You told me not to get into trouble,” I point out and he snorts.

  He goes quiet after that, and I leave him to his thoughts knowing how tired he is. Instead, we continue to watch everyone. Trev wanders over at some point and welcomes him back, but he is the only one who does.

  “Come on, you need to wash and get some sleep,” I order, getting to my feet and looking down at him.

  He grins up at me as he stretches out, his muscles straining against his shirt. “So bossy, Princess. Are you going to wash my back?”

  Ignoring him, I turn and I hear him get up and follow. I go to head back to the hut but he grabs my hand and tugs me after him, through the trees and to the pond.

  “Can’t let you wander alone, you attract trouble,” he teases before pushing me down on the water’s edge. I sit cross-legged as he starts to strip. Last week I would have averted my gaze, last month I would have made a rude joke. This time? I take in my fill.

  I drink in every tight muscle, each a hard line. He’s like a machine, all perfect edges, not an inch of fat. He’s not as big as Jago but he sure as fuck looks just as perfect.

  He lets me look before he turns and wades into the water, luckily still in his boxers. He ducks under, slicking back his hair as he scrubs the dirt and blood from his body. I find myself gawking, watching him, and as my pussy starts to pulse I nearly fall into the water in shock. Fucking hell, I thought that bitch was dead for good, but nope, here she is getting all hot and bothered over the wet assassin. Most people wouldn't be thinking about sex again, but we have already established I am crazy and that everyone heals at different rates. It doesn't mean I’m ready to jump him, but it’s a step in the right direction. Everybody aboard the sex train, choo choo.

  Oblivious to my dirty thoughts, Archel gets out and dries off, washing his clothes and draping them over his arm. “Come on, let’s head back.”

  I nod, trying and failing not to stare at his semi hard cock through the wet fabric of his boxers, which are clinging to it nicely. “Have you named your cock?” I ask, genuinely curious and he mutters something before letting out a pained noise.

  “Please stop saying cock and staring at mine, we both know you aren't ready for that, and if you keep looking at me this way I am going to have to kill myself for touching you,” he grits out.

  Pulling my eyes up his washboard abs, I catch the pained grimace on his face and decide to take it easy on him. “Come on, stalker, I’m tired.”

  He follows me back to the hut, which is a good idea or I would just be eyeing up his arse. I strip off my jeans and boots, leaving on my shirt as I crawl into bed without looking at him, wanting to give him some privacy and time for me to control my hormones.

  Facing the wall, I feel the bed shift as he climbs in and pulls me to him, his skin cold but now dry. “Goodnight, Princess.”

  “Night,” I whisper back.

  “Don’t forget, training bright and early. Let me see what you learned,” he jibes.

  Groaning, I bury my head into my pillow to hide my smile that quirks up my lips anyway.

  Archel woke me up crazy early and dragged me to our usual training ground. When he saw that I had actually been practising and he witnessed my new skills with the bow, he was impressed. We then practiced with the katana, he even grabbed one and started parrying with me before he taught me how to attack with it, and where to cut to disable my enemy the fastest.

  Panting, I drop the katana as he steps back, looking me over. “Colour me impressed, Princess. Guess I better give you your presents.”

  “Presents?” I clap, dropping the sword and launching myself at him.

  He catches me mid-air, laughing before he drops a kiss on my lips. We both freeze, me dangling in his arms with our lips connected.

  He pulls back, his eyes cast down. “Sorry Piper, I didn’t mean to catch you off guard like that, I—”

  I shut him up by kissing him. He groans, the sound reverberating through me and I pull back, my breath hitching as I hook my legs around his waist.

  “Piper,” he pants, watching me with concerned eyes, but I don’t want his concern.

  Leaning forward, I peck his lips. He is as still as statue while I kiss his cheek and his nose, then back to his lips. When he doesn’t kiss me back, I bite his lower lip and he bursts to life. Gripping the back of my head, he wraps my hair around his fist and tugs my head back until it strains my neck. Covering my lips, he bites and licks until I open, and he sweeps his tongue in. Groaning into his mouth, I give as good as I get, tasting him.

  Pulling back, we both stare at each other as we breathe heavily. Swallowing, I kiss him once more before dropping my legs from his waist. He lets me go, unwinding my hair from his fist.

  “Let me get your presents,” he mutters, wincing as he reaches down and rearranges his cock which is pressing against the front of his jeans.

  Turning, he grabs his bag and starts rooting around before he pulls out a crossbow. He passes it to me with a grunt and I stare at it in awe. Painted red with flames on the side, it has a bolt holder underneath with a fancy new black sheen.

  “Oh my God, I love it!” I gush and he grins before digging back in his bag.

  He pulls out an old silver container and I frown, eyeing him.

  “I found some guy who swears he blends coffee. Now, I don't know what it’s going to be like, but I figured it was worth a shot.” He thrusts it at me.

  “You… bought… me… coffee?” I drawl slowly.

  He nods, looking everywhere but at me. Squealing I drop everything to the ground and fly at him again. Peppering kisses over his face I whisper my thanks.

  “Alright, don’t get all mushy on me Princess,” he mutters, even as he grins at me, those ocean eyes sparkling.

  We have dinner with Trev who goes over any issues in the tribe I missed this morning while I was training. We agree on solutions and then I head out for patrol with my new crossbow strapped to my back, my sword at my hip, and Archel by my side. I walk the same route Simon showed me, going the long way around to prolong my time with him.

  We check all the traps, like Simon taught me, and I grab a rabbit from one. Archel slings it over his shoulder as we scout in silence. Only once we are back to the camp do we talk.

  I drop the rabbit with the people who have already starting cooking and head back to the hut to get dressed for the meal. Archel and I work seamlessly side by side, not needing words.

  It isn't until we sit down to eat that night when I realise we both haven't spoken in hours. Even then though, I don’t feel the need to break the silence. It’s comfortable, but I do anyway because I need some questions answered.

  “So when do you leave?” I ask sadly.

  “Tomorrow morning, I don't know how long I will be gone for,” he warns, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and dragging me to his side.

  “But you will be back,” I conclude and he kisses my shoulder.

  “Look, you are learning, Princess,” he taunts.

  “Cockwanker,” I reply and he laughs.

  “I’m going to miss you, Princess,” he whispers, and I barely hear him over the laughter and talking of the rest of the tribe.

  Looking over my shoulder I meet his serious eyes. “I’m going to miss you too,” I admit.

  We stare at each other, both lost in each other’s eyes until Martha hustles over and breaks it up.

  The rest of the night is a blur, I never want it to end but people start drifting off to bed, so reluctantly I do too. When we get to our hut I strip and get under the covers, Archel following after. Turning over, our noses nearly touching, I watch him as he watches me.

  “Look after yourself Princess,” he demands.

  “Shut up,” I fire back.

  “Trust Trev, do
n’t venture too far out—”

  “Shut up,” I repeat loudly, covering his mouth with my finger. “This sounds far too much like goodbye and I have had enough of those to last me a lifetime. So no matter what you find out there, you fight through it all. You fight and you come back to me,” I order.

  “Yes, Princess. As you command.” He grins and I nod, wishing I could ask him to stay, wishing he would.

  The morning comes too soon, and for once I want to fight the rays lighting up the sky and guiding us home. I awoke early, when it was still dark, and I just watched him. He looks so peaceful in his sleep, long black lashes fanned against his cheeks, stubble covering his chin from not shaving, hair in disarray. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but I knew if I did he would wake up and then he would leave. When he does wake, his smile is sleepy. He kisses me good morning, but I refuse to let him move. Just holding on for two more minutes before he sighs and gets up.

  Archel kisses me goodbye, softly like he is savouring it, before swinging onto his bike and roaring away without another look back. Straightening my shoulders I march straight to the Hall, ready to start the day. The busier I am, the less I will worry.

  That day I lose myself in tasks. I help cook the food and I am really bad at it. I help mend houses, clothes, and fences. I go on patrol and I practice my crossbow, but when it gets dark and I am in bed all alone, my mind turns to the three men who I miss.

  Who knew someone was capable of caring for three men at once? I guess it is only like a mother loving all her children though. Closing my eyes, I bring the images of Jago, Evan, and Archel to mind, imagining them here as I fall asleep.

  I miss you.

  The days go by in a blur, with each passing one I get stronger, faster, and more capable. I learn more of the tribe’s history and the people who call this home. I spend my days with Trev and eat my meals with the whole tribe. They accept me with open arms and begin coming to me with problems. Whenever I point that out, Trev only smiles and nods knowingly.


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