King and I: A Royal Love Affair

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King and I: A Royal Love Affair Page 1

by Mz. Lady P

  Shan Presents




  Copyright 2015 by Mz. Lady P

  Published by Shan Presents

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.

  No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  Chapter 1-Siyah Mills

  I was in bed on all fours, looking at my nails as my husband of three years Luca, fucked me doggy style. I was so ready for this nigga to nut and get the fuck off of me. I had long grown tired of his whack ass sex and his little ass dick. I’ve tried my best to deal with his horrible sex due to him being a wonderful husband and provider, but I don’t know how much more I can take.

  At twenty-one I didn’t know any better when he approached me as I walked the streets of Little Italy in Chicago. After all it wasn’t often a rich Italian man wanted to wife a black girl from the projects. That’s exactly what happened. Luca asked me out on a date and it was us ever since. At the time he was twenty-five and next in line to take over his rightful spot as head of the Gianni Crime Family. At first I thought he was just a businessman in a slick ass Armani suit and Salvatore Ferragamos. Then a couple of months into our relationship, I realized that a bitch had married into the Mob.

  Yes, you heard me right; I was the wife of one the most ruthless mob bosses the Chi had ever seen. Allow me to introduce myself; I’m Siyah Mills- Gianni. On the outside looking in one might see my luxurious lifestyle and say that’s one lucky bitch. As a matter of fact I’m not lucky, I’m blessed. At the same time I’m unhappy. I long for the days I ran the projects with my main bitches Rika, Star, Na-Na, and Blacky. We’ve been friends all of our lives, and in three years we’ve managed to drift apart, simply because I married a nigga that was well off, and didn’t like me to frequent my old stomping grounds.

  I know that they love me and fucks with me the long way, but it’s true my status as a mobster’s wife has changed my lifestyle. I can’t frequent the house parties, clubs, or neighborhood reunions like I used to. Luca is not having any of that. I have an image to maintain as his wife. I am a reflection of him and his family. In the three years we’ve been together, I’ve lost my identity, and I want my life back. Don’t get me wrong, he gives me a great life and I know that he loves me, but I can’t stand his possessiveness. All I want is for him to let me be Siyah, not Mrs. Luca Gianni. He treats me like I’m his property and I hate that shit.

  “You love this dick don’t you?”

  “Ohhh yes. I love this dick, baby!” I fake moaned out in pleasure as I rolled my eyes in the top of my head. At that moment I closed my eyes and imagined a big cocky black nigga that was damn near covered in tats, with a baldhead, a beard, and a big ass black dick. In my mind I imagined his tatted hands gripping my big ass and roughly pounding in and out of me as I screamed for him to fuck me harder. This nigga was brown skinned and sexy as fuck. I imagined him biting his bottom lip from the pleasure he was feeling from the feeling of drilling my ass. The diamond fronts he rocked shined each and every time he talked to me and called me a nasty bitch, as I creamed all over his dick.

  Just imagining some rough shit like that had my ass getting wet and dripping all over Luca’s six-inch dick. Moments later, he was shaking like he was having a seizure. He tried to collapse on my back but I moved in time so that I could hurry into the bathroom and finish myself off. I locked the bathroom door, looked under my medicine cabinet and grabbed Mr. Marcus, my big black, chocolate, nine-inch dildo, along with my hot pink vibrator. I bit down on a face towel muffling the moans of pleasure that were escaping my mouth, all the while thinking of my imaginary friend making me cum. So you see the struggle was definitely real for your girl. I was sexually deprived and in need of some mind blowing sex. Luca would kill me and feed me to the lions at our zoo if he knew what I was thinking of doing at this very moment. First things first, I needed to get up with my main thangs Rika, Star, Na-Na, and Blacky. Them hoes were still partying and bullshitting. I needed to get out and live a little. Siyah has been missing that good ole’ hood life.

  A bitch needed to get back to her fucking roots. There was only one problem, how was I going to get past Luca and his damn henchman. Luca made sure I didn’t go anywhere without security. I knew that Luca wouldn’t be too happy about that, but fuck him. I would just tell him I needed to go see my mom. Despite me trying to move her into a condo, she flat out refused. My mother grew up in the ABLA Homes and would be there when they tore them down.

  After taking a hot bath, I laid in bed and realized just how much of life I was missing out on by being the obedient wife. Fuck Stella, Siyah had to get her groove back. I picked up my cell and sent a group text to my girls. I could hear them now, talking mad shit. Especially Rika, we were the closest and still hung out when we got the chance. She was the only one Luca allowed into our home, mainly because she was one of the niggas. Back in the day, no matter where we went, we were sure to fuck with the nigga’s that had dough, and loved to spend it on us, thanks to Rika. I swear she’s a boy living in a female’s body. I closed my eyes and thought back on all the good times we used to share. A sense of sadness came over me just realizing all that I had missed out on with my friends being wrapped up in Luca’s world.

  The next morning I woke up to an empty bed with a note on the pillow that read:

  Dinner party with new business associates tonight at Maggiano’s. All black attire. Be ready at eight. I can’t afford to be late.

  This motherfucker knew how to throw a monkey wrench in a bitch’s plans. I hated going to these meetings. I felt so out of place around his Italian associates and their wives. They looked down on me for being black and I hated that he didn’t address it. His family was the same way. His mother Carmella has always found a way to belittle and disrespect me. Out of respect for him I held my anger inside of me. I’m fed up, though; she has no more chances to disrespect me. It’s a shame that such a beautiful woman could be so damn ugly.


  “You look amazing.” Luca said as he grabbed my hand and we walked inside of the restaurant. I was dressed in a long, black, sleek, Christian Dior body con dress with just enough cleavage to leave to one’s imagination. My ass was sitting up perfectly. Luca made sure to keep touching on it. He does that in public letting everybody know I belong to him. The shit is so aggravating. I must admit Luca was looking handsome as ever in his Cole Haan suit with matching loafers. His hair looked perfect, slicked to his head. Regardless of me not being happily married to him, he was still handsome and sexy. As we made our way to the table I noticed his mother rolled her eyes at me in disgust.

  “Hello everyone.” I said as Luca pulled my chair out for me to sit. Of course, no one spoke. The waiter came over and took our orders, and I made sure to get a tall glass of red wine. A bitch needed to at least be tipsy to get through this damn dinner.

  “Sorry I’m late, traffic on Lake Shore Drive was a bitch.” I turned around at the sound of a powerful male voice that caused the whole room to stop what they were doing, and give him their undivided attentio
n. At that very moment I lost all of my senses; this was the man I envisioned fucking me in my dreams. There he was in all of his glory, tall, cocky, covered in tattoos, and rocking a baldhead. The tattoos on his head and on his face turned me on even more. His beard was perfectly trimmed. I loved the way it hung low past his chin. He looked good enough to fuck, rocking an all-white V-neck, a pair of True Religions, and a crispy pair of all white Air Force Ones. The diamond encrusted Jesus piece he was rocking was shining so hard it was blinding a bitch, not to mention the Presidential Rolex he was rocking on his wrist. This nigga’s swag was official; his aura screamed thug ass nigga.

  “My man Kingston, I’m glad you could join us. I would like for you to meet my wife Siyah.”

  “You’re even more beautiful than he described you.” He said, as he kissed the back of my hand. I took a good look and low and behold this nigga had diamond fronts on the whole top row of his mouth. I was in a damn trance as I stared into his brown eyes. I heard someone clear their throat. I looked around and it was Luca’s mother. I rolled my eyes at the bitch and went back to sipping my wine.

  For the rest of the night I tuned everybody out, including Luca, all the while struggling to keep from staring at the beautiful Adonis, known as Kingston. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I have never blatantly lusted over a man in my husband’s presence like that. I was ready for the night to be over, because Luca was becoming irritating by getting drunk, being loud, and embarrassing.

  At the end of the night we were all parting ways and for a brief second Kingston and I locked eyes. He winked his eye and seductively licked his lips as he rubbed his hands together like Birdman. A bitch had an orgasm right there as we waited for the valet to bring our car to us. I couldn’t help but watch as Kingston hopped in his 2016 candy apple red Bentley Mulsanne. Yeah he was definitely caked the fucked up. I became sad on the inside as he drove away. I felt Luca wrap his arms around my waist and that brought me back to reality, my unhappy ass reality. When our car arrived, Luca opened the door for me and I slid in. Luca got inside and unbuttoned his suit jacket. I was getting ready to say something to him, but I was met with a closed fist to my face.

  “Don’t you ever in your life disrespect me again! Do you understand me?” He roughly pulled my hair and punched me again, which caused me to fly out of the seat and onto the floor of the car. I couldn’t cry because I was in shock. Luca had never put his hands on me. I could taste the blood as it gathered in my mouth. I reached up and I could also feel blood trickling from my nose. I looked up at him and he pulled me off of the floor.

  “Don’t ever do that shit again; next time I won’t be so nice. Wipe your face before you get that shit on my car.” He threw me his handkerchief and I held it up to my nose and mouth. The rest of the ride home and later that night, as I lay in bed, I thought of ways to escape Luca. I wasn’t about to be a battered wife. I knew if he hit me once, he would definitely do it again. He basically threatened to kill me, and I refused to sit around and wait for him to follow through with his threat.


  It had been a week since the incident between Luca and me. My swollen lips and eye had finally gone down. He was walking around as if nothing had ever transpired between us and that made me hate him even more. I resented the fact that he was being all loving and spoiling me as if he hadn’t whooped my ass. I was happy to find out that he would be traveling to Miami for a week. That was my opportunity to get the fuck out of dodge.

  I had been packing my suitcases while he was out during the day and hiding them in the trunk of my car. I was thanking my lucky stars that I had been saving up money and putting it into my personal bank account. I always knew that shit would come in handy. I had been trying hard to keep a smile on my face and act as if I was okay. I couldn’t give him an inkling of what I was really feeling. Each and every night since the incident I’ve been trying not to kill the bitch in his sleep. I’m unhappy, not crazy. I refuse to kill his ass and be in jail for the rest of my life. Luca is not worth losing my freedom.


  “While I’m away mother is going to stay here and keep you company.” Luca said, as he was zipping up his last suitcase, getting ready to head to the airport.

  “I don’t need her here with me, I’ll be fine by myself. You know she don’t like me and the feeling is mutual.” He thought he was slick, he wanted that bitch here to babysit me. If he knew the anger I have inside of me, he would keep that old hag far away from me. He might come home to find the bitch at the bottom of the stairs with a broken neck.

  “She’s staying here and that’s final, unless you have some plans that you don’t want me to know about.” He moved in closer to me and was trying his best to stare into my soul and see what I was hiding.

  “I had plans on going to visit with my mom, I really miss her, Luca.” I said, trying my best to look and sound sad.

  “No, that’s out of the question. I don’t want you in the city while I’m away. That’s no place for the Boss’s wife to be. You can invite her over for dinner when I come back from my trip.” He kissed me on the lips and left the room. He knew my mother would never step foot in this house, because she hates him and his mother. I looked out of the bay window in our bedroom and watched him get in the car and leave. As soon as his car disappeared out of the driveway, I grabbed my car keys and got the fuck out of dodge. I knew that there would be repercussions and consequences behind me leaving Luca, but at the moment I didn’t care.

  Chapter 2-Siyah

  “Well look at what the fuck the cat dragged in. What do I owe the pleasure of seeing Mrs. America?” My mother Nita said, as she popped open a can of Colt 45. I swear my mother has been drinking that brand of beer for as long as I can remember. There she was sitting in the damn window, which happened to be her favorite place in the house. She is just one nosey, smart-mouth ass old lady, but I love her though. She always made sure I had everything. So I felt like shit for allowing Luca to keep me from her and my friends.

  “Don’t do that, ma. I’m sorry I haven’t been over. Can I stay over here for a couple of days?” I didn’t mean for my voice to crack or for tears to start falling down my face, but they did. The last thing I needed was her knowing that some shit was wrong with me because she had no filter.

  “What the fuck did them spaghetti eating motherfuckers do to you?” She stood up and walked over to me and looked me over.

  “Nothing, I just needed to come home. I miss you and the girls so much.” I started to cry harder and she pulled me in closer. I laid my head on her shoulder like a little girl; being in her arms felt so good.

  “I should have Junior and Boon whoop his ass.” My mother said, as she released me and went back to sit in the window. I watched as she downed her beer like a nigga. I couldn’t help but laugh because that was one thing I loved about my momma, she was a straight nigga.

  “No, ma, leave them out of this. The last thing I need is my uncles getting involved in my mess.” Junior and Boon were my mother’s younger brothers. They were some straight goons in their day, but they’ve retired from that life. I don’t need them getting knocked or murdered behind my bullshit with Luca. I need to deal with him in my own way.

  “I’m telling you right now if he come around here with that bullshit it’s gon’ be trouble. I’m not above fighting no man and you know that. Remember I beat, stomped, and dragged your daddy all up and through these projects with his trifling ass. I know that motherfucker and his Crypt Keeper looking ass mammy is doing shit to you.”

  “They have the game fucked up if they think for a minute I’m going to continue to sit back and let the shit go on. I’ve sat back quiet out of respect for the fact that you told me you loved him and you were happy. Any man that keeps a woman from her mother is a ‘ain’t shit ass nigga’ and I’m ready to rumble. They got me fucked up and that’s on my dead momma and daddy’s grave.” I just shook my head and sat down on the couch. I listened to her rant and rave for about an hour. My mot
her was drunk, but she was speaking with a sober mind. I knew to shut the fuck up and sit back. Nita was a lot of things but scary she wasn’t.


  After taking a long nap I decided to go on see my bitch Rika. She stayed in the next building over from my mother. Growing up Rika and I were the best of friends. To this day she’s still my best friend in the whole wide world. We might not see each other everyday, but we talk on a regular basis. Rika is the only one I trust with my life. She is also the only one who knows about all of the bullshit I’m going through with Luca.

  The only thing she isn’t aware of is him hitting me and me leaving him, that’s why I’m on my way over to her crib, to catch her up on things. As I walked over to Rika’s building I couldn’t help but smile and feel like I was home. I know it’s hard for people to understand why I would love being in the projects as opposed to living in the suburbs. It’s because everybody in the projects has some type of struggle and can relate to one another.

  Not to mention everybody is family and when it all boils down to it they go hard for another, unlike them uppity motherfuckers in the suburban neighborhood I live in now. I hate living there because I feel as if I don’t belong, not to mention, they make sure to remind me that I don’t belong. I’ve tried my best to live up to Luca’s standards and I’ve lost the real me in the process. I no longer wanted to live in the shadows of Luca and his mob family. I just wanted to be the person I was before I became Mrs. Luca Gianni.

  “Bitch, I know you married to kingpin and all, but don’t think these niggas won’t rob your ass for all of that ice you have on. If I didn’t love your ass I would rob you myself. What the fuck brings you to the hood?” I turned around; it was none other than my girl Blacky. I couldn’t do shit but laugh because she didn’t have a care in the world about what she said or did. Blacky was just that, black as hell, but all the niggas loved her. She’s what one would call Black Beauty. I swear growing up she had all the niggas and still does to this day. It’s a wonder the bitch ain’t got no kids. Then again all she does is party and bullshit, so the last thing she needs is some kids.


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