King and I: A Royal Love Affair

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King and I: A Royal Love Affair Page 10

by Mz. Lady P

  “Kingston, please don’t walk away like this. Just let me explain.” Siyah was holding onto my arm keeping me from walking away.

  “Take your hands off of me. I’m done talking.” I yanked away and walked out of the house, because I hated to see her cry like that, but at the same time I needed her to understand me as a man, and the type of nigga I was. She had no reason to question her place in my life, because I’ve never given her a reason to. I’ve been nothing but one hundred with her from the jump. She need to stop being worried about her position and play her position. Until then I’m not fucking with her.

  Chapter 19-Siyah

  It had been a month since I’ve seen or heard from Kingston. For the first week I was trying to call and text him, but he wouldn’t answer. My mother had been trying to tell me to just let him be, but I couldn’t do that. I was missing him so much at the moment. I was literally at a point where I wanted to pull all of my hair out. I know that I made him mad, but Kingston was taking this shit to another level. Not to mention I had been sick as hell lately, and I had no idea what the hell was wrong with me. I couldn’t even think about that right now because I was too busy trying to get in contact with Kingston. Since the day he left I’ve had around the clock security. I’ve even tried asking his men about him, but they wouldn’t tell me shit.

  Tonight was Rika’s big birthday bash that Legs was giving her, so I knew that I would see him there. He didn’t have to talk to me, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted. I should have been upfront with him and told him how I really felt, instead of agreeing to be just friends. At the time I just felt like it was the right thing to do. Call me crazy, but the way he checked my ass made me want his ass even more. I just hated that I cried in front in him.

  It was amazing how he had this crazy ass effect on me that not even Luca had. Speaking of Luca I hadn’t heard or seen him since he attacked me at the restaurant. The story of his mother missing had been all over the news. He had even put money up for anyone who had any news about her whereabouts. He might as well give it up, that old bitch is somewhere swimming with the fishes just like my momma said.

  I wanted to look extra sexy for Kingston when I saw him. I was rocking an all black leather cat suit with thigh high boots. My sew in was freshly done and my face was beat for the Gods. Yes, I was on a mission to get my man back, and I wasn’t leaving the party without having his ass in the house that he has built for me. He’s proved his point and now it’s time to get past this.

  “Damn, bitch, you got all that ass out!” Blacky said as she smacked me on the ass. I started twerking as I sipped my peach Patron Margarita. We had been at the party for about two hours and I was damn near drunk. Rika and Legs had left the party early, because they had a flight to Jamaica. I was so happy for my bitch and my brother. This is the happiest I’ve seen her in a long time. She deserves all of the happiness in the world.

  “I’m fucked up.”

  “I know your ass is. I’m done drinking. That Patron done took a bitch down. Are you ready to go yet?” Star asked, as she checked her phone.

  “I guess so, it don’t look like Kingston is coming.”

  “Speak of the motherfucking devil and he appears.” Na-Na said and we all looked up in the direction that she was looking in. I shook my head as Kingston walked up to V.I.P. with his crew, and of course he had a bitch with him. I instantly became heated looking at him. He didn’t even see me, because he was too fucking busy feeling all on the bitch’s ass.

  “These niggas ain’t shit! That’s why I don’t want to be in a relationship. I swear I will be in jail.” Blacky said as she walked away and headed towards the bar.

  “Fuck all that. I say we whoop both of their asses. It’s been a minute since we beat a bitch up.” Na-Na was ready and trained to go at all times. I loved that about her. At the same time it wasn’t even worth it. I was doing everything in my power to get this man’s attention, but he was paying me no fucking attention. I was so over this shit with him.

  “Fuck that nigga.” I said, as I walked out of the club. I was no longer in the mood to do anything. Just seeing Kingston and that girl had sobered my ass up real quick. When I walked outside, of course my security detail was already out there waiting for me to leave. I felt bad for leaving without telling my friends, but I had to get out of there.

  On the way home I sat in the backseat and cried. I was failing miserably at this relationship thing. It was becoming more and more evident that I should just say fuck trying to be with a man and work on myself. Karma is definitely a motherfucker. I shook my head at myself and my actions. I was getting everything I deserved for cheating on Luca with Kingston. I was getting fucked royally with no damn Vaseline. He was living proof that everything that looks good ain’t good for you.

  When I made it home, I undressed and climbed into bed. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and forget all about the night’s events. I had every intention on starting off fresh tomorrow. As soon as I closed my eyes I felt as if someone was in the room with me. I quickly shook the feeling off and tried to find my comfortable spot. That was until I felt as if someone had sat down at the foot of the bed. I immediately shot up and damn near jumped out of my skin, seeing Vita sitting at the edge of my bed.

  “What the fuck are you doing in my house?” I tried to jump up, but she quickly pointed a gun at me causing me to slowly sit back down.

  “Shut the fuck up and sit down!” This bitch looked like a crazy and deranged lunatic pointing a gun at me. I needed to try and calm her ass down before she fucked around and shot me.

  “Look, Vita, you need to put that gun down. I don’t know why you would come into my house like this, but you need to leave. I won’t say anything about you being here. Just please calm down, and we can talk about whatever you want.” I held my hands out in front of me just to show her that I wasn’t on anything, basically trying to show her that she had the upper hand.

  “Bitch, please! You’re really going to sit here and act like you don’t know why I am here. Let me remind you, bitch. Before you came into the picture King and I were happy. Since he’s been fucking you he’s forgotten all about me. So let me put this in Layman’s terms for your pretty ass. You have to go, it’s just that simple. As long as you’re in the picture, I’ll never have Kingston. I watched you and him have sex. He has feelings for you, I can see it in the way he touches you. The way he makes love to you is nothing like I’ve ever experienced with him. Don’t you see this is all your fault?”

  “I don’t want King. You can have him, Vita. Just put the gun away. I promise I will never talk to him again. He’s all yours.”

  “Bitch, don’t play me. You’re in love with King and you want him all to yourself. After all you did cheat on your husband with him, I mean who wouldn’t. Kingston has it all, a heart of gold and a big ass dick to go along with it, however, it’s obvious he has a soft spot for you, got you living like a well-kept concubine. In case you didn’t get the memo, I’m the only kept bitch in his life. I’ve put in too much work to lose it all to a bitch that he’s only known for a minute.”

  Before I could respond all I saw was a bright flash from the gun. The next thing I felt was pain in my chest as I flew back on the bed. It was like my body became paralyzed, but I could still see and hear. I looked up and that’s when I saw Luca and Vita standing over the bed looking at me. My vision began to get blurry and my breathing was getting shorter by the second. Before I lost consciousness, I watched in horror as they engaged in a passionate kiss.

  Chapter 20-Kingston

  An eerie feeling crept over me as I laid in bed later that night. All I could think about was Siyah. I was kind of feeling like maybe I had took my lesson a little bit too far. I tried to act as if I didn’t see her at the club, but how in the fuck could I miss her looking so fucking sexy. It was like she got dressed just for me. I could feel the shit. My dick got stiff at just the thought of her ass and titties sitting up perfectly in that jumpsuit. The more I laid in
bed the more I wanted Siyah to be laying next to me. I wanted some of her pussy, my pussy to be exact. No one else could get that motherfucker wet like me. I wasn’t bragging about it, I just knew my dick game was official.

  I had been calling the security team I hired to bring Siyah to my home, but I wasn’t getting an answer. Something wasn’t right. They know to answer me on the first motherfucking ring. I tried calling Siyah and she wasn’t answering either. I couldn’t shake the eerie feeling that I had been feeling, so I threw on some clothes and headed over to Siyah’s house. I instantly went into panic mode when I pulled into the cul de sac.

  Fire trucks and ambulances were everywhere. Siyah’s house was engulfed in flames and yellow tape was blocking the perimeter. I looked off in the distance and saw two bodies on the ground covered in sheets. I knew it had to be the security, because they were outside of their unmarked car. All of the neighbors were out on their lawns being nosey. I jumped out of my car and rushed towards the ambulance. I wanted to die a million deaths seeing the paramedics performing CPR on her. Shit wasn’t looking good at all. They were pounding on her chest and blood was draining from her mouth. She looked like she had checked out. I hated to call Ms. Nita and tell her this shit, she is about to go bananas. Quiet as it’s kept, I felt like my world was crashing right before my eyes as I watched them work on her.


  “Lord, what I’m going to do without my baby.” I was trying my best to console Nita but she was too distraught. Siyah had been rushed to surgery due to the gunshot wound to her chest. The bullet went in her chest and exited through her neck. It missed hitting any main arteries, but caused both of her lungs to collapse. During the surgery her heart stopped but they revived her.

  Now she’s in a coma and they don’t know if she’s going to make it. I felt like this shit was my fault. Trying to prove a point to her, I might have cost her, her life. I should have been protecting her, because I was part of the reason why she in this predicament. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Luca was behind all of this. There is no one else who would want to hurt her.

  “My daughter is a fighter, and she will pull through this. Stop crying, Nita.” Siyah’s dad was hugging her tight, and I just felt so fucking bad. All of her friends were giving me the evil eye. Rika and Legs were on their way back to the city. I knew how close her and Siyah are, so I knew she was fucked up getting the news.

  “This shit is all my fault, Nita. I promise you I’m going to get this motherfucker if it’s the last thing I do.”

  “You can’t go blaming yourself, Kingston. This is all Luca’s damn fault. If anything I’m the one to blame. I never should have allowed my baby to marry that nigga. Now my baby is laying back there in a coma and pregnant with my first grandchild, who might not even make it? Lord, I hope my baby makes it so that she can raise her child.”

  “What you mean she pregnant?” I was at a loss for words because Siyah had never mentioned to me that she was pregnant. I couldn’t fathom her keeping something like that from me. Now I just wanted to find the doctor and find out everything I needed to know. In regards to how far along she is.

  “The doctor told me that she’s about eight weeks pregnant. That baby is strong and has a will to live. They can’t believe the baby has survived all of the trauma her body has endured. Siyah has to make it in order for that baby to survive. God wouldn’t give her something so precious only to take it all away. Siyah hasn’t been with Luca. That’s your baby, Kingston.” Nita grabbed my hand. I sat down in the chairs and put my head down in my hands. This was too much on a nigga right now. I’ve never had to take care of another human being. All my life I’ve only had myself to look out for. I swear my parents fucked me up, but at the same time they made me the beast I am today.

  The whole damn waiting area was looking at me waiting for my reaction to the news, but I hate to feel like my back is against the wall. Instead of me saying something, I got up and left the fucking hospital, but not before putting in a request to have Siyah moved to my estate for private care. There was no way I could let her stay in the hospital alone. Money was no option. I would give my last dime if it meant keeping her and my seed safe.

  This shit was too much on a nigga, plus, there was some shit I needed to do. There was no way this motherfucker Luca could breathe another day fucking with Siyah. Just knowing that she was carrying my seed had me rethinking our situation. If God let her and my seed make it through this, I would do the right thing by the both of them.


  It had been about week since Siyah’s incident and there hadn’t been any improvements in her condition. She was now in a separate room at my estate. I hired around the clock care for her. Nita moved in to assist and watch over her care. All of this was taking a toll on her, and I felt so bad for her. I couldn’t bring myself to go in the room and see Siyah. The sound of the baby’s heartbeat was too much on a nigga. I felt like I didn’t want to hear and get used to the idea of it being in the world, especially, since the doctor said it was slim chance the baby would make it. That fucked me up in the head. I wasn’t giving up on Siyah or my seed. It’s just that shit was looking bleak as fuck right now.

  The possibility that Siyah might not wake up had a nigga fucked up in the head. The last thing I was doing was thinking logically and the main thing on my mind was finding this motherfucker Luca. It seems as if this nigga had been laying low since he did this shit to Siyah, however, I had eyes on him and little did the motherfucker know. I knew of his whereabouts and where he had been laying his head. Shit was about to get real around this motherfucker.

  “Let me get a double shot of Patron and get this bitch a drink too.” I had stepped into the bar that Luca hung out at with a friend of mine. At the moment she didn’t have much to say, however, I’m sure her presence would give all these Italian motherfuckers something to talk about.

  “What the fuck is that?” The bartender said as he began to violently vomit from the loud stench of decomposing flesh.

  “Where’s Luca?” I asked as I got off of the barstool and went behind the bar and grabbed the bottle of Patron myself. I grabbed myself a shot glass as well as my female companion. The bartender took off running towards the back of the establishment. I removed my gun from my waist, and I held it down by my leg. There was a good chance I wasn’t going to make it out of here alive, but I’m going the fuck out with my gun blazing. One thing for sure and two for certain, Luca’s bitch ass was dying right along with me. As I knocked back my second shot of Patron, Luca and his henchmen were all walking in my direction.

  “Long time no see, Luca. You’re a hard man to catch up with. I heard you’ve been looking for your mother.” I grabbed his mother’s head that was sitting on the bar, and I threw that bitch at him. At the same time the sound of gunfire started to erupt. I looked up and Legs was letting off rounds. He was laying down Luca’s men, and I started to let off shots in Luca’s body. He was supposed to be this ruthless ass mobster, but from the looks of it he was a motherfucking coward. He was trying his best to get the fuck out of dodge, but I was on his ass. He dropped to the floor next to his mother’s head. Her dead ass face was the last thing he saw before I let off multiple rounds in his skull.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here, my nigga!” Legs yelled out and we both got the fuck out of dodge. I had so much adrenaline inside of me that I never even realized I had been hit until I felt the pain in my shoulder.

  “Get me to the crib. I’ve been hit. I started peeling my clothes off to access the damage. It seemed like the more I moved the more blood seeped out.

  “I think your ass need to go to the hospital, that shit looks bad.”

  “That’s the last place I can go. Call the doctor over to my crib. He gon’ have to work on my ass there, plus, I need to get to Siyah.”

  “Lil’ sis got you all fucked up in the head, huh?”

  “She in a fucking coma and she carrying my seed. Shit is unreal, bro. There is so much that
hasn’t been said, and I feel like if she checked out I’ll never forgive myself.” I laid my head back on the head rest and closed my eyes. The pain was becoming more painful, and all I wanted to do was try not to think about it. Siyah’s beautiful face popped in my mind and that made a nigga feel better. No woman had ever had this type of effect on me. All along I had been keeping her at arms length when I should have been embracing her. It’s crazy how bad shit like this had to happen in order for a nigga to get his shit together.

  Chapter 21-Nita

  I was slowly beginning to lose my mind watching my baby just lay in that bed. I was starting to lose hope that she would wake up. I had been talking to her, because the doctor said that it would help her to come out of the coma if she heard familiar voices. The one thing that was keeping me sane was the constant sound of the babies heart monitor. It had a strong heartbeat, and I could tell it was a little fighter.

  Siyah needed to wake her ass up, because we had a baby shower to plan, plus, I didn’t know how I would go on without my baby girl. I appreciated Kingston allowing us into his lavish home. He had pulled out all of the stops to make sure Siyah and the baby were well taken care of. I also noticed that he avoided coming in to visit with her. Siyah loved her some Kingston, so I knew hearing his voice would probably bring her out of this. Rika had been coming over and sitting with her everyday as well. She was the only one Kingston trusted inside of the house were he actually laid his head. With all the bullshit going on I didn’t blame him.


  “Pour me a shot or something. This damn bullet is lodged in his back.” I had been trying to remove the damn bullet from Kingston’s back for over an hour. I hadn’t did this shit in so long, so I was a little rusty.

  “Try calling the damn doctor again, Nita fucking me up worse.”


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