“Show me, my women, like a queen”: Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, Act V, scene II.
white lead powder: For details of makeup, see Forbes, Studies in Ancient Technology.
“woman at the window” plaques: Photos can be found in Isserlin, Israelites; Tubb, Canaanites; and on the cover of McKinlay, Reframing Her.
“My life begins to dissolve like mist”: In Shulamit Kalugai, Nashim (Women) (Yavne, 1936). This is my own translation. The original Hebrew can also be found with a different translation in Hebrew Feminist Poems from Antiquity to the Present, ed. Kaufman, Hassan-Rokem, and Hess.
“Is it peace, Zimri”: 2 Kings 9:31.
Jehu takes on the role of the pruner: Olyan, “2 Kings 9:31.”
“Throw her down”: 2 Kings 9:33.
“And they threw her down”: Ibid.
“Go see to this cursed woman”: 2 Kings 9:34.
“Men feared death itself less”: Brichto, “Kin, Cult, Land, and Afterlife.”
“May they have no resting place among the shades”: Text of the sarcophagus of King Ezmunazar in Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts.
“no more of her than her head and her feet”: 2 Kings 9:35.
Today, henna is still used: For a remarkable collection of information on henna, see the Encyclopedia of Henna, online at www.hennapage.com/henna/encyclopedia/index.html.
187–88 “This is the word of Yahweh when”: 2 Kings 9:37.
“You shall bake barley cakes with human dung”: Ezekiel 4:12.
“They shall be dung upon the face of the earth”: Jeremiah 8:12.
“Behold I will corrupt your seed”: Malachi 2:13.
“your houses shall be made into a dunghill”: Daniel 2:5.
“The repugnance, the retching, thrusts”: Kristeva, Powers of Horror.
9. Babylon
191–92 “king of multitudes of men”: Text of the Black Obelisk in Miller and Hayes, History of Ancient Israel and Judah.
“If you are with me, cut off the heads”: 2 Kings 10:6.
“You are righteous”: 2 Kings 10:9.
“See my zealousness for Yahweh”: 2 Kings 10:16.
“the priests and worshippers of Baal”: 2 Kings 10:19.
“I killed Joram the son of Ahab”: Text of the Dan Stele, a.k.a. the King David Inscription since it contains the earliest nonbiblical reference to King David found so far, in Biran and Naveh, “Aramaic Stele.”
“They multiply falsehood and violence”: Hosea 7:11.
“avenge the blood of Jezreel”: Hosea 1:4.
“I built a pillar by the city gate”: Text of Sargon inscription in Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts.
more than four million people were displaced: See Oded, Mass Deportations.
“By the rivers of Babylon”: Psalm 137:1.
“Exiles cross borders”: Said, “The Mind in Winter.”
“no other gods before me”: Exodus 20:3.
“there is no god but me”: Isaiah 44:6, also 43:10–11 and 45:5. Note that the later chapters of Isaiah, known as Deutero-Isaiah, were written in exile in the sixth century B.C. and were added on to the prophetic text.
“The text was substituted for the land”: Smith, Origins of Biblical Monotheism.
“a world full of gods”: Hopkins, World Full of Gods.
the Gnostic gospels: These include a Gospel of Mary, written in the voice of Mary Magdalene. See King, Gospel of Mary of Magdala.
Australia’s aboriginal peoples: See, for example, Chatwin, Songlines.
golden spruce that was revered by the Haida: See Vaillant, Golden Spruce.
Peer Gynt’s famous onion: Cox, Seduction of the Spirit. The reference is to Act V, scene 5, of Henrik Ibsen’s verse play Peer Gynt, in which the hero searches for the core of his identity by peeling an onion but finds only layer after layer.
10. Carthage
rabbinic lore: For more, see Wiener, Prophet Elijah.
a kind of educational punishment: Helner, “Zealous Spirit.”
“restore the tribes of Israel”: Ben Sirah/Ecclesiasticus, 48:10.
“I will send you Elijah”: Malachi 4:5.
John the Baptist: Some Palestinian Christians celebrate Elijah in yet another guise, identifying him with Saint George, the horseback saint who slew his dragon at Ramle, on the coastal plain between Jerusalem and the Mediterranean, as the original Elijah fought the dragon of polytheism.
“Elias truly shall come first”: Matthew 17:10–13.
“We also sent forth Ilyis”: in Koran, tr. Dawood.
El Khadr: The mysterious figure of El Khadr, also known as Il-Khidr, acts as the guide to Moses in Sura 18 of the Koran. For more on his legend in Palestine, see Augustinovic, El-Khadr and the Prophet Elijah.
“A whirlwind sweeps him up”: Trible, “Odd Couple.”
the bombed-out rubble of war: Tyre, still rebuilding after the destruction of the Lebanese civil war of 1975–90, was again bombed by the Israel Defense Forces in the summer of 2006 in an attempt to destroy the Hezbollah militias.
Carthage: See in particular Aubet, Phoenicians and the West.
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