The Alpha's Mate:

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The Alpha's Mate: Page 10

by E A Price

  He flicked a look at the bedside clock. “7am.” He put his hands on her back and started gently rubbing her.

  She was practically purring. “Still night time then really.”

  He chuckled. “Not a morning person then sweetheart? Good to know.”

  “What about you? Are you one of those insufferable people who get up at the crack of dawn and say crap like, ‘you’re wasting your life in bed’?”

  “Fuck no. I would never consider being in bed a waste of time.” His voice was dripping with lust. “And to be clear I’m a morning, afternoon and night time kind of guy, anytime of day kind of guy.”

  To prove his point he repositioned her a little so her sex was directly over his, which was currently getting larger and hotter.

  She sniggered and wiggled over him, she felt her own juices begin to flow.

  He wanted nothing more than to throw her on her back and slide into her, to which his beast was in agreement, yet he restrained himself. She’d had a rough time and her feelings had to come first.

  He stroked her hair tenderly. “How are you? After everything that happened yesterday...”

  She blinked her eyes open and looked up at him resting her chin on his chest. “Okay actually. That thing with Dena... I actually don’t think it bothered me as much as it should.”

  He looked at her surprised. “Don’t get me wrong when I saw that big ass knife I was pretty darn scared but I don’t know, I guess a part of me just had faith that everything would be okay... but anyway thank god mom was there right? She is literally a life saver.” She settled back against his chest.

  “Yes.” He agreed shortly.

  She lifted her head up and looked at him suspiciously. “I’m sorry, do you not think that’s a good thing?” Her tone was icy.

  “Hell woman that’s not what I meant!” He sighed heavily. “It’s just that I’m your mate, I should be the one to protect you. I should have been the one to save you.”

  She frowned and then threw her head back hooting with laughter.

  His wolf growled in annoyance, and the man wasn’t far behind that sentiment.

  She finally stopped laughing, her mirth brought down to a few hiccups. “Really Alpha? You’re annoyed that you didn’t get to be the dashing hero? Seriously if I had known I would have asked Dena to hang on a few more minutes from trying to cut me to ribbons so that you could arrive, I’m sure if I told her you’d hit heavy traffic she would have been more than happy to hold off for you.”

  He huffed at her. “You’re being silly now...”

  “Am I? Yes that’s right I’m the one that’s being silly!”

  Carefully he reached up to hold her as he rolled over so she was lying on her back with Adam half laying over her. “You’re sure you’re okay?”

  She leaned up and kissed him thoroughly. “Positive my Alpha.”

  “Have you thought about whether you’re going to stay in Rose?” He held his breath waiting for her answer.

  She held his face in her hands and stared into his clear grey eyes, they were full of hope and a little fear. In spite of this she felt a little playful.

  “Well I don’t know... this town really is charming, and I know my mom is thinking of staying here, and I do like the people here... there’s Liv, Kim, Carly, Mac... not to mention Gabe and even Jake...”

  Adam had started a low growl when she started talking and was now working its way up to a roar.

  She giggled naughtily.

  “Stay.” He barked at her, a little more forcefully than intended.

  She cocked an eyebrow at him smirking. “That an order Alpha?”

  “Stay. Please.” He ground out.

  “Give me a reason...”

  “You’re my mate...”


  “And... I love you.”

  A huge smile blossomed over her face. “I know and I actually love you too.”

  His wolf started jumping around like a puppy but Adam scowled. “You don’t have to sound so surprised.”

  She sighed exaggeratedly. “Really Alpha? You can’t just be happy that I love you?”

  He kissed her passionately. “I am happy, so you’re definitely staying?”

  Rosalee smiled. “You know I’ve never really thought of anywhere as home before... but I’d like to try calling this home.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Only one thing that could make me happier...”

  “Oh, what’s that Alpha?”

  “If we bonded...”

  “You asking?”

  “Rosalee Bennett, please will you bond with me?”

  “Hmmm, yeah okay.” She said grudgingly.

  Adam chuckled. She certainly didn’t make things easy. His beast however howled in happiness.

  He reared up from her.

  “Right now?” She asked propping herself up on her elbows.

  “I can’t wait another moment.”

  He waited to see if she would object but she just nodded.

  He stacked two pillows on the centre of the bed and pulling her up pushed her so she was leaning over them, her ass high up in the air begging for attention. Her shoulders were settled on the bed and she bit her lip in anticipation.

  He and his wolf growled at seeing her in such an appetising pose.

  Positioning himself behind her he knelt down and pulled her legs apart to gain access to her sweet folds. Without hesitating he swiped his tongue from her nub to her tight little rosette. She gasped at the sudden sensation.

  His tongue swirled round her nub while she wriggled under him, moaning and whimpering. He pushed his tongue into her tight channel, hungrily lapping at the sweet honey flowing from her. He pushed in and out as she crooned his name.

  When her breathing started to hitch he snaked back up to her nub, nipping and nibbling while pushing his fingers inside her. He stroked his fingers in and out of her whilst his mouth moved over her relentlessly.

  Pulling one finger out of her he pushed it into her tiny rosette, the flesh parting for him, inviting him in. She cried out in surprise and fisted the covers beneath her, he rumbled his satisfaction before increasing the rhythm in and out of her two holes.

  She marvelled at the feeling of double penetration and happily found herself rushing toward a magnificent release.

  He sucked her nub into his mouth and pushed his fingers into her with more violence. The sensation pushed her over the edge and she screamed his name as the breathtaking orgasm crashed through her.


  Her inner muscles clenched at him and he pulled his fingers out of her and immediately pushed his shaft into her, her swollen walls desperately gripping him. He enjoyed the sensual massage she gave him for a few moments before wrenching out of her and slamming back in.

  He quickly set a fast and hard pace. She found herself swept back up into another heady climb towards climax. Panting and quivering under him, her body already strung out from the previous peak.

  He leaned over her, riding low on her back as his hips continued their relentless pumping motion, he placed his hands on the bed either side of her head, his claws ripping into the sheets.

  He growled in her ear. “Mine.”

  His wolf howled and paced desperately awaiting the culmination of their mating. He needed to bond with her, to make her theirs. Forever. Mine.

  His eyes were deep pools of golden amber and his fangs had lengthened awaiting their chance to sink into her soft flesh.

  “Mine” she whispered back.

  His wolf went wild at the proclamation, he slammed into her more forcefully, his flesh smacked heavily into hers, his balls slapping against her clit.

  He licked his tongue over her neck, scraping his teeth along her skin.

  She tightened around him, clutching him fiercely as he grew bigger and hotter in her, their joint orgasm within sight. He felt her breath catch in her throat and he sunk his fangs into her shoulder.

  She screamed his name as her climax tore through her and s
he felt his seed spilling into her, she thrashed underneath him.

  He pulled his fangs out of her neck, her delicious blood trickling down his throat, and threw back his head roaring. “Mine.”

  They took pleasure in each other’s feelings of ecstasy, sending each into aftershocks of mini orgasms. He thrust into her over and over, emptying himself inside her as her inner muscles fisted him.

  Panting heavily he rested his head on her back. Remembering himself he moved his mouth to her wound and licked it lazily, cleaning and sealing it.

  He looked at the bite proudly, now everyone would know she was his.

  She had closed her eyes and was breathing shallowly. Reaching out to her he shared her feelings of satisfaction and happiness... and also love.

  Gently he pulled out of her still throbbing body and she whimpered at the empty feeling. He pulled them down so they were spooning on the bed.

  “I love you Alpha.” She said unexpectedly, her lips curling into a smile.

  She felt his feelings of self satisfaction flow to her. She elbowed him with her last remaining ounce of strength.

  “Don’t be smug Arnold...” She admonished.

  He kissed her bonding mark. “I love you too sweetheart.”


  4th October

  Since bonding with Adam, Rosalee had been welcomed into the pack. Technically as is tradition she wouldn’t officially be a member until she was inducted on a full moon, which wasn’t for a couple of weeks, but it didn’t make that much of a difference to anyone.

  Rosalee had gladly moved into Adam’s house and begun redecorating. She said it should be a home not a man cave. He had agreed that she could do whatsoever she wished with his house, except no pink. No room was allowed to be pink. Unless of course they were having a baby girl...

  Rosalee hadn’t touched that comment.

  Rosalee had also begun work on her portrait of Adam in his wolf skin. She couldn’t wait to finish it and hang it over the fireplace in her newly redecorated living room.

  It wasn’t easy however, as finding time alone with Adam, when he wasn’t trying to jump her bones, was proving difficult. When she did manage to get him to pose he was impatient and fidgety. She could barely start before he would shift and bound over to her for a devastating kiss. When he did that she no longer cared about the painting either. It was slow going.

  Violet had rented a condo in town, against Rosalee’s objections. Rosalee had been adamant that her mother stay with her and Adam. Violet however preferred her own space, and thought that the newly bonded couple needed to be alone for a while.

  Iris’ land and house was officially transferred to the pack, and Adam had set his construction company on to destroying the Bennett house and then building a new recreation centre for the pack. Rosalee had been surprised to learn that the pack owned a construction company. He had winked at her and told her she had bagged herself a well-to-so wolf. She rolled her eyes.

  Given that the full moon was so far away Liv had organised a pack party to welcome Rosalee.

  The central clearing used for gatherings on the full moon had been filled with tables, long ones for the food and smaller round ones for people to eat at. An area was cleared for dancing, and one of the more technically minded wolves had rigged up speakers round the area to pump music from. Liv had arranged for Chinese lanterns to be hung, as well as streamers and table clothes in bright vibrant colours. A number of wolves had contributed to the food but Liv had insisted they hire Carly to make the desserts. Carly had dreamed to owning her own bakery and Liv was encouraging her to make that dream reality.

  After a speech from Adam welcoming Rosalee as his mate, and also welcoming Violet back to town people had started relaxing and enjoying themselves.

  Mostly everyone present was pack, or the date of a pack member. Rosalee was sat with Liv, Alec and her mate. She noticed that Ed the red wolf shifter was there talking with Kim the Bar Luna manager.

  “Hey look Ed’s here.” Said Liv gleefully. “Ed and I grew up together.” She explained to Rosalee. “I should go say hi.”

  Alec growled throatily. Liv sighed excessively. “Give it a rest my sweet.”

  “No.” He said curtly. “Not until he’s mated.”

  “Besides,” interjected Rosalee, “I don’t think he would really welcome an interruption right now, he seems a little busy.”

  Rosalee nodded her head in Ed’s direction where he had laid a hand on Kim’s curvy hip. Kim seemed to be enjoying the younger wolves company while Ed was being his charming self.

  “Good.” Said Liv complacently. “If they’re together you don’t have to be jealous about Ed and I don’t have to be jealous about Kim.”

  Alec snapped his head in her direction. “Angel, you’ve never had to be jealous about me and Kim...”

  Liv stared at him incredulously. “And you have had to be jealous about me and Ed?” Alec had slept with Kim but Liv had never slept with Ed...

  Alec looked chastised. He took her hand and kissed the palm. “You’re right I’m sorry angel.”

  “Darn tootin’.” Liv winked at Rosalee who coughed to cover her giggles, Adam however chuckled out loud.

  Rosalee’s mirth died when she spotted her mother.

  She grasped Adam’s collar and pulled his head closer to hers. “Alpha, remind me, who’s that talking to mom?” She whispered.

  He took advantage and kissed her ear, nibbling her earlobe. “Greyson Tanner, he used to be our Chief Enforcer before he retired.”

  She exhaled loudly as she watched the handsome older wolf chatting amiably with Violet. She knew her mother was a beautiful woman, who was still young, and looked even younger than her years. Since the party started she had garnered a few whistles from wolves at least twenty years younger than her. But this guy seemed to be very interested in her...

  Adam nuzzled her neck. “Are you spying on your mother?”

  “No... not spying... just casually observing is all.”

  “Greysons lost his own true mate years ago, he’s a good guy...”

  “I’m sure he is... but is he a ‘good enough’ guy?”


  She huffed at him. “Is he good enough to date my mom?”

  Adam snickered. “Is anyone in your opinion?”

  Rosalee hung her head. “Fair point, why don’t you just let it be known that you’re watching him, and casually throw in there that if he in anyway hurts her I’ll not so casually kill him?”

  Adam kissed the tip of her nose. “Consider it done sweetheart.”

  Rosalee relaxed into his arms and watched the dancing couples. She saw Adam’s sister and waved to her, she was with a young wolf who stared at her adoringly. Rosalee now knew this to be the infamous Luke.

  Over the past week she had been introduced to every single member of the pack, slowly but surely she was learning and remembering everyone’s names.

  Carly was fussing over the dessert table while a number of young wolves including Hunter and Mal who had helped around her house were currently trying to clear out the dessert table. Hunter looked happy enough but Mal was sullen. Which was a surprise really, every time she’d met him he’d been like an unrestrained giddy puppy.

  Rosalee pulled her gaze back to see Greyson walking over to their table. She saw her mom watching after him and Violet waved at Rosalee. Please don’t say he’s coming over to get permission to date the Alpha’s mother in law. That would be too embarrassing.

  Greyson said hello to everyone and Rosalee eyed him warily.

  Greyson cleared his throat and addressed the Alpha. “I hate to talk shop but my nephew Mal has been badgering me about putting in a word for him training as an Enforcer.”

  Adam grunted. “I don’t know, I still think of his as Malcolm ‘the terror’ Tanner.”

  Rosalee cocked an eyebrow. “The terror?”

  Adam rubbed his forehead wearily. “Don’t, just don’t ask.”

  Greyson was quick to defend his
nephew. “He’s grown up a lot recently, I think if he channels his enthusiasm he’ll make a fine Enforcer. He’s keen to make something of himself, he wants a steady job.”

  Alec snorted. “Really?

  Greyson winced. “I’ll admit he used to be a bit of a handful...“ The understatement earned him a few collective groans. “But he’s more responsible now. Truth be told I think it’s because of the librarian Terri. He’s all for impressing her.”

  “Lucky Terri.” Deadpanned Alec, which earned him an elbow in the chest from Liv.

  “Where is Terri by the way? I thought you invited her.” Adam asked Liv.

  “I did, but she’s gone to stay in Alexandria for a couple of days, she’s watching her sister’s kids.”

  Alec smirked. “No wonder Mal looks so glum.” He managed to catch Liv’s elbow before it hit him that time and enfolded her into his strong arms, where she couldn’t do any damage.

  Adam looked to Greyson. “Acksel’s already spoken to me and he’s agreed to give Mal a shot.”

  Greyson grinned widely. Alright Rosalee could see what the attraction was, if she wasn’t so attached to the Alpha that smile seriously would have made her melt.

  Greyson thanked Adam and said his goodbyes, sauntering back over to Violet who was pleased to see him return.

  Soon after Alec led Liv away to dance, mindful of her elbows.

  The Alpha couple continued to watch the party progress for a while. Adam offered Rosalee a dance but she shook her head. Rosalee turned to her mate and whispered quietly in his ear. He grinned like a little boy at her.

  She took his hand and led him into the dark secluded woods. She had something much more fun in mind.

  Hi there!

  Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If you didn’t, my apologies – I know I’m not everybody’s cup of tea!

  If you are interested I currently have three other short novellas in the series published for kindle, including book 1 that took place before this one, the blurbs for which are below.

  Best wishes

  Elizabeth Ann Price (Or EAP – just call me EAP!)

  A Mate for the Beta (Book 1, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)


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