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Delphi Septuagint

Page 1116

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  [7] So thou shalt set thy face to the siege of Jerusalem, and shalt strengthen thine arm, and shalt prophesy against it.

  [8] καὶ ἐγὼ ἰδοὺ δέδωκα ἐπὶ σὲ δεσμούς, καὶ μὴ στραφῇς ἀπὸ τοῦ πλευροῦ σου ἐπὶ τὸ πλευρόν σου, ἕως οὗ συντελεσθῶσιν αἱ ἡμέραι τοῦ συγκλεισμοῦ σου. –

  [8] And, behold, I have prepared bonds for thee, land thou mayest not turn from thy one side to the other, until the days of thy siege shall be accomplished.

  [9] καὶ σὺ λαβὲ σεαυτῷ πυροὺς καὶ κριθὰς καὶ κύαμον καὶ φακὸν καὶ κέγχρον καὶ ὄλυραν καὶ ἐμβαλεῖς αὐτὰ εἰς ἄγγος ἓν ὀστράκινον καὶ ποιήσεις αὐτὰ σαυτῷ εἰς ἄρτους, καὶ κατ’ ἀριθμὸν τῶν ἡμερῶν, ἃς σὺ καθεύδεις ἐπὶ τοῦ πλευροῦ σου, ἐνενήκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ἡμέρας φάγεσαι αὐτά.

  [9] Take thou also to thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and bread-corn; and thou shalt cast them into one earthen vessel, and shalt make them into loaves for thyself; and thou shalt eat them a hundred and ninety days, according to the number of the days during which thou sleepest on thy side.

  [10] καὶ τὸ βρῶμά σου, ὃ φάγεσαι, ἐν σταθμῷ εἴκοσι σίκλους τὴν ἡμέραν· ἀπὸ καιροῦ ἕως καιροῦ φάγεσαι αὐτά.

  [10] And thou shalt eat thy food by weight, twenty shekels a day: from time to time shalt thou eat them.

  [11] καὶ ὕδωρ ἐν μέτρῳ πίεσαι τὸ ἕκτον τοῦ ιν· ἀπὸ καιροῦ ἕως καιροῦ πίεσαι.

  [11] And thou shalt drink water by measure, even from time to time thou shalt drink the sixth part of a hin.

  [12] καὶ ἐγκρυφίαν κρίθινον φάγεσαι αὐτά· ἐν βολβίτοις κόπρου ἀνθρωπίνης ἐγκρύψεις αὐτὰ κατ’ ὀφθαλμοὺς αὐτῶν

  [12] And thou shalt eat them as a barley cake: thou shalt bake them before their eyes in man’s dung.

  [13] καὶ ἐρεῖς Τάδε λέγει κύριος ὁ θεὸς τοῦ Ισραηλ Οὕτως φάγονται οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ ἀκάθαρτα ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσιν.

  [13] And thou shalt say, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel; Thus shall the children of Israel eat unclean things among the Gentiles.

  [14] καὶ εἶπα Μηδαμῶς, κύριε θεὲ τοῦ Ισραηλ· ἰδοὺ ἡ ψυχή μου οὐ μεμίανται ἐν ἀκαθαρσίᾳ, καὶ θνησιμαῖον καὶ θηριάλωτον οὐ βέβρωκα ἀπὸ γενέσεώς μου ἕως τοῦ νῦν, οὐδὲ εἰσελήλυθεν εἰς τὸ στόμα μου πᾶν κρέας ἕωλον.

  [14] Then I said, Not so, Lord God of Israel: surely my soul has not been defiled with uncleanness; nor have I eaten, that which died of itself or was torn of beasts from my birth until now; neither has any corrupt flesh entered into my mouth.

  [15] καὶ εἶπεν πρός με Ἰδοὺ δέδωκά σοι βόλβιτα βοῶν ἀντὶ τῶν βολβίτων τῶν ἀνθρωπίνων, καὶ ποιήσεις τοὺς ἄρτους σου ἐπ’ αὐτῶν.

  [15] And he said to me, Behold, I have given thee dung of oxen instead of man’s dung, and thou shalt prepare thy loaves upon it.

  [16] καὶ εἶπεν πρός με Υἱὲ ἀνθρώπου, ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ συντρίβω στήριγμα ἄρτου ἐν Ιερουσαλημ, καὶ φάγονται ἄρτον ἐν σταθμῷ καὶ ἐν ἐνδείᾳ καὶ ὕδωρ ἐν μέτρῳ καὶ ἐν ἀφανισμῷ πίονται,

  [16] And he said to me, Son of man, behold, I break the support of bread in Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by weight and in want; and shall drink water by measure, and in a state of ruin:

  [17] ὅπως ἐνδεεῖς γένωνται ἄρτου καὶ ὕδατος· καὶ ἀφανισθήσεται ἄνθρωπος καὶ ἀδελφὸς αὐτοῦ καὶ τακήσονται ἐν ταῖς ἀδικίαις αὐτῶν. –

  [17] that they may want bread and water; and a man and his brother shall be brought to ruin, and they shall pine away in their iniquities.


  [1] καὶ σύ, υἱὲ ἀνθρώπου, λαβὲ σεαυτῷ ῥομφαίαν ὀξεῖαν ὑπὲρ ξυρὸν κουρέως· κτήσῃ αὐτὴν σεαυτῷ καὶ ἐπάξεις αὐτὴν ἐπὶ τὴν κεφαλήν σου καὶ ἐπὶ τὸν πώγωνά σου. καὶ λήμψῃ ζυγὸν σταθμίων καὶ διαστήσεις αὐτούς·

  [1] And thou, son of man, take thee a sword sharper than a barber’s razor; thou shalt procure it for thyself, and shalt bring it upon thine head, and upon thy beard: and thou shalt take a pair of scales, and shalt separate the hair.

  [2] τὸ τέταρτον ἐν πυρὶ ἀνακαύσεις ἐν μέσῃ τῇ πόλει κατὰ τὴν πλήρωσιν τῶν ἡμερῶν τοῦ συγκλεισμοῦ· καὶ λήμψῃ τὸ τέταρτον καὶ κατακαύσεις αὐτὸ ἐν μέσῳ αὐτῆς· καὶ τὸ τέταρτον κατακόψεις ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ κύκλῳ αὐτῆς· καὶ τὸ τέταρτον διασκορπίσεις τῷ πνεύματι, καὶ μάχαιραν ἐκκενώσω ὀπίσω αὐτῶν.

  [2] A fourth part thou shalt burn in the fire in the midst of the city, at the fulfillment of the days of the siege: and thou shalt take a fourth part, and burn it up in the midst of it: and a fourth part thou shalt cut with a sword round about it: and a fourth part thou shalt scatter to the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them.

  [3] καὶ λήμψῃ ἐκεῖθεν ὀλίγους ἐν ἀριθμῷ καὶ συμπεριλήμψῃ αὐτοὺς τῇ ἀναβολῇ σου.

  [3] And thou shalt take thence a few in number, and shalt wrap them in the fold of thy garment.

  [4] καὶ ἐκ τούτων λήμψῃ ἔτι καὶ ῥίψεις αὐτοὺς εἰς μέσον τοῦ πυρὸς καὶ κατακαύσεις αὐτοὺς ἐν πυρί· ἐξ αὐτῆς ἐξελεύσεται πῦρ. Καὶ ἐρεῖς παντὶ οἴκῳ Ισραηλ

  [4] And thou shalt take of these again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them up with fire: from thence shall come forth fire; and thou shalt say to the whole house of Israel,

  [5] Τάδε λέγει κύριος Αὕτη ἡ Ιερουσαλημ ἐν μέσῳ τῶν ἐθνῶν τέθεικα αὐτὴν καὶ τὰς κύκλῳ αὐτῆς χώρας.

  [5] Thus saith the Lord; This is Jerusalem: I have set her and the countries round about her in the midst of the nations.

  [6] καὶ ἐρεῖς τὰ δικαιώματά μου τῇ ἀνόμῳ ἐκ τῶν ἐθνῶν καὶ τὰ νόμιμά μου ἐκ τῶν χωρῶν τῶν κύκλῳ αὐτῆς, διότι τὰ δικαιώματά μου ἀπώσαντο καὶ ἐν τοῖς νομίμοις μου οὐκ ἐπορεύθησαν ἐν αὐτοῖς.

  [6] And thou shalt declare mine ordinances to the lawless one from out of the nations; and my statutes to the sinful one of the countries round about her: because they have rejected mine ordinances, and have not walked in my statutes.

  [7] διὰ τοῦτο τάδε λέγει κύριος Ἀνθ ὧν ἡ ἀφορμὴ ὑμῶν ἐκ τῶν ἐθνῶν τῶν κύκλῳ ὑμῶν καὶ ἐν τοῖς νομίμοις μου οὐκ ἐπορεύθητε καὶ τὰ δικαιώματά μου οὐκ ἐποιήσατε, ἀλλ’ οὐδὲ κατὰ τὰ δικαιώματα τῶν ἐθνῶν τῶν κύκλῳ ὑμῶν οὐ πεποιήκατε,

  [7] Therefore thus saith the Lord, Because your occasion for sin has been taken from th
e nations round about you, and ye have not walked in my statutes, nor kept mine ordinances, nay, ye have not even done according to the ordinances of the nations round about you; therefore thus saith the Lord;

  [8] διὰ τοῦτο τάδε λέγει κύριος Ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ ἐπὶ σὲ καὶ ποιήσω ἐν μέσῳ σου κρίμα ἐνώπιον τῶν ἐθνῶν

  [8] Behold, I am against thee, and I will execute judgement in the midst of thee in the sight of the nations.

  [9] καὶ ποιήσω ἐν σοὶ ἃ οὐ πεποίηκα καὶ ἃ οὐ ποιήσω ὅμοια αὐτοῖς ἔτι κατὰ πάντα τὰ βδελύγματά σου.

  [9] And I will do in thee things which I have not done, and the like of which I will not do again, for all thine abominations.

  [10] διὰ τοῦτο πατέρες φάγονται τέκνα ἐν μέσῳ σου, καὶ τέκνα φάγονται πατέρας· καὶ ποιήσω ἐν σοὶ κρίματα καὶ διασκορπιῶ πάντας τοὺς καταλοίπους σου εἰς πάντα ἄνεμον.

  [10] Therefore the fathers shall eat their children in the midst of thee, and children shall eat their fathers; and I will execute judgements in thee, and I will scatter all that are left of thee to every wind.

  [11] διὰ τοῦτο Ζῶ ἐγώ, λέγει κύριος, εἰ μὴ ἀνθ’ ὧν τὰ ἅγιά μου ἐμίανας ἐν πᾶσιν τοῖς βδελύγμασίν σου, κἀγὼ ἀπώσομαί σε, οὐ φείσεταί μου ὁ ὀφθαλμός, κἀγὼ οὐκ ἐλεήσω.

  [11] Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord; surely, because thou hast defiled my holy things with all thine abominations, I also will reject thee; mine eye shall not spare, land I will have no mercy.

  [12] τὸ τέταρτόν σου ἐν θανάτῳ ἀναλωθήσεται· καὶ τὸ τέταρτόν σου ἐν λιμῷ συντελεσθήσεται ἐν μέσῳ σου· καὶ τὸ τέταρτόν σου εἰς πάντα ἄνεμον σκορπιῶ αὐτούς· καὶ τὸ τέταρτόν σου ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ πεσοῦνται κύκλῳ σου, καὶ μάχαιραν ἐκκενώσω ὀπίσω αὐτῶν.

  [12] A fourth part of thee shall be cut off by pestilence, and a fourth part of thee shall be consumed in the midst of thee with famine: and as for another fourth part of thee, I will scatter them to every wind; and a fourth part of thee shall fall by sword round about thee, and I will draw out a sword after them.

  [13] καὶ συντελεσθήσεται ὁ θυμός μου καὶ ἡ ὀργή μου ἐπ’ αὐτούς, καὶ ἐπιγνώσῃ διότι ἐγὼ κύριος λελάληκα ἐν ζήλῳ μου ἐν τῷ συντελέσαι με τὴν ὀργήν μου ἐπ’ αὐτούς.

  [13] And my wrath and mine anger shall be accomplished upon them: and thou shalt know that I the Lord have spoken in my jealousy, when I have accomplished mine anger upon them.

  [14] καὶ θήσομαί σε εἰς ἔρημον καὶ τὰς θυγατέρας σου κύκλῳ σου ἐνώπιον παντὸς διοδεύοντος,

  [14] And I will make thee desolate, and thy daughters round about thee, in the sight of every one that passes through.

  [15] καὶ ἔσῃ στενακτὴ καὶ δηλαιστὴ ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσιν τοῖς κύκλῳ σου ἐν τῷ ποιῆσαί με ἐν σοὶ κρίματα ἐν ἐκδικήσει θυμοῦ μου· ἐγὼ κύριος λελάληκα.

  [15] And thou shalt be mourned over and miserable among the nations round about thee, when I have executed judgements in thee in the vengeance of my wrath. I the Lord have spoken.

  [16] ἐν τῷ ἐξαποστεῖλαί με τὰς βολίδας μου τοῦ λιμοῦ ἐπ’ αὐτοὺς καὶ ἔσονται εἰς ἔκλειψιν, καὶ συντρίψω στήριγμα ἄρτου σου.

  [16] And when I have sent against them shafts of famine, then they shall be consumed, and I will break the strength of thy bread.

  [17] καὶ ἐξαποστελῶ ἐπὶ σὲ λιμὸν καὶ θηρία πονηρὰ καὶ τιμωρήσομαί σε, καὶ θάνατος καὶ αἷμα διελεύσονται ἐπὶ σέ, καὶ ῥομφαίαν ἐπάξω ἐπὶ σὲ κυκλόθεν· ἐγὼ κύριος λελάληκα.

  [17] So I will send forth against thee famine and evil beasts, and I will take vengeance upon thee; and pestilence and blood shall pass through upon thee; and I will bring a sword upon thee round about. I the Lord have spoken.


  [1] Καὶ ἐγένετο λόγος κυρίου πρός με λέγων

  [1] And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

  [2] Υἱὲ ἀνθρώπου, στήρισον τὸ πρόσωπόν σου ἐπὶ τὰ ὄρη Ισραηλ καὶ προφήτευσον ἐπ’ αὐτὰ

  [2] Son of man, set thy face against the mountains of Israel, and prophesy against them;

  [3] καὶ ἐρεῖς Τὰ ὄρη Ισραηλ, ἀκούσατε λόγον κυρίου Τάδε λέγει κύριος τοῖς ὄρεσιν καὶ τοῖς βουνοῖς καὶ ταῖς φάραγξιν καὶ ταῖς νάπαις Ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ ἐπάγω ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς ῥομφαίαν, καὶ ἐξολεθρευθήσεται τὰ ὑψηλὰ ὑμῶν,

  [3] and thou shalt say,

  Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord; thus saith the Lord to the mountains, and to the hills, and to the valleys, and to the forests; Behold, I bring a sword upon you, and your high places shall be utterly destroyed.

  [4] καὶ συντριβήσονται τὰ θυσιαστήρια ὑμῶν καὶ τὰ τεμένη ὑμῶν, καὶ καταβαλῶ τραυματίας ὑμῶν ἐνώπιον τῶν εἰδώλων ὑμῶν

  [4] And your altars shall be broken to pieces, and your consecrated plats; and I will cast down your slain men before your idols.

  [5] καὶ διασκορπιῶ τὰ ὀστᾶ ὑμῶν κύκλῳ τῶν θυσιαστηρίων ὑμῶν.

  [5] And I will scatter your bones round about your altars,

  [6] ἐν πάσῃ τῇ κατοικίᾳ ὑμῶν αἱ πόλεις ἐξερημωθήσονται καὶ τὰ ὑψηλὰ ἀφανισθήσεται, ὅπως ἐξολεθρευθῇ τὰ θυσιαστήρια ὑμῶν, καὶ συντριβήσονται τὰ εἴδωλα ὑμῶν, καὶ ἐξαρθήσεται τὰ τεμένη ὑμῶν,

  [6] and in all your habitations: the cities shall be made desolate, and the high places utterly laid waste; that your altars may be destroyed, and your idols be broken to pieces, and your consecrated plats be abolished.

  [7] καὶ πεσοῦνται τραυματίαι ἐν μέσῳ ὑμῶν, καὶ ἐπιγνώσεσθε ὅτι ἐγὼ κύριος.

  [7] And slain men shall fall in the midst of you, and ye shall know that I am the Lord.

  [8] ἐν τῷ γενέσθαι ἐξ ὑμῶν ἀνασῳζομένους ἐκ ῥομφαίας ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσιν καὶ ἐν τῷ διασκορπισμῷ ὑμῶν ἐν ταῖς χώραις

  [8] When there are some of you escaping from the sword among the Gentiles, and when ye are scattered in the countries;

  [9] καὶ μνησθήσονταί μου οἱ ἀνασῳζόμενοι ἐξ ὑμῶν ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσιν, οὗ ᾐχμαλωτεύθησαν ἐκεῖ· ὀμώμοκα τῇ καρδίᾳ αὐτῶν τῇ ἐκπορνευούσῃ ἀπ’ ἐμοῦ καὶ τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς αὐτῶν τοῖς πορνεύουσιν ὀπίσω τῶν ἐπιτηδευμάτων αὐτῶν, καὶ κόψονται πρόσωπα αὐτῶν ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς βδελύγμασιν αὐτῶν·

  [9] then they of you that escape among the nations whither they were carried captive shall remember me; (I have sworn an oath against their heart that goes a-whoring from m
e, and their eyes that go a-whoring after their practices;)and they shall mourn over themselves for all their abominations.

  [10] καὶ ἐπιγνώσονται διότι ἐγὼ κύριος λελάληκα.

  [10] And they shall know that I the Lord have spoken.

  [11] τάδε λέγει κύριος Κρότησον τῇ χειρὶ καὶ ψόφησον τῷ ποδὶ καὶ εἰπόν Εὖγε εὖγε ἐπὶ πᾶσιν τοῖς βδελύγμασιν οἴκου Ισραηλ· ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ καὶ ἐν θανάτῳ καὶ ἐν λιμῷ πεσοῦνται.

  [11] Thus saith the Lord; Clap with thy hand, and stamp with thy foot and say, Aha, aha! for all the abominations of the house of Israel: they shall fall by the sword, and by pestilence, and by famine.

  [12] ὁ ἐγγὺς ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ πεσεῖται, ὁ δὲ μακρὰν ἐν θανάτῳ τελευτήσει, καὶ ὁ περιεχόμενος ἐν λιμῷ συντελεσθήσεται, καὶ συντελέσω τὴν ὀργήν μου ἐπ’ αὐτούς.

  [12] He that is near shall fall by the sword; and he that is far off shall die by the pestilence; and he that is in the siege shall be consumed with famine: and I will accomplish mine anger upon them.

  [13] καὶ γνώσεσθε διότι ἐγὼ κύριος ἐν τῷ εἶναι τοὺς τραυματίας ὑμῶν ἐν μέσῳ τῶν εἰδώλων ὑμῶν κύκλῳ τῶν θυσιαστηρίων ὑμῶν ἐπὶ πάντα βουνὸν ὑψηλὸν καὶ ὑποκάτω δένδρου συσκίου, οὗ ἔδωκαν ἐκεῖ ὀσμὴν εὐωδίας πᾶσι τοῖς εἰδώλοις αὐτῶν.

  [13] Then ye shall know that I am the Lord, when your slain are in the midst of your idols round about your altars, on every high hill, and under every shady tree, where they offered a sweet savour to all their idols.


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