The Love of a Latino

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The Love of a Latino Page 5

by Ewing, A. B.

  “Your son wishes to speak with us.” She directed to her husband.

  “He does? What is this about?” The elder Cavos male enquired.

  Rafe stood opposite his parents, amazed at how obvious their love for each other was. His mother’s hands rested lightly on his father shoulders, his hand covered hers and it was there in that simple touch. This is what he wanted in a marriage. That unspoken love that was always present between them. But he didn’t want that with just anyone, he wanted it with Dahlia.

  Wanting to get this over with, he pushed his thoughts of Dahlia aside and addressed his parents. “I know you thought I was on a business trip. The truth is… I needed time for myself before the wedding, so I took a vacation.” he paused gauging his parents’ reaction. When neither of them spoke he continued. “Mamá, Papá, I cannot marry Sarafina.”

  Lauralyn clutched at her throat, inhaling deeply as if someone had stolen her last breath. “Raphael…”

  “No Mamá, por favor, let me finish.” He cut in. “When I was there, I met someone; a wonderful woman. She made me feel things I did not know I was capable of feeling. I thought if I could feel these things for one woman while I was engaged to another, then surely, something was wrong. I want you to understand this—I am fond of Sarafina, but I cannot marry her. It will not be fair to her. No seria justo para los dos.” he finished, waiting for his mother’s dramatic response.

  She surprised him when she came to him, taking him to her in a motherly hug. “Oh Raphael… Is it true? My son is in love! Who is this girl? What is her name? When do I get to meet her?¡Estas enamorado, Hijo!” She stated proudly. Of course he was in love.

  Rafe was aware of his father still rooted to his seat. “¿Papá?”

  “Do not address me as your papá. You have disgraced me, disgraced this family. I work with Richard Hathaway. How am I supposed to tell him that my son dumped his daughter three weeks before their wedding for some strumpet he met on vacation?”

  “Alejandro…” Lauralyn warned. Her husband’s tone was promising impending trouble.

  “Be quiet, woman. You may be some romantic fool, but I am not. This has nothing to do with love. It is about Raphael not living up to his responsibilities. He wants to continue this senseless life—chasing skirts.” Alejandro almost never spoke to his wife this way. Later there would be time for apologies but right now he was furious.

  “She is not some strumpet, and I did not end things with Sarafina because of Dahlia…”

  “Silence!” His father slammed his fist on the table, rattling its contents. “I will have none of this nonsense. You will marry Sarafina and we will not discuss this any further.” His father’s words pierced the stifling air.

  “No Papá, I will not marry Sarafina. You will not tell me what to do. I have made my decision.” Rafe defended himself against his father’s onslaught of demanding words.

  The Cavos men stood face to face now, each challenging the other. Rafe determined to stand firm to his decision; Alejandro to prove his point. But it was Rafe that had the last word. “You know, Papá, I never realized how much like grandfather you are.” His hurtful words rattled his father’s defenses causing Alejandro to recoil as if struck.

  Rafe did not let up, determined to drive his point home. “I thought you of all people would understand. Before you judge me and denounce me as your son, I want you to think about what you would have done, had grandfather forced Mamá to marry someone she did not want to. Would you think it was right to be loyal to her family or to you?”

  He moved to his mother, troubled at the tears brimming in her eyes, “Mamá, thank you for your understanding. I will visit tomorrow and we will talk some more. I love you.” He finished by touching his lips to her forehead.

  Lauralyn stared at her son’s retreating back. She had never seen him like this before, so determined to get his way. Could it be possible he was in love and did not even know it? Turning to her husband she watched as he sank to his seat, evidence of Rafe’s words imprinted on his face.

  This was not good.


  “How long are you going to stay angry at me?” Alejandro Cavos asked of his wife.

  Lauralyn sat at her night table, carrying out her nightly rituals. Gently she stroked the brush through her hair but she did not answer him.

  “¿Laura, Amor? Will you please speak to me?” But Lauralyn Cavos was more stubborn than any Latin man could be.

  Rising from the large bed, Alejandro came to where his wife sat, willing her to meet his eyes in the mirror with his silence stance, but not Lauralyn. She had been married to this man long enough to know just how to manipulate him.

  “Amor, I am sorry for the way I reacted today. I should not have shouted at you.” Yes there it was; the apology. But there was more to come.

  Sparing him a glance in the mirror she went back to brushing her hair. Stroke, stroke, stroke.

  “¡Dios! Laura, I admit it. I was wrong. I should not have tried to force my wishes on our son. Now, will you please speak to me?” Now, that is what she was looking for.

  Glaring at his reflection, she slammed down the brush before rising. Ignoring him she stalked towards the bed and discarded of the silk robe. When Alejandro’s muscular arms circled her from behind, she smiled to herself. Yes, she knew just how to work this man. There was nothing wrong in using what the good lord gave her to get her husband to open his eyes.

  “I am sorry, please forgive me.” He whispered into her neck.

  Now she would speak. “I am disappointed in you, Alejandro. You and I have each other. We love each other. Why would you want any less for our son?”

  Spinning her in his embrace, Alejandro looked down into her face. Lauralyn swore this man hadn’t change in thirty odd years. He looked just as he did when she had first seen him tending the fields, naked from the waist up.

  Even now after all these years he could still affect her senses just by being this close. Concentration became a difficult thing when she faced him like this, his bare chest in her line of sight but she would not falter. Tonight she was on a mission. When it was completed only then she would succumb to her other desires. It didn’t matter that those grey eyes were already beginning to turn her feet to goo.

  “I am a stubborn man, Laura, you know that. In my mind, I am only doing what is right for Rafe.”

  “In your mind, Alejandro, but in reality it is not good. If our son has a chance of true love, I want him to go after it. I prefer to see my son happy and never have one grandchild than to see him this miserable. As much as I would like a little baby to play with, I want my son to be happy. All I am asking my husband is for you to support him.” She spoke, but her hands were busy making its way down his chest. Beneath her hand she could feel the rhythm of his heart as she began to work her magic. She smiled wickedly at her husband when he closed his eyes as her hand travelled lower.

  “Sí, if this is what you want—then I will support it, my love.”

  That is why she was such a happy woman. This man loved her and it was never hard to get him to see reason. So what if she used her feminine charm to get it? At the end of the day they both would be thoroughly satisfied and happy.


  Rafe couldn’t go back to the house anytime soon, his temper threatening to erupt whenever he thought of his argument with his father the previous night. He had been completely out of line, trying to force Rafe to marry Sarafina out of duty, and then insulting him further by calling Dahlia a strumpet. If only he knew how far from the truth he was.

  Lauralyn was already seated at the table when he arrived at the little restaurant. Pleased to see him she greeted her son in the usual way—with a kiss.

  “How are you, my son?”

  “I am fine Mom; do not worry too much about me. How is Papá?” He waved away her concern.

  “You know your father, Rafe. He thinks he’s always right. Give him some time to cool off.”

  “I thought that he of all people would und
erstand, considering what he went through with Grandfather.”

  “Your father is a proud man, Rafe. Even if he realized his actions were uncalled for, you will not get him to admit it. But enough about your father, tell me about this Dahlia. ¿Cómo es?” Lauralyn encouraged. She was anxious to learn more about this girl. The name sounded rather exotic. Did her son have the same desires for a hot blooded mate as she did? She stifled an embarrassed smiled.

  “Ah, Mamá, Dahlia is enchanting. From the very first moment I laid eyes on her, I knew there was something special about her.”

  Lauralyn observed her son’s face come alive, a total transformation of the man that had greeted her not less than five minutes ago. So she was right, this woman was special to him. She listened as Rafe continued.

  “Her eyes are the color of cocoa beans, her skin as smooth as silk. Her hair is so long and soft and when she smiles...” The rest of the conversation was lost.

  “What is it, Rafe? Why do you suddenly look so sad?”

  “When I took this vacation, it was only to gather my thoughts. Just to relax. But now when I think about it, I think I knew deep down inside that I did not to want to marry Sarafina, that maybe there was someone out there to make feel the way Papá feels about you. I know that I promised you, but I do not love her, Mamá. When I saw Dahlia for the first time on that beach, it was as if nothing in the world mattered. Every moment I spent with her made me want to be with her more.” His voice lowered the pain in him more visible than before.

  “Do you love her, Rafe?”

  “Is it possible to love someone after only a few days? I do not know if what I feel is love, but I know she is all I think about. I know that the idea of not having her in my life is almost unbearable. Is that love, Mom? Is that how you felt about Papá at first?” His questioning eyes roamed his mother’s soft features, hoping for some answer to all his questions.

  Lauralyn listened to Rafe as he spoke about Dahlia, a hand over her mouth, fighting the tears back. She had never heard her son speak of any woman in this way. It was there in his eyes, his voice, and his expression; this love that he felt for this mysterious girl. She wondered if Dahlia knew how lucky she was to have Rafe love her.

  “Oh, my son…you have never loved a woman before. That is the only reason these feelings are so strange to you. That is how I still feel about your father. Even when my father thought I was crazy to love a man with nothing, I knew what I felt was right and I held on to that. I fought like crazy to keep him, and in the end I did. Son, if you love this girl– as I think you do– go to her.”

  “It is not that simple, Mamá.”

  “What prevents you from going back to her? Does she not feel the same way about you?” Lauralyn felt a burst of anger at the thought that this girl did not return Rafe’s love. Did she think she was too good for her Rafe?

  “Even if she did love me, it is too late now. Before I even figured out that I felt something for Dahlia, I decided to break things off with Sarafina. Then, after I kissed her for the first time I knew I had to do it soon. I was going to fly back here, call off the engagement and then go back to Trinidad. Then I would be a free man. I would be able to court her properly.” He paused, his eyes distant, a strained smile flashed across his face, as if conjuring up the memories. “I guess fate planned differently. She went away for a couple of days, her aunt had died. I didn’t know where she was. I thought I would go mad from not seeing her. But then she came back. She came to the hotel that night and I was so happy to see her. I knew then that I didn’t want to be without her. Then she kissed me.” A faint smile touched his lips.

  “Things happened, things I didn’t plan on happening. I wanted to tell her about Sarafina first, but I was so happy to see her again…” His voice was husky now, his words almost whispered, and the memories painful. “I was in the shower the next morning when my phone rang—she answered it. It was Sarafina. She was so hurt; I could see it in her eyes. When she asked if I was engaged I could not lie. And when she cried, I felt as if someone was pulling my heart apart. Knowing that I am the reason she is hurting is too much. She thinks that I lied to her and she wants nothing to do with me.”

  They both sat silently, Lauralyn observing her son. She was happy that he told her this. Now she understood his sadness. He was in love with this Dahlia but believed that there was no hope for them. Her hand covered his in an effort to provide comfort.

  “Why don’t you go back to her, Son? Try to see her again; explain to her. She probably just needs some time.” She suggested.

  “No, Mom, it doesn’t matter anymore. It is over between us. Maybe I do love her and that is why I will not go back. She deserves better.”

  “Oh, Rafe that is not true…”

  “Please, Mamá, I do not wish to discuss it any further. Dahlia is a part of my past, a part that I will always treasure, but after the way I have hurt her she will never forgive me. Please leave it.”

  Lauralyn loved her son very much, but she knew better than to get involved in his personal affairs. This is something he needed to figure out for himself.


  Rafe sat at his desk, the large chair facing the glass wall overlooking the busy street of New York. His hands fidgeted with the mobile phone. He looked at the number on the display. Maybe she would speak to him now. All he had to do was press the call button. It had been almost six weeks since that dreadful night, but her words still haunted him. He missed her more than he thought possible. He thought that as time went by the feelings would fade with it, but they didn’t. Somehow it seemed only to intensify. He could still feel her breath on his skin as if she was right there in the room next to him. Her soft cries of pleasure still echoed his ear when he was alone and her face swam before him when he closed his eyes.

  He’d tried dating, thinking a quick roll in bed with someone– anyone else– would bury this need he had for Dahlia but he had no desire for anyone else. At the end of dinner, he had deposited his date at her door without as much as a kiss. He could not—would not fight what he felt any longer. He loved Dahlia, the beautiful island princess who had fainted at his feet on a small tropical island in the middle of nowhere. He had given his heart to her without even knowing it.

  He wondered where she was. Did she fly back to Boston or did she still live in that little wooden house? Did she still wear those awful jeans and those ugly glasses? He chuckled at an image of Dahlia standing in his hotel room that first day. Did she still wear her hair up or did she leave it down the way he loved to see it?

  He had given her time. Maybe she would listen to what he had to say. Before he could change his mind, he pressed the call button. It rang once. He was holding his breath. It rang again. It rang a third time, and then someone answered.

  “Hello? Hello?” A male voice questioned on the other end. Was it her brother-in-law Roger?

  “Yes, hello—good afternoon, is this Roger?” He asked, still holding his breath.

  “Nah man, this is Kelon.”

  “I’m sorry, but this number was given to me by a young lady. Dahlia Moore?” He was fishing. Please say I have the wrong number. Please.

  “Yeah, Dahlia. This is she phone, but she in the bathroom now. Yuh want to leave a message?”

  “No, thank you.” Rafe disconnected the call.

  Jealously blazed through him like a raging fire, ready to destroy anything in its path. He flung the phone across the room and it landed on the leather sofa. Shoving his hand through his hair, he swore loudly into the empty office. Why was a man answering her phone while she was in the bathroom? Had she taken another lover? Rafe fumed at the thought of another man possessing her body. In one sweeping motion the entire contents of his desk landed on the ground, his computer shattering to pieces. Another man was touching her, kissing her, enjoying the pleasure that should only be reserved for him. He lifted the desk overturning it, crushing anything that hadn’t broken on first impact. His office door flew open, his assistant Luann was at the entrance.
Her eyes widened in dismay at the mess scattered across the office floor.

  The plump young lady, with a worried voice asked, “Mr. Cavos, are you alright?”

  “Get out!” He barked without even looking at her.

  “Mr. Cavos…?”

  “I said. Get Out!”This time his eyes met hers and what Luann saw in the depths chilled her to the bones.

  The frightened girl all but fell out the door, shutting it behind her. Raphael lowered himself to his chair which had slid a little distance away. He rested his elbow on his knees and buried his face in his hand. He had lost her, the one woman he loved, the only woman he would ever love. She was lying in the arms of another man halfway across the world and there was not a damn thing he could do about it. How could he have messed this up so bad?


  Chapter 6

  “Oh Natasha, what am I going to do?” Dahlia cried in desperation. Natasha sat next to her on the bed, both of them staring at the blue line on the stick.

  “Are you going to tell him?”

  “No—no. I am not going to tell him, besides I don’t even know where he is.” Natasha opened her mouth to say something but Dahlia continued, “I know what you’re going to say. I was stupid to have sex with a man I hardly know and didn’t even think to use protection.”

  Dahlia stood at the opened window. Peering through the slanted louvers, she could see Missy, her cat, lounging under the Julie Mango tree in the back yard. Not far away, Marley, her beloved Rottweiler was engulfed in a round of tug-of-war with one of her flip flops. “Mangy mutt,” she yelled through the glass and the dog aware he was doing something wrong, dropped its rubber opponent and disappeared behind the water barrels.

  Natasha hugged her sister from behind, resting her head against Dahlia’s. “I was not going to say that, Dahlia. What I was going to say is that everything will be fine. Roger and I will help you with the baby. It will give me something to do around this boring house the whole day.” Dahlia turned to her sister, a tear escaping her lids. “I know you love him, but maybe you weren’t meant to be together. Now you have a baby to think about. These things don’t happen by mistake. A baby is a blessing.”


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