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WHO KILLED ME: The Strangest Whodunnit

Page 11

by Irfan Khan

  “Hey, I have reached home and he is not here till now. All good, no problem.”

  “Good. Okay, there is some news. I will be going to Jammu for a few days.”

  Reema sounded disappointed “Oh, sudden plan”?

  Karan replied “You know how it is. Should be back by Monday. Listen, I was thinking. How has been your intimacy with Nikhil”?

  Reema: was taken aback “What? Why do you ask that”?

  Karan tried to explain “I am guessing that it may not be good. I strongly believe that part of the problem must be Nikhil’s sexual frustration.”

  “We have not had sex for a long time. I have been avoiding it.”

  Karan sounded victorious “There you go. It may be a good idea if you engage in some sexual activity with him. He must be suspicious as you are not initiating sex.”

  Reema protested “How could I have initiated any sex when we are always fighting? Frankly Karan, I want to be loyal with one person at a time.”

  Karan persisted “That’s a noble thought. But think about it. We need to take the pressure off us for some time. It will ensure he doesn’t get aggressive while I am away. Most importantly, remember, you need to get those papers signed Ree.”

  So, this was the reason that she was so frisky. It was not a genuine act but a ploy to soften me. What papers were they talking about? It felt disgusting and I felt like I have been turned into a pawn in their game. Some women develop a deep instinct for using sex as politics. Sex becomes a stock in trade. The supply is controlled and used as a ransom. It could be held back to resolve a family dispute (mother-in-law etc.,) or to get him to toe the line. This especially happens when the woman is not particularly fond of regular sex. Probably it’s a primitive instinct when humans lived in caves. The person who hunted and had food was the favorite of everyone, at least till his food lasted. Women had to trade sex for food. That was a necessity. So conversely it meant that men who were unable to hunt or gather food were deprived of sex, at least from the most desirable women in the tribe. That, probably was the beginning of discrimination by vanity.

  . . .

  Next day was a weekend and I decided that she must see the video in a public place. At home she could escape into the comfort of her bedroom. I wanted to see the expression her face while seeing the video. When you confront someone with allegation it is easy to lie and escape. I could have shown her the video and asked questions. She would not have any explanation. But she would have the recourse to saying it was a mistake and she was sorry. But when she receives the video in front of me, how she reacts, will say a lot about her character and what she does next will show her intention. Then there is room for apologies.

  By the time I woke up my favorite breakfast was ready. I loved millet muesli with lots of raisins, almonds, chopped banana and sliced strawberries, all mixed with generous amount of yoghurt. Not to forget a pot of strong black coffee. I noticed that Reema was chirpy like a bird who thinks she has survived a storm. I made the best of the treat being given to me. Soon the main show would begin. Reema brought my phone to the verandah where I sat sipping my coffee.

  “Aggarwal sahib’s phone.”

  I took the phone happily. It was always a pleasure to talk to my CA “Good Morning. You only call around the time we have to file the returns. Now I am scared. Is everything okay”?

  Aggarwal replied “All good Nikhil. I was checking the documents and realised that you should complete the details of nominee in your bank and property papers.”

  I kidded with him “Do you have some secret information about my demise? (I laughed loudly as he got caught off guard. He said something about first my enemy would die) “What’s the rush? Is there any tax saving scheme for that”?

  Aggarwal explained “No schemes. Reema pointed out the error. This is a necessary formality. One should always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.”

  Now cat out of the bag. “That you are right about.” (I looked at Reema but she played as if she did not know what Agarwal was saying) “One never knows what will happen.”

  Aggarwal continued “I have emailed the forms, please print and sign them I will get it collected. Catch you later champ.”

  The passion last night was for a reason. Now I had to pay for the great time that I had. I walked into the house and went to the computer desk.

  Reema heard the ping on her mobile and came behind me “Aggarwal ji has sent the documents. Take a look. More coffee”?

  I sat down on the desk as Reema went to fetch the coffee. The documents were standard and did not require reading. I trusted Aggarwal so when Reema got the print outs, I signed. Reema had a big smile as she slid the documents in an envelope. The reason I signed happily was that I could nullify these documents with a new set that I would submit after today’s lunch meeting expose.

  Reema said that she would drop the documents at Aggarwal’s. I suggested that we go out for brunch and on the way, we can drop the documents.

  There were no restaurants in Sugaoni offering brunch but if we land up a little before lunch and start drinking it becomes a brunch. Reema looked happy that I made the plan. She wore figure-hugging sweater and denim slacks. She looked stunningly desirable. I was looking at her like any other lecherous person would have. I was aware that I was not looking at her like a husband anymore.

  We drove down to a restaurant with a large lawn and table service. Reema tried to strike up a conversation. Mostly about things that had to be done at home. Some repairs and renovations, which were completely fine with me. One thing I was sure of, these were not the topics that she spoke with Karan. Reema felt encouraged by my cooperation and I could see her relieved. I asked for LIITs (Long Island Ice Tea), but she was not sure about such a strong cocktail. She ordered Gimlet.

  We made small talk. Reema asked about work and then realized that I don’t like discussing work while drinking. I initiated a conversation about the weather and the latest harvest of peaches. I asked her what is new in town and has she met someone new. She displayed a straight face and said no. She was not lying; Karan cannot be defined as new. After she had her second drink, I decided to send her the clip.

  I had to log on to my server and initiate the message with a link. In plain language, I kept the video file on a cloud computer. The video she receives will not be traceable to me. After the video is delivered the file is deleted and the computer goes offline from the cloud. I had programmed the computer with her mobile number. As soon as I clicked ‘send’, the message would be delivered but after a minute. The delay was deliberate otherwise my phone activity and her phone beeping would look synced.

  When Reema’s phone beeped, she was sipping her drink, she kept it down gently and glanced at her phone. She was about to pick up her phone but stopped and said “I will look at it later. Now we are having a good time.” I smiled, raised my glass and said cheers. She reciprocated. I looked around nodding my head to the beat of the music and then after a while, I wanted to play a mind game with her. I picked up my mobile and started browsing. I knew that as a force of habit 7/10 people would also start browsing their phones when their friend or colleague is doing that. Sure enough, Reema picked up her phone and started browsing. I knew the first thing she would do is to click on the link I had sent. She did that and waited for the video to buffer.

  I did not want to look at her directly and make her conscious. I was looking at her face on my mobile screen. I was looking at her through the video camera mode of my mobile which was recording the epic event. She suddenly turned red in her face and shut her mobile and kept it on the table face down. Her first instinct was to look at me. She was satisfied that I was busy with my phone and did not see what happened. I continued with my fake blank expression and intent concentration on my mobile which was recording her.

  Reema took a big sip of her drink and nibbled on the lime wedge in her drink. The waiter realized her drink was over and asked if she wanted a refill. She asked for a LIIT too. I smiled to myself, gr
aduating to something strong to steady her nerves. I took a sip of my drink and kept looking at my mobile which was pointed to the table now and the recording mode was off. She looked around to see if anyone was near and picked up her mobile again. This time she was more composed and watched the video intently. I had edited the video to a 30 seconds clip, like a fast-paced movie trailer. Making sure of showing the best parts. She finished watching and kept the phone down and took a deep breath. I could sense she was calculating the damage that will be done and how she can salvage the situation for herself.

  kept my phone down and smiled at her. I asked “Are you alright” and she said “all good.” I prodded on, “you don’t look so good. You need something”? She said, “actually I will visit the lady’s room.” She picked up her phone and bag and walked towards the washrooms. I was happy with the outcome. A fire has been lit. What remains to be seen is what it will burn, and how much will it burn.

  It was obvious that Reema would contact Karan about this. She had excused herself to go to the washroom so that she could speak with Karan. What she did not know is that Karan has also received the same link and would be trying to reach her any time now. They wouldn’t speak much on the phone and will arrange to meet as soon as possible. Karan would cancel his trip to Jammu.

  . . .

  Follow the Cheater

  5 Days Ago

  In continuation of my James Bond type mission, I had added an app on Reema’s mobile which would give me access to her microphone and camera, remotely. That would mean that I could listen to all the sounds wherever the mobile is placed and also see whatever is facing the camera.

  Next day I stayed at the office to look after some work issues. I had kept the tracker to ‘on’ mode, to know her position. At about 2 pm she moved out of the house and travelled towards the mountainside of Sugaoni. I knew she was looking for a secluded spot with less traffic. I asked my staff to give me about 30 minutes and then we could resume. I put on my headphones and could hear the car cruising and Karan and Reema talking,

  Reema was saying “This means that the hotel has a camera in the room. How is that legal? Can a hotel do that”?

  Karan replied “No, a hotel cannot do that. It’s against privacy laws. But what should we do? Go to the hotel and demand an explanation? Or sue them for breach of privacy”?

  Reema was desperate for an answer “I am sure it’s the hotel that is scaring us. Maybe they want to blackmail us”?

  Karan had his own theory “Why did you think it’s not Nikhil”? I smiled and wondered what made him think of this.

  Reema shot back immediately “I was with him when I got the video. There was nothing odd in his behavior. If he knew about this, he would have thrown a fit long ago. Remember how upset he was when he got those pictures of Hotel Oscar”?

  Karan had a sudden shock “Oh shit, that means Nikhil will also receive this video”!

  Reema started having a panic attack “Oh my god! We are doomed.”

  She started gasping for breath and the car came to a halt.

  Karan was in salvaging mode “Reema, calm down. Don’t panic. Take it easy.”

  “What if he has already received the video?

  Reema started crying and hyperventilating. Karan continued to pacify her and offer her some water.

  Now Reema was a bundle of nerves “I want to go home. take me home, just now.”

  Now it was time for me to send them a message. The message was simple and to the point.

  I heard both their phones ping.

  Karan saw both phones ping “Both together? Check both phones.”

  Karan stops the car to check the message.

  Karan starts reading the message “-The full video is available on request. Please call 555-8627-2749-. This is the same person.”

  The phone number was an internet call number. I wanted to see if she would call or would Karan take charge.

  Karan asked “Should we call”?

  Reema was hesitant “What if this is blackmail”?

  Karan opined “That is a big possibility. Actually, why else would anyone do this? Let’s call and get done with this.”

  Karan dialed the number and kept the phone on speaker mode. They hear a voice message in American accent. The voice was generated on the computer using text to voice software. “I have the full video of your sex act. I will release the video unless you make a video in which both of you together admit your mistake and promise never to meet ever again. Once the video is ready you will post it on this link (I provided a link) and inform me on this number with a voice message. Press 1 to accept your mistake.”

  At that point, I had felt it could be sufficient if they accept their mistake and walk away from each other. Some part of me was not willing to let go of Reema. I was seriously considering forgiving her and starting life afresh.

  Reema was furious “But this is impossible? What about money? Why can’t we just give some money”?

  Karan is even more perplexed “Is this some kind of moral policing. Vigilante”?

  Reema was desperate “What next? They will sell it on the internet? That’s how they want to make some money? Either way, Nikhil will get to know about this, we have to stop this.”

  Karan tried to calm her down “Yes. I will talk to some guys and see if they can trace this source. But we need to be prepared for Nikhil’s reaction.”

  Wrong statement, Reema went back into panic mode “This is the worst day of my life. Fucking shit, why did I get into this mess. We should have never used those fucking hotels”!

  Karan did not say anything and the car started again and the rest of the journey was mostly quiet. Karan would occasionally say something to soothe her,

  Karan suddenly spoke after a while “Listen, we have to stop somewhere. I have some work.”

  I was curious. What is it that he suddenly remembered? Is that connected to this or something unrelated? The tracking showed that they had entered the town limits and were still driving towards our home. At this point, I lost the signal, probably because of her phone battery.

  I leaned back and started ruminating on the conversation. Reema is smart and she is starting to unravel the story. She is recognizing loose ends. Now I started plotting my next move.

  . . .

  Reema played a smart move and came to my office. She said that her phone battery drained and she was nearby. The phone part was true, but she was headed home and could charge it there. What made her change her mind? The only logical explanation was that she did not want to live in suspense about whether I have received the video or not. One other consideration maybe that the office was a neutral ground for any confrontation that might take place and would work as a buffer in case I was enraged.

  The staff were not used to her dropping in often and fawned over her. She went around speaking to all of them. I was impressed with her demeanor and poise in the background of what’s happening in her life. This was the cold confidence of a psychopath. Something which I was also demonstrating. But in my case, I was the victim and seeking retribution, even though she was the accused who had an explicit video which could be made public any minute. What was giving her this confidence?

  She came to my cabin and sat on the couch meant for visitors. She made small talk about when I would get free and how was work. I replied most cordially and did not betray any emotion. She asked if she could stay back and leave for home with me. I declined and said it will be very late and I have to get on a con-call with clients overseas. She did not persist and left after her phone was charged.

  . . .

  The Pistol

  5th Day (continue)

  I was back to tracking her phone after she left the office. There was a gap of information after her phone battery died. I had to know what transpired in those two hours.

  Reema called Karan as soon as she left the office.

  “Nikhil is not looking suspicious so maybe the video has not reached him.”

  Karan was genuinely relieved �
�That’s a relief. Let’s meet at Farmer’s Market.”

  Karan picked her up in ten minutes. They drove silently for some time and then stopped at a desolate spot.

  Karan started “Even if Nikhil has not got the video now, at some point, it may appear. I am worried that Nikhil might get aggressive especially if he is drunk. I want you to keep this with you.”

  Reema let out a shocked gasp “What is this? Oh my god! I am not keeping this at all, no way.”

  What was Karan giving to Reema? A weapon?

  Karan is trying to make it look normal “It is only to scare him. It is effective as a deterrent. Please keep it.”

  Reema was shaking with fear “I don’t believe what the hell is happening. There must be some other way”?

  Karan was now irritated “Yes, the other way is we go to Nikhil and confess everything. There is no guarantee what his reaction will be.”

  Reema kept on her tirade “Then how will all this stop. We can’t make that ransom video either”?

  Karan was almost screaming now “I am trying to get some help to track down that bastard. I am sure we can negotiate and then pay him.”

  Suddenly Reema had a brain wave “Can we just run away? Just go somewhere far.”

  Karan seemed to agree with her “That’s the only way out but first I must wrap up my business and organize my finances. This would mean a new start from zero.”

  Reema felt encouraged with Karan’s agreement “We must do that fast. I am scared to be with Nikhil now. Anything can happen.”


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