The Collector 4: Eight Arms to Hold You

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The Collector 4: Eight Arms to Hold You Page 16

by Ally Blue

  “Best taste in the world.” Austin pulled his cock carefully out of Luke’s ass, turned Luke around and gathered him into his arms. “Especially when it’s yours.”

  Luke laughed, the sound husky and breathless. Winding his arms around Austin’s neck, he tilted his head and covered Austin’s mouth with his. The kiss was lazy and unhurried, flavored with the sharp tang of Luke’s semen.

  “Mm,” Luke hummed, licking his lips as the kiss broke. “I love kissing you, Austin.”

  “I love it too.” To illustrate the point, Austin did it again, delving his tongue deep into Luke’s mouth. He wished they never had to stop. Luke’s kiss was addictive.

  Luke raked his fingers through Austin’s hair. “How long before you have to go?”

  Austin glanced at the waterproof dive watch he still wore. “More than an hour. How do you feel now? Are you okay?”

  “I feel wonderful.” Drawing back a little, Luke gave Austin a wide smile. “I knew I’d feel stronger if you made love to me, and I do. You’re good for me.”

  Austin returned Luke’s smile. “I’m glad.” Reaching across Luke’s shoulder, Austin snagged a bottle of pale green shampoo off the shelf. “Let me wash your hair.”

  Luke’s smile widened. “I’d like that.”

  “So would I.” Opening the shampoo bottle, Austin poured a dollop into his palm. The tart scent of apples rose to mingle with the steam. Austin spread the shampoo between his hands, then buried his fingers in Luke’s fine, soft hair and worked it into a thick lather.

  Luke closed his eyes, neck arching as he leaned into Austin’s touch. “Feels nice.”

  “Mm-hm.” Austin massaged Luke’s scalp in slow circles. “I love the way your hair feels. So soft.” He combed his fingers through the wet, slippery strands, gently working out the tangles. “Rinse.”

  Reaching up, Luke adjusted the shower head and leaned his head under the spray. Austin watched, fascinated by the flow of water through Luke’s gleaming hair, the way Luke’s fingers methodically washed the lather out. When Luke was finished rinsing, Austin turned the water off. Luke’s eyelids fluttered open, and their gazes locked.

  They moved at the same time, meeting in another searing kiss, hands caressing bare, wet skin and twining in each other’s hair. Austin clutched Luke close, wishing he could crawl right inside him and become a permanent part of him. The very real possibility that this might be their last time together niggled at the back of Austin’s brain. He wished it would stop. The thought of losing Luke made his insides knot.

  “We’ll be okay,” Luke whispered, stroking Austin’s neck. “We’ll get the idol and take it to Dr. Martin, then we can go away. Disappear someplace, just you and me.”

  “I hope so. I think we have a good chance.” Austin kissed Luke’ flushed cheek. “But how can you be so certain?”

  “I believe it,” Luke said, staring into Austin’s eyes, “because I have to. I need to. Because if we don’t make this happen, there’s nothing left.”

  Austin’s chest went tight. Without a word, he pulled Luke closer and rested his head in the curve of Luke’s neck. Luke’s arms went around him, fingers tracing up and down his spine. They stayed that way for a long time, without speaking. Just holding each other, taking silent comfort in one another’s presence.

  When Austin left Luke’s cabin almost an hour later, he carried the warmth of Luke’s body and the taste of his kisses with him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Luke dreamed. The usual dream of blue water and bluer sky, warmth and peace and the sense of belonging he ached for in his waking life, all shattered by the cruel man who’d stolen his family and his history from him. Apparently, knowing the real story didn’t change the dream that had haunted him for as long as he could remember.

  But this time, the dream was interwoven with other visions. A view from the deck of El Cazador, the water black and angry under an ominous dark gray sky. The porthole of a cabin, rain pinging off the glass and veiling the world beyond. His own face, wet and flushed, mouth open and eyes fixed on the ceiling.

  Though he’d never seen it, Luke recognized that last image. The shower that morning. Austin inside him, Austin’s arms holding him close, the glorious feeling of rightness and completion that had filled him.

  Luke wondered why he was seeing the scene through Austin’s eyes, reliving Austin’s memory rather than his own. The question nagged at his mind enough to bring him fully awake.

  Luke yawned and stretched, taking stock of how he felt. In spite of his restless sleep, he felt wide awake and invigorated. A vague soreness in his anus served as a pleasant reminder of the morning’s lovemaking. It also reminded him of the question that had woken him ‑‑ why had he been dreaming Austin’s memory?

  Sitting up in bed, Luke glanced out the window. Rain fell in a solid gray curtain, reducing the world outside to a watery blur. Just like in my dream. Something about the realization troubled him. Deep inside, he knew his dreams were somehow tied to waking reality, but he couldn’t see the connection. He felt as though the answer were just beyond his grasp. That he would see it if he only let himself.

  A soft knock on the door interrupted his musings. Luke glared at the door. “Yes?” he called. “Who is it?”

  “Tamika, from the kitchen,” a lilting feminine voice answered. “Annabelle sent me to ask if you want a late lunch.”

  Luke glanced at the clock. Four thirty; he’d slept nearly all day. He hadn’t snuck into the kitchen, nor had he called for a meal like he usually did if he was confined to quarters. He laughed. Annabelle was such a mother at heart.

  “Just a second,” he called. “Let me put something on, I’ll come to the door.”

  Jumping up, Luke pulled on a pair of jeans, then went to the cabin door and opened it. A tall, full-figured young woman stood on the other side, glancing nervously up and down the hall. He smiled at her. “Hi, Tamika. What’s on the menu today?”

  “We have potato soup,” she said, dark eyes darting between Luke’s face and the carpet under her feet. “I can make you a sandwich to go with it. We have some fresh tomatoes and Swiss cheese from a grocery run to the mainland yesterday.”

  The thought made Luke’s mouth water and his stomach rumble. “That sounds wonderful. I can come to the kitchen and get it, though, no need for you to bring it.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Oh no, don’t do that! Your father’s in the dining room right now having coffee with Collins, he might catch you!”

  Luke frowned. “Why isn’t Collins diving?”

  She glanced around again, then leaned closer. “I heard he was on medical leave for a heart condition. Some of the divers were talking about it at lunch. They said Collins passed out underwater yesterday, and the doc found out he has an irregular heartbeat, so he can’t dive anymore. But the regular dive was canceled today anyhow ‘cause of the weather.”

  “Oh. I see.” Luke bit his lip. “Well in that case I suppose someone will have to bring some food to me here. I hope it’s no trouble.”

  She gave him a shy smile. “No trouble at all. I’ll be back in two shakes.”

  Tamika hurried off down the hall. Luke shut the door and leaned against it, thinking hard. Collins could be a vengeful bastard when the mood struck him, and his reasons weren’t always logical.

  Pushing away from the door, Luke wandered over to the window and leaned his elbows on the sill, staring out into the late afternoon gloom. Worry for Austin churned in his stomach. Stuck here in his cabin, there was nothing he could do to warn his lover of the possible danger. He hated feeling so helpless.

  Luke wasn’t sure why he was so anxious about the situation. Austin was smart enough to watch his back, and perfectly capable of looking after himself. He’d no doubt heard about Collins’ heart condition, and would be keeping an eye out for any possible retribution.

  “He’ll be okay,” Luke said aloud to the rain pelting his window.

  He could only hope he was right.

  * * *
* *

  Austin pushed his chair back from the table. “God, I’m full. That was fantastic.”

  Chen grinned as she twirled the last of her linguine around her fork. “The boss may be a dick sometimes, but you have to admit he feeds us well.”

  “True.” Jordan downed the last of her iced tea. “I’m going to the library to find a book. It’s a perfect night for reading.”

  Ever the gentleman, Vonovich stood when Jordan did. “Goodnight, ma’am.”

  Jordan smiled and patted his cheek. “Such a sweetheart. Goodnight, Niko. See you in the morning.”

  Chen snickered at the blush coloring Niko’s cheeks. “Well, I’m off to the lounge,” she said, rising from her chair. She reached up and pinched Niko’s cheek. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  Niko’s blush deepened. He shot her a dark look as she walked away. “I am going to the commons to watch a movie. Would anyone else like to come?”

  Austin glanced at his watch. His insides lurched. Only half an hour until he and Luke went after the idol. He needed to pack his belongings before meeting Luke at the dive platform.

  He smiled at Niko. “I think I’ll head on back to my cabin and read a little, then go to bed. I’m wiped out.”

  “Didn’t even dive today, Bell,” Collins said, speaking up for the first time that evening. “What the fuck you got to be so tired about?”

  Austin gave the man a keen look. His eyes glittered with malice, and his thin lips were curved into a smirk. What’s he up to?

  “Just didn’t sleep well last night, that’s all,” Austin answered, keeping his tone casual. Deliberately turning his attention away from Collins, Austin stood and clapped Niko on the back. “’Night Niko.”

  “Goodnight Austin. Sleep well.” Niko smiled and wandered over to the next table, where the rest of the dive team sat.

  Austin turned and walked as calmly as he could out of the dining hall. He could feel Collins watching him, the back of his neck prickling with the intensity of the man’s gaze. He was relieved when he reached the passageway outside the dining hall, where Collins could no longer see him.

  Austin hurried to his cabin. Inside, he pulled his duffle bag out of the tiny closet and started stuffing his clothes and toiletries into it. Earlier that afternoon, he’d sneaked out to the dive platform and stashed a bag of various excavation tools in his dive locker along with his drysuit. After one last look around his cabin to make sure he had everything, he slung his bag over his shoulder and opened the cabin door.

  Keeping his bag hidden behind his body, Austin took a good look up and down the hallway. The sounds of a car chase floated from the commons area, along with whoops and laughter. Probably Niko and some of the others watching a movie. The other end of the passageway was empty. Slipping into the hall, Austin slid his cabin door silently shut and ran to the stair at the end of the corridor opposite the commons area.

  Austin bounded up the steps and stopped at the top to peer cautiously around the corner. The short passageway to the deck was empty. Heart pounding, he hurried to the hatch that led to the deck. Almost there.

  He relaxed a little when he stepped out into the darkness. The rain had slowed to a light drizzle, blown nearly sideways by the icy wind. Austin hunched his shoulders against the cold.

  When he reached the dive platform, the bulk of the ship provided shelter from the wind. Austin dropped his bag on the deck and rubbed his hands together to warm them. He looked around. No sign of Luke. But then again, Luke wasn’t likely to be standing out in the open.

  “Luke?” he called softly, squinting into the shadows between the lockers. “Are you here?”


  Austin focused on the spot where the sound had come from. Luke rose like a specter from behind the hamper containing the clean towels. He ran to Austin and threw himself into Austin’s arms. Winding a hand into Luke’s silky hair, Austin covered Luke’s mouth with his.

  The kiss was deep and sweet and longer than was really safe under the circumstances, but Austin couldn’t have stopped if his life depended on it.

  When they broke apart, Luke let out a happy sigh. “God, I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.” Austin held Luke tight, burying his face in Luke’s neck and soaking up his scent. “Did you have any trouble getting here?”

  “No. Did you?”

  “No. Everyone’s cozying up to watch TV and read.” Austin drew back enough to see Luke’s face. The black eyes stared back at him, pools of liquid darkness in a ghost-white face. “Let’s get going. Help me get my gear on?”

  “Of course.”

  Reluctantly letting Luke slip from his arms, Austin went to put his bag in his locker. He took out the bag of tools and his drysuit and started stripping down to his underwear, stuffing his clothes into the locker atop his duffle bag. “Jesus, it’s freezing out here.”

  “Thirty-seven degrees Fahrenheit. I’ve no idea what the wind chill is.” Luke helped Austin don the drysuit, then turned to heft tanks of air and Heliox from the rack. “The water temp is seventy-two though. Actually a bit warmer than it’s been lately.”

  “Good.” Crouching on the deck, Austin began hooking up the regulator and the apparatus allowing him to switch his breathing mixture from air to Heliox while at depth. “I can move faster if the water’s a little warmer.”

  Luke tugged his sweater off over his head and put it in Austin’s locker. He started to take his pants off, then stopped, staring at Austin with a strange look on his face. “Austin, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, just make it quick.” Austin shot Luke a quick, nervous grin. “You’re not getting cold tentacles, are you?”

  Luke burst into startled laughter. “No. I just thought of something. It’s ... interesting. And possibly very helpful.”

  Austin raised his eyebrows. “What is it?”

  Luke ran a hand through his hair. His brow creased in thought. “All day today, I’ve been getting flashes of things in my sleep, like snapshots. Views from the ship’s deck, and from inside a cabin.”

  “You’re dreaming of El Cazador?” Austin pushed the button on the back of the regulator to check the airflow, then took a couple of breaths through it.

  “I dreamed of making love in the shower,” Luke said, his voice so soft Austin barely heard him. “Only I saw it through your eyes.”

  “That’s weird, but kind of sexy. I’m not sure how that’s helpful, though.” Switching to Heliox, Austin checked the flow from that tank. “I was thinking of the shower a lot today, actually. The regular dive was canceled, so I had lots of time to think.”

  “Austin.” Taking Austin’s hand, Luke pulled him to his feet. His gaze held Austin’s, bright and intent. “Have you had any such strange visions? As if you were somewhere else, seeing through someone else’s eyes?”

  The memory of those strange half-waking moments, when he would have sworn he was deep underwater if he didn’t know better, came to Austin in a rush. A chill ran up his spine.

  “Last night, I kept dreaming of ... I don’t know what it was,” Austin said. “I felt like I was underwater. There was this weird noise, like singing, only it was inside my head.”

  Nodding, Luke laid a hand on Austin’s cheek. “That’s the idol. It sings to me, Austin. I think that last night, you heard its singing too. Through me.”

  Austin shook his head. “That’s impossible,” he insisted, in spite of the inner voice whispering that Luke was right. “People can’t read each other’s minds.”

  “I’m not a person, Austin.” Luke’s voice was calm, but tinged with bitterness. “I can turn myself into an octopus. You would’ve called that impossible before yesterday.”

  Austin swallowed. “Yes, but…”

  He stopped, clutching at Luke as the world shifted dizzyingly around him. Luke’s face was still there, solid and real, but overlaying it like a mist was an image of himself. The drysuit was there, the regulator clutched in one hand. He closed his eyes, but it didn’t shut
out the vision of his own shock-bleached face.

  That, more than anything else, forced him to admit the truth .

  Luke’s lips pressed soft kisses to Austin’s eyelids. “Did you see?” Luke asked, stroking Austin’s hair.

  Austin nodded and opened his eyes. Not trusting himself to speak, he stared into Luke’s eyes, trying to convey without words the mix of confusion and elation he felt. Luke smiled, and Austin felt a sudden rush of love mixed with fear and excitement. It felt almost as if it were coming from somewhere outside himself.

  “Oh my God,” Austin whispered, eyes widening as the truth struck him. “You’re doing that. You’re showing me what you feel.”

  Luke nodded, his face lit with the excitement of discovery. “I’m going to try something else. Tell me what you see.”

  Luke’s eyes went blank and distant. Austin let out a gasp when an image of vivid blue water and high, ice-capped mountains swam into his vision. “I see ... Christ. Mountains. A narrow lake or something.”

  Luke laughed. “It worked!”

  “What worked?” Austin demanded, puzzled and a bit frightened by the whole thing. “What the hell was that?”

  “A memory. That was when Father took his mistress on vacation in Norway, when I was seven. I was supposed to stay in my room, but I snuck out to see the mountains. I just wanted to see if I could show you my memories telepathically.” Smiling, Luke cupped Austin’s face between his hands. “See if you can do it. Show me something.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Don’t try,” Luke said, his words reverberating in Austin’s mind. “Just think.” Luke kissed Austin’s lips, tongue flicking briefly out. “Think of what you want to show me. Anything.”

  “Okay.” Drawing a deep breath, Austin shut his eyes and conjured a mental image of the first thing that came to his mind ‑‑ Luke. Luke naked underneath him, face contorted with pleasure. Austin let his love for Luke flow into the image, wondering if Luke would be able to feel it as he had felt Luke’s love.

  Luke’s soft gasp told him everything he needed to know. Opening his eyes, he met Luke’s awestruck expression with one of his own.


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