Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

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Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice Page 6

by Hayden Hunt

  “Shit, did I fall asleep?”

  “You did. Are you sure you don’t want me to just take you home?”

  “No, no, it’s okay. But, uh, it’s fine if I go lay down, right?”

  “Uh, absolutely! It’s all my fault this happened, so you get whatever you want,” I said.

  This time, he actually let me open his passenger side door.

  I walked him into the house and laid him down on the couch. I was beginning to feel guiltier with every moment that passed.

  He laid down on his back on my couch, taking up all the space, so I sat down on my ottoman in front of him.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry. I should have never taken you to that haunted house!”

  “I told you!” he joked.

  “I mean, I knew you were nervous, but my God, I had no idea you’d pass out. Like, babe, you fainted! I didn’t even know you could faint!”

  “Oh yes, just something my body likes to do when it gets overwhelmed. I didn’t really think it’d happen tonight.”

  “Shit, what a disaster date, huh?”

  “Yeah, pretty big disaster. You’re lucky I’m so in love with you.”

  My eyes widened. “What?”

  He looked up at me, not even realizing what he’d said. “Huh? What’s wrong?”

  “Did you just say… you’re in love with me?”

  Realization hit his eyes. “Oh, well, I just meant…”

  “You’re in love with me?”

  He didn’t even try to cover it up now. “Yeah, I’m pretty much in love with you.”

  I grabbed his hand. “Me too. I know it’s soon and so I’ve been holding off on saying it but… I’m definitely falling in love with you.”

  Despite the tiredness, his eyes were gleaming.

  The next words just came falling out of my mouth. “Be my boyfriend.”

  “What?” he gasped.

  “I know we’ve been dating for only a few weeks but… I want to make this official. I want you to be mine, I want to be yours, I want to be in a real relationship together. If, uh, that’s something you want…”

  “Yes!” he chimed. “Absolutely, positively, yes! I’ll be your boyfriend.”

  I leaned down and kissed him passionately. Despite how horribly the night had gone, this part went exactly how I pictured it. No, in fact, it went better than I pictured! Because I didn’t think we’d be saying I love you to one another.

  Now, as we kissed, I thought about how this would be the point where I would naturally try to move things toward sex. But I knew that it was a bad idea in Luke’s condition. I wanted him, badly, but I’d have to wait.

  It didn’t matter, though. I was running on the high that he was now officially my boyfriend. That would be enough for me.

  I slowly pulled my lips from his and crawled onto the couch next to him, wrapping myself around his torso and thighs and laying my head on his chest.

  “Again, I’m really sorry, babe,” I said softly.

  “Oh, don’t be, it’s not your fault I’m a big baby. Besides, it makes for an interesting story. On the night we officially got together, you caused me to faint after forcing me into a haunted house. What could be more romantic?”

  I laughed. “Oh, shut up. Don’t you have some resting to do?”

  He slowly ran his fingers up and down my arm, sending chills down my spine.

  “I really meant what I said, you know. I am in love with you. And I know it’s too soon to know that but… the connection we have is so electric. I really feel a little silly saying it when we only became official minutes ago and we still haven’t even slept together.” He laughed.

  “Speaking of which, you want to hear something funny?” I asked him.

  He raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  “I was kind of hoping tonight would be ‘the night,’ you know? I was planning this cute Halloween date and then I was going to ask you to be my boyfriend and then we’d… you know. But I mean, of course you can’t now. Obviously you’re completely exhausted, so.”

  He thought on this for a moment. “What if ‘the night’ was actually ‘the morning?’”

  “Huh?” I wasn’t following.

  “I may be too weak to do anything right now, but maybe in the morning…”

  “Wait!” I shot up on the couch. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? You want to stay over the entire night? But… Can you even do that?”

  “Well, Ashley knows I’m dating someone and she keeps telling me she wouldn’t mind babysitting all night. I know she wants the extra cash. I could call her and see if she’d stay over tonight.”

  “And what about Jake? You don’t think he’ll be upset?”

  “I don’t think he’ll even know. The little stinker has been staying up late in his room even after his bedtime. So he wakes up pretty late in the morning. I can be home before he gets up.”

  “Oh my God, yes! Absolutely yes, call Ashley!”

  He laughed as he pulled out his cell phone. I could overhear Ashley on the other end and she was completely thrilled to work through the night. My heart leapt as soon as I heard she’d agree to do it.

  “Baby, this is so great!” I said as I wrapped my arms around him. “I can’t believe I’m going to get you all to myself for an entire night!”

  “Well, don’t get too excited, this night might not be that thrilling. I am really, really freaking tired.”

  “I don’t care,” I told him. “I don’t care if all I do tonight is sleep by your side. That is more than enough to keep me happy. I’m just glad I’ll get to wake up to your face tomorrow.”

  “Me too.” He kissed my forehead.

  “In fact, let’s go lay down in my bed.”

  “Really? Are you sure? I’m probably going to knock out right away if I’m comfortable in a bed…”

  “I know, I don’t mind. Actually, I want you to. You need to rest. It’s been a rough day.”

  He sighed. “Okay, then, sure. Let’s climb into bed.”

  Though it would have been nice to have one of those nights where we stayed up and talked to each other into the wee hours of the morning, this was nice in its own way. I was climbing into bed with my new boyfriend, a man I was very much in love with, and I was going to get to stroke his back as I watched him slip off into sleep.

  And even better, when we woke up, I wasn’t going to just get to look into his eyes. I was going to get to sleep with him for the first time!

  God, life was good.

  I pulled back my comforter for him and he slipped off into his boxers to climb in. I did the same, even though I had pajamas I could wear in the closet. Hell, I had pajamas I could offer him in the closet! But I knew I’d rather feel his legs against mine.

  I climbed in on the other side, immediately forming around his back to be the big spoon. He grabbed my hand, which encompassed his torso.

  “Thanks for this,” he murmured. “This is… really, really nice.”

  And it was. As excited as I was to have sex for the first time, I really liked this. I liked simply sleeping with him. It took a certain amount of vulnerability to fall asleep next to someone and I didn’t think either of us were the slightest bit concerned.

  On the contrary, I was really comfortable. More comfortable than I had been sleeping alone, that was for sure.

  “You have no idea how hard it’s been to sleep alone,” he told me. “I sit there and I think of how badly I want to be with you, how badly I want to see my sister, and it’s just… rough. I wish I could do this every night, lay by you. You’re the only thing that distracts me.”

  “So do I,” I whispered in his ear. “But you know, everything is going to be okay, babe. Things will work out for the best.”

  “How do you know?” he asked. “You can’t, really. I have no idea how things are going to turn out, you have no idea how things are going to turn out, we’re just… vulnerable to the will of the universe. That’s always how it is, I guess. We’re always at risk for life’s next
tragedy and I never knew it until now. I never even considered it until now. But now that I know…”

  “Hey, hey, hey…” I said softly. “Okay, you’re right, I don’t know. But I’m choosing to believe. And you don’t know. But you’re not supposed to.”

  “How do you figure?” he asked.

  “Life is messy. Life is complicated and tragedy can hit us at any time and it is really fucking rough. But beauty can strike us at any time, too. We can find love at any time, too. And you should know that better than anyone.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he acquiesced, “but it’s still so hard to not know when the worst of life is going to get you.”

  “Well, the best of life can get you, too. And that’s what you need to focus on. She could get better any day, Luke. You just don’t know.”

  “But she could get worse. Or she could leave us and… what do I do then?”

  “I… I don’t know,” I said softly.

  I’d never dealt with death. I hadn’t even dealt with a medical accident on this level. I wished so badly that I had the right words to help Luke. But the thing was, I didn’t think there were right words. I didn’t think there was a thing I could say to actually make things better.

  “You just have to focus on the good, baby. That’s all you can do. That’s all anyone can do.”

  “Yeah.” He took a deep breath in. “That’s what I’m trying to do. Most of the day, I just think about you.”

  “Really?” I said, completely touched.

  “Yeah… Can I say something like, really fucking crazy?” he asked.

  “Go for it.”

  “I think… I think I want to marry you.”

  “Marry me?” I gasped.

  “Not now, of course. Not any time soon, just… one day. I can picture our eventual wedding day, I can picture you being an amazing father, I can picture romantic vacations…”

  “I’m on board with everything except the fatherhood thing.” I laughed.

  He immediately rolled over. “You don’t want kids?” he asked.

  “Well, no, not really.”

  “Like… never? No on the kids forever?”

  “Pretty much. You want them?”

  “Yeah…” he said softly. “I do.”

  There was an awkward silence between us. Shit, how did I never even consider this? I got so caught up in the fact that he wasn’t actually a father that I never considered he may want to be one day.

  I really should have known. The way he was with Jake and everything, it was pretty obvious how felt about kids.

  “Well, we don’t need to figure this out right now!” I said quickly. “Like you said, that’s all a far way off.”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “You’re right.”

  He rolled back over again and I rubbed his back.

  I wasn’t able to stop thinking about it, though, and I knew he wasn’t either. The thought was out there now. I didn’t want kids, he did, how was that going to work?

  There was one universal rule in relationships and that was ‘you can’t compromise on a kid.’ You couldn’t have half a baby. There was no way two people who felt differently about kids were ever going to be able to have a successful relationship down the line.

  Even if one person did end up bending to the will of the other, that was just a recipe for resentment. And kids absolutely knew when one parent didn’t want them.

  I really didn’t want to think about this right now, though. I was so in love… More in love than I’d ever been, and I couldn’t imagine ending my relationship to Luke right now. Not for anything…

  So I was going to do the somewhat irresponsible thing and put this off. Push it out of my head, not think about it until it became an immediate issue. We didn’t need to figure it out for a long time. We could worry about it later.

  Besides, Luke really needed me right now. It wouldn’t help him for us to have a rift right now. He really needed the support. Whatever ended up happening to our relationship later, right now I needed to stick by his side.

  As I cuddled up next to him, I did my best to put it out of my head. This was our first night together, and the last thing I wanted to think about was our relationship ending one day. It had only officially started tonight!

  I gave him a kiss on the back of the neck and then whispered in his ear, “good night.”

  It was the best night’s sleep I ever had.



  When I awoke the next day, Peter was still sleeping, but I was feeling completely rejuvenated. It was night and day from how I felt last night.

  It wasn’t just that I was exhausted last night from passing out, though I was. It was more than that. I felt like I had accumulated exhaustion over the many weeks that I’d been dealing with Sabrina’s accident. I hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in… I didn’t even know how long.

  But sleeping with Peter last night was a different kind of sleep. It was rest like I’d never known it. Even in my sleep, I’d been stressed out and tense. But not when I was laying in Peter’s arms. I was completely comfortable; I could let go of my issues.

  Even talking about my problems with him was a relief. I just felt so much less alone. I needed that.

  I wished I could do this with him every night… I would be in a perpetual state of comfort.

  In some ways, I wished I could speed up the course of our relationship. As fun as it was to be in a new relationship, I couldn’t wait to move forward. I couldn’t wait for the day we eventually moved in together and got to see each other constantly. I hated being without him, for any amount of time. Whenever I was away, my head was filled with thoughts of him.

  On the other hand, now I somewhat worried about our future. After our conversation last night about kids.

  It was really concerning that he couldn’t envision himself with kids. Because I couldn’t envision myself without them.

  Ever since I was young, I knew I wanted kids. I felt like I was meant to be a father. Even with Jake, I could see those fatherly instincts come out of me.

  Shit, and then there was Jake. I hadn’t even thought about it, but… What if Sabrina didn’t come back to us? What if Jake had to stay with me forever? What would that mean for me and Peter?

  Whatever, I couldn’t focus on that right now. I shouldn’t have been focusing on that, in fact. We barely started dating. We were barely about to have sex for the first time. It wasn’t the time for that.

  Oh, shit, we were barely about to have sex for the first time! I had forgotten all about that.

  Peter was still asleep but now that I remembered what we planned to do in the morning, I couldn’t wait for him to wake up. I knew I should be kind enough to let him sleep… But, God, the sexual tension…

  I woke him up with a gentle peck on the lips. He slowly opened his eyes, and mumbled “good morning” when I kissed him again, without another word.

  And then I kissed him again, and again, until I was no longer giving him a peck on the lips. We were full blown making out at this point. I had climbed on top of him, straddling his waist.

  I ran my hand down the front of his shirt the same way I had the first time I tried to have sex with him. But this time, when my hand rested on his cock, he didn’t stop me.

  I carefully ran my hand up and down the bulge in his pants, carefully grasping his shaft, which was already standing at attention. Even through his boxers, I could tell he was well endowed.

  I pulled my lips away from him for only a moment. “Where’s the lube, baby?” I asked.

  He nodded a head toward the bedside table. “In the drawer,” he said, sounding a little out of breath. I couldn’t tell if it was because our lips had been locked, because he was nervous, or whether he was as excited as me.

  Despite not having sex yet, we had discussed it at length, so I felt like I already knew what he did and didn’t like. I knew he was a bottom, which was convenient, since I was a top.

  I found the lube in the bedside table and laid it down
on the bed. I ripped his boxers off, sliding them forcefully between the bed sheet and his body. Then I pulled both of his thighs up so that his knees were bent up next to him, his legs spread eagle.

  I grabbed a bit of lube and carefully started it rubbing it on him. Sliding my fingers in and out of him, readying for my entry, because I simply couldn’t wait any longer. I had to have him and I had to have him now.

  I took off my own shirt and boxers, tossing them aside on the floor before I began to lube up my cock.

  “You ready?” I asked him.

  “I’ve never been more ready in my life.” He grinned at me.

  I began to slowly press my cock to his asshole, entering him slowly at first. But once my prick was a quarter of the way there, I rammed my entire cock inside him.

  He moaned underneath me. “Holy shit, baby, you’re so fucking big. Ram me, please, be rough with me.”

  I already knew he was a little kinky this way. I began rapidly slapping my cock in and out of him, my balls slapping up against him.

  He began to writhe under me, the pleasure clearly too much. But the more he squirmed, the less deep I was able to go when I slammed into him. To keep him from moving, I grabbed his wrists and pinned them down, putting my weight into him.

  He loved it. He still squirmed underneath me, but I had enough strength to keep him under control enough to keep fucking him the way I liked.

  It was better than it had been with any other man. He was so hot. He was beginning to sweat and it made his abs glisten under the light of the room.

  Every time I admired his body, I could feel a prickling in my balls that told me I was on the verge of cumming.

  I had to hold off as long as I possibly could. I wanted to savor every minute of this.

  But the ecstasy of it all was too great. The way he squirmed, his moaning every time I bottomed out inside of him, I couldn’t take it.

  “I’m going to fucking cum inside you,” I said between labored breaths.


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