The Venerate Redemption

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The Venerate Redemption Page 13

by Troy Dukart

  “Hold out your hand, and I will always be there for you.”

  Is this, God, speaking to me?

  I reached my right hand out and spread my fingers. It was the God Blade. It spun all the way into my hand and I took a swing with it at Barzakh. My swing went right across his face and all I saw was a flash of red as he screamed and fell to the floor. I grabbed my throat and massaged it for a second before looking up to see him rolling around on the floor, screaming in agony. He was holding his eye with his hands and there was blood flowing between his fingers. I held my sword up ready to strike him, but he held out his hand and a different voice called out to me, “Strafe, it's me, Zixin.”

  I stopped dead in my tracks and was shocked to hear what my brother sounded like. His voice was beautiful and I wanted to run over and hug him. I took a few steps forward with my guard down, his head snapped up quickly and Barzakh snickered, “Sucker.”

  Faster than light it seemed, Barzakh shot a blast of energy straight into my chest that tossed me right through the brick railing. It seemed like I fell 100 feet as I flew across the roof before slowed my descent with the Tongwa. I still landed on my chest and banged my head on the marble. I coughed up some blood and pushed up off with the roof with the tip of my sword.

  Barzakh had jumped down and began to run at me, firing energy blasts. I deflected a few of them before one caught me in the shoulder and then he got in another three blasts before I was shot to my ass. Smoke was sizzling off my frayed clothes as I laid in agony.

  Barzakh stood over me and stepped on my sword hand, making me drop the blade. Looking down at me with his non-bloodied eye, he cocked back his right hand. Pink and white energy crystals formed all around his knuckles and looked sharp as knives. He licked some of the blood dripping from his left eye near his mouth before he said, “Look what you've done to me Strafe. Well, I should say look what you've done to your dearest brother. Now I'm gonna feed you to that damn mutt.”

  Barzakh was about to plunge his fist into my face but a giant set of teeth grabbed him. The creature viciously slapped Barzakh into the ground before throwing him across the roof. Standing guard over me, growling toward Barzakh, was Brutus. “Brutus!?” I said between coughing, “Did he bring you here!?”

  Brutus turned to me and gave me a big kiss on my face, “Captain Ghennon freed me as they raided the Senti embassy. I told them I could help find you. Yessa is safe, she's with Roya. We need to leave!”

  I stumbled to my feet after grabbing the God Blade and got on his back to ride. I looked over to Barzakh who was lying motionless. Behind me I noticed a small Mag-Ship piloted by a familiar face that I met back in Dhenfen'Ce, Captain Ghennon of the Sorian Aero Force. He hoped down from a rope and ran over to us, “We were about to evacuate but your wolf wouldn't let us. I looked down and who do I find but the guy who we've been looking for!”

  “What took you so long Ghennon?” I joked.

  We didn't have much time to celebrate before Barzakh got up, “AHHHHHGHGGHGHGHGH!!!!”

  “Get outta here Captain! He'll kill us all!” I pleaded.

  “Not a chance my friend. We never leave a man behind,” he replied.

  Brutus growled as Barzakh looked at us. An evil smile came across his face and he snapped his fingers. Off in the distance was a loud explosion and a small tremor that followed. We looked across the bay and noticed a crystal structure that shot out of the water. “Oh god, that's like the one in the Stadium of Yuwheria!!!” I shouted.

  “Strafe! Time to go! Now!” Ghennon said to me.

  He grabbed Brutus by the collar and led us back to the Mag-Ship. We all jumped up and began to take off. I looked over at Barzakh and he was screaming, “STRRRAAAAAFFFFFEEEEE!!! I WILL DRINK THE BLOOD OUT OF YOUR SKULL!!!”

  Slowly, light began emanating from his hands and got bigger and bigger. He then began jumping up and down, shooting blasts of energy into the Grande Galerie de la Paix. Soon, the whole roof began collapsing and fire spreading. Before he fell through the floor, Barzakh looked up and into my eyes. His teeth were grinding in anger. He screamed as he vanished into the flames. For one split second though, I saw Zixin poke through. The look on his face was of great sadness. It was like he was begging to be saved before being sucked back under by that demon. “If it costs my life, I will save you my brother,” I said as we flew away into the night sky.

  Chapter 19


  What happened in Crotona shocked the world. Strangely the Senti withdrew all of their forces from each territory they invaded after what happened in Crotona. Global domination seemed less and less likely to be motivation anymore, but rather, prophecy chasing.

  War had always been a part of history, but this was different. Why couldn't we just stop this violence? Was the heart of man so easily blinded by an idea?

  It'd been quite some time since I saw my friends. Over the next few months, every able bodied country joined up to fight against the Senti and their allies. Ghennon had told me three days after we left Crotona, it'd fallen to the Slates. Apparently they were using them as foot soldiers, taking over countries through sheer numbers.

  Immediately after Crotona we returned to Soria on a great SkyShip, the Distant Ventium. They brought Brutus and I back to Dhenfen'Ce. The city was still in deep ruin. Buildings were still blackened from the smoke and fire, roads remained in pieces and that once blue and yellow gleam from the city dulled to a dark green. I overheard another soldier say that workers from all over the country had come to help rebuild the capital.

  It was good to have Brutus back with me, I'd missed hugging and petting him. As I leaned against Brutus' chest, I asked Ghennon, “What happened to President Kennington?”

  Everyone bowed their head and closed their eyes. As I looked around, I could see the despair on the soldiers faces. As I bowed my head down, I asked, “When did he die?”

  “He didn't make it out of Crotona,” Ghennon replied softly.

  It should've been me to fall that night. Brutus licked my face, which made me smile. I looked out the window to see the Mag-Track had been completely rebuilt and things would be back to normal soon. I saw Ghennon had a Blackcloud next to him. Blackclouds were like Brutus except all black. The Blackcloud had many scars over its face. “Is that your wolf?” I inquired.

  “Partuna? She's the mightiest Blackcloud in Soria! Certified Guard-Wolf in the Aero Force. I've had her since she was just a pup,” Ghennon gleamed, “She took Brutus under her wing when we found him.”

  I looked toward Brutus and he nodded his head, “She is something else,” he told me.

  Getting back to the topic at hand, Ghennon stated, “Vice-President Lincovelt was instated today. She has requested to talk to you Strafe. Miraculously, the Residence is still standing and unscathed!”

  We touched down on a landing pad near the Residence. It felt so much like the White House back home in America. Lacquered in Soria's colors, the Residence was the house that the Sorian President lived in. It was the pride of the country and its majesty was unrivaled all over Eternia. The front door was open with a long blue rug rolled out with a podium standing in front. The soldiers motioned for me to enter. A sense of tradition and deference flooded over the Residence.

  The electricity would turn on and off from time to time, but the pictures and sculptures of Soria's previous presidents stood proudly among us. They reminded me why everyone was fighting so hard.

  When I walked into the President's office, she was looking out the window. The clouds made the light hazy and white, and it cascaded over her face. Deep in thought with her hands interlocked over her mouth, she didn't even notice me until a few moments after I entered. There was a chair for me to sit in, so I sat down. “Madam President,” I addressed.

  She slowly turned and looked toward me. Her deference was undeniable, although I could see the load she was carrying taxed her greatly. She had on a beautiful blue dress with a thin gold belt around her waist. Her hair was curly and black. “Ah,” she sig
hed, “You must be the one I've heard about. You're the one who won the Yuwherian Brave-Ball Cup and were captured in the same day.”

  “That's right,” I smiled.

  The President leaned back in her chair. I could still see some of President Kennington's pictures on a back desk. Maybe she hadn't accepted his passing either.

  “Mr. Rocknus, my name is Claire Lincovelt. I've read some recent reports on your activity since this war began. I've never met someone from a different planet before. I was hoping you could fill me in on your side of the story,” President Lincovelt asked.

  For about an hour, I detailed what had happened since I fell into the water and woke up in that cave. I told her about what we saw of the Senti, what they did in Yuwheria and Zindaqe and of my unique friends. When I was done, she contemplated everything she had heard. Standing up, she walked toward the window and leaned against it, then looked back up at me, “Strafe, if I may call you that, what do you make of all their intentions?”

  “Strafe is fine. Well, Madam President, to tell you the truth, I believe there's something deeper going on here than global domination. The Federation, along with the Senti, have invaded many countries to take artifacts, in both worlds, but don't annex them. These artifacts might be keys to an ancient weapon that they're trying to unlock. What happens then I have no idea. My friend from Zindaqe may know more, but she's far away. So far I can barely see her aura,” I theorized.

  “Can I see your scars from the Tongwa?” President Lincovelt asked.

  I nodded. I pulled my sleeves up and showed her the scar incisions the Tongwa made. She caressed them and tried to feel them underneath my skin. The one in my left arm gave a small chirping noise and she grinned, “You see Strafe, this beautiful experience you have is what the world should be about. Instead, we are all fighting for our survival now.”

  “I think so too. I want to go back home, but I can't until this is over. I have to save my friends and my brother,” I said.

  President Lincovelt grabbed my left wrist to assuage me, “You've had to endure things no young person should ever have to. You've had to make life or death decisions and have done more than anyone could ever ask for, and you're not even military. I promise you Strafe, we will end this, but I need your help. I need you to do one more thing for us before you go home.”

  “I'm not sure what I can do for you, but finding my brother is my top priority,” I expressed.

  “I see. Anybody can understand that, and I want to help you bring him back. One of divisions has been keeping an eye on this 'Barzakh' individual and knows his movements. We can help you free him,” President Lincovelt told me.

  After taking a deep breath, I said, “What do you need me to do?”

  Standing up and crossing her arms behind her back, she looked outside again before speaking, “Strafe, the remaining powers are planning for all-out assault against the Senti. We are to press against them from all sides until we make it to their capital, Bachnum. I fear that we will suffer heavy losses, unless you and your friends can join us in this battle. There are reports of other people possessing powers in semblance of yours, one of them being your brother.”

  “I know, my older brother. My twin brother. The one who killed President Kennington,” I lamented with my head to the floor.

  “Strafe, we have never seen anything like him before as an adversary. He's shot down aircraft built to withstand the force of the most powerful weapons we possess with ease. I believe you are the only one who can stop him. What we ask of you is grand, but I personally promise you our nation will be fighting with you from here on out. Help us put an end to this by joining our military and help led our people to victory,” President Lincovelt said as she opened her hand out toward me.

  I looked at her hand for a moment before I shook it, “I will do what I must to help end this nightmare, but I will need my friends help to do so. Being cocky and brave isn't going to cut it at this stage in the game. I'm afraid that my brother is too strong, and I barely survived the battle with him last time.”

  Roya had apparently fled back to Zindaqe, Rousseau and Argenta had been in contact with our government through the underground resistance in Yuwheria and Zon had returned to Shinjo with his Whisper Warriors. When I asked about Yessa, President Lincovelt had told me that she was back here in Soria, and had signed up to be a pilot officer in the Sorian Aero Force. Before I left, I told her I wanted to speak with Roya. President Lincovelt dismissed me and I was escorted to an Army outpost to which I would get the help I needed.

  It took some tinkering by a specialist, but we managed to get a hold of her. I sat down in a chair in front of a monitor and looked as her video feed came up. She looked tired. “Roya!” I cheered, “You're okay!”

  “Yes,” Roya said through some static, “It's good to see you! You too Brutus!”

  “I'm glad to be back Roya. Glad you're safe,” Brutus told her.

  I told her of what had happened in Crotona and what I promised President Lincovelt. “Roya, I don't know if I will be able to defeat my brother. The demon inside him is too strong. There has to be a way to free him,” I said.

  “Strafe, I believe this is true what you say. Without ridding your brother of the demon, he will be too much for any of us to defeat. What you will need to do is tempt him into the physical world to fight you. That is the only way to defeat him. If you kill Barzakh the way he is now, it will kill Zixin too,” Roya explained.

  “How will I do that? He probably knows he'll be vulnerable then,” I asked.

  “Strafe, I've only seen this happen once before your brother in my entire life. Someone is controlling him; that is the deal a demon makes to come into this world. During the ceremony to plant the demon in a body, the heart must be removed. While the demon gets a body to control, it is up to the master of the heart for how long. Retrieve his heart to gain his freedom,” Roya explained.

  “You mean that his heart is gone!?!” I asked.

  “Yes. It is held in a container and who holds it, holds the power to control your brother. You must get the heart back and command the demon to release Zixin-Sah. It is the way you must go Strafe,” Roya told me.

  I looked back at the screen while scratching Brutus' head and said, “It looks like this is the last ride we go together on this journey you guys. It's all or nothing.”

  Chapter 20


  Each kingdom in my family's line has had to fight the inevitable, entropy. Assassins, rival kingdoms, our own people and even now our own family have plotted for reigns to the throne. The Marmahere bloodline is a good one; I stand by the fact that we've always stood for good more often than evil. Reading our history, I found that we were graceful to our people, cared much for protecting our land and always sought towards a better way of understanding what it meant to be human. There'd been much talk, even as early as when my father King Urais was alive, to turn the power over to the people, to create a Senate like other parts of the world. He was skeptic but my mother, with her gentle soul, began to persuade him that it was time for Yuwheria to give the people what they ultimately wanted and deserved. Winds of change were among us, but they were stopped prematurely by a greedy man and his son.

  It was difficult trying to hide who I was to the world, as we were always in the spotlight. I knew from an early age that I wasn't like the other gents growing up. I had little interest in romance with women but often was forced to pretend. My father had no idea, but my mother knew. Mothers have a way with their children that nobody else ever will. That's why I always loved and cherished her. She was alive, I could feel it.

  Crotona was a wild one, I had NO bloody clue the Senti would try and assassinate every world leader they could pot-shot. I heard about the Sorian president and my heart ached for them; he was a good man. That night Argenta and I chased Othen and Marcio to their escape ship but couldn't stop them, they had too many lackeys. It was hard to see her fighting against her brother, but King Othen wasn't her father. Both her
mother and King Othen had their children with different spouses before marriage. Argenta's mother died of cancer when she was ten. She promised her whole life to be strong for her, which is why she joined the Yuwherian military. Despite the fact that she knew that they were wrong, I could tell she was pained.

  We returned to Yuwheria and joined up with a rising underground resistance, inspired to return the crown to its rightful place, the House of White Violets. They had begun an underground war against Othen and the House of the Blue Violets when we returned, asked me to lead them. They called themselves, “TruWheria,” and their mission was to re-instate me as ruler. A year ago, if these blokes would have asked me to step-up like this, I would've told them to piss off, but being around the special group of mates I've been fighting with, I was inspired by their leadership and bravery.

  At first, the thought of killing Othen made me uneasy, as we would be stooping to his level, but when I heard of how cruel his reign had been, I knew something needed to be done. He was holding my mother captive as well, and I was sure the bloke was going to use her as a bargaining chip. I had decided that living this way, under this cheeky-bastard, was unacceptable and taking back the throne would not be done in treason but as retribution. It was never his to take.

  Over months of careful planning and chipping away at what we could, we had orchestrated a raid on the castle. On the eve when the local white violet flowers went into bloom, we planned to attack. Symbolic right?

  All the living Rodin Pirates and TruWherian resistance members rampaged up the castle hill with Argenta and I. We fought long and hard until we annexed Castle Bell. In the midst of fighting, I found myself in the middle of the fight with my cousin, Marcio.


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