Exposed: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 5)

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Exposed: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 5) Page 3

by Violet Vaughn

  “Here it is. Do I live the life, or what?” He sweeps his arm as we enter a room without windows that has shelves of boxes.

  I begin to read the labels of restaurant supplies but stop when I see something called urinal cakes. Eewww. “I’ll bet you get a lot of work done.”

  A chair scrapes against ceramic tile as he pulls one over to the edge of his desk. “That I do. Have a seat, and I’ll show you what I’ve been working on.”

  Piles that appear to be receipts or packing slips are on one side of the wooden desk, and a laptop chimes when Neal turns it on. “I brought us chocolate croissants. Want one?” Paper tears as he rips the bag open to lay flat.

  “Of course, thank you.” I bite into a buttery pastry with a soft dark chocolate interior layer.

  Neal has laid out the details and a timeline for how to open a boutique. He’s nicknamed it Raining Rubies, which is a cute play on my name, Ruby Raines. While I may not be impressed with his office, I am impressed with his plan.

  “This is awesome. You took something so overwhelming and laid it out in baby steps for me.”

  “It’s what I do. I know you have to get to work, but let me print this out for you to take and read over. Text me with any questions.”

  The whine of a printer coming to life sounds, and I say, “Thank you so much. You’ve made this look doable. I appreciate it.”

  As paper spits out of the machine, Neal says, “You’re very welcome. I meant it when I said if you decide to go it on your own I’m here to help in any way I can.”

  I look at the man sitting beside me. He’s surprised me with his generosity. Neal may be known as a player, but I’m seeing a kind man. The sort of guy girls like me should fall for. And, for the first time since high school, I might let it happen.

  After I put my coat on, he hands me warm sheets of paper. I impulsively wrap my arms around his waist. “Thank you.” My face is against his chest, and his wool sweater is scratchy on my cheek. I linger a little because his scent is a pleasant mix of spice and something I don’t recognize but find compelling.

  I step back as a flush rises to my cheeks, and Neal says, “Thank you for trusting me. I get the feeling that’s not something you do lightly.”

  His eyes remind me of the summer ocean in Maine, and I say, “You’re right. But I’m not sure why you’re thanking me for it.”

  Neal pulls my coat together, and the zipper hums as he tugs it up for me. I smile, remembering how I did the same every time he tried on the bomber jacket. “Because you’re giving me a chance. And women like you are a treasure guys like me don’t usually find.”

  I frown at his cryptic words, because I’m hardly a treasure. No, girls who get pregnant in high school are more like trash. I can’t think of a good response, so I flash a smile and say, “Thanks again,” as I walk out the door.

  Chapter 5

  When I slip in the side door of Rhinestone Cowgirl, Christian is on his way out of the office with his coffee mug, and I guess he’s going to the restaurant across the courtyard for more. I point at his cup. “I thought you replaced the coffee maker.”

  “I did, but apparently I need coffee to make it work.”

  I smile. “Ah, those pesky details.”

  He grins. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, thanks though.” I step into the office and hang up my coat. Boxes of new clothes are open and waiting for the garments to be hung, tagged, and steamed. Distilled water gurgles as I pour it into the steamer’s reservoir. Nika insists this job never be done on the floor. While I usually have Brianna or Tasha do it, today I want to so I can mull over the things Neal and I discussed.

  I flip the machine on so it can warm up and make my way out to the front to find Brianna. “Hey, cold enough for you?”

  Her long, straight ponytail swings as she turns to me. “Oh my gosh, I know. Your hair looks pretty down; you should wear it that way more often.”

  “I would, except it drives me crazy by the end of the day. If I could brush it without it growing into a ’70s Afro, it might be more tolerable.”

  “I wish I had your hair, but we all want what we don’t have, don’t we?”

  I nod. “So true. I’m going to start working on the new order that came in. Yell if you need me.”

  “Okay, and let me know when you need a break. That can get tedious.”

  “Will do.” Mindless is just what I want right now because I need to process this morning’s meeting, in more ways than one.

  Cold air blows at me as Christian comes back through the side door, which is right by the office. His chair squeaks as he sits.

  I say, “I met with Neal this morning to go over his plan for me.”

  Christian twirls himself around from the desk to face me. “Wow, that was fast. He’s taken quite an interest in you.”

  I sigh. “I know. Do you think he’s sincere?”

  Christian nods. “There was a time I hated the guy, but I’ve gotten to know him, and yeah, I think he’s sincere. I trust him to do right by you.” He takes a sip of his coffee.

  I recall last year when Nika and Christian broke up and remember how Neal popped in to see Nika once in a while during that time. He made Christian jealous.

  Clear cellophane crackles as I remove clothes from their wrappers. “The timeline Neal set up for me has me starting off with a test store here in Breck. He has a small space next door that he had planned on using for a holiday season pop-up store. Instead, he’s willing to let me open up my boutique for one year to see how things go.”

  “That sounds like a safe plan. But will you need to leave us?” A box of clothes hums over the carpet as Christian brings it closer to his chair so he can open things as he talks to me.

  “He suggests we knock down the wall between us and set it up like Victoria’s Secret and J. Crew have done with their sister stores. The genius piece is that I could still manage Rhinestone Cowgirl and monitor what’s happening in my store at the same time.”

  “Interesting. That’s similar to what Nika was thinking if you were going to partner with just us. Are we still in the running?” Christian is smiling, and I know he wouldn’t be hurt if I declined.

  “Well, if I’m working at both places, you’re going to be part of what I do no matter what.” Metal clashes as I pull a hanger storage stand closer and begin to hang garments. “I don’t want to stop working here because I would like to have a steady paycheck to rely on.”

  I press the lever on the nozzle of the steamer to test if it’s hot enough. White vapor rises telling me it is. “The hard part will be working two full-time jobs. Of course, if I let Neal be my partner he would take on a piece of that burden. He would also take on part of the risk.”

  “What kind of split is he proposing?”

  “He said it would be in my best interest to go with sixty-forty in my favor, but I’m concerned about the finances. I have nothing to put down, and I think it’s an awful lot to depend on him for that piece too.”

  Tape on a cardboard box snaps as Christian pulls it apart to break it down for the recycling dumpster. “Perhaps Nika and I could give you a low-interest loan as an investment in your business.”

  My heart warms at his words. “I can’t ask you to do that, but thank you for the generous offer.”

  “It’s not that generous. If we’re going to be sister stores, it makes sense we have a financial interest in you too.”

  I snort. “Ah, the bond of money.”

  Christian grins back. “Yes, but I think you know Nika and I feel a lot more than that for you.”

  “I do. You’re a lot more than my bosses to me, too.”

  I’m a bit of a loner, and if it weren’t for my relationship with Nika I wouldn’t have any friends. As it stands now, I have them by association. She started inviting me to girls’ night a few months ago. Lori, Megan, and Casey are part-time employees here, and now they’re friends, too.

  “I have a printout of the plan if you want to see it.”

  “I’d be happy to look it over and give you my thoughts.”

  Nika steps in the doorway as Christian is speaking. “We’re sharing opinions again? Awesome. What about me? Because I’m sure I have one.”

  Christian snickers, and I say, “Neal gave me a rough draft business plan, and Christian’s going to look it over for me.”

  “Really?” She raises her eyebrows at me. “Did you go right home last night?”

  I nod, and she asks, “Alone?”

  I hit her arm. “Yes. We met this morning.”

  “That’s still pretty fast. I think someone’s into you.”

  I shrug and cotton is damp in my hands as I place the freshly steamed blouse on the rolling rack. “Maybe, but he was nothing but cordial today.”

  Nika taps her lip with a pink fingernail. “I think he’s smart and doesn’t want to scare you off. But that’s good. Because if you’re going to be business partners, a relationship can muddy the waters.”

  She winks at Christian. “But then again… Muddy waters can be pretty amazing.”

  Christian pulls her onto his lap and nuzzles her neck. I know they decided to be business partners before they became a thing. My mind dares to imagine sitting on Neal’s lap and what his mouth would feel like on my neck. Whoa.

  My thoughts are interrupted by Christian saying, “Can I see the business plan? I have time to look it over now, and we can talk over your lunch break.”

  I set the nozzle down and dig through my bag for the papers. “Thanks.”

  Nika says, “Hey, let’s go redo the front window we didn’t get to last night and send Brianna back here to finish steaming.”

  “Okay.” Metal screeches as Nika finds the pieces of clothing she wants. I lead the way out of the office to get the right accessories.

  When we have everything gathered, and at the display, I work on undressing a mannequin. The metal buttons are cool under my fingers from the cold draft near the large window. I ask, “Do you think it’s a bad idea to get involved with Neal as a business partner?”

  “No. He’s a smart guy, and you’ll be successful if he has anything to say about it.” Nika is undressing her own plastic body, and a belt thumps on the floor where she drops it. “Is that what you’re really asking, though? Or are you concerned about his attraction for you getting in the way?”

  “I don’t know. I think I might be more worried about mine.” I tug a pencil skirt down over solid hips.

  “Oh my gosh, you like him?”

  “Kind of?” I sigh. “I don’t know how to do relationships these days. It’s been a while.”

  “How long is a while? I know you haven’t dated in the last year.”

  “Yeah, and I haven’t dated anyone since high school.” The velvet of the new clothing is soft on my fingers, and I smooth it out slowly on the display.

  Nika stops buttoning a shirt and touches my arm. “Did something awful happen?”

  I shake my head because having a child isn’t awful. “No. It was more like I never started trying again, and it got really easy to just not bother.”

  “Wow, so you haven’t had a boyfriend in about five years? I thought I was bad.” Bright yellow flashes as she expertly ties a scarf on the female body.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Before getting involved with Christian, I had only had a few boyfriends and had never been in love.”

  “Oh, so you’re saying there’s hope for me?” I grin at her as I step back to survey the outfit I just put together.

  “Definitely. And if you fall for Neal Morgan, I have a feeling that’s all you’ll ever need. Because that guy’s got his act together and knows what he wants. And what he wants is you.”

  “That’s crazy, he doesn’t even know me.”

  “Maybe, but he’s brilliant. I wouldn’t be surprised if he knows more than you think.”

  I hope not. A shiver chases down my spine, and I wrap my arms around my body. Because if he knew about my baby, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be so willing to take a chance on me.

  Chapter 6

  Lunch with Christian sealed the deal. I’m going to open up Ruby Raines Designs again. He pointed out how foolproof the plan was for me. Neal is the one who stands to lose the most money, and if he’s willing to take the chance, then I’m probably a good bet.

  While I’m not sure how well Neal knows fashion, I do know he understands what sells. And so do Nika and Christian. They offered me a loan for my startup costs at an interest rate I know is a gift. They assure me I’ll bring them business.

  On my way home from work I call my number one fan, my mother. She got her real estate license when we came here and recently moved to Vail with a transfer within the company she works for. My mother is a night owl, and I knew she’d be up.

  She picks up on the second ring. “Hey, baby girl, it’s so good to hear your voice.”

  “Hi, Mom. I have something awesome that just fell into my lap, but I need your advice.” I turn down the heat now that my car has finally warmed up.

  “Sure thing. What is it?”

  “I’m thinking about trying to sell my designs again, but this time with a partner who happens to own multiple businesses and is quite successful.” Now that I’m past the lights from town, the stars are bright in the dark sky and twinkle in the distance.

  “That sounds like a smart way to do it. I know you struggled with the business side last time. Is this partner someone I know?” The sound of a teakettle whistling comes through the phone, and I envision her on an overstuffed sofa with thick socks and her e-reader.

  “You probably don’t know him personally, but I bet you’ve heard of him. His name is Neal Morgan; he owns Stone Soup and The Wine and Cheese Shop.”

  “Oh, yeah. I do know who he is. He also owns Down Under and The Fish Bowl, right?”

  “Uh-huh. He’s good friends with Nika and Christian, and the idea is to create a sister store attached to Rhinestone Cowgirl with just my clothes.” My phone buzzes with a text coming in, but I don’t look to see who it is.

  “That sounds wonderful. Do you need any startup money? I’ve been doing well lately and could float you a loan.”

  The warm sensation of love floods me. My mom bailed me out last time by holing up in my apartment with me to sew for hours and paid my bills until I got back on my feet. “Mom, I love you for offering, but this time I want to do it on my own.”

  “I raised a good girl, you make me proud. But think of me as your safety net, okay?”

  “I always do.”

  “Can I convince you to have lunch next week? I want to hear all about your plans and see your newest sketches.” A clinking sound makes me picture her stirring honey into her tea.

  “That would be wonderful. I’m free on Thursday and will come to you.”

  “Great. I’ll make us something delicious. I can’t wait to see you.” While my mother is an extrovert who loves to go out to lunch, she knows I’m not, and I smile at the way she puts me first.

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too, Ruby. See you soon.”

  Frozen dirt crackles under my tires as I pull into my driveway. When I get out of my car I take a moment to look out over the mountain range that is a black silhouette against the charcoal sky. I can’t stop smiling, thinking about how I’m going to give my dream another chance.

  When I get inside I check my phone to see who texted me when I was talking to my mother. It’s Nika, reminding me about girls’ night tomorrow, and inviting me to sleep over instead of driving home late at night. While I used to be anxious about going, I’m not any longer, as the women have become my friends. I’m actually looking forward to it because I have something fun to share.


  Girls’ night usually consists of a sweet drink, a random collection of favorite foods, cards or pool, and lots of laughing. Ice rattles in a metal shaker as Casey mixes up what she calls a winter cranberry and vodka cocktail for me. I’m not sure what that means, but m
y first taste of the frothy pink drink makes me not care. A sweet flavor hits my tongue, and when I swallow it’s followed by a tart finish.

  She tucks a strand of strawberry blond hair behind her ear as she waits for my reaction. I say, “Oh, you’re right, this is yummy.”

  Lori’s warm brown eyes glow. “Casey does make awesome drinks, and they’re never too strong, so you can have more than one.”

  Megan says, “You guys have to try these.” She’s referring to the appetizer I brought. It’s goat cheese mixed with honey and lemon, placed in little pastry cups with a balsamic-glaze-marinated blackberry on top. Heated up in the oven so the goat cheese is soft, they’re a delicious combination of flavors.

  I smile as Megan and Nika moan in pleasure too. Casey is pouring vodka over ice cubes to make Lori’s drink, so Megan pops one in her mouth.

  She says, “Oh, man, these are my new crack. You’ll have to bring these every time now.”

  Lori snorts. “Does this mean I can make something other than my avocado and tomato salad now?”

  Casey answers, “Well, I suppose you can have a few nights off. But I reserve the right to demand it again.”

  Lori grins. “Deal.”

  Nika glances over at me and raises her eyebrows. She’s terrible with surprises, and I know she wants me to share my news. I say, “Before Nika explodes, I have something fun to tell you.”

  Casey says, “You mean she’s kept something from us for a whole half hour?”

  Nika hits her lightly on the arm.

  I reach for the bowl of Lori’s salad and spoon some onto my plate. “I’m going to give Ruby Raines another shot. The space next to Rhinestone Cowgirl is open, and we’re going to knock down a wall and make my boutique a sister store.”

  They all squeal, and Megan says, “Oh, that’s so awesome! I love your clothes. Between you and Nika, I may have to stop teaching skiing so I can work for both of you.”


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