Visions of Love (Arden's Glen Romance Book 3)

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Visions of Love (Arden's Glen Romance Book 3) Page 19

by C. M. Albert

  Rosalie closed her eyes and searched deep in her heart. It didn’t take long for an answer that comforted her soul to come forward. She wrote in her journal:

  If I knew I would be supported, I would ask to be able to do this job from Arden’s Glen. I would still fly to the towns I reported on, but I would be able to do all studio work, post-production work, and interviews from a studio at home that I could build. And while I am dreaming, I would also want to open that art studio to teach kids how to paint or do open paint nights with adults. I would move out of my family’s home and let Brecken have that for himself. And I would open my heart and go all in with Zade.

  Rosalie sat quiet for a moment, shocked by her own vulnerability and honesty. That’s exactly what she wanted deep down, if she were honest with herself. I want to be surrounded by love. To be inspired. To feel deeply connected and finally set down my own roots.

  The last thought terrified and excited Rosalie. It was so clear now that part of the reason why she’d wanted to flee Arden’s Glen so badly was because she didn’t know where she came from, and she never really felt like she fit in. So she’d never dared to set down roots or dreamed of having her own family. How could she bring a child into this world when she didn’t even know who she came from and what her history was?

  Zade’s image came to mind again. He didn’t care at all about any of that. He loved her for who she was, not where she came from. Maybe she should take a page from his book.

  She took a deep breath and drew the third card. She laughed out loud. Her readings were always so serendipitous, as if God was saying: I’ve been trying to tell you this, Rosalie! Will you FINALLY listen?

  I’m listening, she thought.

  She read the card twice. It asked her to call in her tribe and reminded her she didn’t have to do it alone. She thought of Celeste, her mentor and friend. Dez, Mitch, and Ti. All the women at the hospital where she volunteered. And the kids at the youth center.

  But most of all, she thought of Zade. She knew that if she opened her heart and trusted him, she’d never have to do it alone again.

  He wasn’t anything like Rocco or Simon. Rocco had been scared, insecure, and careless. He’d been just a boy who did the wrong thing to fit in at any cost. And it had cost Rosalie. But she was done giving it energy. She said a quick prayer and asked her angels to help her release her hurt, anger, and yes, even guilt, over the situation. She forgave herself for giving that part of herself to Rocco when he clearly didn’t deserve it, or her. She forgave herself for being so insecure that she thought sleeping with him was the answer to having someone like her.

  Her tribe. That’s exactly what she needed.

  She asked God to take away the pain, humiliation, and guilt around her high school gym teacher, as well. Rosalie had felt deep remorse over the years when she thought about what she’d done and how wrong it was. She would literally kill someone if they did that behind her back with Zade. Not that they were married or anything . . . but that made it all the worse. She wished she could apologize to Simon’s wife, but she’d passed away from cancer a few years ago. Still, she knew she needed to release her feelings around this and acknowledge how wrong it had been. She’d write him a letter and get everything off her chest. Even if she never sent it, it would be cathartic.

  Then, she could go into a real relationship with Zade and not be afraid of all the ways she’d been hurt before, but excited for what they could share. She’d never given that hopeful part of her heart to someone before. She had known what she was getting into with Rocco, and knew exactly what he wanted, and it wasn’t a piece of her heart. So she’d been hurt and angry when she turned to her teacher for comfort.

  But Zade . . . he was all man. He was willing to accept her, flaws and all. He didn’t care what she did for a living, or the fact that she routinely talked to dead people. He was fascinated by her experiences and sought to understand her, rather than be afraid of her gifts. And most of all, she felt alive when she was with Zade. He loved her and her body in ways she’d never experienced before. He was reverent, patient, and passionate.

  There was so much hope. She just needed to trust that the support would really be there for her. That things would align to make these actual dreams a reality. And that Zade hadn’t given up on waiting for her.

  She closed her eyes and said a quick prayer before flipping the last card over. It was simple, but powerful, and exactly what she needed to hear.

  Yes. Just say yes.

  ZADE WAS GRUMPY. It was as simple as that. He’d put in too many hours over the last week to cover for Dr. Hill, and he was starting to get burned out. On top of that, it was four long months since Rosalie moved from Arden’s Glen, and he missed her more and more every day. He knew her first season was done filming, even though all the episodes hadn’t aired yet. He watched the show regularly and even DVR’d it so he could go back and watch it whenever he needed to see her face or hear the excitement in her voice. But it was a pale substitute for the vibrant woman he knew and loved.

  He was done waiting.

  He picked up his phone and connected to his sister’s extension, doing what he should have done months ago. “Got a minute?”

  “Be right there,” she said. She was true to her word, and he heard a knock a few moments later.

  “Come in,” he called out.

  Zada peeked around the door. “Aren’t you gonna go home soon?” she asked, coming in and sitting in the chair across from him. She propped her feet on the corner of his desk, but removed them quickly when he frowned at her.

  “Really, Zada?” he said. “It’s a desk, not a footstool.”

  “Wow. You’re grumpy,” she said.

  Zade sighed, removing his glasses and rubbing a hand down his face. “Yeah, sorry,” he said. He put his glasses back on and looked up at his sister. “I miss Rosalie. I can’t do this anymore, Z.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means I’m going to fly out to California after the holidays to be with Rosalie. I need you to clear my schedule for a week after Christmas. Then, I’m going to ask her to marry me. And I’ll fucking move to the West Coast if I need to, to be with her.”

  Zada was quiet for a moment, but then shifted in her chair and grabbed the nearest pen and prescription pad from his desk. “What can I do to help?”

  “I need you to get me that week off. I know it’s short notice, but remind Dr. Hill that he owes me this after how much I’ve been covering for him. Book me a first-class flight to Los Angeles, and get me the best suite available at the Mondrian. If I’m going to do this, I’m going to do this right. I also need to make an appointment with Hollis over at the jewelry store for tomorrow morning.”

  “Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve, Zade.”

  “They’ll be open. If they’re not, call her at home. She’ll open the store for me.”

  Zada arched a brow. “Oh yeah, and why’s that?”

  He rolled his eyes at his sister. “Because I saved her father’s life.”

  “Oh.” Zada looked down, still busy scribbling herself some notes.

  “You’re really going to do this, Zade? Are you sure about it? You just gave up Dallas to stay here. Are you really ready to move across the country and work in a hospital you may not even like? For a girl?”

  “You know damn well she’s not just some girl, Zada. Have you ever seen me in love like this?”

  Zada shook her head. “I’m just worried about you. I really like Rosalie. But she left you, Zade. I know it was for a job, but if you meant that much to her, maybe she should’ve stayed. Are you sure you want to move for her, when she wouldn’t stay for you?”

  “A hundred percent, Z,” he answered without hesitation. “I’d move heaven and earth to be with her. Hell, I can retire if I need to. Then it won’t matter where I work. But I have some contacts at Cedars-Sinai that I can reach out to. I’m sure I can find something.”

  Zada smiled, but he could see it was half-assed. “Wh
at’s wrong, sis?”

  “I wish I had someone who would fight for me like this,” she said. “I’m so happy for you, but it makes me question things. Do I want to stay in Arden’s Glen if you move? Should I follow you to California? Or maybe I should just woman the fuck up and figure things out on my own. Maybe I’ll close my eyes and point to a spot on a map of the US and just take a gamble. Who knows?” she said, rising and heading toward the door.

  “Zada, you know you always have a place with me if you want it. I’m sorry if it’s going to be hard on you now, trying to figure out what you want. But I can’t keep going like this. I thought it would be easier. But I’m not happy here without her anymore.”

  “I know.”

  “Z,” he said when his sister was about to close the door, “thank you. I couldn’t do this without you either. Whether we live in the same city or not, I’ll always have your back, just like you always have mine.”

  “Thanks, Zade.”

  He sat back in his chair and smiled, content now that he had a game plan. He reached for his phone to text Rosalie. He would surprise her with the trip, but he needed to touch base with her now. He missed her so damn much.

  Zade: Hey, Crackers!

  Rosalie: Hi! Isn’t it pretty late there?

  Zade: Yeah. Had to squeeze in a bunch of paperwork. I’m getting ready to leave though. I have a serious question first.

  Rosalie: Shoot.

  Zade: Are you actually related to Kismet?

  Rosalie: *groans*

  Rosalie: No. Why?

  Zade: Because you’re absolutely purrrrrfect.

  A knock on his door interrupted him.

  Zade: Text you back in a sec. Zada has some info I need.

  Zade put down his cell phone and called out, “Come on in, Z.”

  The door creaked open slowly, but it wasn’t his sister.

  “I think you’re pretty purrrrfect, too,” Rosalie said.

  Zade stood so fast he bumped his knee on his desk and cursed as he limped over to her. He wrapped his arms around his girl and buried his face in her hair, holding tight so she wouldn’t slip away again. “Oh my God, is this really you?”

  Rosalie laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and rubbing her hands through his thick hair. “No, I’m the ghost of Christmas future. I’m here to show you how great your life’s about to get in about five minutes.”

  “Babe?” he said. He pulled her all the way into his office and closed the door. “What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming!”

  “I wanted it to be a Christmas surprise,” she said, suddenly nervous. “Surprise?”

  He scooped her up in his arms, and her legs immediately circled his waist. “You’re pretty sexy for a ghost,” he teased. “This is the best surprise ever. God I’ve missed you.”

  He kissed her neck, her jaw, her cheek. When his lips finally found hers, the feeling of home slammed into him.

  “I missed you too,” she whispered.

  “Are you here for the holidays?” he asked.

  “Is the door locked?” she answered.

  Zade turned around and locked the door with her still in his arms. “It is now,” he said, huskily. He made his way back to his desk and set her gently on top before pulling the blinds closed on each window.

  She lifted her hands and cupped his face, as if memorizing every detail. “I missed your adorable dimples,” she said.

  “I missed your adorable everything.”

  He claimed her mouth, kissing her so deeply he thought they’d both lose their breaths or die trying. Her hands were everywhere, and she seemed as excited as he was to see her. Zade pressed his body between her thighs, and they parted as far as they could for him. The only problem? Her damn winter coat was a barrier between them, and he couldn’t get it off her fast enough.

  He pulled back, reaching for the top button. “Let’s get this off so you can stay awhile,” he said.

  She swatted his hand away. “No, let me.”

  Rosalie slowly undid one button at a time and Zade nearly had a heart attack when he saw how naked she was beneath the long, heavy jacket. He glanced down. Yep. She’d worn stilettos. And not just any stilettos. They were at least four inches tall. The back heel and the strap were red, and the rest of the leather was black. Even though it was winter out, she was wearing open-toed heels, and damn if her toe nails weren’t painted in a rich Christmas red, with little white bows on them.

  She’d done this for him.

  Rosalie slid a condom from the coat pocket and set it onto the desk, biting her lip as Zade watched her drop her coat to the floor. She glanced up through her thick, dark lashes, with nothing more on than the clothes God gave her at birth—and those sexy as fuck heels. Zade chuckled. His desk might not be a footstool, but he’d make an exception for Rosalie’s ass.

  He reached past her, kissing her abdomen as he pressed his intercom button on his phone. “Zada . . . why don’t you head home? Forward my voice mail and put the Do Not Disturb sign up on my office first though, okay?”

  Rosalie’s laughter quickly turned to a gasp when his warm tongue found one of her nipples and flicked it, teasing gently before wrapping his lips around it and pulling it into his mouth. Her hands tightened in his hair and her body arched forward as he spent some time cupping, pleasuring, and kissing each side.

  “Did I already tell you that this is the best Christmas gift you could ever give me?” he rasped out, making his way to her mouth. She was his, damn it! This staying apart shit was over. He couldn’t wait to give her his surprise. But it would have to wait till tomorrow.

  Their tongues danced and teased, pulling in lips with gentle caresses and eager, promising love nibbles. His hands were everywhere—he couldn’t get enough of Rosalie now that she was here in the flesh. She was so fucking soft! He yanked her hips forward on the desk and knelt down, spreading her legs apart to make room for his body. The first flick of his tongue brought a spasm, encouraging him to give her more. She was so wet and so sweet, and he couldn’t get enough of her. He could never get enough of her.

  His fingers and mouth worked together, setting the right pace and intensity to drive her over the edge. “Oh my God,” she hissed, trying to be quiet.

  Her stilettos scraped his back as her legs wrapped around him and tightened. Zade groaned as her sexy little hips bucked against his mouth, and her hands gripped the sides of his head. He felt her body tense, her legs shaking with the release. Nothing could have turned him on more. He stood, untying his scrubs so he could be free of all these clothes. He’d gone too long without her, and he was straining to slide deep inside her warmth and have her welcome him home.

  She stopped him though, sliding off the desk and putting a hand against his chest. The dangerous look in her eyes told him what he needed to know. He’d had his fun, but she was in charge now. She shoved him back playfully into his desk chair and leaned forward to kiss him, her generous breasts brushing his chest. He reached up to palm them, rolling the nipples between his fingers and tweaking them hard.

  She worked his pants down over his hips and took them off completely. He watched as she lowered to the floor, looking hot as fuck on her knees as she glanced up at him. Her hair was slicked back into an elegant chignon, glittering little diamonds winking back at him. It was so fucking hot he could weep. Her scarlet red lips teased him—sweetly kissing the tip of his swollen cock. Her tongue darted out, giving him a little taste of his own medicine.

  Soon, he was watching as her lips wrapped all the way around him, taking him in completely as she made love to his shaft with her tongue. He gripped the armrests of the chair and closed his eyes, letting his head drop back against the smooth leather. Fuck! It had been an awful day, and a long four months. But Rosalie’s mouth was the balm he needed to forget everything that plagued his overactive mind.

  He pressed his hips up, feeding her mouth and groaning as she cupped him, overloading his sensations with her mouth, her fingers, her pal
ms. All thoughts went out the window as he surrendered control and focused solely on Rosalie’s warm and skillful tongue.

  “Stop!” he finally growled, barely able to breathe. He wanted to be inside her. If she didn’t stop, he’d lose it too fast—especially after four months without her. “I won’t last if you don’t let me inside you right now.”

  She grinned, sliding her body up his legs, her eyes never leaving his. Holy hell, she was sexy as hell when she took control. She reached back for the condom and slowly rolled it down his hard shaft. He’d never had anyone do that for him and he nearly exploded as her fingers clenched him, the perfect blend of tight grip and sensual slide—just like her mouth had been.

  He gripped her hips as she swung her leg over him sensually, playfully biting his neck, his jaw, his bottom lip. She traced her tongue under his upper lip, sensually dragging it across his teeth before paying homage to his bottom lip, too. He groaned into her mouth, gripping her hips harder.

  “I missed you more than I ever imagined I would,” she said quietly. She was sitting on his thighs, his cock pressed against her wet opening. It was pure, delicious torture. “How did I ever walk away from this?” she moaned as he lifted her hips and placed her at the head of his thick cock.

  He slid the tip inside slowly, letting her close her eyes and savor the feel of him stretching her. He looked down, marveling at the way her lips encased him, taking in every inch until she was sitting flat against his stomach, his cock buried to the hilt.

  She took a deep breath before opening her eyes again. “No one else could ever make me feel the way you do,” she said.

  “Fuck!” he groaned, pressing in farther and starting a slow roll of his hips. “No one has ever done anything like this for me. I didn’t think there was anything you could do to surprise me, but this”—he slammed his hips up, bottoming her out and making her gasp with pleasure—“is fucking incredible.”


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