An Angel of A Different Order: Dr Peter VonNetzer, the bloodletter (Danger Angel Book 1)

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An Angel of A Different Order: Dr Peter VonNetzer, the bloodletter (Danger Angel Book 1) Page 17

by S. R. Rashad

  Shit, she’s right…and I think I may have even asked for help. Ok, that happened. That stays in the vault, Laura.

  “When do I get to go?”

  “The doctor will come by soon to take a look at you and he’ll tell you, ok.”


  “Oh Laura, your friend Jennifer was here. She said for you to call her when you are checking out.”

  “Thanks, nurse Daphne.”

  “No problem, honey. Now, you take good care of yourself. I don't want you back in here.”

  “We are in agreement there, lady.”

  “Ok, now.”

  Nurse Daphne isn’t half bad. I need to chill out. Well, If I get out of this hideous hospital gown, I think that could be a start. Now, what's in this closet? As she opens the closet, she’s surprised to see two of her favorite Anne Klein outfits hanging there. Nice, now how'd this happen. Ok, Laura, just put one on. She laughs…I can't wear my absolute favorite Donna Karan anymore, not unless, blood soaked, bullet hole power suits come in fashion. She thinks to herself and laughs. I'm gonna miss that suit. Oh hell, girl, is this what it comes down to, you and your suits. I need to do more than just be a lawyer. I’ll take yoga or something. That’s it. I'm gonna have to broaden my horizons.

  “Someone’s ready to leave us!” Dr. Singh says loudly as he walks in on Laura, laying out her outfits.

  “Well, I can’t imagine you guys want me here forever.”

  “Not forever, Laura. Just long enough to make sure you’re mostly healed. And ready for the grueling life of a high powered attorney-- is that too much to ask for, now?”

  “No, not at all. Unless you’re here to tell me I can’t leave today. Then, we may have a problem. So can I get the all clear, doc?”

  “Okay, Miss so serious. Let’s take a good look at you, then.”

  Dr. Singh gives Laura a quick exam…

  "Can you lift your right arm?”

  She does

  “Now, can you lift your left?”

  She does

  “Okay, this may be painful, but I need you to cough.”

  She does and she feels a little pain, but she decides to down play it, and not mention it to Dr. Singh. she’s afraid if she does say anything, she won’t get to go home today.

  “Good, Laura. Now, I just need to look at the sutures and check for any bruising or swelling or any strange discolorations in your chest and back.” He looks her over and gives her the all clear.

  “Ok, Laura. You can leave.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Singh.”

  “Do you want us to call you a taxi?”

  “No, I have a friend picking me up, thanks.”

  “Okay, Laura. Now take it slow. Don't go climbing any mountains or anything in your first few weeks. Give yourself time to heal. I'll schedule you a time to get the sutures removed and the nurse is going to give you a list of meds you will need to take for a short while. Follow the instructions as prescribed. Can you do this for me?”

  “You got it, Dr. Singh.”

  “Ok, Laura. Take care now.”

  Dr. Singh leaves and Laura calls her Bambi. Jen arrives, in no time.

  “Hey Jen, you ready to get me the hell out of here.”

  “Let's go…oh, wait. The nurse said we have to wait for a wheelchair.”

  “A wheelchair? …shit, the indignity of it all.”

  “It's fine, Laura.”

  “Sure, ok, Jen. But why do I have to look silly, so the hospital could cover its ass.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come on, Jen. They tell me I'm fine. Then they say use this damn wheelchair. Well… Cause if I slip and fall and god forbid i re-injure myself trying to walk while still on their property, they don't want me to sue.”

  “No, that's not right, Laura. Is it? It's just that you are too weak still. Anyway, why walk when I'm here to push you…and I'm a good driver too. No major wheelchair crashes on my record.” Jen laughs.

  “Ok, lady…enough from you.” Laura smiles.

  “Ok, Laura, no wheelies then.”

  “I'm sure if they saw that, these guys would have a fit.”

  “No wheelies.” Jen laughs.

  On the drive home, Laura is unusually quiet. She's afraid of what her life will look like now. How will she perform? Is her practice going to be the same? When will Jim allow her to pick up where she left off and most importantly, how are they going to treat her at the office. She's no invalid and they damn well better not treat her like one. Damn it.

  “Hey Jen, hon, how did my suits get into the hospital closet?”

  “Oh, I put them there. I knew you would want them when coming home.”

  “Did you now.”

  “Yup, …before you ask. I have a special relationship with your doorman.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yup, you'll see.”

  “What do you mean, Jen hon…” Laura says with a worried look.

  “Do worry.” Jen says with a devilish smile.

  And of course, all Laura can do now is worry, but she decides to take it easy. She has grown to trust Jen and her judgement. They arrive at Laura's

  “Hey, Juan.” Laura addresses Juan her doorman with a big smile as he opens the door.

  “Hello, Ms. Danger. It's good to have you home.”

  “Is it now? So what's with you and Jen?” Laura asks fishing for any surprises. She hates surprises. And she doesn't like people doting on her.

  “Oh, her. She's nice.” Juan says not revealing much.

  “I know, Juan. Anything strange happened while I was in the hospital?”

  “Strange? No, nothing like that.”

  “But you did let, Jen into my place?” Laura says inquisitively.

  “Hey well we needed…”

  Jen interrupts Juan… “Yes, you needed some outfits, so there.”

  Laura senses something strange but decides to let it go.

  “I guess you two are best friends now.” Laura says, looking suspiciously at The two of them.

  They take the elevator to Laura’s apt.

  “Here, let me open that for you, Laura.” Jen says as she goes in her pocket and pulls out a set of keys to Laura’s place.

  “Hey, I'm gonna need those keys back, girl.”

  “Ok,” Jen says opening the door

  And Laura is immediately taken back, “What the hell…” shouts Laura.

  Laura is dumbfounded and stunned by all the colorful balloons, gifts, flowers, cards and stuffed animals amassed in such a pile that they take up her entire entryway. She is absolutely overcome. So much so she begins to cry. Then she really starts to lose it. She hasn't cried like this since her dad died. She doesn't know what it is. Maybe it's the realization that she was nearly killed. Maybe it's just that she is overwhelmed by the love and support of her colleagues. Maybe it's her love for her new friend. She isn't sure but she knows something in her needed this. All of this and the tears come…

  “Hey Jen, what's this, girl? You did this?” Laura says, still crying.

  “Well, Jim wanted to send flowers, then Bill, then everybody at the offices. We were gonna send them to the hospital. Then someone suggested here. Well, then they just kept coming. And well, now, we have this mountain of…of…of love, Laura.”

  Laura wipes her face and smiles…

  “Now, how the hell am I gonna get into my place,” she says and they both laugh.

  “Here, let me move those for you.”

  Jen begins to move the vases filled with flowers, the over sized stuffed animals, the dozens of colorful balloons. Then, Laura sees one of the Larger boxes appear to move.

  “Jen, what the hell! That box just moved?”

  “Oh, this box,” as she walks over to it and takes off the top, out jumps a fluffy sandy brown puppy.

  “Jen, what the hell is that! Who put a puppy in a box, and thought it ok to put that thing in my apartment!”

  “I did…” Jen smiles, “you like!”

  “No, I don
't like. What am I gonna do with a dog…” Just then, the puppy runs over to Laura and starts gnawing on her shoe. “See, Jen. No, none of this. I don't like this. What is it doing?”

  “Oh, he’s just saying, Hello Mommy.”

  “No, Jen. No mommy, no!” Laura says, waving her finger at Jen.

  “Listen, Laura. I got you that puppy and he’s a nice puppy and you two need each other, so there. That’s it.” Jen says this firmly, with her arms crossed.

  “We’ll see, Ms. Bossy.” Laura says “Who’s gonna train the thing?”

  “We are. I am staying here with you in your guest room till I feel you are fit enough to be on your own.”

  “Look at you, Jen. You are really letting this ms bossy pants thing go to your head,”

  “Well, I learn from the best.”

  “Apparently,” Laura laughs, “Apparently.”

  “No, seriously Laura, let's try this out. If you don't love him, I'll take him home with me to my tiny, tiny apartment in Brooklyn.”

  “Ok, Jen. Right now, I'm hungry and by the looks of my half eaten shoe, he’s hungry too.”

  Laura’s phone rings. She runs into her office to get it and her new excited pup runs with her.

  “Hello. Laura, here.”

  “Hello, Laura. How is it being out of the hospital?” says Jim

  “Well, overwhelming…at least, the part where I get home to all the gifts.”

  “Yes, good stuff, huh, Laura?”

  “Surprising, for sure.”

  Jim hears her puppy barking in the background

  “Laura, who’s that I hear?”

  “Well, Jim. I have a new dog.”

  “Do you now.”

  “Can you picture me with a puppy. How the Hell am I gonna manage with my career?”

  There is a long pause on Jim’s end.

  “Hey, Jim. You still here?”

  “Well, Laura. I think you shouldn’t rush back into anything too quickly. How about you take a little while to focus on your recovery.”

  Jim knows this is impossible for Laura but he thinks ultimately, it is what is best for her and the firm.

  “What? What are you saying… You know I’m fine. I’m good, Jim. I’m ready to get back at it.”

  Jim makes a deal with Laura.

  “You know what, Laura. How about this. You see the firm’s physical therapist and a psychologist and we’ll revisit this in a bit. Are you ok with this, Laura?”

  “Well, not really, but I guess I’ll have to be.”

  “Yes, Laura. It feels like the best way to go, for now. I’ll have Betty set up appointments with both and someone will contact you with the details. Enjoy your gifts…Oh, and your new dog. Sounds like the kind of thing you need now, Laura. We’ll talk soon. It’s good to have you home. We were all worried for awhile there.”

  “Ok, Jim.”

  This phone call was not good. Laura doesn’t like this. She needs to work. She needs the structure, and the focus and drive that her career gives her.

  “Hey, Laura. Who was that?”

  “It was Jim”

  “Oh, you ok?”

  Jen knows what was going to happen. This was the talk for the past week at the office.This is partly why she got the puppy and suggested she stay with her awhile. She knows this is a tough blow for Laura. And she’s gonna need help to get to the other side of this.

  “I’ll be fine, Jen. I’ll just lay down awhile…hey can you come get this dog, hon? And what do we call him, anyhow?”

  Jen walks over and picks him up, looking into his cute little face, smiling and says…

  “We are calling him LB.”


  “Yes, LB.”


  Laura goes into her room and closes the door. Shortly after, Jen hears Laura crying and she wants to do something but she also knows, Laura needs this time to herself.

  Chapter 17

  A bullet. A gun. A shooter.

  A bullet tells a story. It has a history, a truth. These two bullets leave a gun, fired by a gunman, entering the bodies of three, leaving behind a tale to be discovered by one who listens to and decodes the information they relay about themselves. The information the captain's go to expert enjoys deciphering. Manhattan's chief ballistics specialist comes down to the 71st, to hand the captain a report detailing his account of the vigilante's two discarded shell casings and their retrieved projectiles. The captain's hated vigilante uses modified bullets, filed down to explode or shatter on impact, revealing his need to deal maximum damage to his target. He absolutely wants his target dead with extreme prejudice. The gun used is a military grade M24 rifle, referred to as the 'weapons system' by police and the military. From 1988 to 2010, this was the standard sniper rifle used by the military. Its force and accuracy made it the rifle of choice for the skilled sniper. He is most probably an army veteran of the Iraqi wars or desert storm. When one learns on a weapon or has successful kills with a weapon, he stays with that weapon.

  The captain and his homicide detectives come up with a picture of the would-be vigilante based on his actions and his choice of weapon. Detective Sgt. Johns relays their findings to the officers of the 71st during a briefing.

  "Gentlemen and ladies, there is a killer out there, probably still on the streets of our fine city. He has killed one and injured two others. We believe him to be a self styled vigilante. He is setting himself above the law; judge, jury and executioner. I can't adequately convey the urgency needed to find this individual. He doesn't see any life as precious. He only sees his goal, regardless of who gets in his way. That being said, he will kill anyone or anything that obstructs his target. And we believe his ultimate target to be Dr.VonNetzer. Why be at the Dr.VonNetzer trial if not to kill Dr.VonNetzer. He missed his target. So if we know the whereabouts of the doctor, we will find our guy close by. We need to apprehend him. Here is what we are looking for. He is a loner. He is either ex military or a fellow officer. He is a white male, possible ex army sniper or police sniper. He is between 35 and 45 years of age. He is skilled at evading capture. He looks friendly or harmless. He blends in and he knows police response time or police capture procedure. I know this might not be a wealth of information, but this is what we have so far. Now, let's get out there and get this son of a bitch."

  The captain stands in the back of the briefing, looks around the room and sees Sgt. Roberts isn’t present. No one has seen Sgt. Roberts since he stormed out of the DA’s office, days ago. This troubles the captain. And the Sgt.’s team doesn't know what to think or what’s going on. After the briefing, the captain calls for a meeting of the Taskforce in his office.

  “People, this team is in jeopardy. There is pressure from up high. Not to mention, your team leader, Sgt. Roberts will probably be placed on administrative leave, while internal affairs conducts an investigation. Well, that is if, he shows up for duty. As of now, the team is still operational but someone’s gonna have to step up and lead this team till further notice”.

  As he says this, the captain looks over at officer Chan, the senior most member of the team and the Sgt.’s right hand.

  “So what do you say, Chan. You ready to lead this team?”

  “Yea, sure, captain.”

  “Great… now that, that's settled. Can someone go to the Sgt.’s house and let that son of a bitch know he still works for a living.”

  “Will do.” Says officer Jeffries.”

  “Ok that’s it, team. let’s go catch some bad guys. Before you go, Jeffries. I need a word with you.”


  The team exits with Chan as the new head. The first thing he decides to do, is review all the Sgt.’s old files, to get a better understanding as to what is going on, and what he can do to help. But he really wants to know, how serious things are for the Sgt. and the team.

  “Jeffries, you served in desert storm, right?”

  “That’s right, Captain.”

  “Army sniper?”


  “The M24 was that the rifle you used?”

  “At first, but the army started phasing them out and my last tours, we were switched to the M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System.”

  “Ok, The M24 and the M110, this makes you our most experienced sniper around. I need you to work with homicide on this vigilante case. Your knowledge of the M24, of sniper tactics and your army training may prove to be the most valuable assets to this case. I need someone who knows how a sniper thinks, how he plans, how he chooses a location, how he knows what is the best vantage point. And most importantly, I know you guys are trained to be ghosts. I want to know how he exits a situation. How is he able to evade capture. I want to know how he thinks. Hell, I want to know what he thinks before he thinks it--you think you’re up for the task?”

  “Sure, captain. I’m your man.”

  “Great, Jeffries. That’s what I need to hear. But first, I still need you to get me Sgt. Roberts.”

  “Will do.”

  Officer Jeffries arrives at the Sgt.’s home. It looks as though no one’s home. He rings the bell, no answer. He walks around to the side entrance and knocks, no answer. He tries peering through the windows and sees no sign of Roberts. He goes back to his car and waits for a bit. Perhaps a light will turn on or there will be some movement or indication that someone is around. One of officer Jeffries’ skill set, is his ability to wait. It is the sniper’s stock and trade.

  Officer Chan goes through some of the teams old files, in Sgt. Roberts’ file cabinet. He’s most curious about a locked file draw he comes across. He would love to see what’s in it. But Since it is still a no no, to break into the Sgt.’s files, it calls for discretion and a little help from officer Sanders, the team’s lead breach and entry person. He wouldn’t normally even consider something like this, but being that the team is in jeopardy and the Sgt. is missing, he feels he has no choice in the matter. He goes looking for Sanders.


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