Delphi Collected Works of Hugh Walpole (Illustrated)

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Delphi Collected Works of Hugh Walpole (Illustrated) Page 121

by Hugh Walpole

  Meanwhile Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Agatha had arrived the night before. Uncle Jeremy was big and stout and he wore clothes that were very black and extremely bright. His face was crimson in colour and his eyes, large and bulging, wore a look of perpetual surprise. He was bald and an enormous gold watch chain crossed his stomach like a bridge. He had obviously never cared for either of his sisters and he always shouted when he spoke. Aunt Agatha was round and fat and comfortable, wore gold-rimmed spectacles and a black silk dress, and obviously considered that Uncle Jeremy had made the world.

  Peter watched his father’s attitude to these visitors. He realised that he had never seen his father with any stranger or visitor — no one came to the house and he had never been into the town with his father. With this realisation came a knowledge of other things — of things half heard at the office, of half looks in the street, of a deliberate avoidance of his father’s name — the Westcotts of Scaw House! There were clouds about the name.

  But his father, in contact with Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Agatha, was strangely impressive. His square, thick-set body clothed in black — his dark eyes, his short stiff hair, his high white forehead, his long beautiful hands — this was no ordinary man, moving so silently with a reserve that seemed nobly fitting on this sad occasion. The dark figure filled the house, touching in its restrained grief, admirable in its dignity, a fine spirit against the common clay of Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Agatha.

  Mr. Westcott was courteous but sparing of words — a strong man, you would say, bowed down with a grief that demanded, in its intensity, silence.

  Uncle Jeremy hated and feared his brother-in-law. His hatred he concealed with difficulty but his fear was betrayed by his loud and nervous laugh. He was obviously interested in Peter and stared at him, throughout breakfast, with his large, surprised eyes. Peter felt that this interest was a speculation as to his future and it made him uncomfortable ... he hated his uncle but the black suit that the stout gentleman wore on the day of the funeral was so black, so tight and so shiny that he was an occasion for laughter rather than hatred.

  The black coffin was brought down the long stairs, through the hall and into the desolate garden. The sight of it roused no emotion in Peter — that was not his mother. The two aunts, Uncle Jeremy and his father rode in the first carriage; Peter and Mrs. Trussit in the second. Mrs. Trussit’s bonnet and black silk dress were very fine and she wept bitterly throughout the journey.

  Peter only dismally wished that he could arrange his knees so that they would not rub against her black silk. He did not think of his mother at all but only of the great age of the cab, of the furious wind that whistled about the road, and the roar that the sea, grey and furious far below them, flung against their windows.

  He would have liked to talk to her but her sobbing seemed to surround her with a barrier. It was all inexpressibly dreary with the driving wind, the rustling of the black silk dress, the jolting and clattering of the old carriage. But he had no desire to cry — he was too miserable for that.

  On the hill in the little churchyard, a tempest of wind swept across the graves. From the bending ground the cliff fell sheer to the sea and behold! it was a tossing, furious carpet of white and grey. The wind blew the spray up to the graveyard and stung the faces of the mourners and in the roar of the waves it was hard to hear the voice of the preacher. It was a picture that they made out there in the graveyard. Poor Aunt Jessie, trembling and shaking, Mrs. Trussit, stout and stiff with her handkerchief to her eyes, Uncle Jeremy with his legs apart, his face redder than ever, obviously wishing the thing over, Aunt Agatha concerned for her clothes in the streaming wind, Mr. Westcott unmoved by the storm, cold, stern, of a piece with the grey stone at the gravehead — all these figures interesting enough. But towering above them and dominating the scene was the clergyman — his great beard streaming, his surplice blowing behind him in a cloud, his great voice dominating the tumult, to Peter he was a part of the day — the storm, the earth, the flying, scudding clouds. All big things there, and somewhere sailing with those clouds, on the storm, the spirit of his mother ... that little black coffin standing, surely, for nothing that mattered.

  But, strangely enough, when the black box had been lowered, at the sharp rattling of the sods upon the lid, his sorrow leapt to his eyes. Suddenly the sense of his loss drove down upon him. The place, the people were swept away — he could hear her voice again, see her thin white hands ... he wanted her so badly ... if he could only have his chance again ... he could have flung himself there upon the coffin, not caring whether he lived or died... his whole being, soul and body, ached for her....

  He knew that it was all over; he broke away from them all and he never, afterwards, could tell where it was that he wandered during the rest of that day. At last, when it was dark, he crept back to the house, utterly, absolutely exhausted in every part of his body ... worn out.


  On the following day Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Agatha departed and took Aunt Jessie with them. She had the air of being led away into captivity and seemed to be fastened to the buttons of Uncle Jeremy’s tight black suit. She said nothing further to Peter and showed no sense of having, at any time, been confidential — she avoided him, he thought.

  He of course returned to his office and tried to bury himself in the work that he found there — but his attention wandered; he was overstrung, excited abnormally, so that the whole world stood to him as a strange, unnatural picture, something seen dimly and in exaggerated shapes through coloured glass. That evening with Stephen shone upon him now with all the vigour of colour of a real fact in a multitude of vague shadows. The reality of that night was now of the utmost value.

  Meanwhile there were changes at Scaw House. Mrs. Trussit had vanished a few days after the funeral, no one said anything about her departure and Peter did not see her go. He was vaguely sorry because she represented in his memory all the earlier years, and because her absence left the house even darker and more gloomy than it had been before. The cook, a stout and slatternly person, given, Peter thought, to excessive drinking, shared, with a small and noisy maid, the duties of the house — they were most inefficiently performed.

  But, with this clearing of the platform, the hatred between Peter and his father became a definite and terrible thing. It expressed itself silently. At present they very rarely spoke and except on Sundays met only at breakfast and in the evening. But the air was charged with the violence of their relationship; the boy, growing in body so strangely like the man, expressed a sullen and dogged defiance in his every movement ... the man watched him as a snake might watch the bird held by its power. They stood, as wrestlers stand before the moment for their meeting has arrived. The house, always too large for their needs, seemed now to stretch into an infinity of echoing passages and empty rooms; the many windows gathered the dust thick upon their sills. The old grandfather stayed in his chair by the fire — only at night he was wheeled out into his dreary bedroom by the cook who, now, washed and tidied him with a vigour that called forth shrill screams and oaths from her victim. He hated this woman with the most bitter loathing and sometimes frightened her with the violence of his curses.

  Christmas came and went and there followed a number of those wonderful crisp and shining days that a Cornish winter gives to its worshippers. Treliss sparkled and glittered — the stones of the market-place held the heat of the sun as though it had been midsummer and the Grey Tower lifted its old head proudly to the blue sky — the sea was so warm that bathing was possible and in the heart of the brown fields there was a whisper of early spring.

  But all of this touched Scaw House not at all. Grey and hard in its bundle of dark trees it stood apart and refused the sun. Peter, in spite of himself, rejoiced in this brave weather. As the days slipped past, curiously aloof and reserved though he was, making no friends and seeking for none, nevertheless he began to look about him and considered the future.

  All this had in it the element of suspense, of preparation. D
uring these weeks one day slipped into another. No incidents marked their preparation — but up at Scaw House they were marching to no mean climax — every hour hurried the issue — and Peter, meanwhile, as February came whistling and storming upon the world, grew, with every chiming of the town clock, more morose, more sullen, more silent ... there were times when he thought of ending it all. An instant and he would be free of all his troubles — but after all that was the weakling’s way; he had not altogether forgotten those words spoken so long ago by old Moses.... So much for the pause. Suddenly, one dark February afternoon the curtain was rung up outside Zachary Tan’s shop and Peter was whirled into the centre of the stage.

  Peter had not seen Zachary Tan for a long time. He had grown into a morbid way of avoiding everybody and would slink up side streets or go round on leaving the office by the sea road. When he did meet people who had once been kind to him he said as little as possible to them and left them abruptly.

  But on this afternoon Zachary was not to be denied. He was standing at the door of his shop and shouted to Peter:

  “Come away in, Mr. Peter. I haven’t see you this long time. There’s an old acquaintance of yours inside and a cup of tea for you.”

  The wind was whistling up the street, the first drops of a rain storm starred the pavement, and there was a pleasant glow behind Mr. Tan’s window-panes. But there was something stronger yet that drove Peter into the shop. He knew with some strange knowledge who that old acquaintance was ... he felt no surprise when he saw in the little back room, laughing with all his white teeth shining in a row, the stout and cheerful figure of Mr. Emilio Zanti. Peter was a very different person now from that little boy who had once followed Stephen’s broad figure into that little green room and stared at Mr. Zanti’s cheerful countenance, but it all seemed a very little time ago. Outside in the shop there was the same suit of armour — on the shelves, the silver candlesticks, the old coins, the little Indian images, the pieces of tapestry — within the little room the same sense of mystery, the same intimate seclusion from the outer world.... On the other occasion of seeing him Mr. Zanti had been dimmed by a small boy’s wonder. Now Peter was old enough to see him very clearly indeed.

  Mr. Zanti seemed fat only because his clothes were so tight. He was bigly made and his legs and arms were round, bolster fashion — huge thighs and small ankles, thick arms and slender wrists. His clothes were so tight that they seemed in a jolly kind of way to protest. “Oh! come now, must you really put us on to anything quite so big? We shall burst in a minute — we really shall.”

  The face was large and flat and shining like a sun, with a small nose like a door knocker and a large mouth, the very essence of good-humoured surprise. The cheeks and the chin were soft and rounded and looked as though they might be very fat one day — a double chin just peeped round the corner.

  He was a little bald on the top of his head and round this bald patch his black hair clustered protectingly. He gave you the impression that every part of his body was anxious that every other part of his body should have a good time. His suit was a very bright blue and his waistcoat had little brass buttons that met a friend with all the twinkling geniality of good wishes and numberless little hospitalities.

  He had in his blue silk tie a pearl so large and so white that sophisticated citizens might have doubted that it was a pearl at all — but Peter swallowed Mr. Zanti whole, pearl and suit and all.

  “Oh! it is ze little friend — my friend— ‘ow are you, young gentleman? It is a real delight to be with you again.”

  Mr. Zanti swung Peter’s hand up and down as he would a pump handle and laughed as though it were all the best joke in the world. Curiously enough Peter did not resent this rapturous greeting. It moved him strongly. It was such a long time now since any one had shown any interest in him or expressed any pleasure at the sight of him that he was foolishly moved by Mr. Zanti’s warmth.

  He blushed and stammered something but his eyes were shining and his lip trembling.

  Mr. Zanti fixed his gaze on the boy. “Oh! but you have grown — yes, indeed. You were a little slip before — but now — not so ‘igh no — not ‘igh — but broad, strong. Oh! ze arms and legs — there’s a back!”

  Zachary interrupted his enthusiasm with some general remark, and they had a pleasant little tea-party. Every now and again the shop bell tinkled and Zachary went out to attend to it, and then Mr. Zanti drew near to Peter as though he were going to confide in him but he never said anything, only laughed.

  Once he mentioned Stephen.

  “You know where he is?” Peter broke in with an eager whisper.

  “Ah, ha — that would be telling,” and Mr. Zanti winked his eye.

  Peter’s heart warmed under the friendliness of it all. There was very much of the boy still in him and he began to look back upon the days that he had spent with no other company than his own thoughts as cold and friendless. Zachary Tan had been always ready to receive him warmly. Why had he passed him so churlishly by and refused his outstretched hand? But there was more in it than that. Mr. Zanti attracted him most compellingly. The gaily-dressed genial man spoke to him of all the glitter and adventure of the outside world. Back, crowding upon him, came all those adventurous thoughts and desires that he had known before in Mr. Zanti’s company — but tinged now by that grey threatening background of Scaw House and its melancholy inhabitants! What would he not give to escape? Perhaps Mr. Zanti!... The little green room began to extend its narrow walls and to include in its boundaries flashing rivers, shining cities, wide and bounteous plains. Beyond the shop — dark now with its treasures mysteriously gleaming — the steep little street held up its lamps to be transformed into yellow flame, and at its foot by the wooden jetty, as the night fell, the sea crept ever more secretly with its white fingers gleaming below the shingles of the beach.

  Here was wonder and glory enough with the wind tearing and beating outside the windows, blowing the young flowers of the lamps up and down inside their glass houses and screaming down the chimneys for sheer zest of life.... But here it all had its centre in this little room “with Mr. Emilio Zanti’s chuckling for no reason at all and spreading his broad fat hand over Peter Westcott’s knee.

  “Well, Mr. Peter, and ‘ave you been to London in all these years? Or perhaps you ‘ave forgotten that you ever wanted to go there?”

  No, Peter was still of the same mind but Treliss and a few miles up and down the road were as much of the world as he’d had the pleasure of seeing — except for school in Devonshire —

  “And you’d still go, my leetle friend?”

  “Yes — I want to go — I hate being in an office here.”

  “And what is it zat you will do when you are there?”

  Suddenly, in a flash, illuminating the little room, shining over the whole world, Peter knew what it was that he would do.

  “I will write.”

  “Write what?”


  With that word muttered, his head hanging, his cheeks flushing, as though it were something of which he was most mightily ashamed, he knew what it was he had been wanting all these months. The desire had been there, the impulse had been there ... now with the spoken word the blind faltering impulse was changed into definite certainty.

  Mr. Zanti thought it a tremendous joke. He roared, shouted with riotous laughter. “Oh, ze boy — he will be the death of me— ‘I will write stories’ — Oh yes, so easy, so very simple. ‘I will write stories’ — Oh yes.”

  But Peter was very solemn. He did not like his great intention to be laughed at.

  “I mean it,” he said rather gruffly.

  “Oh yes, that’s of course — but that is enough. Oh dear, yes ... well, my friend, I like you. You are very strong, you are brave I can see — you have a fine spirit. One thing you lack — with all you English it is the same.”

  He paused interrogatively but Peter did not seem to wish to know what this quality was.

  “Yes, i
t is ze Humour — you do not see how funny life is — always — always funny. Death, murder, robberies, violences — always funny — you are. Oh! so solemn and per’aps you will be annoyed, think it tiresome, because I laugh—”

  “No,” said Peter gravely, “I like your laughing.”

  “Ah! That is well.” Suddenly he jerked his body forward and stared into Peter’s face.

  “Well!... Will you come?”

  Peter hung back, his face white. He was only conscious that Zachary, quiet and smiling in the background, watched him intently.

  “What!... with you ... to London!”

  “Yes ... wiz me — what of your father? Will he be furious, hey?”

  “He won’t like it—” Peter continued slowly. “But I don’t care. I’ll leave him — But I should have no money — nothing!”

  “An’, no matter — I will take you to London for nothing and then — if you like it — you may work for me. Two pounds a week — you would be useful.”

  “What should I do?”

  “I have a bookshop — you would look after ze books and also ze customers.” This seemed to amuse Mr. Zanti very much. “Two pounds a week is a lot of money for ze work — and you will have time — ho yes — much time for your stories.”

  Peter’s eyes burned. London — a bookshop — freedom. Oh! wonderful world! His heart was beating so that words would not come.

  “Oh!” he murmured. “Oh!”

  “Ah, that’s well!” Mr. Zanti clapped him on the shoulder. “There is no need for you to say now. On ze Wednesday in Easter week I go — before then you will tell me. We shall get on together, I know it. If you will ‘ave a leetle more of ze Humour you will be a very pleasant boy — and useful — Ho, yes!”

  To Peter then the shop was not visible — a mist hung about his eyes. “Much time for your stories”... said Mr. Zanti, and he shouted with laughter as his big form hung before Peter. The large white hand with the flashing rings enclosed Peter’s.


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