Something Different

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Something Different Page 6

by Allegra Johnson

  “Hey, Ma.”

  MacKenzie raised one finger, finished the paragraph she was reading, then looked up at Ella. “What? I’m busy.”

  Ella rolled her eyes. “You’ve read that book like a gazillion times already. You can’t be that busy.” She huffed. “Anyway, would you mind if I hang out with Rudy tomorrow? There’s some soccer game or something, and he asked me to go.”

  MacKenzie smiled. “It’s called football here, and it’s a match not a game. But that’s cool. I actually made plans with Bas for the date I won last night. We’re going to that prison museum you didn’t want to go to, so this works out well. We’re heading out in the morning. I’ll meet you back here for supper.”

  “Okay, I’ll let Rudy know. So, um, how was your night?” Ella flinched at the glare she received. “No, I don’t mean that.” She waved vaguely at the dining table where she’d seen the pile of clothes that morning. “I meant the whole night. You guys looked like you were having a good time. It was nice to see you smiling like that again. It’s been too long.” She sat down on the other end of the sofa, mirroring MacKenzie's position with her back against the arm. “So spill it. I saw your status.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  Laughing, MacKenzie marked her place, closed the book, and placed it on the cushion between them. “It was . . . different. Being with him was easy. We just hit it off. I can’t really explain it. I expected to feel guilty or for things to be awkward, but I didn’t and they weren’t.” She shrugged. “It made me realize that it is time to move on. I’m not saying I’m going to jump right back into something serious. I will say I’m open to meeting someone and dating. So there’s that.”

  “That’s awesome! What about Sebastian, though? How are you guys gonna date? He lives here, right?” Her face showed her disappointment.

  “Sebastian? Why would you think I’d date him when I go back home? He’s . . .” She had no idea how to describe what Bas was, so she went with the most obvious. “He’s just the bachelor I bid on. There’s no chance of anything happening between us. Like you said, he lives here.” The overwhelming feeling of regret at that thought was something she didn’t want to think about. “So what about you and Rudy? What’s happening there?”

  Shrugging, Ella replied, “Nothing happened. We just hung out and partied.” Letting out a sigh as she caught her mother’s questioning look, she admitted, “Okay, so maybe we kissed a little.” She bit her lip, looking everywhere except at her mother.

  “Yeah, sure, and I almost believe that too.” MacKenzie snorted.

  “Fine! We did it, and it was awesome.” She huffed out a curse. “How do you do that? How do you just know things like that?”

  MacKenzie smiled at her daughter. “One, I was young once. I know what young people do. And two, I am a mother. That makes me an expert on all things.” She scooted across the sofa. “And three, you blush and avoid eye contact when you lie. I caught on to that when you were four and gave the dog a haircut.” She gave Ella a quick kiss on her forehead. “I love you, baby girl. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”

  MacKenzie stood up from the couch and stretched. “I’m gonna take a bath. What do you want to do for supper?” Looking at the wall clock, she noticed it was just a few hours away.

  “How ’bout fish and chips at a pub?”

  “Sounds good. See if you can find one nearby.” She picked up her book and made her way to her bathroom. MacKenzie turned back around when she reached her bedroom door. “Hey, how about we go back to that restaurant a couple blocks over? You remember, it was next to that antique shop?”

  “Yes! The one with the hot ginger waiter, right? I really like London. There’s a lot of gingers here.”

  MacKenzie laughed lightly before replying. “Yes, that’s the one. And you know there are a few gingers back home too.”


  Sebastian sat across the table from Eva, nodding and hoping he was showing the proper amount of remorse as she went on about how stupid he was to marry that bitch. She asked again what he’d been thinking. How he could fall for the oldest trick in the book?

  Her voice started fading away as he once again started playing different scenarios through his head for operation Keeping Kenz. He’d already ruled out drugging and kidnapping her. He went as far as calling the airline to see about getting a ticket for her flight, but that plan was halted with fears of stalking charges. He’d already asked her to extend her stay, but she said couldn’t.

  Sebastian glanced toward the door. Seeing MacKenzie standing just inside the doorway brought an unbidden smile to his face. It was fate. More proof he needed to find a way to keep her close.

  “Hey! Are you even listening to me?” Eva’s words pulled his attention back to his dinner companion.

  “Sorry, I saw someone.” His gaze jumped back to the doorway. He rose from the table. “Excuse me. Ah, you don't mind company for dinner, do you?” Not giving her chance to object, he started toward the hostess and Kenz.

  “Sure, the more the merrier,” she mumbled into her rosé.

  “MacKenzie!” His heart sped up as she turned that bright, beautiful smile at him.

  “Bas, hi. What are you doing here?” She stepped away from the hostess, tugging Ella with her.

  “Having dinner with a friend. We just sat down, actually.” She directed her gaze to Eva sitting alone at the table, giving a small wave. “Would you like to join us?”

  “Oh, I don't want to intrude. We can wait; the hostess said it shouldn't be more than a few minutes.”

  “Please have dinner with us. You’ll be doing me a favor, really,” he confided. “She is in the midst of schooling me on why I was an idiot to marry my ex-wife. I really don't want to spend the evening being taught a lesson already learned.” He flashed a grin.

  MacKenzie's eyes darted between Bas and the table. “Okay, if you’re sure it’s not a bother. I'll just let the hostess know.”

  They reached the table, and Sebastian made introductions as everyone sat. The waiter came over to take their orders, promising to return with their drinks shortly before he left the table.

  Ella spoke up. “So, how do you two know each other?”

  Bas was stopped from answering when Ella drew in a sharp breath. He looked from daughter to mother and saw a silent conversation happening there. He grinned. This was going to be a fun evening.

  “I met Sebastian about six years ago at an event my company coordinated. We’ve been friends since,” Eva supplied.

  “Just friends?” Ella suddenly hissed through clenched teeth as she reached under the table to rub her leg.

  He couldn’t help but laugh at her expression and her question. “Just friends,” Eva said with him, causing more laughter.

  “What is so funny?” Ella asked, looking affronted.

  “We’re laughing because there’s nothing romantic about us. Never was, never will be. She’s like the little sister I never had,” Sebastian answered once he’d stopped laughing.

  “Well, I had to ask. You know this is—”

  MacKenzie spoke up. “Please excuse my daughter. She means well, she just doesn’t think before she speaks.” Her eyes shot daggers at Ella.

  Eva started, “Wait, your daughter? Oh! I thought she was your—”

  “Sister, right?” Bas interrupted. When he saw her nod, he said, “That’s what I thought too.” He shot a smug look at MacKenzie.

  The waiter arrived with their meals and conversation halted temporarily as the foursome tucked into their dinners. Everyone commented on how good everything was. Conversation was sporadic as they ate, focused on light-hearted topics as they just enjoyed each other’s company. As they sat finishing their drinks at the end of the meal, Bas spoke up.

  “I’ve decided I’m going to retire. I talked to my agent earlier today and asked him not to book anything after the few sessions I have coming up. I think it’s time for me to pursue other avenues.” His gaze fell on MacKenzie for a moment.

  “Retire? Really? What
brought that on?” Eva asked, her eyes darting toward MacKenzie before coming back to rest on him.

  With a shrug, he replied, “I’ve been thinking it over for a few months now. I’m done with the globetrotting and demanding schedules. After almost thirty years, it’s become a bit too much.”

  “What do you do for work?” Ella asked.

  “I’m a model.”

  Ella gasped, her eyes wide. She pinned her mother with a look. “Oh my God, you bagged a model! Way to go, Ma! Ouch, shit! Stop that! Are you wearing your steel-toe boots?” She looked under the table at her mother’s choice of footwear while rubbing her shin.

  “I really wish you had a filter. I really do.” Kenz turned toward Bas. “Again, I apologize for her. I can’t take her anywhere.”

  With a smile, he leaned in close, bringing his lips to hers. “Well, you did bag a model, but I think I got the better part of the bargain.” He spoke against her lips, ending with a soft kiss before pulling back to his own seat.

  “Well, tonight has been lovely,” Eva said.

  Bas turned to her. He had almost forgotten she was there for a moment.

  She smirked at him knowingly. “I’m sorry to say this, but I really should be getting back to the hotel. I have to be at the airport early tomorrow morning, and I still have some packing to do.” Eva stood and began gathering her purse and jacket.

  “We should get going too. We have some packing to do ourselves. We fly out the day after tomorrow, in the early afternoon. Where are you off to next, Eva?” MacKenzie asked as she, too, began collecting her things.

  “I’m on my way home for a couple of days before I leave for vacation in Bali. All work and no play makes Eva a tired, cranky girl,” she said in a mock-exhausted tone.

  Standing as well, Sebastian offered to escort the ladies back to the hotel, a few blocks away. With his hand at the small of Kenz’s back, they followed Eva and Ella out of the restaurant. The sidewalk lining Stafford Street was slightly congested with other pedestrians, leaving only enough space to walk two by two, giving Sebastian time to talk with MacKenzie alone. Slowing his pace to put some distance between them and the others, Bas spoke in a quiet tone, “I’m so glad I ran into you tonight. I was actually thinking about you when I saw you walk in.” He peered down at her, judging her reaction before she began to speak.

  “Well, at least there was no physical impact this time.” She laughed.

  “What a pity. I do enjoy a good physical impact.”

  “You are so bad,” she teased.

  “Well, I am still trying to earn that spanking.” His grin and bobbing eyebrows were met with the sweetest laugh he’d ever heard, and that made his heart twist just a bit.

  They crossed the road to Dover Street, still lagging behind the other two. Bas stopped walking and turned to MacKenzie, cupping her face in his hands. He looked deep into her eyes, lowered his face to hers, and brought their lips together. A soft sigh escaped as he spoke against her lips. “I don’t want you to go. Stay, please? Just for a few days. Please.” He kissed her deeply, pouring everything he had into it. This was a stay-with-me kiss. An I-need-you-to-stay, need-you-to-let-me-love-you, need-you-to-love-me-too kiss.

  MacKenzie slid her hands up to his shoulders. “If only I could, I would.” Eyes locked with his, she spoke against the lump in her throat. “If only things were different. I want to, I do, but . . .” A single tear traced down her cheek, making a tiny splash on his thumb.

  “Aye, if only,” he said with a small kiss.


  “Well, we’ll just have to spend as much time together as possible,” MacKenzie said as her eyes darted to a chemist across the street. An evil plan turned in her mind as she spoke up again. “Would you like to stay the night?” She liked the seductive edge she was able to put into her voice.

  “Hmm, let me think about that.” There was a half-breath pause before he continued. “Yes. I’d very much like that.” He pulled her in for a quick kiss, then let out a frustrated groan. Looking down at her, he asked, “You didn’t happen to get condoms yet, did you?” He looked so hopeful.

  “No, but there’s a Boots across the street. I’m sure they’ll have some.”

  “Again, I like the way you think.” Taking up her hand, he took off at a hurried pace.

  “Slow down! Baby steps, remember?” She shot him a look and felt his pace ease as she raised her voice to call out to Ella. “Ella, I need to get contact solution.” She pointed at the store across the street. “I’ll meet you back at the room.” She grabbed Sebastian’s hand as they crossed toward the store.

  Inside the drug store, Sebastian led the way to the aisle they needed. MacKenzie stood in front of the large display of condoms, unable to comprehend all the different choices. “Wow, things have changed since the last time I bought these. They come with vibrators? Seriously? And I thought the glow in the dark ones were exciting.” Her gaze focused on the condoms again. “Sizes too?” Her eyes darted from the display to his groin and back again. Her hand fluttered near the large, then extra-large, and back again. She reached for the extra large.

  “I’m flattered you think so, but”—Sebastian pulled the box of large condoms off the shelf—“these will do.” Amusement colored his words.

  Turning her face up to Bas, she could feel the flush across her face. She bit her lip before speaking in a hushed tone. “Things have changed so much since . . .” She bit her lip again, not sure how to finish her thought.

  “Well, I would be happy to give all the lessons you need to learn all the new tricks.” He gave her his best “trust me” smile.

  MacKenzie laughed and started toward the checkouts. She felt a tug on her hand as Bas redirected her route. “Contact solution. We came here for contact solution.” He led the way to the eye care aisle.

  “Oh, good boy! I forgot about that.” They stopped in front of the display. She grabbed the brand she usually used and headed once again to the front of the store.

  Sebastian reached for the contact solution as they approached the checkout. “Here, give me that.”

  “No.” She snatched it back along with the condoms. “You are not paying for something I don't even need. I only said that for an excuse to stop in here.” She placed the items on the counter. When they left the store, a light rain was falling. They hurried across the street and back into the hotel.


  Sebastian couldn't believe his luck tonight. What were the chances she would choose the same place for dinner? And the suggestion of spending the night? Best idea ever. The look in her eyes when he tried again to get her to stay told him more than she knew she was saying. She felt it too, the connection between them. He couldn't explain it. It was just there. Now to figure out to keep her here, with him.

  He had just over a day to do it. Sure, that could happen.


  As they approached the lifts the doors opened and Ella came walking out her head bowed over her cell phone, her fingers tapping along the screen. She looked up and smiled. “Oh, Ma, I was just texting you. Rudy asked me if I wanted to go for a drink. He’s meeting me in the lobby. I’ll be back later. Have I mentioned how much I love London?”

  “Okay, be careful. Call me if you need me and yes, you may have mentioned that a time or few”

  “Hey, do you guys wanna come with?”

  Sebastian held his breath hoping MacKenzie wouldn’t agree. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go it was more he’d rather have time with MacKenzie alone. He was about to decline the offer himself when MacKenzie spoke up.

  “Um.” MacKenzie turn to him, “What do you think? Do you want to go? I don’t mind either way, really.”

  “Well . . .” Shit. What was he supposed to say?

  Ella laughed. “I’m just gonna take that as a no. Okay, I’ll see ya later. Have a good night. Oh, and Ma? The Wizard of Oz is on tonight. I saw the ad for it earlier. I know you love those flying monkeys. Bye guys!”

  Sebastian watched as Ella walke
d away, then turned to MacKenzie. “You like the flying monkeys? Me too! We are watching that. I haven't seen it in years. Maybe we should go back to the store and get some snacks?”

  “There’s popcorn and stuff upstairs already. You really want to watch the movie with me?”

  Sebastian only nodded and pushed the call button on the lifts. He wanted nothing more than to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie with her. He honestly couldn’t remember when he’d last done that.


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