Something Different

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Something Different Page 12

by Allegra Johnson

  “We’re scheduled to take off at six in the evening.”

  “So we should leave for the airport about four. You said we didn’t need to be extra early like the commercial airports, right?” She had no idea how these smaller municipal airports worked; she had only flown a handful of times in her life and never in a private jet.

  “Right. We need no more than an hour beforehand. And if we’re late, they’ll wait. That’s the perk of flying privately.”

  MacKenzie gave a nonverbal grunt in reply as she opened her apartment door, walking inside. She hated this. The shopping and the event. Sebastian, on the other hand, was taking every opportunity to have fun at her expense. He seemed to be enjoying every moment of it. The asshole. She dropped the bags on the floor, peeled off her coat, then grabbed the landline. Hitting speed dial, she waiting for the Pizza Shack to answer. “Hey, what kind of pizza do you want?” When she turned to look at Bas his face registered shock, perhaps even dismay.

  “Did you just drop all your lovely new things on the floor and step over them? To order a pizza and wings?”

  “Yah, now what the fuck do you want to eat? Oh sorry, Kelly, not you. I was talking to my boyfriend. I’ll take my usual pizza. Make it a large, an order of garlic wings, and some cinnabites. And just one second, hang on. Well, do you want any food or not?”

  The look on his face growing more incredulous, he only shook his head, then bent to pick up the bags she’d dropped. “Sorry, just add a large cheese to that order. Yeah, delivery. Back door, ring the buzzer. Thanks, Kelly.”

  “You’re on a speed dial and first name basis with your local pizza shop?” Sebastian questioned before turning away and heading toward the stairway leading to her bedroom, his arms fully loaded with the purchases. “Would you mind grabbing those last few bags, dear?”

  “You are taking way too much pleasure in my misery, you do know that, right? You should probably know it’s not a smart move. I’ve been known to take revenge whilst someone sleeps.” She picked up the last couple of bags and followed him up to the bedroom.

  “So I should sleep with one eye open?”

  “Or maybe not sleep at all.” She laughed at his gasp. She could make digs too.


  Taking in her appearance in the mirror, MacKenzie felt as she if she’d come full circle since London. Had it only been six weeks? The last few days with Bas had been great. He was even helping out at the café. He couldn’t operate the cappuccino machine yet, but he had mastered most everything else.

  Business had picked up once word had spread about the mystery man at the café. He seemed to fit into her life perfectly. There was just one thing bugging her. He seemed to be holding something back. For the life of her, she couldn’t think what it could be. They’d talked about everything after that disastrous breakfast. She had to admit the shopping trip wasn’t the worst thing ever. Oh, it sucked, but it wasn’t that bad.

  Sebastian entered the bedroom, tugging on his jacket sleeves. “Are you ready, love? You look beautiful as always.”

  “Yah.” Ready as I’ll ever be. Smiling maybe a bit too wide to be natural, she said, “Let’s get this over with.”

  “What’s wrong?” Sebastian crossed the room, clasping her hand in his. Lifting it to his lips, he placed a kiss on her knuckles.

  “Nothing. I’m fine. I’m just nervous.” That wasn’t the half of it. She was terrified. Pushing the feeling aside, she gave what she hoped was a more natural smile. “Shall we go?”

  They entered the ballroom after passing through two security checkpoints. They were held up at the second point as a few men rushed around looking at papers and talking into earpieces. MacKenzie was about to turn away when Eva approached the men. After a tense animated conversation, a red-faced gentlemen came over, apologizing profusely about the delay. Now they skirted the room, MacKenzie gripping Sebastian's arm a bit tighter with every curious look in her direction. She did not belong here.

  The warmth of Sebastian’s hand covering hers pulled her out of her thoughts. She glanced up at him, offering a shy smile. “Relax, love. You look as if you’re about to faint.” The concern in his eyes caused a funny feeling in her heart. She was being ridiculous.

  “Sorry, it’s just . . . everyone is staring at me.” Her eyes scanned the room again. With a sharp intake of breath, she said, “Maria is here.” A slight lift of her chin showed him the direction.

  “Is she? I was unaware she’d be here.” His voice was the picture of proper, but the look on his face was not.

  MacKenzie allowed him to lead her to their assigned table, located on the opposite side of the room as Maria. “You don’t think she saw us, do you?”

  “Probably. If she’s clever, she’ll stay away from us.”

  MacKenzie really hoped the woman was a Nobel prize-winning genius. She had her doubts, and she had no problem going white trash on her high-class ass. If she had to, that is.

  Sebastian pulled out her chair as they approached the table, then took his own beside her.

  “I thought you said there was a cocktail hour before the dinner?” MacKenzie asked as she reached a shaky hand to the water glass in front of her.

  “There was. We’re an hour late.”

  “Well, if you hadn’t offered to help me in the shower, I expect we’d have been here on time.”

  “I didn’t hear you complaining.” He rose from his chair. “I’ll just go get us something at the bar.”

  “Whiskey! Double!” she called after his retreating back. Turning back, she saw a couple of gentlemen had arrived at the table, each claiming a vacant seat. “Oh. Hello.” She cursed Bas silently for leaving her alone. This was going to be a most awful night.


  Sebastian made his way back to the table with a glass of Chardonnay in each hand, noticing the additional guests at the table. Kenz looked adorably flustered as she twisted her hands in her lap. He set a glass in front of her. “Sorry, love, it was a wine bar. No whiskey. I hope you like Chardonnay.” Taking his seat, he greeted their dining companions, remembering one from a shoot a few years back. “Hello, Malcolm. Nice to see you again.” Sebastian settled in his seat, taking Kenz’s hand in his. “Did you meet my girlfriend, MacKenzie?”

  “I hadn’t the pleasure yet. MacKenzie, you said? I thought I heard you married Maria?”

  “Well, yes. We’re divorced. And just how is your wife? Mya, wasn’t it?” Sebastian quickly made eye contact with the unknown man at the table. “I’m sorry. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Sebastian. This is MacKenzie. And you are?”

  “Thad, and I was just leaving.” He stood with enough force to knock his chair back, turned on a heel, and marched off.

  “Shit. Dammit, McBain.” Malcolm stormed off after Thad.

  “Huh. Was it something I said?” He sat back with the most satisfying feeling. If it was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was cheaters. And he knew that was exactly what Malcolm was doing to Mya with this Thad guy. He smiled and nodded his thank you to the waiter that placed the filet mignon in front him.

  “What did I just miss?” MacKenzie spoke up when they were alone again.

  “What you missed was a man cheating on his wife.” He couldn’t hide the disgust in his voice.

  “You mean Malcolm and Thad? Really?”

  “Yes, really. It doesn’t matter that his marriage is just a cover. He’s cheating. I don’t want to eat with someone like that.” Malcolm was living a masquerade much as Sebastian had, only Malcolm was masking his sexuality where Sebastian had only had to mask his poor upbringing. “I don't want to talk about it. Let’s just enjoy our evening. How’s your salmon?”


  MacKenzie flushed the toilet and prepared to leave when she heard the larger outer door open and a woman continuing a conversation.

  “Did you see Sebastian’s date?”

  MacKenzie froze, her hand resting on the door’s latch. She took a step back away from the door and listened as the conversation

  “Yes. Where do you think he hired her from?” The answering voice had an accent MacKenzie couldn’t really identify.

  “A low-rate agency, obviously.”

  “Short and fat, not Sebastian’s type. I mean, she looks nothing like me.”

  MacKenzie peeked through the crack in the stall door to see Maria and another woman at the sinks freshening their makeup.

  “True. She’s not very attractive.”

  MacKenzie's gut clenched and she felt as if she was going to get sick. She wanted to get out of there, but she was not leaving the bathroom stall until they were gone.

  “Should we offer him an upgrade from his little whore?” Maria asked her friend.

  “Oh yes. I’ve always wanted to have a go with Sebastian.”

  Oh, hell no. With possessiveness taking control of her actions, MacKenzie left the stall went to the sink to wash her hands. She heard the gasps from Maria and her friend and smiled to herself before turning to them. “Unlike you, I’m not a whore. I have been with exactly two men in my life. Sebastian didn’t find me at any agency. We met in London. I’ve heard all about you and how you seem to fuck anything with a dick. Now, if you have anything else you’d like to say, I suggest you do so now, to my face.”

  MacKenzie waited, giving Maria time to answer. “Well, let’s hear it. What’s the matter? Pussy got your tongue? Or are you just a pussy that can only talk about people behind their backs?”

  She waited a few moments longer, but the two women remained silent. MacKenzie faked a lunge at Maria and enjoyed seeing both women jump. “Have a wonderful evening, ladies.”

  MacKenzie stopped just outside the bathroom to collect herself. She needed to get out of here. Starting toward the elevator, she remembered that Sebastian had the room key. Reversing direction, she started wondering again how this relationship was ever going to work. Would she ever shake the feeling of not belonging? Did it really matter? Sebastian said he was retiring, so there would be no more fancy events. But what about his everyday life? Surely his friends would look down on her, right? Was she being paranoid? This was all so confusing.

  After some searching, she saw Sebastian walking away from a couple of men. The minute his eyes locked with hers, a bright smile graced his face. He appeared to pick up his pace as he approached her, taking her into his arms. “I was just coming to find you, Beautiful. The dancing is about to begin.” His smile faded and a look of concern replaced it. “What’s wrong, love?”

  “I’m not feeling well. Would you mind if I went back to the room?”

  Sebastian raised a hand to her forehead. “You’re not warm. Do you think it’s just the jetlag?”

  No, it wasn’t the jetlag. It was the hurtful words, the questioning looks, the feeling of not belonging. And heartbreak. “Maybe. Can I have the room key, please?”

  Back at the room, Sebastian tried again to question her sudden illness and offered to ask for ginger ale and crackers from room service. MacKenzie refused. Claiming a headache and fatigue, she retired to bed. Sebastian spooned her from behind, wrapping his large arm around her, proclaiming his love, and bidding goodnight. MacKenzie lay in silence as tears wet her pillow and her heart crushed under the weight of her new reality. Sebastian and she were not going to work out, and that thought made her cry harder. She really did love him, but sometimes love just wasn’t enough. She waited for him to fall asleep before quietly slipping out of bed.

  Donning a fluffy hotel robe, she tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind her. MacKenzie placed an order from room service—probably the strangest order they’d ever received. She needed a therapy session with her friends, Jack, Ben, and Jerry. How was she going to tell this man that she’d come to love that they couldn’t be together? How was she supposed to tell her heart that?


  Sebastian reached out for Kenz, finding her side of the bed empty. He sat up, looking around the dark room. A dim light shined under the closed door. He got out bed, getting dressed in the previous night’s pants and shirt. As he approached the door, he could hear soft music playing in the next room.

  Looking around the small living area, he found MacKenzie sitting cross-legged on the floor by the couch. There was a bottle beside her and she was digging around a small container as her phone played a sad country song. What the fuck? This can’t be good.

  Sebastian walked slowly, quietly, as if approaching a wild beast. The whimper he heard said he had one more wounded than wild. “What are you doing, love?”

  Without looking up from the container, she said, “Ee-zing wish-key and drink-ling hice seem.” Her slurred words making little sense.

  “I see. Why are you sitting in the dark drinking whiskey and eating ice cream?” He chuckled as he took a few steps closer, stopping short when she turned her face up to him. The look on her face showed a pain he could feel in his heart.


  He was beyond confused. He couldn’t have heard her right. How could he have caused her that much pain? He couldn’t. He wouldn't. Raising a shaky finger, he pointed to himself. “Me?”

  “Yesh, you. It’s all your fault. You made me come here. I told. Everybody was . . . I just . . . did ya know they think I’m a hooker? A low-rate one!”

  Sebastian stood silent, anger coursing through his body. Who were they? What the fuck happened? He knelt in front of her. “What are you talking about, love? Who thought you were a hooker? Why didn’t you tell me?” He touched her cheek and she pulled away. “Kenz, love, talk to me. You’re scaring me.” He took the ice cream container from her only to have her snatch it right back with a growl. An actual growl. He was going to kill whoever it was that had hurt her like this. But first, he had to talk her off this ledge. And he had to ask her. Now. No more waiting.

  Their eyes met, hers filled with so much pain his own filled with tears. His heart was beating triple time. Sebastian had never felt so scared in his life. He couldn’t lose her. It took him forty-eight years to find her, but maybe he just wasn’t enough. He watched the rapid rise and fall of her chest, her nostrils flaring, tears beginning to fall.

  She spoke in a broken whisper, “This just isn’t gonna work. Us. We’re just too different. Too much stuff. I’m sorry. Love you, but it’s not enough.” Her head hung low, her crying no longer silent and her body shaking.

  Sebastian’s heart broke. No. This can’t be happening. “No!” he yelled, causing Kenz to jump. “No, I can’t accept that.” Cradling her face in his hands, he looked right into her eyes. “We belong together, MacKenzie Corey Jenkins. My heart belongs to you already. What we have is beautiful. I love you. You love me. We work, Kenz. We do.” He rested his forehead against hers. “Please don’t do this. Please.” His own tears were falling now.

  MacKenzie hiccupped and sniffled, her voice a barely audible, “Don’t you understand? I’m not made for your world. I’m just a simple girl from a small town. You’re a zillionaire with houses around the world. Private jets. No. I can’t.” Her words clearer and she’d lost some of the slur.

  Sebastian was shocked speechless. He wouldn’t let this be the end. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the tiny blue box he’d been carrying around, just waiting for the right time. No better time than when it’s all about to fall apart. “You don’t understand. None of that means anything to me. I’d give it all up in a second for a lifetime with you. I don’t need any of that. I need you.” He opened the box and turned it around. “Kenz, I love you. I love your simple ways. I love your big, caring heart. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you’re happy. I love your sweet smile. I love your cheeky attitude. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please, Kenz, look at me. Please, Beautiful, don’t let this be the end. I need you to say yes.”

  MacKenzie looked up from the ice cream container. A gasp told him she saw the ring. The face that greeted him was full of wonder. “Is that . . . did . . . are you asking me . . . ? Was this your grand plan? Is this why you came to see me?�

  Well, she didn’t say no. “Yes. No. Yes and no.” Christ, this was the most awkward proposal in the history of proposals. “I’ve had the ring for about two weeks. I tried planning that big grand gesture thing. I failed. I wanted one of those fairy tale movie proposals. I wanted it to be special, but I’m rubbish at romance. I want to marry you. More than anything. I just—”


  He almost missed the softly spoken word. He needed her to repeat it. “Did you just say yes?” He held his breath. At her nod, he released the breath and leaned in to kiss her. The taste of chocolate and whiskey was still on her lips.


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