The Fruit Gum Murders

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The Fruit Gum Murders Page 17

by Roger Silverwood

  At the bottom of the grand staircase on a raised dais sat Lady Muick in fancy dress and wearing the fabulous diamond and emerald necklace. Next to her was Mrs Nancy Mackenzie. On her right was the diminutive figure of Sir Rodney Stamp, looking as fierce as ever and holding a glass of something alcoholic which a young man kept exchanging for a fresh glass when necessary. Next to Sir Rodney was a different young woman from the last ball. She had a big bosom, long legs, was wearing very little and wearing it exceedingly well.

  Angel was sitting at a table nearer the orchestra sipping a whisky. He was there as the ‘Turkish Ambassador’ looking quite imposing. His facial expression belied his unhappy embarrassment. He felt as if he had arrived at the wrong place on the wrong night in somebody else’s clothes. Mary was sitting next to him, smiling and sipping an orange juice. She looked most gracious and beautiful as the ‘Queen of Sheba.’

  Angel kept glancing at the voluptuous girl next to Sir Rodney Stamp. For some reason he was unable to take his eyes off her, and it wasn’t because of the square yards of young, lightly tanned skin she was displaying.

  The hall was becoming busy. Couples of all ages, and a few young girls, were dancing together and filling the dance floor.

  Lydia and Stewart Twelvetrees and Nadine Tinker eased their way through the throng and came up to Michael and Mary Angel. The ladies greeted each other and began to talk about the fancy dress costumes of others and then about their own outfits.

  Twelvetrees said, ‘I see congratulations are in order, Michael.’

  ‘Well, thank you, but it was a team thing, Stewart, and we were supported by the FSU.’

  Twelvetrees grinned. ‘It’s refreshing to meet a modest copper.’

  Angel was determined to change the subject. ‘By the way,’ he said. ‘I haven’t seen your father in a while; how is he?’

  ‘He’s fine, Michael. He couldn’t come tonight. Mum tells me he is still working at the office. He has to pick up the threads of all the cases of Juliet Gregg, who is leaving them soon.’

  ‘Ah, yes. The one who is going to be a judge.’ He sipped the whisky and looked round the hall. It was filling up. ‘Good turn-out tonight. Should do the charity some good.’

  ‘I hope so,’ Twelvetrees said. ‘It’s a very worthy cause.’

  ‘Mmm. And I hope there isn’t another attempt at the robbery of her ladyship’s necklace.’

  Twelvetrees grinned. ‘Mrs Mackenzie kept you very busy that night.’

  ‘She did indeed. When we received our tickets for tonight, I phoned her and asked her to be aware that her ladyship would be taking an unnecessary risk if she intended wearing it in public tonight. Mrs Mackenzie said that she had everything in hand, but I notice the old lady is still wearing the necklace.’

  ‘You can’t tell women what to do, Michael,’ Twelvetrees said, ‘especially old codgers like her.’

  Angel smiled.

  ‘Must move on, Michael,’ Twelvetrees said. ‘Excuse us.’

  ‘Of course,’ Angel said. ‘Nice to see you.’

  ‘And you.’

  Twelvetrees turned away. ‘Come along, girls,’ he said, ‘Lydia, Nadine, we mustn’t monopolize Mr and Mrs Angel. It’s time we were moving. ’Bye for now, Mary.’

  Then Lydia Twelvetrees and Nadine Tinker smiled sweetly at Angel and Mary and followed Stewart through the crowd.

  Angel and Mary resumed their seats. When the Twelvetrees party were safely out of earshot, Mary said, ‘That was a very low-cut dress Lydia was wearing. I asked her who she had come as and she said Lady GaGa.’

  Angel didn’t know what reply she expected from him so he said nothing.

  ‘Didn’t you think so?’ she said.

  He rubbed his chin and then eventually said, ‘Yes.’

  A waitress came round carrying a tray of drinks. She didn’t look too safe with the tray and the floor was getting rather crowded. Angel stood up to try to help her through. ‘Excuse me,’ he said several times and went ahead of her a few yards to clear the way. When he came back, he was frowning and shaking his head.

  Mary noticed and said, ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘That waitress,’ he said. ‘She didn’t say anything but she rattled as she walked.’

  It was Mary’s turn to frown. ‘What do you mean, she rattled as she walked?’

  ‘I’ve heard it before … in the station … many a time. She rattled.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘If I’m not mistaken, she’s carrying a pair of handcuffs.’

  ‘Oh? So what? There’s not a law against it, is there?’

  ‘No,’ he said. He pursed his lips, had a sip from the glass, then said, ‘It’s interesting though, isn’t it?’

  Mary’s face eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped. ‘Interesting?’ she said. ‘I can’t find anything interesting about it.’

  Angel sniffed. ‘Well, why would a waitress carry a pair of handcuffs?’

  ‘I have no idea, Michael. It’s not important, is it?’

  He shrugged.

  The orchestra began to play the introduction to ‘You are my Sunshine’.

  Angel’s eyes meandered round the room and inevitably wandered back to the dais and the half-dressed girl.

  Eventually, he turned to Mary and said, ‘Who is the new girl with Sir Rodney Stamp, then?’

  ‘I’ve noticed you keep looking at her,’ she said with a teasing pretence at being jealous.

  Angel ignored the taunt. He was serious. ‘Who is she? What is she?’

  ‘All I know is that her name is Mandy and that she has come as a “belly dancer”.’

  His eyes flashed. ‘A belly dancer, of course,’ he said. ‘A belly dancer. And what’s her name? Mandy what?’

  ‘I don’t know, but I can find out. Why are you so interested?’

  ‘My interest is purely professional, my little dove,’ he said.

  He sipped on the whisky.

  Dancers whizzed past.

  Then Angel’s face changed. He half-closed his eyes, put the glass down and pursed his lips.

  Mary recognized the look. He was in thinking mode. Something had triggered the change. It would be to do with work. It always was. He could be five minutes or five hours. And it was something to do with the girl Mandy. She looked up at the dais. To Mary she looked like a tart wearing a rather vulgar costume. She couldn’t begin to imagine what impression the costume or lack of it had made on her husband.

  Unexpectedly, there was a loud roll on the drums and a crash of cymbals. The lights went out and a spotlight showed up a young man in white tie and tails in front of the orchestra.

  The Great Hall went silent and everybody stared in the direction of the stage.

  Into a microphone, the young man said, ‘Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Fancy Dress Charity Ball in the Great Hall here in Muick Castle, graciously permitted by Lady Muick, and sponsored by Mrs Nancy Mackenzie. I am your MC for the evening. Will you please take your partners for a quickstep?’

  Before the orchestra could begin, there was a loud scream from the opposite end of the hall. In the dark, everybody turned towards the disturbance. Those who were seated stood up.

  In a commanding voice, a woman called out, ‘Put the lights on.’

  Angel recognized the voice. It belonged to Nancy Mackenzie.

  ‘Close and man all the doors,’ she said. ‘Mr Kyle, are you in the hall?’

  ‘I’m here,’ a broad Scots voice said.

  The hall doors all slammed shut.

  ‘Please take over,’ she said.

  ‘Aye. I will that, Mrs Mackenzie.’

  The lights went up.

  Kyle jumped up onto the stage and went up to the microphone. ‘Everybody please stay exactly where you are,’ he said. ‘Team A, please check the toilets.

  Angel saw that Lady Muick was on her feet, her fingers feeling round her neck, and calling, ‘My necklace is gone. It has been stolen!’

  Sir Rodney Stamp said, ‘Where did you have it last?’

  Mrs Mackenzie said in a loud voice, ‘Mr Kyle, Lady Muick’s emerald and diamond necklace is missing.’

  ‘Right, ma’am,’ Kyle said. Then he spoke into the microphone. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, all the dining room and bar staff and myself here this evening are employed by the Lion Security Group commissioned by Lady Muick’s insurance company. And I hope you will cooperate with us to recover her ladyship’s necklace. All the doors to the castle are now closed and locked. Nobody will be allowed through them until the search is completed. The toilets are at this time being cleared and I regret access to them will not be allowed until they have been searched.

  ‘You will soon find among you men and women with metal detectors. Would you please allow my staff to pass the detectors across your person and, in the case of you ladies, your handbags as well. When you have been scanned, if you will permit it, an ink stamp will be made on the back of your left hand. The detectors will not touch you or your clothing and will take only a few seconds per person. I apologize in advance for this action. Your agreement to it is purely voluntary. If anyone is unwilling to be searched or stamped in this way, please let me know by raising your hand and I will come to you. If anyone is seated, would you please stand but do not move your position. Would Team B please proceed.’

  A dozen men and women in waiters’ and waitresses’ attire came forward to the patrons and waved the small, hand-held metal detectors systematically across their faces and all the way down to their feet both back and front, then stamped them with an ink star on the back of their hands.

  Angel noticed a young, slight woman edging slowly away from the dais and weaving her way stealthily between the patrons towards the stage at the orchestra end of the room. It was Lydia Twelvetrees. She kept her head down and carefully watched the security people before making a move.

  Angel saw her husband, Stewart, who was only five yards away from him. Stewart was standing next to Nadine. He was looking into the crowd. He seemed anxious. Lydia must have seen them. She changed direction and made straight for her husband and sister. They were pleased to be reunited and made a few whispered exchanges. Meanwhile the security team were making quick progress through the crowd. Those being checked were being asked to move to the east side of the room while the team worked in a more or less straight line westwards. Lydia Twelvetrees was only one or two away from being checked.

  Angel noticed her face was as white as Strangeways’ lavatory walls.

  Suddenly she said, ‘Oh, I feel faint, Stewart, I must sit down.’

  Twelvetrees bit his lip. ‘Can you not stand for two or three minutes more?’ he said, his face reddening. ‘It’s us next, look.’

  ‘No. No,’ she said and she slumped down into a chair.

  Nadine produced a glass of water. ‘Here, Lydi darling, drink this.’

  She brushed it away. ‘I need to go to the powder room.’

  Twelvetrees put up a hand.

  Mr Kyle came rushing up to him. ‘What’s the matter, sir?’

  Twelvetrees whispered, ‘It’s my wife … she needs to go to the powder room.’

  Kyle said, ‘Aye. That’s all right, sir. Can she walk?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ Lydia said. ‘I can walk.’

  ‘Right, ma’am, wait there. I’ll just get an escort for ye,’ he said and dashed off.

  Lydia looked up at her husband, her mouth and eyes wide open and her hands shaking. Stewart Twelvetrees held her hand and said, ‘It’ll be all right, darling. He’s just gone to get help.’

  Kyle returned with two security women. He said, ‘These two ladies will look after you, missy. You’ll be all right. Just do what they say, and you’ll be all right.’

  ‘Stewart, darling,’ Lydia said, putting her arms out towards him.

  ‘It’ll be all right, darling,’ Twelvetrees said.

  ‘We’ll be here, Lydi, waiting for you,’ Nadine said.

  The two women helped her to her feet and trooped off with Lydia between them.

  The security team speedily checked Angel, Mary, Twelvetrees, Nadine Tinker and everybody else and asked them in turn to move to the east side of the hall. The check was completed in a few minutes. Then the team began searching the west side of the hall and suddenly a call went out, and a member of the team held his hand aloft. There was an interested murmuring through the patrons.

  Kyle came running forward.

  The man who had held up his hand pointed to something under a table a few yards away from where Angel and Mary had been sitting.

  Kyle could be heard muttering something. Then he reached under the table and pulled out a glittering piece of jewellery. Then Kyle smiled widely and held it up to Mrs Mackenzie and Lady Muick.

  He dashed across to the dais and handed it up to Mrs Mackenzie, who immediately passed it on to her ladyship.

  Murmurs of pleasure ran throughout the hall. Even Sir Rodney Stamp managed a smile as he beamed at the half-clad young lady next to him.

  Somebody started to clap, it quickly spread and the entire hall joined in and clapped enthusiastically.

  Mrs Mackenzie rose to her feet and said, ‘May I have your kind attention for just a moment, please. I won’t hold up the dancing any longer. Clearly someone attempted to take Lady Muick’s necklace. They failed. It has now been returned to her ladyship, and I simply want to thank everybody on behalf of the committee for patiently allowing the security company to do their job. Thank you. The matter is now closed. Mr MC, would you please ask the orchestra to play some music?’

  She sat down.

  The MC immediately made the announcement. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, please take your partners for a quickstep.’

  The orchestra began to play the introduction to ‘In the Mood’.

  Angel saw Lydia return unescorted through the doors that led to the powder room and toilets, which were now open and unsupervised. She was still pale and kept her eyes looking downward as she found her husband in the crowd.

  Angel rubbed his chin for a few moments, then his eyes wandered away from her and up to the girl on the dais. After a few moments, he stood up and without saying anything to Mary, who was talking to somebody, he casually walked across the corner of the room and then stepped up onto the dais.

  Mrs Mackenzie said, ‘Good evening, Inspector. What can I do for you?’

  ‘Do you think that I could take a look at the necklace?’

  ‘I assure you that it’s all right,’ she said, ‘except that the chain is broken at the back near the clasp.’

  ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘that’s what I would like to see.’

  She went across to her ladyship. ‘You know Inspector Angel?’ Mrs Mackenzie said to Lady Muick.

  The old lady looked at him vaguely and said, ‘Yes. Good evening, Inspector.’

  ‘Good evening, ma’am.’

  Mrs Mackenzie said, ‘He wants to look at your necklace. Where is it? You put it in its case, didn’t you? Where’s the case?’

  She ferreted around in several bags at the feet of the old lady.

  Sir Rodney Stamp looked across at him, wrinkled his nose, yawned, then turned away. Angel took the opportunity to look more closely at the sparsely dressed young woman next to him who had come as a belly dancer. He stared very interestedly at her slim, brown abdomen.

  Mrs Mackenzie meanwhile had found the jewellery case and opened it for him to see the necklace. ‘Tut tut, Inspector Angel,’ she said with a flash of ill temper, ‘do you want to see this necklace or not?’

  ‘Oh yes, of course,’ he said, turning back.

  ‘It is the genuine article,’ she said. ‘It has not been substituted for paste or anything like that

  ‘No, no, I don’t expect it has. I was curious to see how it was actually taken from around her ladyship’s neck. Ah, I see it is a clean cut. It was simply removed with a pair of snips, cutters or pliers. That’s all I need to know, thank you.’

  ‘Do you know who the thief is?’ she said.

  ‘No, Mrs Mackenzie, I regret that I don’t know. But I hope to find out quite soon.’

  When he returned to Mary, he found that she was not very pleased. ‘What’s the idea of making a fool of yourself like that, ogling that half-dressed girl up there on the dais? Half the room was looking at you.’

  Angel shook his head. He frowned. ‘Were they? I didn’t notice.’

  ‘And another thing, have we come here to dance or not?’

  His head went up. He was listening to the music.

  ‘It’s all right,’ she said. ‘It is a waltz.’

  ‘In that case, madam,’ he said with an exaggerated flourish and a bow, ‘would you care to accompany me in a bit of terpsichore?’

  She couldn’t help but smile. He held out his arms and they swished off onto the busy dance floor.

  They reached the far end of the room and were enjoying the dance, the orchestra, and looking at the varied costumes – although Angel had spotted three Elvis Presleys and two Ann Widdecombes – when he saw Stewart and Lydia Twelvetrees and Nadine Tinker making for the exit. He blinked and pointed them out to Mary.

  ‘They’re leaving early,’ he said.

  ‘Could be Lydia’s not very well,’ Mary said.

  ‘She’s certainly very pale.’

  ‘I wonder what’s the matter?’

  Angel shook his head.


  Stewart Twelvetrees drove the car up the drive to his house and stopped at the front door. The heat-sensitive lights flooded the whole area.

  ‘Out you get, girls,’ Twelvetrees said to sisters Lydia and Nadine, who were in the back.

  The car doors opened.

  ‘Do you want a hot drink to take up to bed, Stew?’ Lydia said.

  ‘No. Don’t bother for me, darling. I’m just about bushed.’


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