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Tempted Beyond Reason: An Alpha Hero & Curvy Heroine Standalone: Wake & Lacey (Far Too Tempting Book 1)

Page 6

by Christa Wick

  It wasn't that I had any intention of abandoning her if it turned out she was permanently blind. I was only trying to avoid her feeling stuck with me because of that intimacy if she regained enough vision to live independently.

  My cock and my heart called my head a damnable fool twice a day—three times on Sunday.

  Two more weeks passed, another scan, another doctor's visit, same results other than all restrictions on activity were lifted. She could run a marathon—if she wanted to run it blind.

  She let me cook her dinner after that final post-surgery follow-up. She disappeared into her room while I did so. Even if I had been a complete idiot when it came to reading body language, which, admittedly, I sometimes was when it came to Lacey, I knew she had to be a little depressed.

  I didn't expect her to emerge from the bedroom wearing a grin as I was waiting for the timer to run out on dinner.

  "Tell, me, Wake Robinson," she said, stopping to pull a stool out from the kitchen island. "Now that my chances are pretty much nil that I will ever see again, do I get a pity prize from you?"

  "Lace, I've never pitied you," I corrected. "Only admired."

  "Mm-hmm," she responded with a grimace pulling the corner of her lips down. "Well, then, do I get an admiration prize?"

  I fully knew where she was going with this. Tonight had been building for five weeks. Only I had been hoping for encouraging news from her doctor, and stopping by the pharmacy to pick up condoms would have been unconscionable after he all but proclaimed her permanently blind.

  "Baby, I'm ready to move in that direction, but a little slower. There's still the issue of protecting you against pregnancy."

  Her nose scrunched playfully as she shook her head. "Got that all taken care of, cowboy."

  My cock perked up at her playful tone while my brain wondered what the hell was she talking about.

  "Come again?" I asked, the timer on the casserole distracting me.

  "And again and again," she teased, reaching into her pocket and pulling out three wrapped condoms.

  Forgetting all about the dinner, I turned back to her and confiscated the shiny squares of cellophane. "You haven't been anywhere without me. How did you manage to get ahold of these?"

  My first suspicion was Austin, but I couldn't imagine Lacey asking him. And whether or not he thought we might be doing the dirty already, he would expect me to have this issue covered.

  "You left me with the nurse to get the car," she volunteered. "She thinks we make a cute couple. She says you're all googly-eyed when you look at me, so I explained my predicament. Luckily, she likes to have fun and had some in her purse."

  She took the condoms away one by one then giggled. "A lot of fun, apparently."

  "Okay," I answered, my lungs squeezed so tight I could barely get the words out. "Looks like we both get our prize tonight."

  "Not so fast," she teased, shaking her head at me. "I have a condition."

  "Anything you want, Lacey." The words came out like automatic fire. I had been walking around with blue balls for far too long. Once I knew what her feelings for me were, I abandoned my prior means of alleviating any sexual frustration. If I wasn't giving her all of me, then any quiet jerking off in the shower to keep sane had become off limits.

  "I want you to spank me first."

  When I said I would do anything she wanted, I hadn't expected her to ask for that.

  I mean, I had done it to plenty of women. I liked doing it. But Lacey was different—she couldn't see my face to know that it was only about pleasure, not punishment. She couldn't—

  "You said 'anything,'" she reminded me, her tone still playful but with an edge ready to spill into being sharp. "I want you to make love to me just like you would with a sighted woman."

  The breath I had been holding in escaped. I nodded, then mentally kicked myself for forgetting that she couldn't see my agreement.

  "Okay, baby. I'm going to spank that sweet ass."

  I leaned in for a hot kiss to seal the promise.

  And that's when the fire alarm went off.


  With dinner burnt, we settled on a long evening of dessert.

  I spoon fed Lacey black walnut ice cream, kissing the full lips between swallows. Watching her mouth, the lingering of her tongue, the licks and smiles—it all drove me crazy. I could barely see straight following her down the hallway to our bedroom that night.

  My cock had been erect for hours, the intensity of my arousal causing me physical pain.

  “Lacey,” I groaned, sitting her on the edge of the bed, "you are so fucking hot. Sexy, voluptuous curves made just for me.”

  Getting light headed, I had to sit down next to her. I had a short laugh at myself, wondering for one fleeting second where the badass bodyguard and former Special Forces soldier had disappeared to before I realized I didn't miss his dumb ass at all.

  "I love you, Lacey," I said, all my reasons for holding back gone.

  "What?" her body turned toward me, her fingers gently searching the air between us until she made contact. "What did you just say?"

  "That I love you," I repeated, my tone growing more serious.

  "And you're just waiting to say it now?"

  I frowned. Was I in trouble? Did she not want me to be in love with her?

  Finding my arms, she grabbed ahold of me and gave a hard shake. It wasn't violent, but neither was it playful.

  "I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier, but I just didn't want you to feel trapped if your sight returned and things changed between us after.”

  Her eyes misted instantly, the tears already erupting past the barrier of her bottom eyelids to wet her cheeks.

  "You're not happy..." I trailed off, realizing I might have greatly misjudged her infatuation with me.

  "No," she started then shook her head. "I mean I am happy. Of course I'm happy!"

  She slugged my arm then crushed her body against me. "It's just that waiting to say it until tonight made me think I really was getting a pity prize."

  Now it was my turn to shake her—for thinking something so ridiculous—but I didn't. I gathered her up in my arms and rolled until her back was flat against the bed.

  "I've been crazy for you far longer than I've let on," I confessed, kissing the tears that hadn't yet dried. "And I'm serious when I say I never pitied you. You can't pity amazing, and that's what you are."

  "Pfft!" She playfully tapped her fist against the side of my arm. “Clearly I'm awesome, but I'm not that awesome."

  I laughed, slightly incredulous at her reactions throughout the day. Most people would have been curled in a ball and crying at the news the doctor gave her. She was laughing, smiling like nothing could keep her down.

  I gave voice to my thoughts.

  Her smile deepened.

  "Because I have you with me, Wake," she said, all the teasing gone from her tone and expression. "I won't lie and say I wasn't worried these last few weeks. I worried sometimes that, no matter what happened, you weren't going to stay around much longer. But you kept lifting me up. Deep down I didn't think it was possible that you would ever leave. But..."

  She paused to inhale deeply. Her cheeks flushed and I knew whatever she was about to say would be momentous.

  "I love you, too, to my core and in every imaginable way," she said, spitting the words out fast before anxiety claimed her capacity for speech. "So I thought I might be deluding myself and interpreting every kind, sweet thing you did as love because I couldn't imagine going forward without you."

  I buried my face against her neck, hiding my tears from a blind woman. She sniffled against my ear then wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

  "I estimated we would be moaning and groaning by now," she said, back to teasing me again. "But I'm glad we're not because this is so much more important."

  Robbed of my voice, I kissed her neck. She let me shelter against her, her warm hands stroking my back and caressing my head. She started singing softly, the words from an old lul
laby I half remembered from my childhood.

  "Baby girl,” I said, lifting my head and staring at her serene face. "Why have you been hiding that beautiful voice?"

  Her cheeks turned pink, but the blush was pleased and accompanied by a broad grin.

  "It's not possible to hide just a little of your light under a bushel," she answered.

  I could see she was getting ready to cry again, something about what she had just said turning her sad.

  "Stop right there, love," I said, pulling away. "I don't want to see any of those kinds of tears again tonight, so tell me what I need to do to distract you."

  She laughed, a hiccup interrupting the sound.

  "I told you before dinner what you needed to do," she chided playfully. "You're the one being Miss Emotional."

  "Oh, so that's how you want to play it?" I asked, my mood instantly lightened by the idea of having her across my lap and delivering a few well-earned swats to that luscious ass of hers.

  "Yes." She whispered like she was at confession as another slow blush warmed its way across her cheeks. "That is very much how I want to play it. A spanking and then there's a flower to be plucked, if I recall correctly."

  More than ready to refresh her memory, I exhaled a hot puff of air. Standing up, I stole the pillows from the head of the bed, positioned them, then ordered her onto her feet so I could slowly undress her with a lot of teasing before I removed each piece.

  "I always knew there was a bit of a brat lurking behind that sweet exterior," I said, unthreading the last button of her blouse. She bit at her lip, trying to control a wicked smile so she could appear as innocent as she really was.

  She wore the kind of bra I love, the type with the fasteners up front. I unhooked it and reached under the cups to grab two overflowing handfuls of breast. Bending a little, I lifted one to my mouth and sucked at the nipple until Lacey's knees went weak.

  "A saucy brat," I added, seeing my effect on her. Getting onto my knees, I kissed a line down her belly. Her thighs had started to shake. She had on a skirt and I ran my palms up the back of her calves, skimming up her thighs to clutch her full bottom.

  "Your saucy brat," she answered with a moan.

  My fingers drifted inward. Heat singed the tips, the fabric of her panties damp from arousal.

  "My saucy, wet brat," I amended with a growl.

  Removing the underwear, I lifted the skirt up around her hips and ordered Lacey to part her thighs. Soft mewls gurgled from her throat as I licked at her clit. Flesh that had already been trembling started to quake. She placed her palms atop my head to steady herself.

  Before that evening, I had only penetrated her with my tongue. With her standing there, pussy soaked, I ran the pad of one finger around the muscle that guarded her sex. Her hands knotted in my hair. Her mound pushed forward.

  Gently, I prodded at the opening. Aroused as Lacey was, she remained incredibly tight. I would have to carefully stretch her before penetrating her with my cock.

  Still nibbling at her clit, I eased one finger inside her pussy. She started to vibrate. I eased off. Standing, I ordered her back onto the bed, her skirt still on and the crease of her hips centered atop the pillows.

  I had positioned the pillows far enough away from the edge of the bed that I could brace one knee against the mattress but keep all the leverage of standing. I raised her skirt once more, revealing her firm, voluptuous ass.

  My aching balls contracted so hard I had to remind myself to go slow.

  "The main idea behind a spanking," I said, both of my hands gripping and kneading her cheeks, "is to increase the flow of blood to this area, to heighten the sensitivity, the pleasure."

  I trailed a finger down her perineum, traced the circle of her pussy then caressed the spine of her clit before racing back up to the tight hole and pushing in to the base of my finger.

  My cock jerked from how tight she was.

  I pulled out, cupped her flesh from ass to clit and gave a hard squeeze.

  "Are you ready, Lace?" I asked, a tremor running through my words. "I'll only warn you on the first swat."

  She swallowed hard, her lips bouncing with nervous tension as she shaped her answer. "Yes, I'm ready."

  Her pussy winked as her bottom clenched in anticipation.

  "Baby," I groaned, my head dipping to nuzzle her wet pussy. "You're killing me. How am I supposed to spank you when all I want to do is lick and suck?"

  "Buck up, soldier." Giggling, she tried to crawl forward and escape my mouth. "Or else I'll have to show you how much of a brat I can really be."

  I braced my arm against her lower back so she couldn't get away. Then I pressed my pelvis against the side of her hip to hold her tight. I knew she couldn't really be a brat, but she had earned that first spanking by trying to get away.

  "More than one way to discipline you," I teased, two of my thick fingers rubbing against her perineum before pushing against the opening of her sealed pussy. I had only dared push one finger in earlier, this time I worked two in, gently twisting until they were buried inside her. Then I spread the tips about an inch apart and slowly twisted my way out until just the pads remained hidden. Back in, a little faster and harder, then the tips even further apart as I withdrew.

  Without the warning I had promised a few seconds ago, I smacked her ass hard.

  "Oh!" she gasped, her body surging forward.

  Her pussy started to gulp, the muscles sucking inward. I gave another smack, this time closer to that dancing, winking hole I would soon have my cock buried in. Fingers back in, hooked and tugging, then the slick pads sliding along her clit and finishing with a pinch before I gave another slap, this one a little less stinging and against her labia.

  "Sweet heavens," she moaned and pushed her face against the mattress, her ass lifting higher. She turned her head so that one cheek pressed against the bedding. "You never said you were going to spank me there."

  "Did I neglect to mention that?" I asked with a grin and another slap to the same spot, this one with more force than any of the first three. My fingers plunged back in to fuck her slowly. "I'm going to tap that swollen clit with my cock before I put it in you."

  Her greedy pussy grasped at my fingers. She fisted the blanket with both hands and moaned into the mattress. Just when I thought she might come from all the fingering, I popped her bottom another time.

  She swallowed and her ass started to bob in anticipation of another swat. I gave her three fingers instead, stretching her as much as I could without tearing. It would take a full four fingers before she would be ready for my cock. Pulling out, I dipped my thumb in, made sure it was dripping with her cream then pressed the pad against her ass and pushed the fingers back into her pussy.

  "Wake," she groaned. She was back to having one cheek pressed against the bed, her lips forming a funnel as she puffed air in and out, her cheeks inflating and her tongue flat against her upper lip.

  Fuck, she was beautiful. Sensuous, voluptuous, sweet, innocent, and mine. All mine, every last, luscious inch.

  I pulled out and gave her two hard smacks, one on each ass cheek, followed by a third stinging slap against her protruding clit. She bucked once, the tightening of her pussy telling me she was close to climax once more.

  Cooing at her, I rubbed slowly up and down the line of her sex until her pussy relaxed just a little. One finger, two fingers, three fingers...

  Four fingers.

  Just the tips, her muscle strangling my flesh. A slow rotation and a lot of Lacey's juice got me up to the first knuckle. Shallow fucking, another twist, and her building moans got me in to the middle knuckle. I put the pad of my thumb against the tight star above and pressed rhythmically, each push against her bottom getting me another centimeter deeper into her pussy, her body so tense I could hear the vibration of her flesh hiding below the keening vocalizations of her climax.

  She shuddered to a stop, her mouth moving wordlessly as she tried to gulp in fresh air.

  Merciless, I ro
lled her onto her back then buried my face between her legs, my tongue soothing the swollen flesh that I had fingered so roughly. Lacey curled her hands around the back of my skull and held on like a drowning woman as I tore another climax from her.

  Truth be told, I was the one drowning. I needed this woman to live. Forget air or water or food. I could survive on her smile and sweet body alone.

  Jumping up, I stripped my clothes away then pawed through my pockets for the condoms she had secured from the nurse. Placing them next to Lacey, I climbed back onto the bed and pulled the skirt off her body and spread her legs.

  I wet my hard cock in her juices then tapped it against her clit, the fast, erratic rhythm matching my racing pulse. She had me beyond worked up and I needed to numb my flesh or I would come before I was even in her.

  "I need a dictionary," she said, her voice all dreamy.

  "Right now?" I asked, laughing but worried that she would say she needed one immediately.

  Her cheeks glowed pink and then she laughed with me. "I didn't think I was saying that out loud. I can wait until later, but I need a word for what is more than amazing."

  "Easy," I said, my fingers inside her, stretching her again before I put the condom on. "That word is 'Lacey.'"

  She disagreed with a furious shake of her head. "Nope, that word is definitely 'Wake.' Has been for a while for me.”

  Damn, she was killing me with how beautiful and generous she was.

  And sexy—couldn't forget that. I had never seen a woman so damn sexy, never been so aroused by any other woman as I was at that second.

  "Let's agree to disagree," I said, my fingers leaving her so I could roll the condom onto my swollen cock. I leaned over, my hips even with hers, my lips ghosting along her forehead with a kiss. Reaching between us, I positioned my cock at her gate and gave that first, tentative push.

  My eyes rolled back in my head as I slid deeper. Her pussy molded around me, gripping and swallowing my cock until my aching balls were pressed tight against her plump bottom. I rested a little of my weight against her soft flesh, my mouth capturing hers as I began to rock inside Lacey.


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