Bite Sized Fate

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Bite Sized Fate Page 2

by Toby Wise

  I nod my head as I get out of the car, walking towards the tattoo shop. My stomach flips and if my heart was beating, it would be racing something fierce. I clench my fists and take a steadying breath that I don’t really need.

  Walking through the door, I suck in a breath, my eyes flicking from person to person, taking everyone in. It’s more instinct than anything, my vampire senses getting the best of me. There’s a shifter with the scent of magic clinging to him at the counter, feline if I had to guess with a side of spark. Interesting. Then we have two dragons, their predatory stink very distinctive to my nose. And finally, my eyes pass all of them, finding Tony. Gods. He’s just as beautiful as I remember him and not for the first time, I kick myself for not realizing he was my mate sooner. I was so overwhelmed by the smells at the club and then the smell of Tony’s lust and want, that I never stopped to pick out the scent of mate.

  Tony’s brown eyes are just as bright and lovely as I remember, his sandy blond hair a mess and my fingers itch to run through it again. He’s wearing jeans and a band t-shirt, showing off the fitness of his build and making me long to have his arms around me. He smiles at his friend and my stomach clenches, seeing his adorable bunny teeth. I’ve missed that smile more than I know how to put into words. I’m hit with bone deep longing just from seeing him after all these months apart.

  As I step into the tattoo shop, everyone seems to pause what they’re doing and look at me, but I don’t care, let them look. Actually, maybe I’ll put a little show on for them. I push my hood back, letting my long hair fall down to my shoulders, giving it a little shake for good measures.

  “I’m actually looking for Tony,” I say, barely even hearing the question the guy behind the counter asked me, only having eyes for one.

  I watch as Tony’s eyes widen and he makes the most adorable little sound of surprise at seeing me. I feel my lips tip up, my chest feeling warm. I know in my cold, unbeating heart that this is my true mate, the bump I’m sporting being proof even if I wasn’t feeling the pull and rightness of it myself.

  “Yasha?” I feel my face break out into a wide smile. Thank Lady Fate he actually remembers my name. Maybe he feels this pull just like I do. Maybe he’s been pining from a distance, waiting for me to find him. Well, at least a boy can dream. “It’s actually really great to see you, Yasha.”

  “You too,” I say straight away, taking another step towards him. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” I tell him, feeling like I’m making some great confession, and maybe I am.

  Tony looks down at his feet, a shy little smile playing at his lips. He looks up at me through his lashes and I have to stop myself from squirming, remembering the way he’d looked that night, how he’d rocked my world. Fuck, he’s so gorgeous. “It was a good night.”

  This is my chance, my opening! I smile at him and I know it’s practically feral but I can’t help it. I’m giddy with nerves, my hands shaking as I slowly open my jacket. “You can say that again.” Once it’s open, I wait for a reaction. Everyone seems to suck in a breath and the room around me grows tense, all eyes on Tony after taking in the sight of my pregnant stomach. “Best night of my life.”

  Tony’s eyes haven’t left my belly. I try not to squirm or flinch. He doesn’t react, doesn’t say anything. Someone else in the room murmurs something and it seems to snap him out of whatever this is. He looks at me, his eyes round and glassy before looking over at his friend. Then he’s gone, using his vampire speed to run out of here with a measly, “I’m sorry”.

  I’m left standing there, in front of Tony’s fucking coworkers with my jaw open in shock. Out of every possible outcome, that didn’t even hit my radar of possibility. I feel like an idiot. Some love sick asshole who can’t take a message. Well, guess what? The message is loud and clear now.

  “Damn it,” I hiss, pulling my jacket closed, holding my arms around my belly.

  A shorter man with dark stubble walks up to me, putting his arm on my forearm. “It’ll be okay,” he tells me, his voice sure.

  “Right,” I say and to my horror my eyes are watering and my nose sniffling. Fuck. “I’ve been trying to track down my baby daddy for months and the moment I finally find him he runs away. But you’re right, short stuff, everything is fine.” I don’t even care about my outburst. If anything, I’ll blame it on my fucking pregnancy hormones.

  “Dayum,” the guy at the counter says. “You got a mouth on you.”

  I look over, flashing him my fangs. “And don’t you forget it.”

  The guy in front of me takes my attention again, forcing me to look down at him. “I’ll talk to him. He’s probably going to be very embarrassed when this all settles down. He’s a new vampire and probably never thought this could even be a possibility.”

  “And I planned this?” I snap at him, my hackles raised with annoyance and hurt. “You know vampires can only get pregnant with their one true mate, right? And mine just hauled out of here like his ass was on fire. You’d think I was holding up a stake instead of a bump.”

  The guy at the counter snorts and it takes all of my self control not to hiss at him. Or eat him. “Just give me your contact information and I’ll make sure he calls you, okay?” Shortie says and I hand him my cell phone.

  “Fine. It’s not like I have any better ideas,” I say with a shrug.

  “I’m sorry he left like that,” he says softly, giving me my phone back. I shake my head, trying to play it off but there goes the water works again. I’m taken by surprise as I’m suddenly wrapped into a tight hug. I hug back, sinking into the feeling, drawing strength from someone who’s, from what I can tell, Tony’s family.

  “Thanks,” I murmur. “It’s fine, really.” I pull my arms tight around my midsection. “I’m not alone or anything. I have a small clan that helps me. It’s fine.”

  “If you say fine one more time, do you think you’ll finally believe it?”

  I give him my best glare, holding my shoulders high. “If I wanted someone to call me out on my bullshit, I would have stayed home and listened to my roommates.” And then for good measure, I toss my hair over my shoulder.

  The guy sitting down with the weird backpack in his lap finally waves, adding to the conversation instead of silently watching. “It was nice meeting you. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of you.”

  I shrug, turning towards the door. “I hope so.”

  Outside, I take in a deep breath, letting the smell of fresh air calm me down as I shield my eyes from the sun. I walk over to Agnes, tapping on her window.

  “How’d it go?”

  I give her a shrug, unable to meet her way too insightful eyes. “Would you mind if I walked home?”

  “Are you sure?”

  I cut her off before she can really question me. “I’m fine, Aggy. Just head home. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Fine,” she says. “But if you get picked up by some crazy truck driver, I won’t be held responsible.”

  “And if someone tries to pick me up I’ll drain them dry.” I lick my lips. “Actually, maybe that would cheer me up.”

  Agnus reaches out, slapping my shoulder. “Don’t even joke about that.”

  I finally crack a smile. “Whatever.” I shake my head, pulling my hood back up. “I’m going. See you at home.”

  As she drives away, I let my shoulders slump. Disappointment wracks through me, my chest aching. I want my mate. I want him to want me in the same way that I want him. Fuck. I’ve been alive for hundreds of years and nothing prepared me for this.

  The trees around me are lovely shades of orange and reds, preparing to fall. I look up, trying to find a bit of joy in the cool air and changing season. My carrier father taught me to find the little things in life that make you smile and then hold onto them, so that’s what I do now.

  I close my eyes for only a moment and when I open them again, I startle so hard I almost fall on my ass as someone towers over me.

  “Fuck,” Tony
hisses, catching me, his arms going around my waist to steady me. “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Once I’m stable again, I shrug him off. Everything inside of me wants to pull him closer, maybe grab him into a tight hug and bury my face against his throat. But instead I keep my distance. For now at least.

  “I thought you were sorry and had somewhere to be,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “Got a secret wife?”

  “What?” Tony’s face scrunches up in confusion. “No.”

  “Secret family?”

  “Yasha, no.”

  “Oh, so you saw my belly and decided to run your ass away for no real reason? Is that what you’re saying?”

  Tony pinches the bridge of his nose, looking completely done with me and the sight finally brings a smile to my face. “Just hear me out?”

  I pop my hip ever so slightly, looking up at him through my lashes. “Fine,” I say gently, tilting my head to the side. “Two minutes. After that I decide whether or not to eat you.”

  Tony runs his fingers through his short hair. Looking at his feet, he starts, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have ran. That was dumb.”

  I snort. “Yeah, it really was.”

  The look he gives me is withering but I don’t back down. “I’m trying to apologize, asshole.”

  “What a lovely pet name.”

  “Could you stop? For two minutes?”

  I look at my wrist, pretending to check the time. “Actually a minute and a half.”

  Tony groans long and low, turning his back to me. Then he spins around, his face set in a determined line. He grabs my face between his hands, pulling me into a fierce kiss. His tongue plunges into my mouth and I’m powerless to do anything but kiss him back. My hands grip his shirt so tight I’m sure my vampire strength nails are tearing through the material but I don’t care. My mate is kissing me, he wants me. Tony fucking wants me.

  “Now listen,” he murmurs, his lips barely parting from mine. His eyes stare into me, really seeing past my bullshit. “I want you. I want this baby.” His hands slide down my sides before gently opening my coat. When I nod permission, his hands touch my belly and Tony sucks in a sharp breath. “Jesus, I didn’t even know something like this could happen.”

  I clear my throat, overcome with emotion as I’m bounced back and forth like a ping pong ball today. “It’s because you’re my one true mate, Tony.”

  He licks his lips, his eyes flicking away from my belly up to my eyes. “I didn't even know vampires had those.”

  “We do,” I explain. “I’m actually a born vampire. Just like our baby will be.”

  Tony kisses my cheek gently, one of his hands coming up to run through my long hair. “I wanna hear all about that. Can I walk you home?” I nod my head, gesturing for him to follow me. “I have something for you,” he says softly, taking my left hand in his own. “This is why I left actually. In my head this was going to be romantic as fuck. But uh, kinda fucked that up by running without saying anything.”

  He takes my hand in his, sliding a plain silver band onto my left ring finger, a ring of black in the middle of the band running all the way around. “It’s beautiful,” I tell him, my throat closing slightly.

  “It was my father’s. And now it’s yours.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him, squeezing his hand in mine. Then he entwines our fingers together, walking me towards home. Pleasure shoots through me at the simple gesture, my stomach quivering in delight. When he kisses me goodbye, explaining he has to get back to see his godchildren, my toes curl in my boots. Everything is gonna be okay.

  Chapter Three


  “So here’s the deal,” I say, pausing right outside the loft. “Do not embarrass me or I’ll kick your ass back out. Got it?”

  Wyn looks up at me with wide, innocent eyes. “I’ve no idea whatever you could mean, Tony. I’m just here to meet your new family.” He has the balls to stick out his bottom lip at me and I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose.

  “I’m serious.”

  “So am I!”

  “Whatever,” I finally tell him, ignoring the way I sound like a petulant teenager and instead focus on knocking on the door. My stomach fills with nerves as we wait. “Just be cool, okay.”

  Wyn snorts. “I’m always cool.” Wyn might be a pain in the ass, and my boss, but he’s so much more than that. He’s my family. Like a pseudo-dad now that I’m a vampire and encased in the supernatural world. He found me at my very worst, somehow lower than rock bottom. He saved me from making the biggest mistake of my life, pulling me away from the edge--and the body I was ready to suck dry--and he’s been in my life ever since. Wyn might have his own family and babies now, but he’ll never stop being my family.

  “Keep telling yourself that, old man.”

  Before Wyn can say anything more, the door opens and I’m greeted with the beautiful face of my baby daddy. Yasha is absolutely glowing, the pregnancy making his skin brighter, his hair shinier. He smiles wide when he sees that it’s me and I don’t hesitate to wrap him in my arms, kissing the side of his head in greeting. His belly bumps against my own and a thrill goes through my chest, the reminder that soon enough we’ll be welcoming a little one into our lives.

  “Well,” Wyn says, letting the word draw out until I look over at him. His face is spread wide, like he knows a secret that I don’t. “This explains a lot.”

  “This explains nothing.”

  He raises his brow at me. “You’ve been so happy lately. Lighter.”

  If I was capable, I know I would be blushing right now. So I kiss Yasha one more time before turning him around and pushing him inside. I look over my shoulder, giving Wyn the stink eye as we go.

  Yasha stops long enough to smile up at me. “He’s right. I’m good for you, Tony,” he murmurs with a wink.

  I think about making a smart ass comment but for once I don’t. “You are,” I agree. Yasha does a double take before his face is melting into a wide smile.

  Wyn comes alongside me, bumping me with his elbow. “Fucking sap.”

  I look down at him, trying to give him a look that conveys how unimpressed I am with him but I know he sees right through me. Whatever.

  “Come meet my clan,” Yasha says, pulling Wyn forward into the living room. I follow behind, trying to keep my grin at bay as I watch for Wyn’s reaction. Yasha’s clan is something else. They have their uh, charm? They didn’t welcome me with open arms, not that I thought they would after leaving while Yasha was sleeping the first night we’d met. But we’ve all come to understand each other.

  “This is Dwayne,” Yasha introduces, pointing at the guy wearing all black, including a trenchcoat, inside. Dwayne raises his hand in greeting without saying anything. I worry he’ll decide to shift into his bat form for the ‘full aesthetic’ but he just stands there, as still as possible. If I didn’t know he was a shifter, I’d assume he wasn’t breathing.

  “Nice to meet you,” Wyn calls out, not even a little bit phased by Dwayne and it makes me smirk at Yasha who was worried Wyn would be rude to our ‘batty’ friend.

  Yasha points out the woman on the couch who’s currently doing something on her phone. It’s funny. Agnus is the oldest person in this house by a long shot, yet is the most tech savvy, finding the growth of technology fascinating, having seen it change over time. “That’s Agnus. She’s the mother hen of our little group.”

  “You know she hates it when you say that,” William says, his voice deep and emotionless as he comes into the living room, sitting beside Agnus and placing a tray on the coffee table in front of him. He’s dressed in his usual garb of proper breeches and coat, the look complete with a top hat on his head. William was turned in the 1800’s and refuses to ‘get with the times’.

  “And that lovely gentleman is William.”

  Wyn gives a small bow, nodding politely at the two. “It’s a pleasure.”

e heard a lot about you,” Agnus says, finally putting her phone away and looking up at Wyn, her green eyes are bright and her smile knowing.

  “I’m glad to finally meet you all. Your clan has had a good influence on Tony.”

  “Oh my gods, Wyn,” I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose. I walk over to the love seat, helping Yasha sit down with his round belly before sitting on the ground and leaning my back against his legs which insistently poke my side in teasing.

  “It’s true,” Wyn says with a shrug. “I feel like the in-laws are finally meeting so hush and let me tell stories about you. It’s a right of passage.”

  William sits forward, carefully handing out mugs and my mouth waters, smelling the warmed up blood. “A negative,” he says, handing me mine. “Your favorite.”

  “Thank you, William.” He nods at me with the tiniest smile. He knows my favorite type of blood and for some reason that warms my chest, making me feel even more accepted.

  “Don’t worry,” Agnus says, noticing Wyn’s face. “We’ve got something for you to drink as well. Not all of us are blood drinkers.”

  “Yet!” Dwayne calls out. “Not yet!”

  Agnus rolls her eyes, giving Dwayne a fond smile. “There’s still one living for now despite what he wants everyone else to think,” she says, shaking her head at him. “Come with me,” Agnus says, pulling Wyn into the kitchen.

  With my vampire hearing I can hear them chatting about what type of wine Wyn would like. They talk about Wyn’s twins, how they’re doing at two months old. The feeling of rightness thrums through me and I hold onto it desperately, knowing all too well what it's like to feel out of place, like you’re a monster who no longer deserves to be here among humans. It started with Wyn pulling me off the streets and ends here, with my clan.

  “You look so deep in thought, baby,” Yasha says gently, tipping my head back by my hair. I snort in amusement at him before turning my head and kissing his wrist.


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