It Goes On

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It Goes On Page 22

by Ashley Claudy

  I smiled at his effort. “Thanks, but let’s not do that tonight, okay? We’ve had enough drama already, and I don’t want to focus on that. We can share all our bad memories another time. How about we focus on the positive and not get too deep?”

  “I can do that. Come here, relax with me.” Ethan pulled me to him and I leaned on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around me. We looked over the balcony at the city surrounding us and talked for hours this way. He dragged his fingers over my arm and hands, tickling my skin. We never went any further and the conversation never ended. We talked about little things and big things, our plans for the future, our career goals, favorite foods, the stars.

  I learned about him but also about myself. He helped me to realize my goals; he made it all seem so simple. He wanted to redeem his family name and become an architect known for his designs but also integrity in business. I wanted to own my own home. Even if it was small, something I could call mine that no one could take.

  Our conversation easily rambled from one topic to the next without pause. The time passed all too quickly, and we both seemed to be avoiding the end to the evening. At some point, lulled by his hypnotic voice, fingers dancing on my skin, and warm breeze of the night, I fell asleep in Ethan’s arms.

  I shot up in the chair.

  “Wha—Are you all right?” Ethan stood up, his hand gripping my shoulder.

  Another shattering crash came from the condo, similar to the one that woke us up. The door to the living room swung open, and Sydney, Chelsea, and another girl scurried onto the balcony.

  My heart beat wildly in my chest as I tried to make sense of not only time and place but the noises that had woken me. On the best of conditions, it took me a moment to wake up and gather my wits; these conditions seemed impossible to make sense of.

  “What’s happening?” Ethan asked as he walked past the girls on the balcony towards the living room doors.

  “Taylor is pissed at Liam again,” Chelsea said before Ethan went into the condo.

  As the door opened, their yelling flowed through but was quickly silenced when it closed.

  With nothing to hear or see through the closed door, the girls made their way to the couch I was sitting on and took a seat.

  “Well, that was beyond crazy. They both have major issues,” the girl I didn’t recognize said.

  “That’s for sure” Sydney giggled, but it was hollow. She pulled a cigarette case from her clutch and lit one before tossing the clutch and lighter on the coffee table. She inhaled her cigarette and then pointed it at me. “How long have you two been out here? Did you go out tonight?”

  “We hung out here.” I dismissed her curiosity and went back to the more pressing issue. “it sounded like something broke in there. What happened?”

  “Taylor was throwing Liam’s phone around, trying to break it,” Chelsea explained as she chewed on the side of her thumb, a habit I hadn’t seen in her before. “She just gets so mad at him sometimes. Everyone thinks it’s just her but…” She leaned forward in her chair. “He makes all these promises to her in private and then flaunts other girls in front of her.”

  “Come on Chelsea. You know she does the same exact shit. You can’t say this is his fault,” Sydney defended Liam.

  “They are probably just not good for each other,” the other girl said, and both Chelsea and Sydney agreed.

  We all looked to the French doors as one opened. Liam stepped through with a case of beer in hand.

  “Sorry about all that ladies. Here, you want a beer?” He reached into the box and gave each girl a beer. When he got to me, he sat down without offering me one and asked, “You’re still here?”

  I nodded, feeling awkward about his obvious annoyance.

  He leaned back in his seat and took a pull from his bottle and then sat forward restlessly. They all watched him like he might explode.

  “I don’t have the patience for that type of crazy behavior. Let Ethan deal with that shit. You all saw what went down,” he said, waving his bottle at the three girls. “She went crazy over nothing.”

  Chelsea chewed on the side of her thumb again, and Sydney just shook her head.

  The other girl spoke up, “That was some really messed up stuff. Did you get your phone? Is it broken?”

  “Shit, let me go check.” He stood and walked back inside.

  Sydney leaned back in her seat. “This is definitely a strange night.” She took a swig of her beer and then added, “It’s been a strange weekend, actually.”

  Chelsea nodded as Liam walked back outside, phone in hand.

  He sat on the coffee table opposite us, and his leg bounced as he pressed the screen of his phone. The sky behind him glowed with the early morning sun. “There’s a crack, but it still works. I’ll get a new one tomorrow. The cleaning ladies are going to be surprised when they come in.” He laughed as he added, “you should see the lamp in there.”

  His laugh was cut short when he looked towards me. “If you’re waiting on Ethan, he’s going to be awhile. He’s trying to calm Taylor down, get her to sleep it off or something.”

  Chelsea shook her head. “You’re such an ass sometimes. Why are you letting Ethan do that? Shouldn’t you be in there talking to her?”

  I couldn’t follow the conversation; I was still stuck on Liam’s dismissal. It was obvious he no longer wanted me around.

  “Did you see what happened in there? It’s pretty damn clear that I can’t calm her down. It’s best I sit out here with you lovely ladies.” He looked over the three girls, and I wonder if they noticed the way he purposefully avoided looking in my direction.

  I stood up. “Well, this has been interesting, but I’m going to go. I’ll see ya’ll later.” The girls said bye in unison, but Liam just leaned back and watched me leave as he sipped his beer.

  I walked through the quiet living room. A lamp lay in shattered pieces on the ground along with one of the pillows from the couch. I didn’t hear or see any signs of Ethan or Taylor, so I walked out of the condo without investigating.

  As I waited for the elevator, I let disappointment wash over me. The night had gone so well, but it ended badly. I didn’t know which to focus on.

  I didn’t want to create drama in my mind, but I couldn’t help but simplify the ending as Ethan choosing Taylor over me. A part of me knew that was unfair to assume since it sounded like Taylor was having a breakdown and needed someone. But the fact remained, Ethan hadn’t even taken a moment to say goodbye.


  Kate was here. Carly knew she was coming back live at the condo, but it still shocked her to hear her moving around her bedroom.

  Sipping her coffee, she waited for Kate to come out, uncertain how her daughter would react to seeing her. If she saw her at all. She had to leave soon to make her appointment at the spa, but first, she wanted to get the apologies over and go back to how they use to be.

  She hoped that would be possible. If Kate took a moment to think about everything, she would realize that all of Carly’s actions were for her benefit. It was pure self-absorption that kept her from realizing that Carly had sacrificed everything for her when she was born.


  Now she was trying to get some of that back, but it wasn’t just for Carly’s own benefit. It would benefit Kate too; she just needed to sacrifice a little of her own pride to make this work.

  Carly heard the shower turn on through the walls and stood, resigned that she could not wait for her. She needed to get to the spa.

  On impulse, she grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a quick note for her daughter. She left it by the coffee pot to ensure Kate would find it this morning.


  I have an important appointment this morning but hope to talk with you soon.



  Chapter Twenty

  You know that feeling?


  I ignored Ethan’s text. I was getting ready for my run when he texted, but I wasn’t
prepared to see him yet.

  His presence clouded my logic and magnified my feelings. Especially after last night, I needed the clarity that only a run could provide before our concert this evening.

  By the time I finished my usual path in the city, clouds had begun rolling in, providing a much-needed shade. I was about to sprint up the stairwell but was intercepted in the lobby.

  “Kate, wait.” Ethan jogged over to me.

  His muscles were swollen from working out, and his tan skin had a sheen of sweat over it. It was unfair how good he looked. Especially when I turned into a blotchy, frizzy haired mess after a workout.

  “I must have just missed you this morning. Did you want to go for a swim with me?” He nodded his head toward the elevator.

  I chewed on my bottom lip, thinking. I could already feel my new found clarity steaming up in his presence.

  “No. I can’t.” I couldn’t think of a reason so I cut my words off. Bouncing on my toes, I turned to go up the stairwell. “I’ve got to go.”

  His brow lifted with doubt, and he crossed his arms, putting his lean biceps on display. “All right then. I’ll call you later about dinner.”

  “Sure, see you then,” I called over my shoulder as I bounded up the stairs.

  I did a quick turn in the mirror before leaving, pleased with how I looked in my cut off shorts, plain tee, and hair down in natural waves. For the first time in a while, I felt perfectly comfortable in what I was wearing. I felt like me. I took a steadying breath and went to the lobby to meet Ethan.

  “It’s about an hour drive to the concert. I thought we could eat near the amphitheater.”

  I nodded in agreement. Our easy rapport from last night didn’t carry over to today.

  “This will be the last time I have to borrow Liam’s car. I’m getting a truck tomorrow, for work.”

  “That’s nice,” I said. I felt like a complete bitch for making him work so hard for conversation, but I wanted to talk about last night and was hoping he’d bring it up.

  “Too bad I didn’t have the truck for the concert. We could have taken my motorcycle, but it’s a long ride, and it looks like it might rain,” he continued.

  I pursed my lips together and looked out the window at the ominous clouds. “We could have taken my car.” I shrugged. “I’m surprised Liam let you take his car to go out with me. He wasn’t very nice to me last night. Actually, the last couple of times I’ve seen him he hasn’t been very nice.”

  Ethan looked over at me between navigating the traffic on the road. “He can be an ass sometimes. Just ignore him, he’s moody.”

  I narrowed my eyes, not satisfied with his answer. “No. It’s strange, like something changed. Last weekend he wanted to be my friend, but last night he practically kicked me out.”

  “Really? Sorry about that, I didn’t realize.” He shook his head and grabbed my knee. “I’m sorry about last night, the way it ended. I enjoyed the night till that point.”

  I nodded in complete agreement.

  “I’ll talk to Liam,” he added.

  “Don’t worry about it. Maybe it is just moodiness. How’s Taylor today?” I didn’t want Ethan intervening for me again. Especially with one of his best friends. Especially since Liam and I had a complicated story, and I wanted to spare Ethan the details. I tried to avoid thinking about that first night with Liam. I knew if Ethan knew about that, it would change everything; he would lose all respect for me.

  “She’s all right. They both partied too much last night. It makes them crazy.” He shook his head, dismissing them, and then he looked at me with a soft smile. “But I’m mad their bullshit interfered with our night.”

  I wanted to add that he was the one who chose to leave me to get in the middle of it, but I decided to drop the topic. I’d take the apology and leave it.

  “Let’s not let them interfere with tonight. Okay?” I messed with the radio station till I found a good song and turned up the volume.

  Ethan smiled his heart-breaking smile. “I like that idea.”

  Once I put last night behind us, our connection returned, and I felt completely at ease.

  We had great seats, close to the stage, but now the concert was over and the crowd pressed around us. There was little choice but to fall in line and keep their slow pace to the exit.

  Ethan held my hand and pulled me close to him. His body protected me from the pushing of the impatient crowd. The farther we walked from the amphitheater, the easier it became as the crowd spread out in different directions.

  He held my hand as we crossed the street, and the sky started to spit fat raindrops.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t have parked so far away. I thought it would help us avoid the concert traffic,” Ethan explained as he watched the sky.

  I laughed despite the quickening raindrops. The concert had been great. A little rain couldn’t kill my good mood. My muscles and ears vibrated from the music, and my skin still remembered Ethan’s hands on me as we danced. “It’s okay. I don’t mind the rain.”

  As if the Gods had been waiting for my cue, the sky opened up and the rain came down in heavy sheets.

  “Oh shit,” Ethan exclaimed as he tightened his grip on my hand and ran towards the car. He opened my door for me and then rushed to the driver’s side and slid in.

  My cheeks strained from laughing so much, and I took big gulps of air to calm myself. As I looked at Ethan’s soaked clothes plastered to his skin, my laughter returned.

  He turned on the car and looked me over from head to toe, his eyes heated with desire. I half expected steam to rise from my wet skin, and my laughter caught in my throat.

  “I had fun tonight,” I said, breathless.

  He met my eyes. “Me too. It’s not over yet, is it?”

  A constant roar filled the space as sheets of rain poured over the car. The night was windless and warm, and the rain came straight down in large heavy drops. I was as soaked as I’d been that night we jumped into the ocean.

  I wasn’t ready to drive back to LA and let the night end, and I acted on impulse. I turned up the radio and stepped out of the car.

  “What are you doing?” Ethan asked, confused. His laughter trailed behind me.

  The parking lot was nearly empty. I outstretched my arms and looked towards the sky, letting the rain pour over me as I twirled around next to the car.

  Ethan’s hands wrapped around my waist and he lifted me to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and squealed in delight as he revolved faster.

  As he slowed down and lowered me back to the ground, I raised my head to his and our lips met.

  The slick kiss started off slow and sweet. His soft, full lips pressed into mine and moved to better fit with my lips. Like the rain, it quickly escalated. All at once, he lifted me off the ground, his hands guiding my legs to wrap around his waist as his lips greedily claimed mine. His tongue explored my mouth, and his hand pressed my head deeper into the kiss. His other hand gripped my butt, pressing me to him.

  Electricity surrounded us and ran through us, and it had nothing to do with the storm. This moment was charged with perfection, as if my whole life had been building to this kiss, to Ethan. Nothing else mattered.

  I was aware of him and where our bodies touched, but little else. I didn’t realize he’d been walking until I felt the car beneath me. He used one hand to brace himself on the hood and the other stayed at my back, easing me down. I slid my hands down his back and under his shirt, squeezing him to me. I wanted the smooth hardness of his muscles and the warmth of his skin on me.

  His hands glided over my wet clothes, down the length of my body, up and down my slick thighs. His mouth moved from my lips to my chin. One hand continued to caress my thighs, the tips of his fingers slipping under the edge of my shorts. The other moved to my hair and pulled my head back as his lips traveled down my neck.

  Ethan’s body protected mine from most of the storm, but as my head rolled back in pleasure, the rain poured over my face without relie

  I nearly drowned.

  Turning my head to the side, I coughed up the water I had inhaled.

  Ethan smoothed my wet hair off my face as he hovered over me. “Are you all right?”

  I smiled, embarrassed, and nodded.

  He lowered his forehead to mine, his body shaking with laughter. Raising himself back up, he gave me a chaste kiss on the lips before pulling me to stand with him.

  He put his arm around me and opened my car door. Once I was seated, he closed the door and slowly walked through the onslaught of rain to his side.

  I took a moment to catch my breath. That had been seriously hot, but I wasn’t sure what to do now or what to expect when he got in the car. I’d almost lost all control, a part of me was disappointed that I hadn’t. Why had I choked on the rain?

  He slid into his seat and shook his head as he looked at me. “You should stay wet.”

  Any residual lust vanished.

  I snorted and covered my mouth as I coughed over my laughter.

  “Shit. I mean you look good wet. From the rain. Or pool. Or anything.” He let his head flop to the steering wheel and then rolled it to the side to peer up at me with an embarrassed smile. “That didn’t come out right. You do that to me. I’m usually much smoother.” He raised himself up and put his hand on my cheek. “I know how to ruin moments, don’t I?”

  I pressed my lips together, and my chest bounced with suppressed laughter as I shook my head. “That was a pretty good moment.”

  His hand stroked the length of my wet hair and his eyes followed. “It was. A really good moment.”

  I took a deep breath. “I’m glad I went for it. I’ve been waiting for you to kiss me since that day in the pool. I’m glad I finally had the courage to take control.”

  He smiled and then narrowed his eyes. “You—Wait. I kissed you. You set it up in the rain, but I started that kiss.”


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