Bad Boys Teaser: A Sizzling Bad Boys Anthology

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Bad Boys Teaser: A Sizzling Bad Boys Anthology Page 87

by Warren, Rie

  When I stood up again, Peyton was beside me, smiling at me. She took my hand, leading me to the door.

  “Does he always sleep like that?” I asked.

  “Like he’s a starfish?” She softly closed the door behind us.


  “Always. I think he gets that from you.” She giggled.

  I swatted her on the ass. “Bullshit. You’re the bed hog.”

  Her cheeks flushed a delicious pink when she shut us inside her bedroom. Her hair a beautiful tumble of red-gold down her back and around her face. She turned on a light by the bed, her juicy ass jutting out.

  I was tempted to spank that again.

  I set my bag down, coming up behind her, and she arched into me when I folded my arms around her.

  “Can’t believe you said yes.” I tunneled beneath her hair, nuzzling her neck.

  She spun in my arms. “I can’t believe you said no.”

  “Yeah.” Rubbing the back of my neck, I frowned. “Not exactly my shining moment.”

  “Maybe you can make up for that.” Her voice turned smoky, her eyes sultry.

  Drawing one finger down the front of her top, I felt my gut clench with sudden jolting want. “I’m ready to start now.”

  “Uh uhn.” She wagged a finger in my face.


  “I’m hot—”

  “No shit you are.” I mean I was already drooling. No brainer she’s hot.

  “And I think I smell like Lou from when he hugged me earlier.” Stepping back, she deftly unzipped her skirt to my bugging-out eyes.

  She kicked the skirt away revealing what amounted to a skimpy, lacy sheer thong-type thing beneath.

  I knew she knew she had me hooked when she lifted her hair in a sensual move to let it drop back down.

  “I need a shower.” She removed the blouse in slow motion.

  My mouth went dry.

  High heels. Toned body. And her lingerie wasn’t just a thong. It was some kind of one-piece meant to make my cock explode. Sheer fine mesh with just enough lace to cover her cunt and her nipples. The tight see through material clung to her hourglass figure.

  Sex on legs. Pouty lips. And all that hot and wet in the shower?

  “A shower? Sign me up.” No brainer.

  “I thought you might wanna get something to eat downstairs?” She flirtatiously sucked on one fingertip, sexily stepping out of the expensive heels.

  “Yeah, I do.” I picked her up in my arms. “You.”

  In the bathroom, Peyton turned on the shower, turning me on even more when she bent over, her ass again wiggling in my direction. I tore off my shirt. Kicked off my sneakers. I’d already cleaned up, but I was ready to get dirty with her.

  Popping the top button on my jeans, I sucked air through my teeth when she turned around. A fucking goddess with a busty body and a heart of gold. But I’d get to that later. Right then I needed to see it all.

  I slammed her against the wall, and she gasped my name. Lashing her lips with deep, greedy kisses then pulling back to tease her until she whimpered for my mouth, I discovered the tiny buttons on the back of her one-piece-sexual-torture-garment.

  Breaking away, I spun her and pressed the front of her body against the wall. “Jesus fuck, woman. Wanna rip this right off you, but it looks too goddamn good.”

  Searching for the buttons so I could get my hands all over her, I shoved my thigh between her legs to give her something to ride.

  Ride she did.




  “You’re already wet, aren’t you, darlin’?” I unhooked another button, the long line of her spine revealed all the way to the dimples above her full ass.


  The whole strapless affair dropped to her waist revealing that sexy snake tat, and as much as I was desperate to palm her tits, I needed her cunt bare, too.

  Kneeling down, I lost the lingerie then stood to cup her breasts. “Wanna fuck you so bad.”

  I strengthened my stance behind her, rubbing my rough hands over her gorgeous tits, her peaked nipples.

  She leaned her head to the side. “Gotta take your jeans off first, baby.”

  Her hand snuck between our bodies. Crept into my half-opened pants. Found me going commando and dragged along my thoroughly hard, upright length.

  My neck cranked back. My cock needed no encouragement. I was already at bursting point.

  She turned, one arm around my neck, her tits cushioning my chest, her fingers lightly dancing on my dick.

  I attacked the last buttons and toed the jeans off before boosting her in my arms, locking her legs around my waist. Peyton gurgled a laugh against my lips when the full force of the hot shower rained down on us. Soaking us instantly.

  Slippery silken skin slid from me, and she grabbed a bottle.

  I offered my hands.

  Foaming up the body wash, I set my lathered palms against her flesh. She hissed, bowing into my touch. I used long sweeping strokes—her belly, her back, over her ass with her leg hitched up. Turning her, I cupped her tits, sending one hand down to her slit.

  The moisture there wasn’t just caused by the water. Tickling through her landing strip, I tapped a finger against her clit. She swiveled her ass relentlessly until my rigid cock kissed her cleft.

  “Rafe!” Peyton gasped.

  Plucking at her nipples, kissing her neck and ear, I bent two fingers inside her swollen cunt. And she braced herself against the shower tiles. Riding again. Writhing again. Rippling with every long slow thrust of my fingers into her tight hot pussy.

  Water washed the suds from her body, but a new froth built inside her. I stuffed her so full of my fingers she started keening within minutes. Her body drew tight. Her cries louder. She banged a fist against the shower and twisted in my arms until she arched at an extreme angle.

  Clenching my fingers. Silently coming. Standing on her tiptoes. Water splattering all over her amazing body. Until softer, fuller, looser, wetter, she lifted her head.

  “Oh my God, Rafe. What did you just do to me?”

  “Not enough yet.”

  “My legs are wobbly.”

  “Mine too,” I grunted at her ear before taking the soft nugget of her lobe between my teeth for a sharp bite.

  Peyton spun around, her dark brown eyes blackish and her wet eyelashes spiky. She filled her hands with soap, eyeing me up and down.

  “Where should I start?” she playfully asked.

  I pointed at my sledgehammer cock. No brainer.


  Holy Fuck. Yes, Please


  WITH A WICKED SMILE on Peyton’s lips, she soaped up her hands. She didn’t go for the obvious bait, though. Starting with my shoulders, she worked her way down my arms, even spreading my fingers and working her slickened ones between them.

  That small touch—that one small touch—made my knees knock. More soap, suds everywhere, her palms sliding all over my chest, she stopped to flick the flat discs of my nipples. My groan made her laugh in a sultry tone. She caressed the muscles padding my ribs before moving on to tickle her fingers through my treasure trail, the backs of those fingers carelessly brushing the heavy length of my erect cock.

  Precome welled from the tip, and its hot slide joined the soapy bubbles dripping all over me as water pelted from above. She painstakingly avoided my dick, my pubes, my balls, slipping her thumbs into the deep V of muscle leading like an arrow to my now full-to-bursting cock.

  When I grunted, pushing my groin forward, she gave me one slow loose stroke in her fist.

  Not enough. Not nearly enough.

  I beat my head back against the tiles.

  Squatting down, providing a view of blushing bouncy tits, Peyton squeezed my ass. My eyes drifted half-shut. Ragged breaths rushed in and out of my chest. She was poised at just the right height to blow me if I pushed my cock down and angled it into her mouth.

  She caressed and lathered a
nd washed every inch of me. My feet, my legs, even the cleft of my ass and my taint that caused me to jolt.

  Everything except my balls. My cock.

  Then she soaped her cleavage with a thick layer of foam, licked her lips while she looked up at me, and sheathed my dick between her tits.

  Horny dream come true. I almost came un-fucking-glued at once. I braced my hands in front of me and hunkered forward, lusting after the sight of her tit-fucking me.

  “Jesus, Pey.” Hoarse grunts from my throat were all that followed as she let me thrust between her shiny, foamy, fuckable tits.

  Billowing steam had nothing on the heat coming off our two bodies.

  Pleasure rumbled through me. Shuddered down my back. Struck fire in my groin. My cock grew harder, larger. My balls heavier, fuller. And when she darted her tongue to meet the shiny dark crown of my cock, I almost fell over.

  On the next pass near her mouth, her lips glided over me, her cheeks hollowing with soft suction as her tongue twirled around me.

  After she dragged my cock back into the slathered warmth of her breasts, she peered up at me. “Let’s get out of here so I can suck your cock until you coat my mouth in come.”

  My hand slammed down on the shower control. I slowly backed out of the extra large cubicle, trying not to stab Pey with the behemoth dick raging from my pelvis. I probably would’ve moved faster, but my knees were still fucking shaking, my breath straining, my muscles flexing all over.

  She started to grab a towel, but I stopped her. “No. Wet. Want you shiny and wet.”

  A slow, extremely sensual smile glided across her lips. “I was just gonna do this.”

  She dropped the neatly folded fluffy square onto the tiled floor in front of me then gracefully sank down to her knees.

  I swallowed harshly.

  Not done torturing me yet, Peyton treated me to a long slow silky tongue bath. From root to tip and all around my dick until it was covered with saliva. Then she angled lower and curled that curious tongue around and around my balls. When she pulled one testicle fully into her hot mouth, I held onto her by the side of her neck, rapidly losing control. She slowly moved to the other ball, sucking, licking, mouthing the round orb.

  Her skin gleaming with drops of water, the sight of her bent between my legs, completely naked, did things to my body I’d never experienced before.

  Lifting up, she gripped me at the base and lowered my tip toward her pursed lips. She kissed the head hotly, sensually . . . one kiss, two. Then her tongue lapped at the frenulum as she closed her mouth completely over my cockhead.

  I watched, hands fisted at my sides, thigh muscles ropey and rigid.

  A clear string of saliva and precome stretched between her lips and my dick when she sucked up and away.

  Flicking her hair back over her shoulders, she gathered me with her tongue again. Slid me farther into her mouth, and her body convulsed with a moan when I hit the beginning of her throat.

  She repeated the move over and over, slowly shafting my cock inside the heat of her mouth, tonguing the underside, filling her lips with my meat.

  “Oh fuck. I should be leaning against a wall for this.” I grabbed hold of her hair.

  “You going to fall over?” she asked, voice hoarse from having sucked me almost down her throat.

  “Pretty damn near close.”

  “Good.” She handled the weight of my cock with a loose slurping, jacking motion. “Now I want you to fuck my face. And don’t be gentle.”

  Holy. Fuck.

  My nostrils flared. My cock flexed harder. And I took two full handfuls of her wet cinnamon-colored hair.

  Peyton pointed my cock down, and I widened my stance.

  Lunging forward, I buried as much cock as she could take into her greedy mouth before she gagged. Fueled by her wild moans, turned on by her eyes dilated and locked on mine, I withdrew then fucked forward again. Before long I was rocking her onto my cock, using my hands to pull and push her mouth on and off the ever-thickening length.

  Close to losing it completely.

  Grunting with every cock-gobbling whimper she let out.

  I pulled out and rubbed my dick all over her face, watching her eyelids coast down, her eyelashes fan across her pink cheeks, her parted lips waiting for more dick.

  Then once more into her mouth, sliding across her talented tongue, into her throat as far as I could go. Easing back as breaths rushed out of my lungs, I jacked the base of my cock.

  “Christ.” I shuddered, my eyes closing. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  Come sped from my balls, the intensity almost blinding me. Jet after jet sprayed into Peyton’s mouth, and she caught each one, continuing to lick while I kept coming and coming.

  With one last squeeze, I pulled free. I wasn’t even sure my legs were working anymore, but I hadn’t fallen over yet. But with one look at Peyton, who licked her heavenly lips with a come-coated tongue, and the falling-down-thing was a very near possibility.

  Before I could pass out, I reached down, lifting her into my arms.

  Her hot body shivered against me, her legs draped over my arm, her breasts against my chest. Her arms linked around my neck, and she kissed and licked and rubbed against me.


  Bed now.

  I’d barely slid her to her feet before I spun her around at the side of the bed. “Don’t move. Just bend over.”

  Another shiver wracked Peyton’s body as she complied. Feet placed wide, hands on the covers. Tits hanging low. Ass out and presented. Pussy pink and slick and ready for my inspection.

  “Like this?” She breathlessly moaned, peering over her shoulder.

  “Almost.” I drew a finger down the center of her spine—lighting on that snake tat—and she arched like a cat in heat.

  “Let’s see who falls over now,” I said with a dirty snicker.

  Crouching down, my mouth neared her cunt.

  My breath shuddered over her, my words flowing close to her damp flesh. “Looks like sucking my cock and eating my come gets you hot.”

  I ran the pads of my thumbs up the sides of her engorged lips, spreading her wetness, and she gasped.

  “Tell me,” I ordered.

  “I love your cock in my mouth, Rafe.”

  “What else?” I flicked my tongue at her.

  “Your mouth. Your mouth on me . . .”

  No sooner did the words leave her lips than I pressed mine against her. She cut off a shriek, jerking back against me when I leaned away.

  I eased my middle finger through her dripping slit, slid it inside her clenching heat for a second, swirled it down to play with the hood of her clit.

  As soon as she whined my name in a low pitch, I buried my mouth against her pussy. I stroked her with my tongue, stoking her heat. My fingertip rolling lightly around her clit, I sucked at her. Getting my face, my tongue, my lips, my teeth as ferociously on her as I could. I wanted to drive her to a fast orgasm because my cock was ready, so fucking ready, to be inside her.

  I pressed my tongue into her hole then withdrew.

  Reaching behind with a wail, she grabbed hold of my hair and shoved me right back.

  No worries about Peyton asking for what she wanted.

  ’Course it was exactly what I wanted, too.

  When I switched up my fingers and my tongue—sinking two digits slowly inside her, quickly drawing her clit into my mouth to rub with my tongue—she slammed back against me. Grinding. Hissing. Bringing her other hand off the bed to grab and maul her tits.

  Convulsing, she rode my face. And I hungrily lapped, sucked, finger-fucked her through the furious orgasm.

  Peyton almost collapsed down to her front when I rose up behind her, her body quivering all over.

  No down time for her.

  Arranging Peyton quickly, still facing forward, both knees on the edge of the bed, completely spread out, I snapped on a condom from my stash.

  “Will he hear us?” I grunted out after one of her particularly loud shouts
for more and now.

  “Callum?” She gasped, greedily backing toward my cock. “No. Just wait ’til you try to wake him up in the morning.”

  I slapped her pussy with the flat of my hand, listening for the telltale moan, watching as she arched up.

  “This cunt looks hungry for my cock.” Sliding my thick dick down her wet slit, I took her hips in my hands. “Time to get absolutely filthy.”

  One thrust and I was deeply embedded inside her until my balls beat against her clit.

  Didn’t stop there, not even when her clutching heat seized and pulsed around me.

  Spreading her. Spearing into her. Swearing every time I entered her, I shook the sweat from my eyes. Leaned down to bite and suck her shoulder.

  Her snake tattoo shimmered on the base of her back, my eyes hooking to the sexy unexpected design then lower to where my full fat meat exited her stretched lips, shining all the way to the base with her juice.

  A raw wave of desire hit me. Hands on her tits, thumbing the peaks of her nipples. Fucking her harder, using her shoulders for leverage. Lifting her up so her back arched against my chest as I railed into her from the balls of my feet, grunting with the force I used. One hand down her tummy to her slick, swelling, yielding cunt and hot pearly clit.

  One more full stroke and I pulled her back onto my cock. Deep. Jerking. Coming. Her milking motions catapulting more semen from me until all-over body-seizing pleasure blinded me. Deafened me. Knocked the wind out of me.

  Peyton was the only thing I was aware of. I crushed her against me, burying my howling mouth against her hair as she latched onto me.

  When I opened my eyes again, she bent forward, trembling in my tight embrace. Pulling out, I held her up, listening to her deep shuddering breaths. I quickly got rid of the rubber then lifted her onto the middle of the bed.

  I started moving away, but she threaded her fingers through my hair.

  Drowsy eyes. Satisfied smile. She pulled me to her mouth.

  After the kiss, barely a brush of lips, she asked, “Where’re you going?”


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