Shattered (Willow Creek Book 1)

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Shattered (Willow Creek Book 1) Page 14

by A. K. MacBride

  Brett folded his arms in front of his chest and frowned, "And you're sure that whatever she said held no truth to it?"

  "Positive." I wasn't going to tell Brett that Harper had shared her body with me or that I felt it meant as much to her as it did to me. What happened at the creek was between me and Harper, alone.

  "Okay," my friend studied me for a while and then asked, "You said something happened with her and Eli?"

  I bit down hard on my back teeth before I said some things about my brother that I could never take back. I'd already gone a step too far when I had accused him of being the reason Molly didn't have a momma anymore. I was just so pissed at him for chasing away the only good thing in my life and then pretending he didn't know why she left in the first place. Momma had sent me home before I got physical with my brother again. I had to admit, I wished she waited till I'd landed at least one punch before she intervened.


  I snapped out of my trip down memory lane and found Brett staring at me as if he was waiting on an answer.


  Brett shook his head and then repeated, "Eli and Harper. What happened?"

  "Hell if I know," I dragged my hands through my hair and tugged at the ends. "We were having a good time when I spotted them having, what looked like, a heated conversation. I've seen Harper in her defensive mode and she was definitely ticked off about something Eli had said. But when I cornered her outside, I could've sworn her eyes were filled with fear." I could still see that look on her face right before all the emotion drained from it entirely.

  "You think she's scared of your brother?"

  "No," I let out a long breath. "I don't know, man. Something is just…off. And Eli, the bastard that he is, isn't shedding any light on the situation."

  Brett unfolded his arms and dropped his elbows to his upper leg before resting his chin on his laced fingers. Cocking his head to the side, he regarded me with narrowed eyes. His behavior was freaking me the hell out and I was about to say as much when he spoke.


  Were my ears playing tricks on me? "Excuse me?"

  "You heard me; you're being a little chicken-shit." My frown deepened while his grin just grew wider. "You sit here and whine about how the woman your heart sings for, walked away from you, but have you given chase yet?"

  Biting down on my teeth again, I gritted out, "She's made what she wants pretty clear, it ain't me."

  My ass of a friend snorted loudly. "If you're already giving up on her, she means nothing to you. I'm sorry, but if you genuinely care for someone, you'll fight for them until the breath leaves your lungs."

  The truth of his words were as sobering as stepping into a cold shower. I knew how I felt about Harper and I had an inkling that she was on her way to feeling the same about me. So why in the hell was I not fighting for the family I wanted?

  Pushing off of the workbench, I grabbed a rag and haphazardly started cleaning my hands. I nodded my head in the direction of the door. "I gotta go." Then I started toward the exit.

  As I did, my walk turned into a jog and I heard Brett yell, "Atta boy!"

  Of all the days for the clinic to be crazy busy. Maybe it was a good thing because with all the running around and tending to emergency patients, I didn't have time to think about the Jackson brothers or my annoyingly correct friend.

  Feeling utterly exhausted—lack of sleep combined with busy mornings have that effect—I sank into my chair and huffed out a breath. My moment of rest was short-lived as the little bell above the door chimed for the hundredth time. I scanned the waiting room and wondered where on earth the newcomers were going to sit.

  I rubbed my palms over my eyes and prepared myself to tell yet another pet owner that we'd get to them as soon as possible. Just as I opened my mouth a large shadow fell over my desk, effectively not just stealing my words but the air in my lungs too.

  By the looks of him, Logan's night had been just as rough as mine. Through his tiredness, I saw a whole lot of determination etched on his face, though. Honestly, I should have known he'd come looking for answers, I just couldn't deal with it now.

  After squaring my shoulders, I tilted my chin and met his stare head-on. "Things are beyond hectic here today," how I managed to keep my voice level was anyone's guess. "Whatever you have to say is going to have to wait until much later."

  Logan cocked his head and twisted his body as he scanned the waiting room. That determined look was back when his eyes landed on me again; I had to swallow down a lump of air.

  "This won't take long, Sugar." The words had just been uttered when he moved around my desk and gripped my arm. All it took was one tug and I was face-to-chest with the man that always seemed to send my heart on a wild gallop.

  Firm fingers gripped my chin and angled my face for what he was about to do next. Before I could blink, Logan's mouth was on mine. Not only claiming it but delivering a promise too. A vow that my soul needed to hear. I should've been fighting him, but I could no longer deny the fact that my heart and body already knew he was home. So, right there in the clinic's waiting room, in front of almost half the town, I surrendered.

  I wanted to protest when Logan broke our kiss, but then I remembered where we were. For someone who wasn't prone to blushing, I sure was doing a lot of it lately.

  "Harper," Logan brushed a thumb over my cheek. "I've quit so many things in my life, but I'm not quitting you. The very essence of you is burned into my soul."

  Maybe it was due to the fact that he'd just kissed me stupid, but it took a moment for his words to really sink in. Dropping my forehead to his chest, I inhaled deeply and immediately knew what I had to do. It was the craziest thing, but I wasn't even afraid to do it.

  Pulling back, I looked up into those whiskey-eyes that owned me so thoroughly. "No more running," I promised. "But there are things you need to know."

  Just to remind us where we were, a cat screeched while a few dogs barked excitedly. All of that was drowned out by the sound of Logan's deep chuckle. He bent down and dropped a kiss to my head. "I'll come over tonight and we'll talk?"

  I loved the fact that instead of assuming he still asked. I beamed at him and said, "Bring pizza."

  The corners of his mouth lifted into a full-on smile. "You got it, Sugar." With that, he started moving backward until he had no other choice than to turn around and push out of the door. My eyes never left him.

  "Is it too early to say: welcome to the family?" Startled, I jerked my head to the side to find Chase grinning at me like an idiot.

  I shook my head but couldn't shake the smile off my face. "Don't you have patients waiting?"

  When he grabbed one of the files in the waiting-pile and called the next patient, I couldn't help the excited tingle that ran down my spine at his words.

  Logan did bring pizza as well as some nuggets for Flynn. There wasn't much time after dinner to have the conversation we needed to have because my little boy had managed to twist Logan's arm into watching a movie before bed.

  I didn't pay much attention to what was going on on the TV; my focus was on the two men huddled together to my right. With his knees pulled up to his chest and his head resting against Logan's chest, Flynn snuggled up to the big man who in return had his arm wrapped tightly around my son's body.

  At that very moment in time, we seemed so domestic. Even Dozer was snoring away in the corner of the living room. A few days ago this image and feeling would have scared the living daylights out of me, but for some inexplicable reason, it just felt right. Which was strange because just this morning I was ready to pack up and run again.

  As I let the blissful feeling of finally being home take over, I settled back in my seat and enjoyed the rest of the movie with the two men who meant the most to me.

  "It's getting late, should I go?" Logan had just tucked Flynn in; he didn't see me watch them, but I saw him press his lips to my boy's forehead and look at him with the kind of fatherly-love I'd always wanted for my son
. And now he was looking at me with a mixture of tenderness and something I wasn't quite ready to acknowledge.

  "You don't have to go just yet." Suddenly a little nervous I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Why don't I make some coffee and we'll talk."

  With a quick nod of his head, Logan agreed and silently trailed behind me as I made my way to the kitchen. Once our drinks were made, we decided to have them on the porch. Tucked in together on the loveseat, we sat in silence for the longest time while I debated how to start my story.

  "My name isn't Harper Evans," Next to me Logan choked out a small cough but said nothing else. "I mean, it is my name now, but I wasn't always Harper. I used to be Sarah Mercer and I might still be married too."

  The cough was a lot louder this time and even though I wasn't looking at him, I could feel his eyes burn a hole into the side of my head. But I had to brave on, "I met Drew when I had no one in this world. I was digging through restaurant trash for my next meal when one of the owners called the cops and had me arrested for trespassing. I was barely seventeen."

  Discarding his coffee, Logan moved to the edge of the seat and rested his forearms on his legs. "Drew was the cop that arrested me, but instead of taking me to jail, he took me to a shelter. A year later we got married. He was everything I thought I wanted until he wasn't."

  I was brave enough to let my gaze drift to the man beside me. I didn't know what I thought I'd find in his eyes but it definitely wasn't the comprehension I saw burning in them. With one look he'd given me the courage to go on with my sordid tale.

  "At first, the beatings were months apart, gradually it became more frequent and more violent. I had nothing and nowhere to go, so I thought that was how my life was going to be until I found out I was pregnant. I knew if I managed to carry a baby to full term that little life would be Drew's next target.

  "I drugged him and ran until my feet couldn't carry me any further and then I ran some more. I never stayed in one place for too long before I moved on to the next shelter. A couple of years ago, at one of these shelters, I met a wonderful lady who assists women like me and she helped me get a new identity."

  Fidgeting with my hands in my lap, I stared out into the distance. "Running is the only thing I know how to do, I'm too scared of Drew to fight him and I'm beyond terrified of what he'll do if he ever found out about Flynn."

  There it was, my truth laid bare at Logan's feet. I thought I'd feel shame, but all I felt was relief. I'd never told a soul all the details I'd just divulged and I couldn't find it in me to regret doing it.

  Logan was quiet for the longest time before he turned to me and asked, "This is what you and Eli were arguing about last night?"

  I lifted my shoulders in a shrug, "Honestly, I don't know what your brother knows. As far as I can gather he only has knowledge about the name change."

  "And you pushed me away because-"

  "I was afraid," I scooted to the edge of my seat and placed my hand on his leg. "I was scared of Eli telling you I was a bad person. Scared of you finding out just how cowardly I am but mostly I was afraid that if I told you the whole truth, you'd still ask me to stay, and I'd be unable to say no."

  His voice was thick and hoarse when he spoke again, "And now?"

  For once I didn't have to think about my answer, "I'm not scared anymore."

  Big hands scraped over my cheeks, fingers pushed into my hair and pulled my face to his until our foreheads were touching. "No more running."

  I nodded my head as much as I could. "I'm done."

  "Good," his breath of relief blew over my lips. "As long as I have breath in my body, I'll do whatever it takes to keep you and Flynn safe. I need you to hear me and understand me, Sugar."

  I was overcome with emotion so all I could do was nod. With one sentence this man had managed to suture the gaping laceration on my heart and I didn't have the words to tell him that.

  "You probably already know what's coming-" he whispered against my skin. "-but I'm going to tell you, anyway. You and that little boy of yours have stirred up some pretty strong feelings in me-"

  Before he could finish, I pulled back and pressed my fingers against his lips. "Please don't say the words," I begged. "The last man that said he loved me ended up being my worst nightmare. You don't need to say it for me to feel it."

  Logan pulled my fingers from his mouth and dragged my wrist to his lips. "Alright, I'll wait till you're ready to hear 'em. But, Sugar, you have to understand one thing: a man that is capable of doing what that bastard did to you wouldn't know the true meaning of love, even if it stood right in front of him."

  The tears that had been threatening to fall finally broke free and streamed down my face. They never stopped. Not when Logan kissed me. Not when he carried me through the house and laid me down on the bed. Not even when our bodies moved together as one.

  "I'm a mess, I'm sorry," I sniffled into Logan's chest when we were a jumble of tangled limbs and sheets.

  Slowly running the tips of his fingers up and down my spine, he chuckled. "My beautiful mess." The kiss he pressed to my head might as well been placed on my heart. "Besides, you never have to apologize for letting go of the past. It feels good, don't it?"

  He was right, it felt amazing and freeing. With a contented sigh, I pushed further into his embrace and gave in to the sudden tiredness that had overcome me.

  The following morning I woke to slobbering doggy kisses. Wiping my face, I sat up just in time to see a fully dressed Logan amble into my room with coffee. After placing my mug on the bedside table, he sat down on the bed next to me.

  Combing my fingers through my hair, in a vain effort to straighten my appearance, I gave him a shy smile, "Hi."

  Logan promptly gripped my wrists and halted my actions. "Stop fussing, you're pretty as a peach." His dark head dipped before he planted the softest of kisses on my lips. "Morning." I felt him smile against my lips before he claimed them in one more kiss, this one far more passionate than the first.

  "Don't get upset," he said when he eventually pulled away. "I helped Flynn get ready for school, in fact, we're fixin to leave in a minute. I also called Chase and told him you're taking the day."


  Logan silenced me with another kiss when he was satisfied that he'd kissed my protest away, he pushed to his feet. "I'm going to drop Flynn off, then pop by the shop real quick. I'll be back in a couple of hours with breakfast."

  Without giving me even a second glance, he sauntered out the door just as Flynn came bouncing in.

  "Mommy! Logan made me pancakes, and he's driving me to school." My son jumped on the bed and wrapped his little arms around my neck before puckering his lips in anticipation of my kiss.

  With a laugh, I kissed him bye and then watched as he, very excitedly, skipped toward a waiting Logan. I waved them off and once I heard the front door close, I let my head fall back against the headboard. If I had known my mornings could look something like this, I might have given in a lot earlier.

  My lids were just starting to droop when a knock sounded. Figuring the boys forgot something, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the door. Nothing could have prepared me for what I found there.

  "Hello, Sarah."

  For the first time in years everything felt right.

  Waking up next to Harper was just about the best feeling in the world. A close second was making breakfast for Flynn as if we had been doing it for years. Sure, the little guy finding me in his mom's kitchen possibly wasn't the best way to introduce him to the idea of me being around long term. To his credit, though, he seemed more excited than freaked out.

  I had to admit as great as I felt; I felt anger in equal measures. How any man could think it was okay to raise a hand to a woman, was beyond me. The love of a good woman wasn't something you took for granted…ever. I was overcome with this need to find out where I could find Drew Mercer. I would have loved to see him pick on someone who could fight back.

  "You think mommy would say yes?"<
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  Flynn's little voice sounded beside me and promptly gained my full attention. "Yes to what, buddy?" I shot him a sheepish smile before I turned my eyes back to the road.

  A small, exasperated sigh slipped past his lips and I had to hide my chuckle. "To fishing this weekend, you said you'd teach me." With every word he uttered the excitement in his voice was evident.

  "Wouldn't hurt to ask, right?"

  "Yes!" Flynn bounced in his seat as much as his safety belt would allow him to. I'd be a liar if I said that I wasn't feeling the same level of excitement. This little boy and his momma were my forever even if they didn't realize it just yet.

  Pride filled my chest when we pulled up to Flynn's school and he allowed me to walk him in. Hell, he even held my hand the whole time and gave me a hug goodbye. I had to bite back the emotion until I was safely seated inside my truck.

  I allowed myself to revel in the possibility of being a dad to someone even if it wasn't by blood. I was eager to teach Flynn the same things Pop had taught me. Shaking my head at my mile-a-minute-thoughts, I turned the key in the ignition. After my truck rumbled to life, I pulled away from the curb with one destination in mind.

  Eli and I had a few things to discuss.

  Willow Creek wasn't all that big, so it made sense that the Sheriff's office wasn't massive either. Sitting on the corner of Main Street, tourists would have easily mistaken it for another shop, if it hadn't been for the big sign or the courthouse across the street.

  With each step I climbed, I tried to calm myself. Barging in there and throwing accusations around wouldn't get me any answers and it would put an even bigger rift between me and my brother.

  I found him in his office with the phone pressed to his ear. By the look on his face, the conversation wasn't pleasant. I opted to wait outside until he was done. A few seconds later his head popped out; I didn't miss the worried look in his features.


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