Air Service Boys Over The Rhine; Or, Fighting Above The Clouds

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Air Service Boys Over The Rhine; Or, Fighting Above The Clouds Page 5

by E. J. Craine



  "There, Jack! what did I tell you? I win! You lose, and it's me for afine dinner at your expense! You lose! Do you hear?"

  Tom Raymond, with a hearty laugh, clapped his chum on the shoulder, andseemed mirthfully excited over something. As for Jack Parmly he lookedfirst at his chuckling comrade and then at the man he suspected of beinga German spy. The latter, who had glanced keenly at the boys, withsomething akin to anger on his face, now was plainly puzzled.

  "Do you understand?" demanded Tom in a loud voice, which attracted theattention of many in the car. But a look at the two, showing them to beAmericans and, therefore, to the French mind, capable of anyeccentricity, seemed to make matters right. Most of the diners resumedtheir meals.

  "See what I mean, Jack?" went on Tom. "You lose! Understand?"

  "No, I don't understand," was the low-voiced and somewhat puzzledanswer.

  "Then for the sake of your gasolene tank _pretend_ that you do!"fiercely whispered Tom in his chum's ear. "Play up to my game! Don't yousee that fellow's suspicious of us? He thinks we've been talking abouthim. I win, do you understand?"

  "Oh, yes," answered Jack, and then, in a louder tone, intended to allaysuspicion on the part of the suspect, he added: "You win all right, Tom!I'll buy the dinner. I didn't think the train would get in so soon! It'sone on me all right!"

  And then, laughing and talking in seeming carelessness, as though theyhad not a thought in the world but the friendly wager they had made,they went back to their coach.

  "That was a narrow squeak," observed Tom. "He was getting suspicious allright, and in another moment might have made an indignant demand of theguard that we cease observing him. It might have made trouble for us.We're not members of the secret police, remember."

  "Well," remarked Jack, "he might have made trouble for us, but I coulddo the same for him. I'd let fall a hint about the map of the railway hewas sketching."

  "You mean all right, Jack, but I don't believe your plan would work. Ifthat fellow really is a German spy, which I doubt, he'd destroy themap, if he made one, the moment he thought himself in danger."

  "Maybe you're right, Tom," agreed his chum, a bit dubiously. "But Icertainly think there is something wrong about that man."

  "Maybe you think he is Carl Potzfeldt, disguised, Jack."

  "No, nothing like that. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he happened tobe friendly with that sneaking spy. And, speaking of Potzfeldt, Tom,though he isn't by any means a pleasant subject, do you know we are soonto be in Paris where--"

  "Where Bessie and her mother are, you mean. You're right, old chap, Ihaven't forgotten that, and I'll wager one chance for promotion that youhaven't forgotten it either."

  Jack's blush was sufficient answer to his friend.

  "I couldn't quite understand what you meant, Tom, by talking so suddenlyand loudly about you winning and me losing," went on Jack, as they gottheir baggage ready, for the train was about to enter the Paris station.

  "That was camouflage, Jack, pure and unadulterated camouflage," answeredTom with a laugh. "I had to do something in a hurry to get that fellow'sgaze off us, or he might have made a scene, and we don't want that. Butif I had made a wager with you about the time, I'd have won, for herewe are, right on the dot, which is unusual in these days, I believe."

  "You said something, Tom. But what are we going to do about our spy?"

  "Well, if you insist that's what he is, I think the best thing would beto notify some secret service official. There must be plenty of themaround the station. Every passenger, before he leaves the station, hasto have his papers stamped by the military authorities. Then's yourchance to tip them off about this chap."

  "I'll do it, Tom. I'm not going to lose any chances of putting Germanenemies out of the way."

  It was about five o'clock when the train pulled into the Gare de l'Est,and the passengers, including many soldiers on leave, prepared for thejoys of Paris. Tom and Jack, proceeding as did the others to the placedesignated for the official stamping of papers, found a chance to telltheir suspicions to an officer, and to point out the man Jack suspected.

  "The matter shall be attended to," said the military official, treatingthe information with the utmost respect, and evidently considering it ofmore importance than Tom imagined would be attached to it. "We aregreatly indebted to you, not only because you are of our belovedaviators, but because you also think to do this for France--to protecther from enemies within as well as from those who are without. Francethanks you, gentlemen!" and the aged officer saluted the two young menas though he considered them his equals.

  "Well, now that's off our minds we can get down to the real businessthat brought us to Paris," suggested Tom. "And that's to find myfather--if he's here. After that we can look up Bessie and her mother,if you like, Jack."

  "Of course I'll be glad to do that, Tom, and I should think that you--"

  "Oh, of a surety, yes, as a Frenchman would say. I'll be happy also, tosee our friends again, but I know Bessie will consider--"

  "Oh, drop it, will you?" begged Jack, for he could see that his chum wasabout to start to rally him about the girl.

  "Then," went on Tom, "the first thing to do, in my opinion, is to get tothis address in the Rue Lafayette where dad said he would make hisheadquarters, and see why he hasn't answered any of my messages. When Ionce see him, and know he's all right, I'll feel better."

  "Even capable of eating that dinner you claim to have won from me?"asked Jack.

  "Of course."

  The two Air Service boys had the satisfaction of seeing the "tip" theygave acted on, for as they left the station they observed the officerto whom they had reported, detailing a man in plain clothes, evidentlyone of the secret police, to follow the man they had watched in thedining car.

  "We can leave the rest to the military," said Tom. "And now let's get towhere we're going."

  "Hadn't we better arrange for hotel accommodations, or to stop at apension?" asked Jack. "You know Paris is crowded now, even in war times,and we've got to stay here all night, even if we learn that your fatherhasn't yet arrived."

  "That's so," agreed Tom. "Maybe we had better get a place to bunkfirst."

  It would not have been an easy task had they not worn the uniforms ofaviators. But once these were noted, they were welcomed with smiles, andthough at the first place they applied there was no room, the proprietorbusied himself to such advantage that the boys were soon settled in abig double room with a fine view of a busy section of Paris.

  On every side was seen evidence of the joy and satisfaction felt at theshowing made by the progress of the United States in her war programme.

  The stars and stripes were seen floating from many staffs, mingled withthe tricolor of France and the English union jack. That Uncle Sam hadat last gotten beyond the bounds of patience with a ruthless andsneaking enemy and was making energetic warfare against him was welcomenews to those who had so long borne the unequal brunt of battle.

  "Americans? Ah, everything that I have is yours!" the hotel proprietortold Tom and Jack. "You have but to ask. And now come, I will show youthe way to the cellar."

  "But we don't care to see the cellar," remarked Tom in wonder. "No doubtit is a very fine one, monsieur," he added in his best French, which wasnothing to boast of. "No doubt it is most excellent, but we don't carefor cellars."

  "Ah, I know, but it is for protection in case of an air raid that I showit to you. It is there we all take shelter. There have been raids, andthere will be more. It is well to be prepared. It is a well-protectedcellar."

  "Oh, well, that's different," observed Jack. "Come on, Tom, we'd betterlearn the best and quickest route to the basement. No telling when wemight want to use it."

  They descended with the proprietor and saw that he had arranged thecellar with a false roof of beams, on top of which were sand bags. Incase a bomb was dropped on the hotel or in its vicinity the cellar wouldoffer almost certain pr

  The boys arranged for a stay of at least a week in Paris, having toldthe proprietor their errand to the capital. By the time they hadfinished their dinner they found it was too late to set out in search ofMr. Raymond, as in the changed, war-time Paris little could be done inthe evening. So Tom and Jack retired to their room and their bed.

  "Are you going right to the Rue Lafayette?" asked Jack of his chum, thenext day.

  "Yes, and if we can't get any news of him there we'll appeal to themilitary authorities. I have a letter of introduction to persons high inauthority from our captain."

  The boys hailed a taxicab and gave the chauffeur the necessarydirections. They were bowling along through the beautiful streets ofParis, noting on all sides the warlike scenes, and their thoughts werebusily occupied, when they suddenly became aware that something hadhappened.

  Like a thunderbolt from a clear sky there sounded a terrific explosion,and at no great distance. The concussion shook the ground, and theycould feel the taxicab tremble under the shock, while the chauffeurinstantly threw on all brakes, making the machine skid dangerously.

  "What is it? What's the matter?" yelled Jack.

  "Airship raid most likely!" shouted Tom. "Boches are dropping bombs onParis! Oh, where's our cellar, Jack?"

  The taxicab driver jumped down and opened the door.

  "You had best alight, gentlemen," he said. "You must seek shelter."

  "Is it an airship raid?" asked Tom.

  "No, there is not an airship in sight. No such alarm has been sounded bythe police. I fear the bombardment of Paris by the Germans has begun!"


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