Fertile in My Ex-Boyfriend's Dungeon 6

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Fertile in My Ex-Boyfriend's Dungeon 6 Page 4

by Amanda Clover


  Offer him the pleasure of an elf’s breasts

  Our hands might not satisfy Kergel and there is no way I am trying to stuff that monster of a cock into my mouth. No, Mishanna has everything we need to pleasure him. I just need to entice him into accepting our offer.

  I move behind Mishanna and reach around her. She stiffens in surprise, but before she can protest, I drag aside the straps covering her nipples and bare her huge breasts to the troll. His eyes widen slightly as I begin to knead and shape her soft mounds in my hands.

  “Look at these lovely elf tits,” I call out to the troll over Mishanna’s shoulder. “So warm and soft. So plump. Why, they could take any man to heaven. Imagine how they would feel wrapped around that spear of yours.”

  “Um, yes,” says Mishanna, gamely joining my effort. “I can make any man explode with my breasts. These will bring you more pleasure than anything you could take from us, Kergel.”

  “They are lovely,” he growls, his expression betraying the agony of his indecision. “But I need a mate.”

  “But we must leave here, Kergel,” says Mishanna, pinching at her nipples. “We must take revenge on Zimon and free all of the monsters from this dungeon. You will be free if you trust us.”

  “Yes, trust us,” I agree, squeezing Mishanna’s soft breasts with both hands. “Trust us to make you cum with these perfect elf tits.”

  I curl one arm beneath Mishanna’s breasts and feed my hand and forearm up between her mounds. She squeezes her breasts around my forearm and gazes lustily at Kergel as she licks my fingertips. This is more than the troll can stand. He grasps his cock, stroking it, and bellows, “Yes! Pleasure me with your elf tits!”

  “You had better help me with this,” whispers Mishanna.

  “With you all the way,” I promise her.

  We approach the troll, entering the stinking vegetable miasma that surrounds his gnarled body. He leers down at us as we arrive at his massive cock. It is so long and he is so tall that the bulging head of his cock is even with our chins. It twitches and drools out a lengthening strand of translucent green slime. The smell is even worse here as I reach past Mishanna, releasing her breasts to take hold of this enormous cock. She squeezes her mounds together as I smear Kergel’s oily precum over his cockhead and down his shaft.

  The lusty troll grumbles and reaches down to fondle Mishanna’s breasts. She moves her hands to let him mold and shape her pliable mounds, his tongue lolling from the corner of his mouth and his black eyes seeming to glow in the moonlight. His lusty rumbling grows louder the more he touches her and the more I stroke and caress his cock.

  “Closer,” he commands. “I must feel them around my cock.”

  With his immense clawed hands squeezing her tits, Mishanna has little choice but to obey the hulking troll. She leans up on her tiptoes and the troll thrusts his cock between her mounds as he presses them together. His precum smears her chest and up her neck and over her chin and lips. Kergel growls with pleasure, rocking back on his hips and thrusting in again hard enough to slap against the underside of Mishanna’s breasts.

  “Oh, yes,” she croons, looking like she is fighting back her revulsion. “Mate with my breasts! Thrust between them! Ah!”

  She winces as Kergel squeezes a bit too hard in his excitement as he fucks between her tits. His black nails leave red marks just short of breaking the skin. I reach up, gently pushing on his hands.

  “Let me hold the elf’s lovely bust for you,” I purr. “You just enjoy fucking them, Kergel.”

  “Yes!” he growls, moving his hands to Mishanna’s shoulder. “RRrrrrrr! So soft! Like heavenly clouds surrounding my desire!”

  “Mmmmmm! Yes! Heavenly clouds squeezing you and milking your big…oooooHhhh…huge troll cock!” Mishanna cries, rocking her body in time with the troll’s thrusts to vigorously pleasure him. I keep her breasts squeezed tightly, pressing soft kisses to the back of her neck and just behind her ear.

  “You are doing so well,” I whisper. “He’s almost there.”

  Kergel thrusts faster, bouncing Mishanna’s breasts against his hips with every stroke. His cock is smeared with precum churned into a green froth by his forceful thrusts. I work Mishanna’s plump breasts up and down, trying to wank him and finish him off.

  “Shower us with your seed, mighty troll,” cries Mishanna. “Especially Beatrix. Make sure you give her a good coating with your spunk.”

  “AAAAARRrrrrrr! YES!” Kergel bellows at the moon, slamming the bumpy length of his cock through Mishanna’s cleavage.

  My hope of avoiding the inevitable fountain of troll spunk is dashed as Mishanna reaches an arm around my back, pulling me tight against her and planting a kiss on my lips. It’s an awkward, incomplete smooch over her shoulder, but it’s enough to push the rutting troll over the edge.

  He roars in ecstasy and his huge cock geysers into the moonlight. Warm troll spunk rains down on us, splashing our heads and shoulders and drenching Mishanna’s bust. The stink of it and the heat of it are overwhelming. I cry out as I feel a glob slide down the back of my shirt. As I am crying out, a thick wad rains down into my mouth and I end up sputtering and swallowing a thick, salty wad of troll goo.

  “Oh, yes!” laughs Mishanna. “Cover us both in your seed!”

  He seems to cum for far longer than is possible, launching thick ropes of his spunk over us both until the very last dribbling pumps of his cock. Panting, groaning almost in pain, Kergel staggers back and flops down at the wall of the bridge.

  “Go,” he rasps. “Go before I change my mind. Go! Your pleasure was enough but only for a moment!”

  Still smothered in troll cum, Mishanna and I seize the opportunity and dash across the bridge and the roaring stream. Kergel watches us go.

  “We will bathe ourselves in the stream when we are safely away from that brute,” says Mishanna, wiping the worst of Kergel’s cum from her face.

  I lick a drop of troll cum from my chin and glare at her.

  “I wouldn’t need to clean up if you hadn’t pinned me against you,” I say.

  “Oh, but it was your idea,” she laughs, rearranging the straps of her costume and wiggling her hips as she hastens ahead of me. “I could not have you missing out on the climax.”

  I mutter a curse at her, feeling the troll cum still dripping inside my blouse, but I cannot help but admire the way her ample hips swing from side to side.


  Talk to the gnome

  Mishanna is too disgusted by the gnome to think clearly. If I tell her to fight him this will end in disaster. I must stall for time or persuade Babo to stop his cackling assault on your voluptuous companion.

  “Talk to him!” I say to Mishanna.

  “What!?” She desperately blocks a series of swings from Babo’s walking stick. “Gnomes are vile, base creatures. They scurry through the deep and steal panties, fondle sleeping maidens, and spill their seed into milk pails.”

  “Guilty of all three!” giggles Babo, giving Mishanna a good whack on her behind with his walking stick. It almost topples her over.

  “I cannot speak to this creature!” She cries, driving the gnome back for a moment with several panicked swings.

  “I’ll do the talking then,” I say to her. “Hey, gnome! Babo!!”

  “What?” He glances at me before taking another swing at Mishanna. “Quiet, human, while I deal with elfy here and her big jugs.”

  “Wait! Let’s talk about this. We can be friends instead of, well, whatever you get when you bonk us on the head with your magic walking stick.”

  “Cock-crazed, brain-addled bimbos?” he suggests.

  “Yeah, sure,” I reply. “You could cut me down and maybe we could, um, you know…have some fun.”

  “All three of us?” he asks hopefully.

  “No!” cries Mishanna, swinging my sword at Babo.

  He blocks the attack and smacks her toes, sending her hopping away in pain. He looks at me again. “I can�
��t trust you! You stay hanging like that until I can deal with the elf! I want to mate with you both. I want babies. Fat bellies and big milky tits!”

  Isn’t that what they all want? But as Babo goes back to battling with Mishanna, I consider possibly offering him a specific deal. Something the little pervert might find irresistible.

  It won’t be easy.

  What should I offer the gnome?

  Offer to give him a hanging blowjob

  Offer to let him fuck Mishanna's tits

  Offer to let him fuck Mishanna's ass

  Following the forest path

  The sun sparkles through the leaves and branches that overhang the path through the forest. Mishanna might be uncomfortable in sunlight, but it’s a balm for my mood. Escaping that damned gnome certainly doesn’t hurt.

  “You know, I’d never met a deep elf before you,” I say to Mishanna.

  “Deep elf,” she chuckles coldly. “These are your words for my kind. I am Unteelie. A breed apart from the elves of Sylvandell. And though I have spent much of my life underground, I have met many humans before. You are everywhere.”

  “We do get around,” I agree, walking alongside her and following her zig-zag path to avoid the brightest sunlight. “But given gnomes and trolls and all the rest, I wouldn’t mind seeing a few more normal humans.”

  “The only human I wish to see is Zimon Fendriss so that I might end his life,” says Mishanna.

  “Because of a contract?” I ask, trying not to get my feelings hurt by the way she is talking about humans.

  “There is a contract, yes, but it has gone beyond my oath as an assassin.” She steals a glance at me. “I have not been entirely honest with you, Beatrix. I will remedy that now. Zimon Fendriss was the lover of my lover. He took her from me. And he destroyed her.”

  I am surprised to hear the cold elf succumb to petty jealousy.

  “So you want to kill him because he stole your girlfriend?” I ask.

  “This is not love play like you humans,” says Mishanna. “You come and go and have a hundred lovers in your short lives. I met Mollyanna when she fell from the surface. I should have killed her. She was a sylvan elf in the heart of the Unteelie caverns. But I nursed her back to health and I fell in love. My kind and the surface elves hate one another, more than either of our peoples despise even humans. To find love with this elf from above was unthinkable. Our hearts became intertwined in this forbidden love. We knew we could not be together, that she must return to the surface, so our romance burned hot and bright for as long as it could.

  “When I sent her back, she promised we would still be together. For a time, it was true. We met in old mines and in moonlit woods. She was a daughter of privilege, but she was from the surface. By loving her I made myself na’sa lena – an outcast of my people.”

  “So how does Zimon enter into this?” I ask.

  “On the thirteenth year of our love affair, a powerful human wizard came to the village where she lived. He was charming and interesting, but he could not have won the heart of my Mollyanna without his magic. He used his spell craft to persuade her to become his lover. I watched her spending more and more time with him and there was nothing I could do. I plotted to kill him, but he escaped with Mollyanna. They traveled and adventured together for more than a year. I tracked them where I could, but I was always a step behind them.”

  She stops walking and looks at me with deep pain visible in her silvery eyes.

  “Until Mollyanna stopped running,” says Mishanna. “Until she stopped moving at all. She was dead. I found her grave and learned that Zimon had broken her heart and she had taken her own life.”

  “Gods, I am sorry, Mishanna,” I say, taking her hand and squeezing it.

  “Thank you, Beatrix,” she says and leans her head against my shoulder. She recovers quickly from the moment of sadness and continues her story. “I took news of her death to her family. Her mother and father did not have much, but their bloodline was important to them. They called upon Mollyanna’s sister, who had married into the wealthy Turmoral family, to hire me as an assassin. The contract was made official through the assassin’s guild and I was paid a handsome sum.”

  “To kill Zimon,” I say.

  “And to make him suffer in the killing,” she says, a cold smile turning her lips. “Of course, I would have done it for nothing, but by having Mollyanna’s sister buy the contract through the guild, my reputation in my clan was restored. Once I kill Zimon, I will mourn Mollyanna’s death and then I will live out my life among my people. I will be Unteelie again.”

  “Unless you find someone new from the surface,” I suggest. “Someone you love.”

  She glances at me and for a moment her smile warms. “I would not rule out such a possibility,” she says softly. There is weight to the silence between us as we each seem to be considering what to say to the other.

  A rustle in the nearby trees breaks that tension. Mishanna readies her crossbow and I draw my sword from its sheath.

  “There!” She points to a shifting bush. A juvenile wild pig sees us standing there and bolts into the forest. “Supper!” The elf hisses and she takes off after the pig at a pace that leaves me behind.

  I chase her and lose sight of her as she leaps over fallen trees and slips through tight spaces that I fight my way through. The canopy of trees is dense and dark. It almost feels like I am in a cave.

  Suddenly, I burst back into ruddy evening light and nearly collide with Mishanna. We have somehow circled back around to the path and she is standing on it, squinting against the setting sun.

  “It got away?” I pant, almost doubling over with exertion.

  Mishanna points to the path ahead of us, where the dirt becomes paving stones and then a stone bridge. I pick out the sound of rushing water that I had taken to be wind in the trees. We approach the bridge cautiously. The stream is wide and churning with great force here. It thunders beneath the bridge, echoing from the stones.

  “Do you think the troll is under there?” I ask as we walk up to the edge of the bridge.

  “No,” says Mishanna. “Not anymore.”

  As we watch, the troll clambers over the side of the bridge. The troll is at least twice our size. Its flesh is an unpleasantly dark shade of green, seeming waxy and somehow also dry and covered with warts and knots. Its arms and legs are inhumanly long in proportion to its potbellied body, grotesquely spindly to the point of seeming almost insect-like, but ending in huge, yellow-nailed feet and clawed hands. Its face is hideous, with a long, crooked nose, hateful black eyes, pointed ears, and a wide mouth full of sharp teeth. A greasy growth of green-black hair sprouts from its oversized head.

  A huge cock dangles between its knobby legs. Even limp, it is massive and disgusting, with a drooping sheath and countless lumps and thick veins. It must be as long as my arm from my fingertips to my elbows.

  “Gods,” I hiss.

  “I am Kergel!” The troll declares in a high and raspy voice. “I am guardian of the bridge to the Golden Meadows.”

  “We must cross,” says Mishanna, boldly taking a step towards the troll.

  “You may,” says Kergel. “But only one may cross. The other will serve as the toll and become my bride.”

  “No,” says Mishanna. “I have a mission.”

  “You, comely girl?” Kergel asks, turning his gaze on me and running an oversized and seemingly prehensile tongue over his teeth. “Will you become my bride? Will you stay with me and make your home beneath the bridge? I will be gentle.”

  I tremble at the dead-eyed gaze of the troll. Clearly, the troll expects me to say “no.” It is the only sensible response.

  What should I do?

  Become the troll’s bride

  Refuse to become Kergel's bride

  Offer the troll the pleasure of our hands

  I look again at Kergel’s massive cock. It is thicker than my wrist and nearly as long as my forearm and hand combined. It does not even seem fully erect. That hug
e, gnarled cap is bigger than apple. How could I ever fit such a thing in my mouth? And those bollocks, each nearly as big as my head, must contain enough seed to drown Mishanna along with me. No, our mouths must go nowhere near the brute’s cock.

  “Our hands,” I say, wriggling my fingers and stepping closer to the troll. “The hands of two beautiful women, Kergel. Pleasuring you and wanking you willingly.”

  I nudge Mishanna as she walks alongside me.

  “Oh, yes,” she quickly speaks up. “Soft hands. Nimble fingers. Curling and caressing. How can you refuse such pleasure?”

  “Would you rather be stroked to ecstasy by both of us or take your pleasure from one of us unwillingly?” I ask the question as I stand before him and gently tease the tip of my index finger against the fat crown of his cock. Gods it sinks. Like a moldering garden after a rainstorm. I use my finger to spread the oily green-tinted sap oozing from his slit over the head of his cock. His maleness rises, fully erect, and large enough to be terrifying.

  “Mmmmmmmmm,” rumbles the troll, flexing his clawed hands as he watches.

  “Oh, let us pleasure you, mighty troll,” purrs Mishanna, pressing her shapely body beside mine. “We will take good care of your cock.”

  He does not answer us with words, but his huge arms slowly drape over our bodies. His massive hand caresses my back ad squeezes the firm peach of my bottom through my trousers. I put aside the fact that Kergel could pull my arms off and that he smells like a compost pile.

  I giggle as he squeezes my butt. Mishanna does the same as his gnarled fingers knead the ample mounds of her buttocks. My hands share the length of the troll’s huge cock with Mishanna’s stroking fingers. We alternate grips, working in tandem to pump him to full erectness. His straining cock drips steadily with foul-smelling slime.

  “Your hands…ggrrrrrr…so soft,” moans the troll, his prehensile tongue lolling from his mouth like an over-exerted dog’s tongue.


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