Fertile in My Ex-Boyfriend's Dungeon 6

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Fertile in My Ex-Boyfriend's Dungeon 6 Page 16

by Amanda Clover

  “Do not fear me,” rasps the troll, leaning his face close to mine. “Obey me and I will be gentle with you.”

  “Y-yes,” I reply, trying not to tremble. His embrace practically mashes my face against his cock. The stench of his body makes me want to retch and escape, but then he tilts my face up to his and plants a kiss upon my lips. Kissing the troll’s giant, fanged mouth is like trying to kiss a knife. I am afraid my lips will be torn open or my tongue bitten out of my mouth. Then his prehensile and freakishly long tongue thrusts between my lips like a serpent.

  Shudra, be praised, it excites me like no kiss I have ever experienced. My legs give out and I melt into Kergel’s embrace. He holds me upright, kissing me and thrusting his slimy tongue into my mouth, to the back of my throat, over my tongue, filling my mouth with his strangely bitter saliva.

  “Mmmmmm!” I cry out against his lipless mouth as he dominates me with his tongue and holds me on my feet.

  Kergel lifts me into his arms and carries me under the bridge. It is dark and cool beneath the stone arch. The stream roars behind us as he presses me against the brickwork and pulls open my blouse. I cry out as his fingers caress the tender buds of my nipples. He seems to chuckle as he lightly pinches me and pulls at my pink flesh.

  “Take down your trousers,” he growls, “or in my lust I may destroy them.”

  I wriggle out of my trousers and take down my panties and his fingers are there in an instant. I whimper as his bumpy fingers massage my tender slit. He strokes along my seam, his fingers so long they curl behind me and stroke the clench of my anus. I am trapped there by the troll’s huge body, not that I would even try to escape at this point. My creamy thighs are pale in the moonlight – ghostly even – and I spread them wide for him to work his long fingers into the hot mound of my cunt. I cry out, scratching at his bark like hide as he pumps two long and very knobby fingers into my tight channel.

  “The sounds you make entice me,” he growls.

  “I can do better things with my mouth,” I croon, sitting up and grasping his cock with both hands. I press kisses to his tip, breathing that strong vegetable stench as I taste the salty bitterness of his precum on my lips. I lick along the underside of his cockhead and open my mouth wide, sucking at his inhuman flesh, but unable to fit any of his cock into my mouth. Thankfully, he does not try to force it. His huge eyes glisten in the moonlight as he watches me licking, kissing, and sucking at the blackening bulb of his cockhead.

  “Enough,” growls Kergel, pushing my face away from his cock. “It is time now. Prepare yourself.”

  “I…I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for this,” I say, staring at his cock. I could not fit in my mouth, why does he think it will fit anywhere else?

  Kergel, for all his gentleness and care with me, does not give me any choice in the matter. He pushes me up against the wall, my back against the damp stone and my legs spread. I watch in horror as he grips his huge, gnarled cock at its root and presses is purple-green tip to the tiny folds of my cunt. He is going to ruin me. No, he is going to kill me outright.

  I am certain of it. My heart pounds with fear and I brace one hand against his abdomen, as If I could slow him with my tiny hand and my meager strength against his massive troll body and unbridled lust.

  “I will not harm you, human,” rasps Kergel. “Only pleasure.”

  He thrusts, proving himself a liar. His cock impales me nearly up to my lungs, or so it feels as his fat cockhead rams against my womb and seems to rearrange my organs. The width of his knotty shaft stretches my lips wide, nearly to bursting, and bumps back and forth against my clit as he begins to stroke into my depths. His massive bollocks thump against my bottom, swinging with each stroke. My belly bulges with his size. I stare in horror and wonder still if he is about to kill me.

  Yet, the pain and shock of those first thrusts recede to a dull ache, and that ache is joined by definite pleasure as his bump shaft continues to rub against my clit. Kergel takes it slow and easy, thrusting deep, but never ramming hard into me. My pert breasts heave and shudder. I watch him, taking me, claiming my body with his massive cock, and my pleasure swiftly grows.

  “Oh, gods,” I gasp. “It’s…so deep.”

  “But you like it deep,” he says. “The mate of a troll must like it very deep.”

  “Y-yes,” I gasp, suddenly grabbing one of his arms. I pull his hands to my chest and he chuckles and begins fondling and squeezing my breasts. He can almost squeeze them both in one hand. He thrusts harder into me, bumping me against the underside of the bridge and driving me closer and closer to a climax.

  I feel his climax approaching too. I can sense it in the swelling and stiffening of his cock, in the constant flow of his oily precum squelching out of my pussy and down my crack, and in the furrowing of his monstrous brow.

  “Do it,” I cry. “Make me your bride. Cum…cum inside me.”

  “You want this? Tell me!” The troll’s thrusts are even harder, battering against my womb, tormenting me with the impending flood of his seed.

  “I need your seed inside me, Kergel,” I gasp, my hips jerking, though I can do little to match his mighty thrusts. “Oh, make me your bride! Claim my human womb with your troll…troll cum!”

  His triumphant bellow of pleasure echoes so loudly from the underside of the bridge that it hurts my ears. Then his cock throbs and jerks inside me, his cum bursts forth in a massive torrent, and I forget anything other than pleasure. Pleasure burns through my body, radiating from my core in waves of climactic ecstasy. I feel Kergel’s seed pumping inside me, squeezing out of me with every stroke.

  His thrusts slow as if he is savoring each pulse of pleasure. I am lost in a firestorm; an orgasm many times more intense than any I have ever known. I see it all so clearly now. Kergel will love me. He will care for me. He will protect me. And I will serve him well. With such knowledge comes great contentment. Warm and satisfying. This, I know at last, is where I belong.

  Beneath my mate. The troll.


  Trust Mishanna to distract him

  As we face the giant troll with his fanged mouth and long arms that end in claws, it occurs to me that a direct assault might not end well. We need a clever plan to beat Kergel. Preferably a plan that spares me from the greatest danger.

  “A distraction might work,” I say to Mishanna, adjusting my grip on my sword. “If one of us could keep him occupied, the other could make it across the bridge and then double back and attack him when he’s distracted.”

  “Mmmmmm,” replies Mishanna. “I suppose you would like for me to be the distraction?”

  “I mean, if you think you can handle it,” I reply, trying to needle her pride. “If not…”

  “I will do this,” she says. Before we can discuss her distraction, she takes a step towards the troll and lowers her weapon. She calls out, “You there, troll! We agree to your terms.”

  He lowers his guard and rasps, “You do?”

  “Yes, I will be your bride and the human will cross,” says Mishanna, taking another step towards the troll. “Do you agree with this?”

  His eyes widen with delight and his savage mouth spreads into a smile. He steps aside to allow room to pass him on the bridge. “I accept happily. Come, my lovely elf. We will be married in pleasure and your friend shall go on her way.”

  “Goodbye, Beatrix,” she says, glaring at me. “Perhaps we will meet again someday.”

  “Goodbye, Mishanna,” I say. “It is very brave of you to become the troll’s wife so I can cross. You are a true friend.”

  Kergel growls impatiently.

  “Be on your way now, human. I am eager to bed my bride for the first time.”

  I know my cue to leave. I hurry across the bridge, aware that the troll could reach out with one clawed hand and grab me. He seems three or four times taller than me and with arms that could span the whole width of the bridge. The vegetable stink of him is thick in the air. I cannot imagine what poor Mishanna is abo
ut to smell. But then I am past him, running to the other side of the bridge and following the trail along the stream. I know he is watching me go, which forces me to run quite a long distance before a grassy hill blocks my view of the bridge.

  My heart pounds against my ribs and my mind plays out scenarios of what Kergel must already be doing to Mishanna. I creep around the opposite side of the hill, staying low and moving as silently as I can. Mishanna would have been better at this part, creeping like a shadow and striking like a serpent.

  Cold fear creeps up my spine as I see the bridge clearly in the moonlight. Kergel and Mishanna are gone. The troll must have taken her beneath the bridge to wherever he makes his home. I creep to the edge of the bridge. I can hear Kergel’s growling voice, but I can’t make out what he is saying over the rushing of the rapids. Climbing down is easy, though my foot dislodges a loose rock that splashes into the stream. I freeze, waiting for Kergel to stick his head out from under the bridge, but he never does. I continue down.

  The troll’s shelter under the arched bridge is thick with his rotting vegetable stench. He has made some effort to clear the area to the banks of the rushing water and he has built a sort of nest for himself against the underside of the bridge from reeds and the pelts of animals he has presumably eaten.

  Mishanna stands naked, her back against the bridge, her lower body from her feet up to her abdomen exposed in the moonlight. Her upper body is hidden from me in deep shadow, but her eyes shine like polished silver mirrors in the darkness. Kergel stands over her, his head bent against the arch of the bridge as he runs a claw down from her face over her breasts. I can see the movements of his arms and fingers as he fondles her, but I can see only the faintest outline of her breasts as he shapes them and squeezes them.

  “Soft,” he growls. He leans his head lower, running his prehensile tongue over Mishanna’s cheek, into her mouth, and out again to lick at the heaving mounds of her breasts. He pulls her soft mounds into the light for a moment, opening his fanged mouth to nearly engulf each in turn as he sucks at her supple flesh. Mishanna moans and presses her hands against his bark-like hide.

  I creep closer, into the darkness and the thick stench of the troll’s body. I can see his cock straining erect, as big as a warrior’s spear, rubbing against Mishanna’s toned abdomen. She cries out as he slides his cock between her breasts and presses his hands to either side. He is so tall that he does this to her without pushing her to her knees.

  “Ohhhhh, yes, you will be such a good mate,” he groans, fucking his massive cock through her cleavage and rubbing the fat tip against her face. His glistening green precum smears her lips and chin. She scowls in disgust. He continues, “I will make your belly swell and these soft glands fill with sweet milk. Oohhhhh, yes, and I will drink it too! Suck it from you! Would you like that?”

  “Nooo,” moans Mishanna, her breasts deformed by Kergel’s squeezing hands and the force of his gnarled hips slapping against them.

  By Shudra, despite the stench and my hatred of the troll, I find myself becoming aroused at the sight of Kergel slamming his immense cock between Mishanna’s breasts. Even the humiliating smears of his precum on her face are strangely arousing. I want to watch him do this to my friend. To use her and defile her.

  No! I must act! Mustn’t I?

  What should I do?

  Enjoy the show

  Knock Kergel into the stream

  Offer to let him fuck Mishanna’s ass

  I am going to need one hell of a distraction to work myself free of this snare. That means offering something Babo can’t resist. Something I can’t give him all bound up.

  “Her ass!” I shout.

  Babo and Mishanna stop fighting and they both look over at me as I dangle from the tree branch.

  “What!?” Mishanna grits her teeth as she glares at me.

  “What’s that?” Babo giggles.

  “You can’t knock her up that way,” I explain. “But it feels just as good. Based on one or two of my past boyfriends, they think it feels ten times better. Every man wants to stuff a pretty elf’s ass full of his cock. Isn’t that right, Mishanna?”

  She growls and mutters something, but she is smart enough to see the purpose of my ruse. She turns a honeyed smile to Babo and purrs, “Oh, yes, gnome. No man can resist my bottom. To claim it would be a pleasure greater than any I could offer.”

  “Mmmmmmmm.” Babo admires Mishanna’s wide hips and the supple onion of Mishanna’s ass barely covered by her straps. To her credit, Mishanna does not even flinch as Babo runs his grubby little fingers over her creamy cheeks, kneading them and spreading them so that the leather straps sink deeper into her crack. She cannot help but cry out when he shoves his face into her ass, sniffing and breathing deeply, seeming to relish the scent he finds between her cheeks. “Yes! Oh, yes! This will do! On your knees by this stump here! That’s it! Off with those bothersome straps!”

  The gnome’s attention is fully captured by the sight of Mishanna kneeling beside the stump, her face down in the grass and her plump ass shamelessly raised behind her. She reaches back and opens the clasps joining straps to bandoliers, slipping the leather from between her plush cheeks to reveal the folds of her quim and the delicate divot of her anus. Babo squeals with delight and buries his face between her cheeks, noisily tonguing the wrinkle of her naughty hole.

  “OooooOOoooo,” croons Mishanna, reacting as if the assault by the gnome’s tongue is one of the greatest pleasures she has ever endured.

  I use this opportunity to struggle and twist beneath the branch, fighting to free my ankles from the snare. I begin to make progress, loosening the rope enough that I can move my ankles back and forth in a widening lasso. It’s only a matter of time before I can free myself.

  “Mmmmmm! Delicious! A fine peach! Mmmmm! And your cunt, far sweeter!” Babo lewdly licks where he pleases. “But it is this bitter velvet I must plunder! Lower yourself! Spread your knees! Mmmm! More! More! There! My cock yearns for your hole, elfy!”

  “Yes, please,” cries Mishanna, her voice hoarse with desire. “I need it!”

  Momentarily distracted by the genuine sound of Mishanna’s desire, I glimpse her lewdly spreading her ass wide for the gnome, her spit-soaked pucker on full display. I also see Babo’s hard cock and nearly burst out laughing. It’s smaller than my thumb and as red as a drunkard’s nose on a winter morning as he stumbles home from the tavern. Even for such a wee creature as a gnome, the prick seems tiny and wholly inadequate to the task of plundering such a generous rump as Mishanna is offering to Babo.

  The gnome drops his trousers down to his ankles, grasping his wee cock and guiding it into the crack of Mishanna’s ass. It seems as if she could swallow up his whole body in that valley, but she still lets out a grunt of effort as he presses his cock to her tender star and presses into her hole. I am briefly mesmerized by the sight of Babo sliding his cock into Mishanna’s spit-lubed ass. To give herself up so thoroughly to him for the sake of a distraction is truly amazing. Then again, as her brow furrows, her fingers dig into the grass, and her lips part in a wordless moan, it does seem as if she is enjoying it.

  “Tight as any cunt I’ve ever soiled!” cackles Babo as he begins vigorously pumping his hips and slapping against the ample cushion of Mishanna’s bottom. Her buttocks ripple with each impact as the gnome fucks her wantonly, clinging to her with his hands and pumping away like a beast.

  I resume my efforts to escape, working one ankle free and dangling painfully from the other until I can fight it loose as well. I drop heavily into my shoulder as Babo picks up speed, fucking harder and faster into Mishanna’s ass with every stroke. I stifle a grunt of pain and momentarily make eye-contact with Mishanna as she looks over her shoulder. She cuts her eyes in the direction of her hand crossbow which has fallen onto the ground several paces behind where the gnome is rutting into her rump.

  “Yes!” She cries, arching her back. “Oh, it feels so good when you stab my bottom with your huge penis!�

  I’ll give her a barely passing grade on the sex talk, but Babo doesn’t seem to mind. He giggles and fucks her even harder, spanking her ass as he fucks it.

  “Oh, yes! It’s coming soon, elfy! I can’t hold out with this hot ring strangling my cock! I’ll fill your guts up good! My stones are clacking full of goo for your winking back hole!”

  Hmmm. No better grade for Babo on the sex talk. Absolutely disgusting mouth on him.

  Trying not to let his impending climax distract me, I creep behind his back and scoop up the crossbow. I have the weapon, but no bolt. I search the grass nearby as Babo whines louder and louder. Just as I spot the tip of a bolt stick up from the grass, the gnome lets out a sharp cry of ecstasy.

  “Yes! Here it comes! Basting your bowels!” He throws back his head and slams deep into Mishanna’s ass. Well, as deep as a cock no bigger than a thumb will allow. Mishanna moans eagerly, pushing back and skewering herself onto his cock as he spurts his seed into her backside. I grab the bolt from the grass, load it into the crossbow, and cock it back.

  “Oh, yes, that’s a good one,” pants Babo, slowly withdrawing his cock. He staggers back two steps, revealing Mishanna’s slimy crack. Her ass makes humiliating sound as milky spunk bubbles out of her hole. She moans shamefully, the gnome’s seed liking from her freshly-fucked hole and dripping down over her slick folds. The gnome turns as if to face me, realizes I am not hanging from the tree any longer, and then sees me aiming the crossbow at his head.

  “It’s over, you little creep,” I say. He gawps at me, red-faced from his orgasm, his cock still disgusting and hard as cum drips from the tip. I snarl at him, “Get dressed, get on your pony, and go.”

  “B-b-but we haven’t even consummated our union yet. I’ll give you both a big batch of babies to fill your—”


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