Wicked Surrender (Regency Sinners 2)

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Wicked Surrender (Regency Sinners 2) Page 7

by Carole Mortimer

  Bella felt a sense of calm wash over her as she finished unfastening Dante’s pantaloons before turning back the fold of material, revealing he wore no undergarments as his cock immediately sprang free of that confinement.

  The base was surrounded by a nest of dark curls, his shaft long and thick, much more so than Jeremy’s. Engorged veins ran along the length of it to where the skin was pushed back, and the bulbous head glistened a deep and tempting purple.

  Dante’s cock was very long and very thick. So much so, Bella’s fingers did not meet her thumb as both her hands encircled that girth. It felt…incredible. The skin was like velvet encasing a length of vibrant steel beneath, and she could feel the hot blood rushing just beneath the surface.

  Bella heard Dante’s indrawn breath as she stroked her hands along the length of it, but decided not to reprimand him for it. A gasp was not words spoken.

  Besides, she was too filled with awe as his cock pulsed hotter and harder, a thick droplet of fluid seeping from the slit at the top before dribbling down her hand. She acted purely on instinct as she leaned forward to lick that droplet from her own skin. The flavor burst on her tongue, a delicious mixture of sweet, salt, and spice.

  Dante gave a groan and thrust his cock impatiently into Bella’s encircling fingers as she sat back on her heels to savor his taste.

  Her eyes darkened as she looked at him. “Did you move? You may speak,” she instructed as he remained silent.

  “I moved,” he acknowledged. Dear God, how could he not move when the pleasure of Bella’s fingers wrapped about the length of his cock, watching her as her tongue licked his pre-cum from the back of her own hand was slowly killing him?

  She tilted her head to the side as she studied him for several long seconds. “What would you consider a suitable punishment for such a transgression?”

  Dante’s admiration for Bella grew deeper as he acknowledged the ingenuity of her invitation for him to choose his own punishment. “Maybe if you were to take my cockhead into your mouth and suck…?”

  She eyed him quizzically. “That is a punishment?”

  “I promise I will groan and writhe the moment you do so,” he encouraged.

  “Even though you are forbidden to speak or move?”

  Damn it, it was not so easy to surrender as Dante had thought it would be. “If you will only take my cock into your mouth, I promise I will endeavor not to groan or writhe,” he amended hopefully.

  Bella’s lips twitched as she held back a smile, knowing the inner battle Dante was going through. The same inner battle she had suffered the night before. But the reward of losing that battle had been worth it in the excruciating pleasure Dante had afterward bestowed upon her.

  The same pleasure she now intended to give him.

  She had stroked Dante in the same way she had watched Jeremy pleasuring himself, but she had not known about taking him into her mouth.

  The thought of taking Dante’s cock between her lips and into the heat of her mouth, of sucking and licking the bulbous top and delving her tongue into that slit the bead of moisture had escaped from and stroking that pulsing length as she did so intensified the warmth building between her own thighs.

  “You have my permission to groan and writhe if you feel so inclined.” The sound of Dante’s groans and his body’s writhing would, she hoped, give her some indication as to whether she was doing this correctly or not.

  Dante’s fingers tightly gripped the edge of the seat either side of him, and he watched through slitted lids as Bella’s head lowered over the tip of his cock, her lips parting as wide as they would go as she leaned forward. He let out an aching groan, sliding farther down the seat, as the head of his cock disappeared inside the moist inferno of her mouth.

  It took every effort of his will not to buck his hips off the seat as she sucked him fully to the back of her throat before moving her lips back up the length of his cock and then plunging down again.

  Dante rested his head against the back of the seat, staring up at the ceiling as he fought to maintain control. Having Bella’s mouth on him, one of her hands now cupping and squeezing his sac, felt too good for him to want it to be over too soon.

  He hissed as he felt the tip of her tongue delving into his slit, causing another gush of pre-cum along his shaft. It was greedily licked up by Bella’s tongue. He felt her throat tighten about him as she swallowed, the sensation so intense, he was going to come soon and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  Bella was too much.

  Her control of him was too much.

  His surrender to her will had robbed him of all coherent thought or awareness of anything other than her.

  Dante could only feel. The heady sensation of the moist softness of her lips moving up and down his cock. The heat of her tongue licking along its length and then dipping into the slit. The warmth of her hands, one encircling the base of his cock the other cupping his balls.

  He was—

  There was no stopping his bucking up from the seat this time, as one of Bella’s fingers first stroked along the sensitive perineum behind his balls before venturing farther back and pressing on the rosette of his ass. The mere thought of her finger penetrating him there was enough for his cum to shoot up from his balls, along the length of his shaft, before pumping into her mouth in hot, thick pulses of the release he had hungered for since last night.

  Last night?

  He had been waiting for this release for seven long years.

  Bella felt a little shy once she was off her knees and settled on the seat opposite where Dante still lay slumped, his fingers maintaining a white-knuckled grip of the seat either side of him. His eyes were closed, his cheeks flushed, and his breathing labored. His pantaloons were still unfastened, his exposed cock semihard as it rested against his thigh. He looked thoroughly debauched.

  Because he was debauched, Bella acknowledged with an inner pride. Very much so. She had brought Dante to this state. Could still feel the velvet softness of his cock as it pumped through her fingers. Taste his release in her mouth: sweet and salty, with that addictive touch of spice.

  Her cheeks warmed as she realized he had opened his lids and was now looking at her. She waited for him to speak, to say something. But he only continued to look at her, saying nothing, unmoving.

  Oh dear God…

  “You may speak and move now,” she instructed ruefully.

  Dante released his death grip on the seat as he straightened to sit upright. Bella was sorry to see him tuck his cock back inside his pantaloons before he refastened them.

  She chewed on her bottom lip before speaking. “Is it always this awkward? Afterwards?”

  He shrugged. “I do not feel in the least awkward.”

  Neither did Bella, not really. She was just at a loss as to how they proceeded from here. Did they continue a conversation as if she had not just pleasured him by taking his cock in her mouth? Or did they discuss what had happened like two rational adults?

  Although Bella could not see much that had been rational about what they had just done. Anyone could have ridden by, another carriage or someone on horseback, and one glance in the Huntley carriage window would have revealed Bella on her knees with Dante’s cock in her mouth.

  “As soon as we reach my hunting lodge, I am going to lift your skirts, bend you over the back of one of the chairs in the parlor, and take you from behind.”

  Or did they decide when next they would indulge in more carnal pleasure?

  Most decidedly the latter, she acknowledged with an inner quiver of anticipation. “Was that a question or a statement?”

  “It was a promise.” Dante crossed the carriage to sit beside her. “You failed to swallow all of my cum earlier.” His used his tongue to lick lightly across her lips, lingering in the corners.

  Bella’s face was ablaze with heat. “I am unused to such…conversation.”

  Sculpted lips curved into a slow and sensuous smile. “I find that surprising, considering
how well you performed as a dominant.”

  Obviously they also talked about what had happened, something Bella found she was less than comfortable with. “I took my example from you,” she defended.

  He chuckled softly. “It was not a criticism, Bella. On the contrary, I believe having my pleasure controlled by you was the most erotic experience of my life.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You are mocking me now.”

  “I am truly not.”

  Bella studied him searchingly, seeing only sincerity in those dark green eyes as they met her gaze unflinchingly. “Then I am glad of it.” She nodded.

  “Which is not to say either of us will be controlling the other when we fuck. I believe I should like to see you wild and completely abandoned to your pleasure in whatever way you wish.”

  “I would like to see the same where you are concerned,” she came back pertly.

  His arms wrapped about her as he drew her head down against his chest. “In that case, I suggest we both have a nap. It does not sound as if we will be resting for some time once we reach my hunting lodge,” he added with satisfaction.

  Bella had no idea if it was sexual excess or lack of sleep the previous night, but the next thing she was fully aware of was waking to the sound of the driver and groom calling to the horses as the coach was brought to a halt.

  She released herself from a just-waking Dante’s arms to pull down the window and look curiously outside. The height of the sun in the blue sky overhead told her that it was late afternoon.

  The carriage was parked outside a two-story log building set in a clearing and surrounded by tall oak and fir trees. As far as Bella could see, there were no other buildings or houses in sight. Not even a stable for the horses or accommodation for the groom and driver of the carriage.

  Dante ran his fingers lightly down Bella’s bare arm. “Once they have untied our luggage and taken it inside, my driver and groom will drive the carriage to the village two miles away and take up accommodation in the local inn,” he answered the unspoken question he could see on her face. “There is no housekeeper, no maids or footmen, Bella. In other words, we shall be completely alone here.”

  He was unsure if that was a look of dismay or anticipation on her face before she turned away to put on her bonnet and cloak.

  Bella’s nervousness returned with a vengeance as soon as their things had all been brought inside and the driver and groom, along with the carriage, had departed for the village.

  The inside of the hunting lodge was more rustic than she had expected. The lower floor appeared to be all one open room, with only a kitchen to the back of the building. She hoped there would be water readily available, at least, but she would not depend upon it. Old furniture was covered in colorful blankets, faded rugs on the wooden floors, the walls unadorned. There was also a drinks table upon which there was a decanter and a bottle of brandy and half a dozen glasses. A huge fireplace dominated the room, with a basket of logs sitting beside it.

  Bella had not yet seen the sleeping arrangements on the second floor, but she presumed they would be as basic.

  It was decidedly a man’s residence. But no doubt when the gentlemen went on their hunting trips, they preferred this lack of a feminine touch as much as the omission of the restraints put on all of them by Society. This hunting lodge provided their basic comforts, warmth, food, and a good brandy.

  “Did Aston ever fuck you over the back of a chair?”

  Bella had just removed her cloak and bonnet, a frown marring her brow as she turned to face Dante. “I do not believe my husband was ever crude enough to fuck me anywhere.”

  He shrugged out of his jacket before placing it on the stand in the hallway. “I only asked out of a desire to be original. I should not like to become a cliché.”

  “Then you may rest assured that everything we have done together so far has been a novelty to me,” she said tartly.

  “Really?” His brows rose. “Aston never ate your delectable pussy or asked you to suck his cock?”

  She drew herself up stiffly. “I will not discuss my husband or my marriage with you in those terms.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I am not to sully his name with my debauched lips, is that it?”

  Bella had no idea why the two of them always ended up disagreeing so soon after intimacy. Except to know Dante was always the one to instigate it. Perhaps because that intimacy made him momentarily vulnerable.

  Even seven years ago, Dante had been very much a man who was comfortable in his own aloofness. It had always seemed to Bella that he used that coldness as a shield to his emotions as he held himself apart from the rest of humanity. The act of intimacy did not allow for that shield. At least, not during the type of dominance-and-surrender lovemaking the two of them had so far enjoyed together.

  Bella chose to ignore his comment rather than challenging him into continuing the pointless argument. They had more important things to discuss right now. “We have now arrived at your hunting lodge, and it is time for you to tell me why you have brought me here.”

  Chapter 8

  Dante, having been caught up in his illogical resentment toward Bella’s intimacy with her husband, now found himself taken completely off-guard by her abrupt change of subject.

  “You promised me all would become clear on this subject tomorrow,” Bella reminded him at his silence, her chin tilted at a challenging angle. “It is now tomorrow.”

  There was no denying he had made such a promise. But at the time of making it, Dante had not known his cock would have been in Bella’s mouth, or that he would afterward have held Bella in his arms for hours on the rest of the drive here. Nor had he anticipated his immediate intention, upon their arrival would be to carry out his promise to bend her over the back of a chair and pound into her until they were both satiated.

  Clearly, Bella’s thoughts were far less carnal than his own.

  His mouth twisted. “Can it not wait until after I have fucked you?”

  Angry color brightened her cheeks. “Is that because you doubt I will be willing afterwards?”

  Dante scowled. She was too astute by half.

  He sighed, knowing he might as well get this over and done with. That afterward, far from wanting the two of them to fuck, Bella might not even want to talk to him for having accused her unjustly. “How well do you know Napoleon?”

  She looked taken aback. “Bonaparte?”

  He eyed her coldly. “There is no other Napoleon that I know of who is of interest to the English Crown.”

  Bella was totally stunned by the strange turn the conversation had taken. Napoleon? What on earth did the deposed emperor have to do with Dante kidnapping her and bringing her to this remote lodge in a Hampshire forest?


  “Do you suspect me of some misdeed where the Corsican is concerned?” she questioned cautiously.

  “Your name, along with seven other ladies, has been brought to the attention of the Prince Regent.”

  “And the Prince Regent in turn brought it to your attention?”

  “Via a third party, yes.”

  “What third party?”

  “A spymaster for the Crown.”

  “Who is…?”

  “None of your damned business.”

  “Who are you? What are you?” she demanded.

  He looked down the length of his nose at her. “I see no point in not revealing I am, and have long been, an agent for the Crown. As you, or one of these other ladies, is suspected of being an agent for Napoleon,” he added harshly.

  Bella felt as if a lump of ice had formed in her chest. The Prince Regent could not seriously believe… Dante could not believe…

  But it all made so much more sense now.

  The surprise of Dante calling upon her yesterday to renew their acquaintance when she had not set eyes on him for years, except out and about in Society…

  His having someone watching her to alert him if or when she attempted to leave London without him… A de
ed she had intended carrying out, and in light of what he had just revealed to her, must put her in a very bad light.

  Rather than the truth, which had been her need to escape Dante and the emotions he had rekindled inside her when he called upon her.

  What had his making love to her been about?

  Dante’s gift to himself, perhaps? An unexpected bonus, for his having needed to be with her at all?

  A deep anger flared within Bella of an intensity such as she had never known before. “On what evidence do you base your accusation?”

  Dante’s jaw was tensed, his hands clasped together behind his back. “We know the spy to be a woman. We also know information was passed at a total of six Society events in the past year. You and the other seven ladies I mentioned were present at all of them, whereas others were present at some but not all. Also, in your case, your father was French,” he added softly.

  “He died when I was just a baby!” she defended. “I do not even remember him.” Something that Bella had always regretted. “My mother and I moved to England fifteen years ago.”

  “But you still have relatives in France.”

  She nodded. “That I have not seen since we moved to England.”

  “We only have your word for that.”

  “And my word, it would seem, is not to be trusted,” Bella snapped, her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides. “You kidnapped me, have brought me to Hampshire against my will, made love to me, all in the name of the English Crown?”

  A nerve pulsed in his cheek. “Yes.”

  “You manipulative bastard!”

  He gave an acknowledging nod of her disgust. “It is not the first time such an accusation has been leveled at me. Nor,” he continued in a hard voice as she would have spoken, “will it be the last, I am sure.”

  “As am I.” Bella’s lips curled with distaste.

  “What is your own excuse for making love to me in the carriage, Bella?” he challenged. “Some manipulation of your own, perhaps?”

  “How dare you.”

  “That is not an answer.”

  “I hate you!” It was a childish cry, immature in the extreme, and yet Bella had been unable to stop herself from saying it.


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