Something More

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Something More Page 4

by Leigh Beckford

  “You're so funny.”

  “Thank you I know. Back to your older brother; let me listen to his message when we get to your place. I have this funny feeling that I just can’t shake.”

  “What, are you having, separation anxiety? Can’t you guys be apart for more than a few days without either of you wanting to call on Homeland Security demanding code red?”

  “Yeah go ahead, make fun, he didn't sound too right on my voicemail.”

  “Ok Mr. Concerned we'll get to the bottom of Alex’ great disappearance when we get to my place.”

  “That’s great and while we are at it maybe you will let me in on your little secret.”

  She turns towards him and looks at him blandly, “Maybe, you never know.”

  He hails them a cab.

  Chapter 5

  “It’s good to be home.” She sighs and throws her bags on one of the tables in her foyer, “Val, please excuse the mess I have been busy.”

  “Really busy I see. What happened here, the help doesn't help?”

  “Anna does a fantastic job of taking care of this place, however she is away something about having to take care of a sick relative and as you know I am not the domesticated type.”

  “And you wonder why you can’t keep a man.” he snickers,” Sorry, I know given the timing that was a bit below the belt.”

  “No don’t worry, I am good, I will get you back later.” she answers while checking her mail, “Well, make yourself at home you prehistoric pig, I am gonna take a quick shower.”

  “You don’t mind if I go through your messages, do you?

  “Sure go ahead. Let me know if there is anything important on there.”

  “Sure boss lady. Would you like me to bring you coffee and get your dry cleaning while I am at it?”

  “Whatever, jerk. OK fine, will you please let me know if I missed any important messages?”

  “Sure darling, anything for you.”

  Intentionally letting him win this bout of verbal joust, she smiles and says, “I will be in the shower.”

  He watches her walk away then inaudibly says to himself, “Down boy.” Listening to Brittany's messages is like walking through quicksand, he finds himself being drawn into it, but it’s not at all a pleasant sensation. For one it appears that she hasn't checked her messages in about a week. This and the mildly disrupted state of her apartment is concerning to him for this is not the Brittany he knows. By nature she has always been a bit anal about upkeep and presentation and has always pretty much had it together. The role of damsel in distress was never one designed for her, however here she is exhibiting symptoms of a damsel undeniably distressed. Minutes go by as he listens and after what seems like endless skipping he happens on his goal. Alex's voice comes over the speaker, “... Sis I am at Halifax on a layover about to catch another flight. I had to leave town for a few, will be back latest next week. I’ll see you then.”

  A little to his chagrin there isn’t much to discern from Alex’s message. Only thing learnt is that he was en route in Europe, final destination unknown. There remains the inexplicable unease rumbling, now a bit more calmly, in Val’s stomach over his pal’s unusual disappearance. With nothing else to do, he sinks back into her couch. He stares at her ceiling as he slips out of consciousness.

  The tranquility is interrupted as a rushing Brittany playfully shouts “Let’s go!”

  “OK,” he stares at her for a bit then says, “Hey I have to admit that you were kind of quick there.”

  “I hate to have to say it but I told you so.”

  Her cell phone rings, she looks at the display, lifts it to her head, then just before answering, seem to swear under her breath then toss it into her purse.

  “Who was it?” He sees her hesitation, “If you don’t mind my asking?”


  “Oh, I see.”

  “Do you, do you really?” she asks slightly upset.

  Not usually at a loss for words, oddly he doesn't know how to respond. So he stands there, mid step, hands in his back pockets with what he knows is a dumb look on his face.

  “No don't deadpan me, I want you to answer me,” she continues, “What is it with you men?”

  I don’t know but I think you are about to tell me,” his sheepish attempt at humor.

  “You guys go around selling us dreams.”


  “Yes dreams that you have no intent of fulfilling. Meaningless sex, I can deal with, I am a big girl. I like to get my rocks off every now and then. There is nothing unhealthy about that. However to make me believe that there could have been more, to make me think that there could ever be a real future? Children, picket fences, lies, damn lies are all you guys know. Just shows how truly sick you men are.”

  “Picket fences, where, here in Manhattan?” he mumbles, “Lovely restored pre-war apartments with concierge, or handsome townhouses maybe, but no picket fences here.”

  As she continues with her outpouring she grows more emotional, her fists now pounding his well-clad chest, she bellows, “I hate men!”

  In the midst of her fists flying he manages to capture her wrists, and as he gently holds her he says, “Honey be honest, you don’t hate men, you hate the shit that men do and in defense of some of us men, we are not all like that.”

  “Let me tell you, coming from you the biggest dog I know, that is far from comforting. You go through so many women refusing to form any real connection I sometimes wonder if secretly you actually hate us. Damn it, you treat your dirty underwear better than you do us.”

  “Still as inconceivable as it is to you right now, Brittany it is the truth. Despite my alleged philandering ways I have never sold any girl a dream, I might have helped her live out a couple fantasies but those are usually at no charge. After all as you are all too familiar, a night spent with me can be priceless. When a woman is with me what she sees is pretty much what she gets.” She writhes so Valde holds her more securely as he continues, “Yes some guys might mislead you into bed, but such tactics are used by the lesser talented, I have never had that problem. I believe in being up front. Of course no matter what, I am only human. Miscommunication can occur when the urgency of our wants overshadows everything else and we let ourselves hear what we want to hear. My point is not all men are bad. I, for one, don’t set out to hurt you girls. I love women too much to ever be like that. As for why I don’t settle down I will tell you. Well right now I am too screwed up to invite any poor innocent girl to be a side show in my merry messy circus. So please save labels such as misogynist and liar for someone else, and believe me when I tell you that the deeply suffocating and unbearable sensation of being sliced opened you are feeling right now will only be temporary. The pain will past.”

  “What really hurts is I was really ready to buy that dream. Damn it, I bought every inch of it. I so wanted it to be true. I wanted to settle down with him. Why did that asshole have to be married? I was ready to have his child.” She stopped there.

  They piercingly stare each other in the eyes. Neither wanting to be the first to comment on her admission, they waited in silence for the uneasiness to pass. During their little stare off, he thinks, “In truth she made no real confession, she simply stated her desire.” He would get to the bottom of this later; however, right now he isn’t certain that he is ready for what he senses could possibly be the truth.

  Moments later as they make their way out of her building past the stoic doorman whose gargoyle-like features are as pronounced as his grunting, “Have a nice day”, she stops, holds Valde by his left arm. “Look,” she says, “I have something to tell you and when I do I don't want you to make a big fuss about it.”

  “This sounds serious.”

  “It is so shut up and listen,” without pausing to catch her breath she states,” I am pregnant.”

  Not sure how to respond he says, “Congratulations.” The awkwardness so thick, it can be sliced by a knife, must be diffused so he continues, “Boy o
r girl?” as he reaches out to embrace her, however she stops him short.

  “I told you to not make a fuss, besides dumb-ass, it's too soon to tell whether it's a boy or a girl.” Then with a tone of voice abounded with solemnity and indecision she states, “We might never discover what sex this baby is.”

  “I am assuming that Phillip is the father. Does he know?”

  “Phillip doesn’t matter!”

  He understands this is her cue that the subject is to be discontinued, at least for now, he pushes no further.

  The hours pass by quickly and they sit down for a late lunch. Gasthaus is a small eatery in SoHo with an incredibly scrumptious Belgian menu. Within its brick and mortar walls is the sound of patrons lively chatting, and the sound of utensils clanking coming from the kitchen with each busboys’ passage through its swing doors. There is also the ubiquitous smell of good food, really good food. The place’s décor and irradiating ambiance has received rave reviews since opening last year, and so has its wonderfully prepared meals. It’s the chef’s attention to every little detail that has Valde dining here sometime more than twice weekly; he especially enjoys the Salmon, which he insists nowhere else in the city does better.

  “So tell me about this girl you’re seeing,” insists an enquiring Brittany, “what does she do and where did you meet her.”

  “Which one?” he asks.

  “The one for whom you threw out my toothbrush.”

  “Oh! Her.”

  “Yes her. Sounds serious, could she be the one to curb your roving ways.”

  “Hah,” he scoffs, “not a chance if you couldn’t then she certainly won’t. She is only a ‘jump-off’.”

  “She is a what?”

  “Its street slang, a ‘jump-off’, i.e. nothing serious.”

  “I can’t believe that you actually refer to her as such.”

  “Look, it is what it is, a pure and simple transient fling. In its purest essence, a series of sweet repetitive non-committal hook-ups”

  “OK and what does she do and is she aware of her jump off status?”

  “She does me, and I would like to believe that she is aware of her status. I gave her no notion that this was something more.”

  “I see.”

  “Actually I am going to break it off with her later tonight?”

  “Why? Are things between you two getting beyond the non-committal to the more serious?”

  “Let’s just say that I saw my doctor yesterday and I have something.”

  “She gave you a STD? Wow!”

  “Well I didn’t exactly say that, I have a condition called Balanitis.”

  “What’s that?’

  “I am actually too embarrassed to say.”

  “I don’t mean to make light of your situation”, she says while finding it hard not to break out in laughter, “but do you know what a condom is for and are you aware of what it means to practice safe sex.”

  “Aren’t you a regular Dr. Ruth?” he retorts then leans forward and with a matter-of-factly staring gaze asks, “Do you know what the morning-after pill is for and are you aware of something called family planning?”

  They both sit there laughing at each other. “I can’t wait to tell Alex this,” she reveals.

  “Oh no you’re not going to tell anyone about my little medical mishap,” Gently stroking her hand he says, “I know you don’t want anyone to know about the lovechild you are carrying for Mr. Married Wall Street Guy.”

  “You’re resorting to blackmail?”

  “Blackmail, coercion, call it whatever you want,” he replies grinning devilishly, “This is our little secret.”

  As it goes when you dine in marginally popular venues you are bound to run into people you know, this is the case as an old acquaintance of Valde makes his way to their table.

  “Hi Val”

  “Hey Tommy, how have you been?”

  “Doing pretty well; I know you aren’t necessarily happy to hear that.”

  “I am always happy to hear of colleagues doing well for themselves,” responds Valde with pseudo-sincerity, “Prosperity for all equal more fun and games, don’t you think?”

  “I can’t say that I agree.”

  “Didn’t think that you would,” Valde smiles “Do forgive my bad manners, and may I introduce you to my very dear friend Brittany Glasford.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” Tommy says shaking Brittany’s hand. He then turns to Valde, “I must say that you sell out quite exquisitely.”

  Fully aware of Tommy’s little ill-concealed snipe Valde’s smile becomes a steaming grimace, “In what way do I sell out my friend, am I a powdered face picanniny singing and dancing to a sold out theater?”

  “No not at all”

  “As you and I both know, I don’t sing and dance, however I will charm your clients away and make them mine. You my friend have made me a significant amount of money so I am willing to overlook your being out of place.”

  “I meant you no offence it’s just that as a brother I have never seen you with a lady of color in your company.”

  “I see,” responds an annoyed Valde, “Well let me set you straight on two things, one I am not your brother. You didn’t consider me your brother when you had me fired, by the way, I do believe you deserve a thank you for that. Secondly for your information I date women of all different shades and colors. I am however thankful for your compliment, I do believe that anything worth doing is worth being done exquisitely. Now get the fuck away from my table before …”

  Brittany interrupts him with an earnest plea, “Calm down Val.”

  “Well do enjoy the rest of your lunch”, Tommy wishes as he stumbles away.

  “What an asshole!” she exclaims when he is out of earshot.

  “It’s to be expected, would be hard for me to play nice with the man who stole my biggest client.” Valde muses, “So I forgive.”

  “You stole his client. How mean of you?”

  “All is fair in war my dear. He plotted to have me fired, so I made an ass of him and my former employers.”

  “War, you’re at war now, who are you George W. against his alleged Axis of Evil?

  “Look I am fighting a very serious war on poverty and anyone aligned with the Axis of Oppression is getting taken out. Chop it up to collateral damage?”

  “You are so funny my little general” she giggles as she salutes him, “You are so like Napoleon, be careful my love, don’t let your temper be your Waterloo.”

  “Little?” he quizzes, “I will have you know that there is nothing little about me, not in stature or anything else. Need I remind you that I have very big aspirations?”

  “Aspirations, is that what you call it these days?” her laughter grows louder, “Wait don’t answer that.”

  Chapter 6

  In his hotel room Alex falls backward into bed sighing with relief after finally coming to the end of two days of doing nothing but sitting in airports waiting for airplanes and in airplanes waiting to be airborne and cursing the fact that there were no nonstop flights available to him at JFK. Of course he knows all too well that the blame for his less than expedient travel lies solely with him, maybe had he not been so hasty he could have been here much sooner.

  He stares blankly at the ceiling as he recalls the recent events that compelled him to rush here. A few days ago he was in his beloved New York. Having just finished with the morning session of court he was feeling good. A long awaited verdict in a case he was prosecuting had come back favorable. He was hailing a cab and about to make dinner plans with Valde when his phone rang. He knew not the number but the caller’s voice he instantly recognized. Their conversation was short, however its effect wasn’t. Riding in the back of a cab, excited by uncertainty, in his thoughts he played reruns of the exchange that just took place. The person with whom he spoke was leaving New York that very day and was generous enough to deliver what he instantly acknowledged as life altering news. The gravitas of his new found discovery has led him he
re to Sydney, Australia. Palms sweating he leaps from bed to look out the window. As he watches the people on the street go about their lives five floors beneath he wishes that this could have been just another uneventful day for him. That’s if one could count the antithesis of mundane that his life has over the years become as uneventful. Still this was a new adventure for him, one which he knows could last a lifetime, and being as unprepared as he is, at this moment he just isn’t sure that he is ready. He tries counting down from ten in an attempt to steady his nerves. Not much luck at dissuading his anxiety with that exercise so he decides to give up trying and just make the call, after all, this is why he came. He picks up the phone and dials.

  “Hello” says the person at the other end of the line.

  Not sure how she will react to him actually following her all the way here he hesitates, clears his throat then says, “Hi, it’s me Alex.”

  “Hi”, she solemnly replies, “How are you? How did you get this number?”

  “I called your office, said I was a close friend from New York in town for the week. You have such a tough secretary. With time to spare on my layover while on my way here I had ample opportunities to practice charming her, believe me it wasn’t easy.”

  “You’re in town?” There is a hint of shock in her voice.

  “Yes I am. Sorry I didn’t mean to spring on down here on you like this but after what you told me I just had to.”

  “I understand but believe me when I say that I don’t have any expectations of you. I told you because I simply couldn’t go on without you knowing. I don’t think it would have been fair to you.”

  “I, huh, do you mind if we could actually meet in person.”

  The silence on the line is deafening, seems like an eternity is passing by so he asks quite nervously, “Are you still there?”

  “Yes Alex, I still am.”

  “So do you think can we meet up?”

  “Alex I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”


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