Amelia and the Secret of Stoney Manor (Amelia Series Book 1)

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Amelia and the Secret of Stoney Manor (Amelia Series Book 1) Page 8

by Michelle Bradshaw

  “Matthew dropped his thingy, and I bent down to get it and found this huge paw print.”

  Grandmother whispered something to Luna, who darted off into the night, and said “Well, it is getting late, Matthew.”

  “Wow!” I said, picking up my mp3 player and placing my hand in the paw print. “That print had to come from a big wolf. It is bigger than my hand.”

  “A wolf, you say,” repeated Ms. Matilda, slightly frightened.

  “Yeah, my, um, Dad and I used to go tracking for fun. I know all about animal foot prints and all.”

  Ms. Matilda seemed to scan the yard for such a creature before saying, “You have done a good job on the gardens, my lad. I think we should get in from this night air. Remember, you do not have to be here early tomorrow, but be here around 6 o’clock for Amelia’s birthday dinner.”

  “Okay, I will,” I assured her.

  “Goodnight, lad. Come, Luna,” she hollered as Luna came running from the backyard, and they both went into the house.

  “Let me walk you to the door. Don’t want the big bad wolf coming to try to blow your house down,” I snickered.

  “Huh?” remarked Amelia confused.

  “Another time, princess,” I promised kissing her on the forehead, even though I could tell she wanted a real kiss. She gave me one last big hug. I hated to let her go, but knew it was late and Ms. Matilda would be upset. So I kissed her forehead one last time and got in my truck to go back to Uncle Bart’s.




  “Luna, we do not know who that wolf might be. I need you to look into it,” whispered Grandmother to Luna as I came in the front door.

  Meow, said Luna.

  “No, I do not want to scare her, with tomorrow being her birthday. She will be aware of it all soon enough, just not tomorrow.”

  I would know about what soon enough? More secrets … dear Lord, a girl can only take so much, I grimaced as I stood still, trying to catch anything else that might be said.


  If she weren’t a cat I could have sworn she sounded worried. “Is she magical too?" I asked myself.

  “No, no, the cat can’t have secrets too.” I assured myself.

  I felt like I was going to go crazy with all this new knowledge of what the world, our world anyway, was really like. I took a deep breath and let it out. “A day at a time. A secret at a time,” I mumbled to myself. I will take it all in stride. I never considered myself normal anyway so what difference does all this make. “A big difference,” I said to myself. From growing up living a life where you think nothing happens to waking up one morning and learning that anything is possible if you just believe is a huge change.

  As I pondered how different my life could be, I began to wonder what I could do with my newly found powers. Did I already have them? If not, when would I get them? Hmmm, I wonder if I could help myself do housework faster. I mused as I looked for a broom to try it on. “Hey you, broom. Sweep,” I commanded pointing to it. Nothing. Maybe I have to say it louder. “Hey you, broom … Sweep!” I shouted as I pointed. The broom didn’t move but the doors of the sitting room burst open as Grandmother and Luna came bolting out.

  “What are you doing, child?” she asked in a panic.

  “Oh, I was just seeing if I could use magic to help me do chores,” I confessed embarrassed.

  Grandmother muffled a laugh and clarified, “First, you will not have your powers until the ceremony tomorrow. A Moon Witch gets her powers at the age of sixteen. Second, though you could probably use your powers for chores and such, our family tries not to take them for granted, but instead uses them to help or protect others. I admit, I use the occasional magic around the Manor, but not much. It poses too great a risk that might draw the wrong people here.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused, as usual lately.

  “Well, let us just say there are some magical beings who would want to use our powers for evil, especially yours, Amelia,” Grandmother explained as she wrapped one arm around me lovingly.

  “Me, why me? I’m just Amelia.”

  Grandmother gave my arm a squeeze and laid her head upon mine, cradling my face with her other hand before letting go and facing me. “You have got to believe you were meant for greatness, Amelia. That is all I can say for now about that. You will learn more soon.”

  “Well, how could whoever they are find us?” I asked.

  “Well, when we do small magic, they cannot. Unless we do a lot of it at one time. However, if we used our magic for something big, it is like magical sensors go out into the universe. Each witch has their own specific magical DNA, so to speak. If someone were perhaps trying to find a certain witch or warlock, as the case may be, then all they would have to do is wait for them to do magic, whether it be a large amount of little spells all at one time or a big spell, and track them. They would need to know approximately where they were, but say that person has a lot of ‘helpers,’ then that would not be difficult to do,” she replied.

  “Why would they want us though?” I asked sadly.

  “Well, just like there are good and bad people …” she paused for a moment. “There are also good and bad witches and warlocks. The ones who choose to live an evil life try to … well … they try to, say, convert the good witches to their side or even try to take their powers from them for their own selfish desires.”

  “But how do the good witches who lose their powers survive without them?”

  “They do not, my dear,” she said, blinking her eyes as if to keep herself from crying.

  “Oh,” I said as the reality of it all hit me like a ton of bricks.

  “Have we … well … has our family ever lost someone that way?”

  Grandmother spoke nothing but stared off as if lost in an old memory. “Yes, Amelia … your grandfather.”

  “What? But I believed he died in the war?” I said as tears began to well up in my eyes.

  “That is what we led the townspeople to believe. In reality, he died trying to protect your mother and myself. You see it is the responsibility of the warlocks in the family to protect the witches. They cannot help it. The magic within them makes them. For you see, warlocks are very powerful beings, but it is the witches that pose a bigger threat. I know your grandfather would have fought for us even without magic though,” she proclaimed wiping a tear away.

  “Why—” I tried to say, but Grandmother interrupted me.

  “Please, no more questions tonight. I am very tired and need to go lie down. Tomorrow is your big day, you know,” she said hugging me.

  “Okay, goodnight, Grandmother,” I responded as she headed for her room.

  She stopped and said, “Do not be surprised if your mother does not answer you tonight in your dream.”

  “How did you know I was going to …?”

  “Because I know you, Amelia,” she affirmed smiling. “We agreed it would best if your mother did not communicate with you until after the ceremony for your protection.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Just trust me, please. Do not try to contact her tonight,” and with that she said “Goodnight,” and went to her room.

  “Well, I admit that makes me a little bummed out,” I disclosed to Luna. “Let’s go to bed.” Luna meowed as if in agreement and we went off to bed.

  I tried to keep my promise, I really did, but I had to see my mother again.

  So with all my might I tried and tried to recreate the beautiful meadow and summon my mother there. Even in all of its beauty, something was just not right. Then, in the distance, I saw him. He was dressed in black, muscles bulging everywhere, with long golden blond hair that blew in the wind. He was handsome enough, I guessed. I began to walk toward him, but noticing there was something strange about his eyes made me stop in my tracks. They were a deep ocean blue color, but I could have sworn every now and then they would flash a deep blood red.

  “Hello, Amelia,” he
cooed in a heavenly but slightly sinister voice.

  “Who are you?” I asked, as the hairs on the back of neck began to stand up.

  “My name is Cassius. He wanted me to say hello for him.”

  “He who?” I asked before realizing that something was not right. “Wait a minute. Grandmother informed me only family could communicate.”

  “Oh, my dear. That’s her kind of magic. We have ways to make this possible.” he hissed. I didn’t like that sound of that.

  “Well, I have to be going,” I announced, trying to run off though frozen in fear.

  “Oh no, please stay. He has a deal for you. If you choose to join us, he will take care of all those mean kids who used to tease you in school,” and with a wave of his hand a circle appeared in the meadow, almost like a mirror, and a little dark haired girl being teased by some mean boys appeared as they began to sing the song like in my dream. He laughed a sinister laugh as if he enjoyed seeing the child tortured. “Weren’t too nice to you were they, Little Weird Amelia?” he mocked, repeating the words of the song. “Wouldn’t you like to make them pay Amelia … to see them suffer the way they made you suffer?” he snarled, his beauty beginning to fade.

  I wanted no part of that and quickly uttered, “No, thank you.”

  Humph. Frustrated, he pondered for a moment and changed tactics. “Well, wouldn’t you like to be beautiful?” he sneered.

  I had always wanted to change my appearance but felt rather insulted by the way he said it. “No, thank you,” I replied again.

  He growled as his beauty faded even more. “I know, I know. He advised me that you would be tricky. What if I could promise you all the money you could ever desire? How’s that sound to you?”

  Not that it wouldn’t be nice to buy whatever I wanted, but I still remained uninterested. “No, thank you.” I repeated again.

  Rarrr, he sounded. “I’ve grown tired of these games. I’m doing things my way,” he seethed as the rest of his beauty vanished, and he became a scrawny, black haired man with blood red eyes. I was terrified as he inched his way toward me, and I knew I had to get out of there.

  With everything in me, I closed my eyes just as he was about to grab me and shouted, “Wake up!”

  And with that it all vanished and I was back in my room again.

  It was morning and my birthday. “Thank heavens I’m back here,” I said to Luna, waking her up.

  Meow, she said. Grandmother walked through the door, wearing a relatively old looking party hat, carrying a birthday cake with candles, and singing, “Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, my sweet Amelia. Happy Birthday to you.”

  I blew out the candles. “Thank you, Grandmother,” I remarked hugging her.

  “You can have a piece now or wait for later when Matthew arrives, if you would like.”

  “I think I’ll wait if you don’t mind,” I answered, hugging her again.

  “Well, let us go down for breakfast then, shall we? Do not worry about dressing properly this morning,” she said as she walked out the door with a little hop in her step, humming to herself. I didn’t question it.

  My first lazy day ever, I rejoiced giggling. Maybe she would let me get by with no chores or schoolwork too. Nope, that wasn’t the case. After breakfast, our routine played out as normal. Grandmother stayed busy doing something in the backyard as I completed my studies for the week and tidied up here and there. I was not permitted in the sitting room, so I couldn’t cheat and look out the window at the big project Grandmother was working on. As I was putting away the cleaning supplies, there came a knock at the door. I walked briskly to see who it was.

  “Matthew,” I exclaimed as I threw open the door, immediately regretting my decision to not get dressed earlier, still in my pink button up pajamas—never actually going to the store, I had to depend on Grandmother to do my shopping. She always seemed to pick out things that I would consider to be a little on the plain side.

  “Oh,” he said, surprised to see me still in them with it being almost lunchtime. He smiled just the same. “Happy Birthday," he cheered, kissing my forehead. “I brought you these flowers. I’m unfortunately not going to be able to be at the dinner tonight. I’m headed to my friend’s house in another city who has some equipment I need to use. I’m making you a surprise. I promise to be back later tonight,” and with that he kissed my forehead one more time, jumped in his truck, and backed out.

  I can’t say I wasn’t a little bummed but it was sweet of him to bring the flowers and to be making me something. I closed the door and ran upstairs to take a shower and get dressed so I wouldn’t be surprised like that again. After finishing, I threw on some cute and comfortable, but not really Grandmother approved, clothes. I hoped she wouldn’t mind today. I amused myself with anything and everything I could do to pass the time. The day passed by slower than it ever had. Grandmother had come in for but a moment around 5 o’clock, only to find out the news of Matthew and disappeared back outside.

  Night finally fell and Grandmother came inside. “It is time, my dear,” she called to me as I sat on my bed, reading Jane Eyre again.

  “Time for what?” I asked not thinking.

  “Time for your ceremony, silly girl. We were going to do presents and dinner first, but since Matthew is coming later, it is best we go ahead with the ceremony. Besides, the moon is full and glowing tonight. Many a young witch will be getting their powers. I can feel it.” With that she got out the white dress she had bought for me and laid it before me. She also gave me a headband of white flowers and ribbon. “I know from Luna that the dress might not be your favorite,” she frowned. “I had the bow added myself. The material they used was from your mother’s dress she wore at her ceremony. This headband has been passed down from generation to generation of Miakoda witches. There is a charm on it that keeps it looking fresh and new.”

  I knew Miakoda was our last name, but I didn’t know it was tied to such a long line of magical beings. “I will let you get dressed and then we will head outside,” she informed me hugging me one more time before leaving the room.

  “Grandmother,” I said.

  “Yes,” she responded turning around.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t like the dress at first. I do now though.” Grandmother just smiled and nodded her head happily.

  It didn’t take me long to get dressed. I figured I would feel silly in such attire, but for once in my life, I felt special. It felt absolutely perfect as I stepped outside. Just the right temperature and Grandmother was right, the moon actually looked as if it was glowing. Luna and I both ran to the backyard. I grew more excited with each step. “I wonder what it will feel like, Luna,” I wondered. She only meowed. Grandmother stood in the middle of the yard waiting on me. Where is her scepter or wand? I pondered. Maybe she waves her hands or something over me? Hmm, I don’t know.

  I arrived at Grandmother, and she directed me to look at the moon. “Do you, Amelia, accept your powers and the responsibility that goes with it? To use it for good and not evil.”

  “Um, yes,” I mumbled, unsure of what to say.

  “Amelia,” grumbled Grandmother. I knew what she was referring to.

  “Yes, I accept my powers!” I shouted as I closed my eyes and lifted my hands into the air, waiting on some spectacular feat to happen.

  “Amelia, what are you doing dear?” asked Grandmother.

  “Waiting on the magic,” I exclaimed, my hands still raised and eyes closed.

  “You already have it,” admitted Grandmother.

  “What?” I said, confused as I opened my eyes and lowered my arms to look at her. “I imagined something amazing would happen, like I would be lifted up in the air, twirled around, and sat down glowing and full of magic.”

  “Well, I guess you are glowing a bit,” joked Grandmother muffling a laugh. “I am afraid that is all there is to it. The ceremony is more of a public display to acknowledge the responsibility of it all and to choose to be good. You already ha
ve the magic in you as of today.”

  “Okay, what can I do with it then?”

  “Some things can be taught, but some things you will discover.” I admit I was a little let down there wasn’t more to it, but it is what it is.

  Grandmother hugged me and walked back inside to prepare things for Matthew's arrival as I stood there wondering what I would be able to do. “I wonder if I can blast down that tree over there, Luna," I said as Luna just sat there, watching me as I jumped into a karate pose and put my hands before me and screamed, “Down tree!” but nothing happened. “Oh well, it was worth a shot,” I remarked as Luna appeared to shake her head. “What?” I retorted. “I’m new to this.” Great, now I’m talking to the cat, too, I joked to myself. “Anyway,” I said. “People think I’m weird anyway. What difference would it make if I started talking to the cat?” I felt silly for thinking cats could talk, but even though I was new to the world of magic, I was starting to see the world that I once thought was so normal didn’t exist and was beginning to believe anything was possible. “It is worth a try,” I said looking down at Luna. “If you don’t respond, then no one else will be the wiser.” I took a breath. “Anything is possible,” I whispered to myself. “So, Luna, how’ve you been?” I asked, trying hard to believe but not knowing if I would get an answer.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” she replied.

  “Wh-wh-what’d you say?” I stuttered in disbelief.

  “I know Matilda jokes about you being deaf, Amelia, but I never believed it true. I said I thought you’d …” she retorted slightly irritated.

  “No, no. I heard you. It’s just hard to take it all in. First I learn I’m a witch, then the talks with my mother, and now you can talk. It’s just so, so, so much. My head is spinning,” I explained, putting my hand to my head as if to steady myself.

  “Oh, I’m sorry for the attitude. I realize it is a lot to take on. Let’s go back to the front of the house and sit on the bench. It will do you some good to bask in the moonlight,” she responded running a little ahead of me.


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