Built to Last

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Built to Last Page 12

by Aurora Rey

  In one fluid motion, Joss had both of them on the bed. Joss, propped on her elbows, looked down at Olivia and smiled. “I’d say I already have.”

  The speed and the smoothness of the move took Olivia by surprise and made her pulse race. She could feel Joss’s weight pressing into her. It was a delicious feeling, one she hadn’t experienced in far too long. “And what are you going to do about it?”

  Joss leaned in. The kiss was excruciatingly slow. For all that she’d professed to be old-fashioned, Joss could do things with her mouth that turned Olivia’s insides into a puddle of pure want. When she pulled back, Olivia had to blink several times to bring her vision back into focus. “Oh, well then.”

  Joss smiled. “I’m just getting started.”

  After running a hand down Olivia’s side and up again, Joss eased behind Olivia and released the clasp of her bra. She pulled it aside and spent a moment studying Olivia’s newly exposed breasts. Olivia watched Joss look at her, felt her skin grow warm and flushed. Just when Olivia felt she might spontaneously combust from the heat of it, Joss bent and took one of Olivia’s nipples into her mouth.

  She had no idea if it was because she hadn’t been with anyone in a while or if there was something about Joss, but every nerve ending in her body seemed tied to that one sensitive point. Joss switched from making slow circles with her tongue to a gentle tug with her teeth. When Olivia thought she might not be able to take it any longer, Joss shifted to her other breast, sucking and biting and driving her completely mad.

  Without stopping, Joss trailed her fingers down Olivia’s stomach and between her legs. Olivia, aching and wet, opened herself for Joss’s touch. When Joss’s fingers slid across her throbbing center, Olivia arched into Joss and moaned.


  Olivia barely heard Joss’s whispered expletive. It was such a sexy, unguarded moment, Olivia found herself even more aroused. When Joss’s hand moved lower and she eased one, then two, fingers into her, Olivia had an expletive of her own. Joss’s strokes were long and slow, her callouses creating a delicious friction. Olivia clamped around her fingers, pulling them in deeper.

  Joss’s mouth was at her ear, her tongue playing with Olivia’s earlobe. Olivia dug her fingers into Joss’s shoulders, holding on, trying to get even closer to her. She could feel Joss’s muscles bunch and flex in her hands.

  “Yes, Joss. God, you feel so good.” Olivia mumbled the words between ragged breaths.

  Joss’s thrusts became more forceful. Olivia could feel Joss’s knuckles pressing against her. Olivia pushed back, basking in Joss’s strength and stamina. When Joss’s thumb swept across her clit, an upward stroke for every thrust, Olivia started to come undone. The orgasm pulsed through her, the pressure giving way to a quivering pleasure that she felt in every muscle of her body.

  It took Olivia a long time to regain her senses. Even when the tremors stopped, her heart continued to thud in her chest. When she finally caught her breath enough to speak, she opened her eyes. Joss was lying on her side, propped on an elbow and looking at her intently.

  “That was fucking amazing,” Olivia said.

  Joss’s smile was slow. Olivia couldn’t be sure, but she was pretty sure it was a little bit smug, too. “You’re pretty amazing.”

  “If I’d known it was going to be that good, I would have tried to get you into bed sooner.”

  Joss chuckled. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you good things come to those who wait?”

  Olivia rolled onto her side, surprised by how weak her body felt. “Nope. No one has ever told me that.”

  Joss traced Olivia’s collarbone with her finger. “It’s true. That said, if you make me wait much longer, I’m not sure I’ll live to see tomorrow.”

  Olivia cupped Joss’s breast in her hand. It was small and firm, a hint of feminine softness on her otherwise muscular form. She brushed her thumb over the nipple, enjoying the way it became erect at her touch. She shifted her gaze, looked into Joss’s eyes. “We can’t have that, can we?”

  When Olivia took the hard nipple into her mouth, Joss groaned. Olivia lifted her hand to the other breast, rolling the nipple between her finger and thumb. Joss’s hands bunched in her hair, holding her close. Olivia relished the way Joss’s body responded to her, moved against her.

  As much as she would have liked to worship Joss’s breasts for the rest of the night, Olivia was desperate to feel Joss in her mouth, to taste her. She made a line of kisses down Joss’s torso, admiring the defined ridges of her abs. She brushed her cheek across the patch of dark curls before easing her tongue into the soft folds. Joss’s hips bucked and she gasped.

  “Mmm…” Olivia was intoxicated by her taste. She made slow circles with her tongue, giving Joss a chance to settle in. When Joss’s hips began a steady, rhythmic thrust, Olivia shifted slightly, stroking Joss’s hard center. She wrapped her lips around it, sucking gently while flicking her tongue back and forth.

  Joss’s hands were in her hair again, a sensation Olivia adored. Joss was saying her name over and over, interspersed with “yeses” and “ohs.” Olivia quickened her pace, matching the urgency of Joss’s words and the movement of her body. When Joss’s whole body went rigid, Olivia stayed with her, sucking and stroking as her muscles twitched and shook. Finally, Joss’s body went limp. Olivia pulled away, resting her head on Joss’s thigh.

  After a long minute, she pulled herself up and crawled to curl up next to Joss. “Yeah, that was definitely worth the wait.”

  Joss wrapped an arm around her. “I told you.”

  Olivia lost track of time. She couldn’t remember feeling so content. She’d just started drifting off to sleep when she felt Joss shift. She lifted her head. “What? What is it?”

  Joss kissed her temple. “I know this sounds terrible and I really don’t want you to be upset, but I have to go.”

  Yanked back to reality, Olivia sat up. Disappointment gripped her. “What?”

  Joss lifted a hand and cupped her cheek. “I don’t want to, I promise. I meant what I said about wanting to have all the time in the world, but I can’t leave Ethel by herself all night and I didn’t make arrangements.”

  The letdown became a hard knot in Olivia’s stomach. “Ethel?”

  Joss must have seen the look on her face because she shook her head quickly. “My dog. My dog’s name is Ethel.”

  Olivia felt a wave of relief. “Oh. Okay. That makes me feel better. I think.”

  Joss smiled. “She’s really old and mostly content to sleep her days away, but I can’t leave her overnight.”

  Olivia nodded. “Of course not.”

  “I should have made plans for her. I don’t know why I didn’t. Maybe I didn’t want to presume things either. I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Thank you for understanding.” Joss kissed her again and climbed out of bed.

  Olivia watched her pull on her clothes. Although she still felt a pretty keen disappointment, Olivia couldn’t hold it against her. “What kind of dog?”

  “A beagle mix. Ben and I each adopted one of a pair of siblings that had been dumped in the country, about eight years ago now.”

  Not that she wasn’t pretty far gone over Joss already, but Olivia’s heart melted just a little bit more. “And you named her Ethel?”

  “And Ben has Fred. The SPCA gave them those names when they were brought in. They were starting to respond to them, so it seemed mean to change to something else.”

  “That might be the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard. I’ve never had a dog. My mother is allergic. I’d like one, though.”

  Joss, now dressed, walked over to the bed and sat next to her. “I’d probably wait until the house is done, but you’ve definitely got a good place. I really am sorry I have to go.”

  Olivia smiled. “Given who the other woman is, I think I’ll be okay.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry we didn’t get to dinner.”

  “I’m not.”

p; “Me either, except that you went to the trouble to pick it up.”

  “Not a big deal. You can have it for lunch tomorrow.”

  “Thanks. Tonight was…great. I hope we can do it again soon.”

  “It was, and yes, let’s do it again soon.”

  Joss kissed her. “I’ll lock up on my way out. And put the food in the fridge.”


  After she heard the back door squeak open, then closed, Olivia got up and blew out the candles that were still burning in the room. She climbed back into bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She’d had women leave after sex before, but never to go home to a dog. At least, never to her knowledge. One more way Joss was full of surprises. Given her track record with women, maybe that wasn’t such a terrible thing.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next day, Olivia was already preparing to leave when Joss arrived. Joss consciously pushed aside the worry that crept into her mind. What if Olivia really was upset about the fact that she’d left the night before? Joss attempted to reason with herself. Olivia had a job. Joss did, too, for that matter, and having Olivia around would be a distraction. A delightful distraction, but a distraction nonetheless.

  “We’re going to pull out the upstairs plumbing fixtures today.”

  Olivia’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

  “Yep. The bathroom tile came in. So we’re going to pull everything out today and lay the tile. It needs forty-eight hours to fully cure, then we can put the new fixtures and the tub back in.”

  “That makes me incredibly happy.”

  “Don’t get too happy yet. While we only need to completely shut off the water for a couple of hours, you’re going to be without a shower for about four days.”

  Olivia put her hands on her hips. Joss had come to realize it was an unconscious gesture that could mean Olivia was thinking about something, that she was irritated, or that she was being playful. Now that she knew that, it didn’t make her bristle like it did when she and Olivia first met. “That’s fine. Gina and Kel have just finished converting their guest room to a nursery, so I’ll get a hotel.”

  Joss cringed inwardly. The thought had occurred to her to invite Olivia to stay at her place, but she’d effectively talked herself out of it. It was way too soon to be playing house for the better part of a week. That argument worked fine when she thought Olivia would stay with her friends. Having her go to a hotel seemed wrong.

  “You know, you could stay with me.” The words were out of her mouth before she knew what she was saying.

  Olivia raised a brow. “Are you sure?”

  Joss wasn’t at all sure, but she wasn’t going to take it back. It would be fine. It was the right thing to do. It didn’t have to mean anything beyond that. “I mean, you don’t have to, but I have plenty of space. A hotel seems unnecessary.”

  Olivia’s response was a slow, sultry smile. The effect on Joss was strong and immediate. “That’s very chivalrous of you.”

  Joss cleared her throat. “It just seems logical.”


  “Since I was going to ask you over for dinner, that is. That’s what I’d planned to do for our second date.”

  “I see. Well, since you were going to ask me over anyway.”

  Joss decided keeping things light would help her not freak out. “Yeah, I figured you could use a real home-cooked meal.”

  “Are you making fun of my kitchen setup?” Olivia gestured to the small cart that held her coffeepot and slow cooker—the extent of her appliances now that the kitchen had been emptied and the stove she ordered would take at least three weeks to arrive.

  “Yes. Yes, I am.” Joss was still taken aback by how easy it was to banter with Olivia, be playful. It was nice, made things feel more familiar than they would otherwise after just a couple of dates.

  “I do have the grill, you know.”

  Joss crossed her arms over her chest, made her face stern. “Do you want to come over or not?”

  Olivia crossed the room and kissed Joss on the cheek. “I would love to. Thank you for the invitation.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m looking forward to having you there.” Olivia’s brow went up and Joss realized the double entendre of her words. Before she could backpedal, Olivia smiled again.

  “And I’m looking forward to you having me.”

  Joss swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ll, um, text you the directions. I’ll leave here around five to go clean up and start dinner. You’re welcome whenever.”

  Olivia’s face softened. “That sounds great. I really appreciate you offering me a place to stay.”

  “For the record, I don’t do this with all my clients.”

  Olivia grinned. “Lord, I sure hope not.”

  “That said, please feel free to pack a bag. It’s going to be a few days.”

  “I think I feel a U-Haul joke coming on.”

  Joss decided to borrow Olivia’s phrase. “Lord, I sure hope not.”


  Joss’s house was about as far out of town as Olivia’s, but in the opposite direction. When she pulled into the driveway, she couldn’t help but sigh at how perfect it was. The style was Craftsman, probably built in the thirties. In the glow of the porch light, she could see that it was painted a deep green with cream shutters; the porch appeared to be natural pine. The landscaping looked elegant without being fussy—exactly the type of look she was planning for her own yard.

  Olivia parked and walked to the front door. What a door it was—oversize with a dark stain and three small windows just above eye level. The glass looked original, wavy with age. Beneath the windows was a massive pewter knocker. It wouldn’t go with the style of her house, but she was envious of it all the same.

  She’d just lifted her hand to knock when the door opened. Joss stood on the other side in jeans, a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of leather deck shoes. Had the shoes been in better shape, she would have been a perfect addition to the L.L.Bean fall catalog.

  “I thought I heard a car.”

  “Your place is gorgeous.”

  “Thanks. Come on in.”

  Olivia stepped inside and was enveloped in the aroma of fresh bread and garlic. After eating nothing more than an apple and peanut butter between classes, it was almost too much. “Oh, my God,” she said, barely stifling a groan. “Your house smells amazing. What are you cooking?”

  Joss took her bag and set it at the foot of the stairs. “It’s just a simple pasta sauce. Oh, and bread. Thanks to my sister’s cast-off bread machine, I can whip up a crusty Italian at the push of a button.”

  Olivia followed her into the kitchen. “Push of a button or no, I’m impressed, and starved. Between the two, I’m likely to embarrass myself with how much I eat. Consider yourself warned.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. Wine?” Joss walked over to the counter where a bottle and two glasses were sitting.

  “Yes, please.”

  While Joss poured, Olivia looked around the kitchen. The walls were a rich, buttery yellow that complemented light, honey-toned cabinets. Pots hung from the ceiling and crocks of fresh herbs lined the windowsill. On the wall was a set of four paintings of citrus fruit that looked to be done by small, creative hands. It was warm and cheerful, and looked like the space of someone who did a lot of cooking.

  Joss handed her a glass of wine. “I can drop the pasta anytime. Are you ready to eat?”

  As if on cue, Olivia’s stomach growled, apparently loud enough for Joss to hear.

  “I’ll take that as a yes?”

  Olivia blushed and pressed a hand against her stomach. “Yes, but only if I get the tour after.”

  Joss nodded. “Deal. In the meantime, go say hi to Ethel.” She gestured toward the living room. “She can’t hear you coming, so you have to stomp the floor a little bit to get her attention.”

  She headed in the direction Joss indicated. “I hope she likes me.”

  “Once you’ve gotten th
e sniff test, she’ll likely roll over. As long as you rub her belly, she’ll grant you undying love and devotion.”

  Olivia chuckled. “I wish my students were that easy.”

  “Not a mental image I need to have.”

  Although she hadn’t meant it literally, Joss’s comment gave Olivia the mental image as well. She laughed. “Fair enough.”

  Joss’s living room was the same blend of modern and traditional. A massive navy blue couch and a leather club chair faced what appeared to be the original brick fireplace. She noted with approval the stack of wood off to the side. Above the mantel was a sleek flat-screen television, big enough to make watching the game exciting without being obnoxious. On either side, built-in shelves were crammed with books and family photos. Olivia made a mental note to study them in more detail later.

  On the far side of the chair, positioned in perfect proximity to the fireplace, lay a beagle sound asleep on the biggest dog bed she’d ever seen. As she approached, Olivia stomped her heel on the floor a couple of times.

  Ethel opened her eyes and lifted her head. Olivia got down on her knees and extended a hand. Ethel’s tail began a lazy wag. She stood up, taking her time with a long, slow stretch, before sashaying over to where Olivia waited.

  Her hand got the once-over and then, as promised, Ethel flopped onto her side. She flashed a light pink belly and pawed the air a couple of times. Olivia obliged her with long, gentle strokes. Her tail began to thump softly against the hardwood floor.

  “Well, that didn’t take long,” Joss said from the doorway.

  “We speak the same language.”

  “I hope I speak that language, too,” Joss mused. “Right now, I speak the language of spaghetti.”

  “That,” Olivia stood up, “is my favorite language of all.”

  They ate pasta off of chunky earthenware plates. Olivia tried to decipher the contents of the sauce, but Joss swore it was only tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and fresh basil. “And salt, of course.”

  Olivia looked at her with the expression she usually reserved for students who were spinning a tale about why their paper was late.


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