anti-G8 demonstrations 200, 201, 201
Volterra prison event 203–4, 203
in Mali 210–12, 211
importance of the neighbourhood 223
logo 224, 287
and son Kira 225, 303, 315
speaks at Guadalajara International Film Festival 281, 282
tells Cancodrillo story 311–13
Chao, Kira 225, 303, 315
Chao, Ramón (Manu’s father) 15, 18, 69, 167, 187, 315
music studies in Madrid 17–18
music scholarship in Paris 18
journalist with RFI 18, 22, 46, 300
Barthes astonished at his pianistic virtuosity 23
amazes his children with his playing 23
sends his sons to the conservatory 24
personality 24
sees Joint de Culasse play 29
Olympia gig convinces him 97, 98
on the Colombian train trip 123, 125, 127, 132
motorbike trip in Galicia 141, 166–67
enjoys Clandestino 173
and G8 202
takes Manu to visit his grandfather 323–24
Le Lac de Côme (Lake Como) 24
Priscilianio de Compostela 166
A Secret Guide to Paris 24
The Train of Fire and Ice 18–19, 123, 129
Chao family 17
Chao Rego, José 17
Chats Sauvages, Les 28
Chatwin, Bruce 222–23
Chausettes Noirs, Les 28
Chavez, Hugo 83, 240, 241
“Chinita, La” 196
Chetto, Negro 9
Chez Jimmy bar, Ménilmontant 53, 54
“Chez Rascal and Ronan” 79
Chiapas region, Mexico 135, 141, 154–57, 156, 173, 187, 190, 234, 283
Chichos, Los 44
Chihuahuas 49, 54, 56, 61
Chile 22
Chinguitos, Los 44, 58
Chirac, Jacques 38, 99, 101
Chopin, Fryderyk François 22
Chunguitos, Los 310
CIA 127
Cigalle concert hall, Paris, La 285
Circulo de Bellas Artes, Lugo, Spain 17
City of God (film) 316
Ciudad de Pobres Corazones 248
“Clandestino” 8, 151, 168–69, 171, 174, 276, 306
Clandestino 11, 12, 100, 134, 140–41, 143, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 157, 160, 162, 163, 168, 170, 171–75, 177–78, 183–87, 189, 190, 192, 193, 196, 197, 198, 232, 236, 298, 303, 308, 313, 324
Clandestino tour 145
Clapton, Eric 187
Clash, The 36, 37, 43, 44, 48, 58, 60, 67, 79, 93, 115, 117, 138, 152, 153
Club Thiossane, Dakar 179
Coachella Festival 230
Coca-Cola 230
Cochabamba, Bolivia 191
Cochrane, Eddie 29
Coquatrix, Bruno 97
Cocteau, Jean 221–22, 289
Coldplay 11
Colifata, La 251, 253
Colifata, La (The Crazy One) 237, 243–44, 246–49, 251–57, 281, 296
Colombia 114, 147
Mano Negra’s epic rail journey through 11, 18, 22, 122–33
Colombiage festival 308
Colombian Army 127
Colombian rail journey 11, 18, 22, 95, 122–33, 165, 176, 177
Columbus, Christopher 108
Communist Party 41, 115, 127
Communist Youth League 25
Congo civil war 249
Conny Plank studios, Cologne 98
Conservatoire de Chaville 24
Cookman, Thomas 235
Cooper, David 246
Coppola, Francis Ford 65
Córdoba, Argentina 8, 9, 137, 244, 248, 249
Corida 187, 285, 292
Coronet theatre, London 308
Cortés, Javier 281
Courcoult, Jean-Luc ‘Coco’ 107–8, 111, 121, 123–24, 125, 132, 133
Covell, Mark 200–201
Cuba 17, 19, 113–15, 117, 267, 324
Cuban revolution 165
Cuyum 190
Cuzco, Peru 84, 85
Daft Punk 234
Dahan, Joséph (’Jo’) 62–63, 64, 72, 78, 94, 119, 119
Dakar, Senegal 177, 178–81
Dakhla refugee camp, Algeria 259, 262–69
Daniel (singer of Montage) 317
Dannatt, Adrian 238
“Darling Darling” 69
Darnal, Tom 78, 94, 144
in Garage Psychiatrique Suburbain 46, 47
friendship with Manu 46
and Manu’s concern for his mother 58
Patchanka album 71–72, 73
angles for a place in the band 72
pseudonym (Helmut Krumar) 76
on signing to Virgin 78–79
drugs in Peru 85
demonstrates anarchy on TV show 117, 118
South American train trip 122–23, 129, 130, 132
and the Zaptistas 135
on Manu’s depressed state of mind 142
introduces Manu to peyote 147
Mano Negra Le Boukin 138
D’Dour, Youssou 179
De Beauvoir, Simone 18
de la Prada, Ágatha Ruiz 164
de las Isla, Cameron 43, 249
de Lucía, Paco 165
Dead Kennedys, The 115, 117, 152
Découflé, Philippe 110
Del Carril, Hugo 244, 245
Del Valle, Ignacio 281, 283
Delabel 234
Dembélé, Boubacar 211
“Denia” 195–96, 294
Deprisa, Deprisa (film) 44
“Desaparecido” 7, 11, 171, 174, 175, 249, 276
Despiegnes, Jean-Marc 42, 45, 45, 59, 61
Deville, Willy 64
“Dia Luna … Dia Pena” 140, 173
Digne, Jean 125
Dimanche À Bamako 212–13, 293, 297, 298
Diplo 163
Dire Straits 187
Dirty District 52, 68, 69, 72
Dirty War (1975-83) 247, 252
Disappeared, The 247
Divina Pistola, La 282
Django Django 293
Dogs, Les 52
Donsky 251
Don’t Shoot The Piano Player (TV show) 260–61
Double Happiness bar, Chinatown, New York 238
Dr Feelgood 33, 34, 34, 43, 58, 297
Duomo, Milan 199
Dury, Ian 52
Dutronc, Jacques 28
Dylan, Bob 51, 97, 294, 298
Earth Wind and Fire 29
Ecuador 82, 88
Eddie and the Hot Rods 34–35, 34
Electron Libre 40
Elizabeth II, Queen 302
Elizalde, Valentin 279, 280
EMI Virgin 293
Enfants Du Paradis, Les (film) 289
Escabasse, Xavier 42
Escobar, Pablo 129
ETA 205
EZLN 153
Fabulosos Cadillacs, Los 137, 235
Fahem, Madjid 165, 186, 188, 229, 236, 239, 249, 258, 260, 261, 262, 264, 269, 275, 276, 278, 284, 299–300, 306, 307, 308, 309
Fahrenheit bar, Paris 69
Fakoly, Tiken Jah 211
Familia, La 271
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) 127
Fatboy Slim (Norman Cook) 235
Fellini, Federico 204
Feria de Las Mentiras, La 165, 174–76
Feria de Nîmes 107
Fernández, Vicente (Gómez) 274
Ferrara, Italy 202–3
Festival of the Desert, Mali 210–11, 211
Finisterre, Galicia 323, 324
Flamin’ Groovies 59
Flappers, Les 42
Flying Burrito Brothers 123
“Fool, The” 99
Force label 41
Ford, Henry 20
Foro Alicia, Mexico City 282
Foro Sol, Mexico City 283
Fortaleza, Brazil 115, 225, 301, 314–20
FPDT (People’s Front for the Defence of the Land) 280, 283, 284
Fraga Iribarne, Manuel 17
Franco, General Francisco 16, 17, 24, 53, 164, 205, 244
Frank (lighting) 77
Fréhel 52
French Lovers, The 130
Front National 53, 104
Frost, Sir David 310–11
Frost/Nixon (film) 311
Fura Dels Baus, Las 106
G8 summit (Genoa, 2001) 199–202, 201, 202, 240
Gabin, Jean 52
Gainbourg, Serge 28
Galeano, Eduardo 83–84, 250, 271
Galiana, Javier 229
Galicia, Spain 15, 17, 19, 141, 165, 166–68, 174, 176, 300, 323–24
Gambit, Jean Michel (Gambeat) 130, 131, 144, 145, 165, 186, 188, 201, 221, 229, 239, 275–76, 278, 283, 284, 299–300, 306–9
Garage Psychiatrique Suburbain (GPS) 46, 47
García, Teca 153
Garçons Bouchers, Les (The Butcher Boys) 51, 52–53, 55
Gardel, Carlos 244
Garrido, Andres 301
Garrincha (Manuel dos Santos) 278
Gauthé, Pierre (Kropöl) 76, 78, 86, 94, 102, 174, 210
Gaviria, Victor 128
Genoa 199–202, 201, 240
Genoa Social Forum 199
Genty, Philippe 110
Geo 69, 72
George, Yvonne 52
Gil, Gilberto 117, 315, 318
Gilles 69
Gillett, Charlie 90, 198, 223, 250
Gilmour, Dave 213
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry 37
Giuliani, Carlo 201, 202
Glass, Philip 239, 289
Glastonbury Festival 220, 310
Glitter, Gary 249
Globo 120
“God Save the Queen” 28
Gold, Nick 234
Gómez, Paz 165
Gong 28
Gonzaga, Luiz 315, 316
González, Celina 114
“Good Morning Chechnya” 269
Gougnaf Movement 49, 50, 50
Graham, Bill 59
Gran Hotel Chao, Vilalba, Galicia 17, 323
Gran Silencio, El 137
Grande Halle de La Villette, La, Paris 192
Grandmaster Flash 71
Grateful Dead, The 123
“Great Balls of Fire” 41
Greco, Juliette 18
Greene, Graham 150
Gris, Juan 20
Grulze, Brent 93
Grundy, Bill 118
Guadalajara, Mexico 272, 273, 277, 279, 281, 284
Guadalajara International Film Festival 281, 282
Guaita, Gerard Casajús 186
Guardiola-Rivera, Oscar 137
“Guayaquil City” 88
Guayaquil, Ecuador 88
Güereña, Luis 151–53, 152, 154
Guernica, northern Spain 40, 52
Guerrero, Mexico 283
Guevara, Che 155, 196, 298, 299, 303
Guilty Razors 35
“Guns of Brixton” 36
Guthrie, Woody 298
Guzmán, Abimael 85
Hadji-Lazaro, François (‘Gros François’ [Fat Frank]) 51–55, 55, 68, 79, 80
Haiti 115, 158
Haley, Bill 27
Halifax, Joan 239
Halliday, Johnny 28
Happy Drivers 55
Hardy, Françoise 28
Harvey, Mick 100
Havana, Cuba 113, 178
Haynes, Roxanne 275, 278
Heldon 28
Helno (aka Noël Rota) 119, 290
“Helno Est Mort” 290
Heros du People sont Immortels, Les 49
Herri Batasuna Party 205
Hetaira Collective 261
Hill Mead School, Brixton 310
Himes, Chester 57, 250
Hitler, Adolf 70
Holiday Inn, New York 296
“Homens” 193–94
Hooker, John Lee 209
Hop Farm Festival, Kent 308–9
Hôpital Ephemère, Paris, l’ 40
Hot Chicas 49, 56
“Hot Pants” 42
Hot Pants 54, 55, 61, 62, 63, 69, 72, 80
creation of (1983) 42
the Hot Pants sound 43
breaks out of the Sèvres neighbourhood 45–46
on compilations 49, 56
and the Paris scene 50
growing success 56
“Hoyo, El” (The Hole) 149, 282, 284
HSBC 208, 235
I Ching 163, 304
“I Fought The Law” 117
“I trust My Dealer” 317
“I Wanna Be Sedated” 206
Idir 294
Iguana’s, Tijuana 151
Ils ont osé 54
“I’m so Bored of the USA” 93
In the Hell Of Pachinko 98
Independiente 254
“Indios de Barcelona” 69
“Infinita Tristeza” 194, 237
Inflammable Material 33, 36
Inrockuptibles, Les 37
Inter Milan 157
IRA 302
Iraq War 248, 311
Irmandade da Boa Morte (Sisterhood of the Good Death) 160
Iron Maiden 274
Island Records 184, 237
Islas, Francina 262–65, 273
Issue de Secours (Emergency Exit), Sèvres 40–42
Issy-les-Moulineaux, Paris 33
It’s a Free World (film) 266
“It’s My Heart” 99
Jai Alai Katumbi Express, The 204
“J’ai Besoin De La Lune” (I need the moon) 291–92
Jako (roadie) 77, 90–91, 94, 113
James the Apostle, Saint 166
Jamet, Daniel 33, 78, 87, 94, 119
a member of Les Casse Pieds 62–63, 64
in Cain and Abel 33
joins Mano Negra 33, 72
pseudonym (Roger Cageot) 76
leaves the band 118
joins Les Wampas 206
Japan 98
Jara, Victor 22
Jarre, Jean Michel 170
“Je Ne T’Aime Plus” 172, 187
“Je Pense a Toi” 208
Jean-Marc (trumpeter) 131–32
Jeanrenaud, Daniel 58–60, 61
Jiminez, José 276
Johnson, Wilko 33–34, 34, 60
Joint de Culasse 32, 44, 58
choice of name 27
Manu’s parents see the band play 20
search for a bassist on Canvey Island 34
gigs in Sèvres area 35
Issue de Secours squat 40
first and only album 41–42
rivalry with GPS 46
Jones, Brian 253
Joplin, Janis 123
Judas Priest 274, 324
“Junky Beat” 58
Justice 234
Kawasaki, Japan 98
Keita, Salif 209
Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters 277
Khaled, Cheb 234
Khelifa, Anouk 46, 86, 99, 139, 142, 168, 169, 169, 172, 187
Khelifa family 46, 168
Kherfi, Madani 102
Kichi 7
“Killin’ Rats” 70
“King Kong Five” 88, 189, 276
King Of Bongo 98–100, 106, 110
“King Of Bongo” 100
Kingsnakes 57, 58–60, 61, 71
Kinky Beat 283
“Kira” 303
Klipsch Amphitheater, Miami 306
Kohly, Mario García 19
Kortatu 205
Kraftwerk 98
Kshoo 69
Kun, Josh 134, 137, 141, 153
Kusturica, Emir 236, 248
Kwanzaa Possee 146
La Cithéa 54
La Coruña, Galicia 167, 176, 323
La Défense, Paris 104–5
La Gloria barrio, Mendoza, Argentina 190
nbsp; La Mona Jiménez (Jiménez) 249–50
Labbé, Jean 71
“Lagrimas De Oro” 173, 312
Laing, R.D. 246, 256
Lake Chapalá, Mexico 270, 271, 272
Lang, Jack 38, 105
Lao Tzu 221
Lapa, Rio de Janeiro 162, 163
Larronda, Carlos 251
“Last Night a DJ Saved My Life” 254
Laurent (Lolo) 64
Lawrence, D H 271
Layotte, Manu 63–65
Le Pen, Jean-Marie 53, 104
“Leader, The” 36
Lechner, Ernesto 174–75
Led Zeppelin 213
Leftfield 146
Léger, Fernand 289
Lehman Brothers 271
Lennon, John 303
Lenquette, Youri 126, 133
Letang, Renaud 170–73, 172, 186, 304
“Letter To The Censors” 99
Levellers, The 237–38
Levy, Lazare 18
Lewis, Jerry Lee 29, 146
Lewis, Lew 34, 34
Liberian refugees, massacre of 249
Lima, Peru 83, 85
Little Richard 25, 29
Lo, Cheikh 179
Loach, Ken 266
Lobos, Julio García 186, 275, 284
Loco Mosquito 57–58, 59
Lole y Manuel 43
“London Calling” 36
“Lonesome Bop” 70
Loran 79
Lorapido, David 116
“Lost Highway” 168
“Louie Louie” 27, 41
“Lover Alone” 50
Luci Vid 9
Lucía, Paco de 43
Luciérnaga, La (The Firefly) 8, 9, 10, 244, 248
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio 280
“Lust for Life” 70
Luzmira 267, 269
Lydon, John 90, 146
M6 100
“Ma Dear” 58
Maal, Baaba 178
McCartney, Paul 214
Macdonald, Kevin 302
Machu Pichu, Peru 83
McLaren, Malcolm 155, 294–95
McLeod, Johnny 197, 258, 260, 262, 263, 264, 267, 269, 300
Macumba 318
“Madmen” 88
Madness 52
Madrid 8, 17, 164–66, 266
Madrid Bar, El Palentino 261
“Magic Dice” 88, 92
Magma 28
Mahaut, Frank 90, 95, 142
Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture (MJC), Boulogne Billancourt 35
“Mala Vida” 48–49, 77, 84, 86, 189, 229, 244
Malalma 310
Malasaña, Madrid 164, 165, 194, 261
Malavida, La (film) 244
Maldita Vecindad (Damned Neighbourhood) 137
Maldorer, Rico 49
“malegría” 173
Mali 13, 209–12, 211, 297
Malpica, Galicia 324
Malvicino, Horacio 245
Malvinas/Falklands War 247
Manaus, Brazil 160
Mancini, Angelo 229, 275, 276, 284
Mangeshkar, Lata 178
“Mano Negra” 66, 88
Mano Negra, La (Colombian vigilantes) 62
Mano Negra (The Black Hand) 8, 11, 55, 165
creation of 60–61, 77
the name 62
logo 8, 62, 97, 138
first manager 63
first album 56, 69–75, 78
first single 49, 68–69, 77–78
Clandestino Page 32