All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic)

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All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Rose Nickol

  All the President’s Men 2: Tyler’s Tasty Treat

  Tammy Masterson wakes to find herself sitting naked in the middle of the road with a strange man. Not sure who he is or if she is safe she pretends to lose her memory. After what her father did she didn’t know who she could trust. As long a no one knew who she was she was safe and couldn’t be found. When Tyler Thomas started visiting her at the hospital, Tammy couldn’t resist him. When he offered to let her stay with him, she knew this bad boy with the long blond braid down his back would protect her from the men that were hunting her. He was yummy to look at and made her tingle all over. When she found out he was a body guard with the Secret Service she knew this bad boy could keep her safe. Should she tell her secrets to him, would he be the one to save her from the danger she was in?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 37,789 words


  Rose Nickol


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2015 by Rose Nickol

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-801-2

  First E-book Publication: January 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Tyler Thomas was in a pretty good mood. He was driving home from a party where he’d had a very good time. The party was for his boss, mentor, and best friend, Derek Moore, and his wife, Dottie. They had been married for several months, and tonight there had been a baby shower for the couple at the kink club Tyler, Derek, and several others owned.

  Tyler had always thought a baby shower would be boring, but add in the fact that it was held at a kink club, and a good time was had by all. No pin the tail on the donkey at this party, instead there was spank the sub until she (or he) comes, then there was the kink version of “what is it?”, where a sub was blindfolded and had to tell what instrument of pain was being used on their ass, genitals, or, if a woman, chest. And there were several more games that were played.

  Tyler had had some misgivings about going to the party at first, but he had never been to a baby shower before and had really wanted to be there for his friend. He and Derek went a long way back. He was glad he had gone.

  Tyler wasn’t the type you would normally see at a baby shower, and if someone was to meet him on the street they would not think he was Secret Service either. He was a typical bad boy. Long blond hair, which he wore in a braid down his back. Scruffy beard and tattoos completed his bad-boy look. The only thing that was out of place was his soft brown eyes, which could melt a girl’s heart. His look was not regulation, but he didn’t stand out in a crowd like most of the Secret Service did and the look worked for him.

  Tyler, Derek, and some friends had started The Mix, a BDSM club, a few years back so that they would all have something to do when they retired. Derek was on that path. Tyler had taken over many of the duties of the team leader since Derek had gotten married and Derek was spending more time in the office. Tyler was missing what Derek had, a wife and a baby on the way. Derek owned property with horses and was starting his family. Tyler was a few years younger than Derek, but he still wanted the same things.

  Driving home from the party, he wished he had taken his bike. The night was beautiful, warm, and quiet, perfect for a motorcycle ride. He hated being trapped in his truck in this weather. Driving along and listening to the radio, he thought about what Derek had and how he wanted it, when he saw something in the road.

  It looked like a body. Slowing down, he pulled to the side of the road and grabbed his gun from the glove compartment. Looking around, he saw nothing out of place, except for the body in the road. Dialing 911 on his phone, he grabbed a blanket and his first aid kit and went to check it ou

  The body in the road was naked and it was a very attractive young woman. He didn’t see any injuries but didn’t want to move her just in case. He covered her with the blanket and sat to wait for help. He felt helpless just sitting there but knew that moving her was not a good idea. He wondered how she got in this predicament. It was late, very late at night, three am, and there were no bars or anything in this area. That someone must have dumped her here, or that she had run away from someone, were the only conclusions he could come to.

  Where were the emergency people? It seemed like it had been several minutes since he called. Grabbing his phone, he called again. The operator assured him they were on the way.

  He noticed a slight movement under the blanket and got on his knees to look over into the girl’s face. Her eyes fluttered and opened. Groaning, she looked around and asked, “Where am I, who are you, what’s going on?”

  “My name’s Tyler. You’re lying on the road and it’s the middle of the night. Can you tell me your name or how you got here?”

  The girl just looked at him. “My name is…I should know this, but I can’t remember, I…I don’t know, why can’t I remember?” She started crying. Sitting up, she groaned again.

  “Try not to move, we don’t know if you’re hurt or not. I’ve called for help and they are on their way.” Taking off his jacket, he slipped it around her shoulders, noticing that her back was a mass of welts and broken skin. Careful not to touch her, he pulled the blanket closer around her, listening for the sound of help.

  Hearing the sirens, he relaxed a little, knowing help was close. He talked soothingly to her, trying to calm her down, and not asking any more questions. It was obvious she was suffering some memory loss.

  The paramedics arrived and quickly took over, hustling her into the ambulance and effectively dismissing him. When he asked where they were taking her, he was told the standard reply —if he wasn’t family, it was confidential information.

  Tyler got in his truck and started towards his condo. The closer he got to home, the more bothered he was. Parking his truck, he ran in the house. Reaching into his jacket pocket for his cell phone, he remembered he had put the jacket on the girl.

  He had two choices— he could either cancel his phone and get a new one, or head for the hospital and hope his jacket and phone were there. The bonus would be he would get to see the girl again.

  Heading for the hospital nearest where he found her, he hoped that was where they had taken her. If not, he would call his friend Dillon. He worked with Dillon on the same Secret Service team. Dillon was the team’s computer expert and could figure anything out.

  When he arrived at the hospital he explained what he needed to the clerk and sat to wait. While he was waiting, he thought about the girl. She looked young, around her early twenties. While he was waiting for the ambulance, Tyler noticed that in the headlights from the truck, her hair, though matted and dirty, appeared to be the color of the sun and when clean and brushed, would hang in soft waves down the middle of her back. When she opened her eyes, they were the color of the evening sky at dusk, a purplish blue. Her mouth was perfect and he could imagine it wrapped around his cock while he got lost in those eyes.

  Lost in his imagination, he was startled when he heard his name called. The nurse that was standing there had his phone and his jacket.

  “Mr. Thomas, are these the things you were looking for?”

  Tyler walked quickly up to her and took his things. “How is she?” he asked after thanking the woman.

  Tyler was an attractive man in a bad boy way, and most women were not immune to his charms, this one included. With a slight giggle, she asked, “Would you like to see her? She’s awake, but doesn’t remember much.”

  “That would be great.” Tyler followed the woman, turning on the charm.

  “She still doesn’t remember her name, so try not to upset her,” the nurse admonished.

  “No problem.” Tyler just wanted to see her one more time and make sure she would be okay.

  The nurse led him to a room in the emergency department and pulled aside the curtain, ushering him in and leaving him alone with her.

  “Hi, I don’t know if you are aware, but I’m the one that found you, I’m Tyler,” he said softly as he walked up to the bed.

  Chapter Two

  Tammy looked up at the man before her. He was big, with a bad-boy-meets-Viking look. She remembered him from the road and all he had done to help her. He looked like someone she could trust.

  She was in so much trouble. She couldn’t tell the hospital or anyone else who she was or what was going on. She couldn’t risk being found again. She wished she could trust this man. Smiling, she looked at him and thanked him.

  Tyler smiled back at her and found himself at a loss for words. He didn’t want to upset her by asking questions, but didn’t want to leave either. “Well, I just wanted to see how you were doing. May I come and check on you again?” He really wanted to see her again. Regardless of her answer he would be visiting her again.

  “That would be nice Mr. Tyler, thank you.” She smiled that smile again.

  “Honey, it’s just Tyler, Thomas is my last name, but you can call me Ty or Tyler.” Or lover, or master, or whatever you want, he thought.

  She looked at him again and said, “Thank you again, Ty, it would be nice if you would visit me again. I don’t know how long I have to be here, and there’s no one else.” She had a tear running down her face at the last.

  Tyler stepped closer to the bed, wanting to take her in his arms and comfort her, but knowing that it was too soon, and then he saw the bandages on her back. Settling for taking one of her small hands in his huge one, he squeezed gently.

  “See you tomorrow, honey,” he said as he walked towards the door.

  Stopping at the nurse’s station, he decided to see if he could charm any information out of the woman there.

  His charm was very effective. He found out that the girl was unharmed except for her back, which appeared to have been beaten and that she wasn’t talking. She appeared to remember nothing. The doctors could not find a reason for her memory loss and thought it was traumatic.

  Feeling better now that he had seen the woman and knew she was safe, Tyler left the hospital and went home. He slept that night dreaming of a blonde beauty in his arms and bed.

  The next day, he woke late. He’d been up most of the night, and after a quick shower and some food, headed for the hospital. He didn’t have anything better to do anyway. He didn’t have an assignment at the present time and was on leave for a few days.

  Arriving at the hospital, he found out that the woman had been moved to a private room and followed the directions he was given there. When he got to the room he found her lying on her stomach, reading a magazine.

  “Hey, Honey, how are you today?” he asked, since he still didn’t have a name to call her, he decided Honey would work.

  Tammy liked the fact that he called her Honey, but would have loved to hear her name on his lips. Too bad she couldn’t tell him who she was and what kind of trouble she was in.

  “Hi, Ty, thanks for coming again.” She smiled, turning to her side. As she turned the loose fitting gown slipped, showing the curve of a breast.

  “Oops.” She giggled, fixing it quickly.

  Tyler tried to keep his mouth from gaping. Even though he had seen her the night before on the street it was still a beautiful sight.

  “Here, let me tie that for you,” he said walking around the other side of the bed, loosely tying the gown.

  He looked at her back closely while he was there and saw that the welts had gone down, but there were still a few bandages covering some areas. Lifting the light blanket, he pulled it so it draped over the bedside rail and didn’t touch her back.

  “So, how are you doing today?” he asked. He didn’t want to upset her by asking more probing questions.

  “Bored, ready to get out of here,” she answered, smiling.

  “Do you have any idea how long you will have to stay?” he wondered out loud, making conversation.

  “No one is telling me anything, and even if they did let me go, I have no idea where to go or what to do. I don’t even have any clothes.” Realizing her situation, she felt a tear slip down her face.

  Tammy hated crying. She hated people that cried. This was not her. And she was not playing the sympathy card. Even if she could tell people who she was, she had nowhere to go. No money, no clothes, nothing. Absolutely nothing. What the fuck was she going to do?

  She couldn’t call anyone she knew for fear of being found and had no idea what to do. She knew she was going to have to confide in someone soon, but as long as she could stay in the hospital, she was safe.

  While Tyler sat in the room, the doctor came in the room. “Are you a friend of our young lady?” the elderly man asked.

  “Not really, I found her,” Tyler answered, at the same time Tammy answered, “Yes.”

  “Well, we are very thankful you did. She was lucky she wasn’t hurt worse,” the doctor said kindly.

  Addressing his patient, he asked, “Do you mind if we talk in front of your friend or would you rather he leave the room?” Giving her the choice.

  Tammy answered, “I’d like him to stay, if he doesn’t mind.”

  Tyler went to her side and took her hand, feeling her need for support.

  The doctor took the chair Tyler had vacated and pulled it up beside the bed. “Ok, miss, here’s the story. Your back is the worst of your injuries. Other than a few scrapes, you appear to be fine. There are a few areas on you back that will need treatment for a few days, but other than that the only thing we need to work on is your memory. Memory is a tricky thing. I can’t find any physical cause for your loss, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not real. I’m not a psychiatrist, but you probably have what is called traumatic memory loss caused by the situation you were in. It could come back in bits and pieces or all at once. It could be a few days or a few weeks. In the meantime, we have to decide what to do with you, I can’t tie up a bed unnecessarily and the cost to you would be enormous. I can keep you here for two to three days longer, but then we will have to find you something else. You could leave today if I knew what to do with you. I will send a social worker tomorrow and they can work with you to help you find a place to stay and other necessities. Hopefully your memory will come back before you have to leave the hospital,” he finished, patting her hand and leaving the room. Tammy started to roll over on her back, but then caught herself. What was she going to do? Leaving the hospital sounded wonderful, but the security of a bed and food sounded better. She would be on the streets when she left.


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