All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic)

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All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3

by Rose Nickol

  When he got to the hospital he found Tammy dressed and pacing. Giving her the shoes, and a quick hug, he asked her, “What’s wrong, honey? You look upset.”

  Smiling and hugging him tightly, she answered, “I’m just anxious to get out of here.”

  And a little afraid you wouldn’t come back, she thought.

  “How soon can you go, have they told you yet?” he asked, wishing he had come earlier.

  “I think as soon as they give me my instructions for my back and pain meds,” she answered, grimacing. She hated taking the meds, but sometimes her back hurt so badly she had to.

  “I’ll go round up a nurse while you put the shoes on and be back in a few,” he said as he strolled out of the room.

  Finding a nurse and getting the information they needed, Ty checked Tammy out and took her home. By the time they got there, she was tired from all the excitement, but happy to be out of the hospital.

  “Do you want to lie down for a while?” he asked, not sure what to do next.

  “I don’t think I could rest, but can we do something?”

  Oh, baby, he thought, there are so many things I could do with you. Looking at her, he took a calming breath and asked, “What do you feel like doing?”

  “I don’t know, I’m keyed up, maybe go for a walk?” She wanted to look around and check out the area. If the men her father had given her to found her, she wanted to know where she could run.

  “Sure, if you feel you’re up to it, we’ll talk a short walk around the neighborhood.” Taking a walk was a good idea, it would get them out of the house and maybe he could concentrate on something other than how to get her into his bed. He really needed to get his cock under control.

  Taking her hand, Tyler led her out the door. They walked a short distance to a nearby park where they could sit and enjoy the day and watch some children and dogs playing.

  The weather was a little brisk. It was fall and the seasons were changing, and Tyler hadn’t brought a jacket for either of them. Seeing Tammy shiver, he pulled her closer and wrapped an arm around her. “Do you want to go back?”

  “No, can we sit a few more minutes? I like being outside and watching the kids.” She had never had time to just sit and relax. She had always had to work or help. It was nice to not have to be anywhere or do anything.

  All that would change as soon as her back healed. She couldn’t depend on Tyler for long and needed to figure out a way to find a job and pay her way.

  Sighing, she looked at Tyler out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t want him to know she was watching. He was strong and handsome, taller than her and built. She didn’t know much about him, but his eyes mesmerized her, she could get lost in them.

  “Can I ask you some questions?” she wondered tentatively.

  “Sure, honey, what do you want to know?” He pulled her closer, wanting her on his lap, but not sure she would be comfortable with that.

  “Tell me more about your family?” she asked, wondering if he had had a normal childhood and what made him tick.

  “Not much to tell. I’m an only child. Both my mom and dad were only children, so I don’t have much family. My parents are still alive, but live in California so I don’t see them often. I try to go out there once a year, but don’t always make it. As I told you last night, I was in the service and I have several good friends here now.” He thought about telling her about The Mix, but wasn’t sure she was ready for that.

  . As part owner of the club, he often bartended when he wasn’t working and spent a lot of time there. Hopefully he could take her there, but didn’t feel this was the time to tell her about it.

  He saw her shiver again and stood, pulling her with him. “We should have brought jackets. Come on. Let’s head home, you’re cold. We’ll come back another time when it’s warmer or when we have jackets.’

  “Okay,” Tammy agreed. She was cold and just the short walk had made her tired.

  They walked back to the condo and Tyler sat her on the couch while he fixed some lunch.

  After she ate and took some pain meds, she went to lay down, exhausted.

  When Tammy woke, she was stiff and wanted a shower. The sponge baths in the hospital hadn’t cut it and her hair was driving her crazy, even though they had washed it in the hospital.

  Walking out to the living room, she found Tyler sitting on the couch. When he saw her he said, “Hi, honey, how did you sleep?”

  Smiling, she stood by his chair and said, “Great, but I would love a shower. Would you mind helping me with my back?”

  “Sure, baby, what do you need?”

  Smiling, she explained that she couldn’t reach the bandages, and what she needed him to do.

  “You go get ready and meet me in the bathroom,” Tyler said.Tammy went in the bedroom and took her clothes off. Grabbing the robe Tyler had thoughtfully bought, she headed for the bathroom.

  True to his word Tyler was waiting for her. Dropping the back of the robe, she turned away from him.

  He gently removed the bandages, trying not to touch her any more than necessary. It was hard, very hard. All he wanted to do was run his hands over all of her. His cock was telling him that would be a very good idea.

  Doing what he needed to, he lifted the robe back to her shoulders and turned her to face him. “All done, do you need help with anything else?” His brain was saying, please say no, please say no, but his cock was bobbing in his pants, nodding yes.

  Smiling, she looked at him and answered, “No, I’m good. Thanks. I’ll let you know when I’m done so you can fix it back up.”

  “Okay then, holler if you need me.” Tyler then walked reluctantly to the door. All he wanted to do was crawl into the shower with her and it took every bit of will power not to.

  Chapter Five

  Tammy got in the shower, part of her wishing she had the courage to ask Tyler to join her. Even his light touches on her back thrilled her and her pussy was wet any time he was near.

  Taking a long hot shower, she thought about how her life would change if something did happen between them. She wouldn’t have to be scared anymore, Tyler would protect her. She could enjoy life and not have to work every minute to live.

  What would he be like in bed? Would he be gentle or rough? What kind of lover would he be?

  As she showered, she reached down and slowly ran her hands over her breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples, imagining Tyler with her. One hand slid down her body to her slit and she slipped one, then two fingers over her clit. Moving her fingers quickly in a pattern she knew would bring her to completion, she thought of Tyler and screamed his name when she came.

  Leaning against the shower wall, she wished he was there when she heard the door.

  “Tammy, are you okay? I heard you call out,” he said, rattling the door knob.

  Tammy was glad she had locked the door. She was sure that wouldn’t keep him out and answered, “I’m…I was just…singing.” Singing, she thought, how lame, but it was better than telling him what she was really doing. “I’ll be right out,” she yelled then, turned off the water and grabbed a towel. Shit!

  Tyler stood outside the door and laughed to himself, singing my ass, he knew the sound of a woman coming and that was what he had heard. Maybe he had more of a chance with this girl than he thought. Time to take the gloves off and see where he got, he thought with a wicked smile.

  Walking to the living room he sat to wait for his tasty treat. He was going to play a little and see where it took them. Looking down at his tented pants, he whispered, “Soon, buddy, soon.” Grinning like the cat that ate the cream.

  Tammy finished in the shower and, wrapping a towel and the robe around herself, walked out to the couch where Tyler sat.

  “Can you do my back now?”

  He had all the supplies within reach and indicated his knee. “Here, sit and let me see what I can do.”

  “Wouldn’t a chair be better?” she asked, swallowing hard. She knew it was not a good idea to be
that close to him, especially after what she had done in the shower.

  “No, I can reach and see better here. Sit.” He said again, pointing at his knee.

  She gingerly sat on the very edge of his leg, just barely putting any weight on him.

  “Relax, I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to.” He said grabbing her by the waist and settling her where he wanted her.

  Easing the robe off her shoulders, he bared her back to the towel. “Honey, this has to come down so I can see the whole thing.” He told her as he eased the towel down further, baring her.

  “Oh, okay…I…” Tammy didn’t know what she was trying to say.

  Tyler took the supplies provided and gently cleansed the two wounds remaining on her back. “This looks good, you shouldn’t need the bandages more than a day or two more.” He told her as he ran his hand over her back.

  “That’s good, I’m glad it’s healing.” She answered, slightly out of breath. She wasn’t sure why she was reacting this way to having his hands on her. He had touched her plenty of times in the last few days, but now his touch was somewhat different.

  Tyler quickly and efficiently finished changing her dressings, then slipping his hands around her, brushed his lips over the back of her neck. “All done baby, how does that feel?” he asked in a deep, gravelly voice.

  “Umm…good…thank you…I should get up and dressed now.” She answered placing her hands over his to leverage herself up.

  Using his hands on her waist, he pulled her further into his lap and smoothed his lips over the back of her neck to her shoulder, slowly running his hands up her body to cup her small, firm breasts.

  “Oh, Tyler…I—” She moaned.

  “Yes, baby, do you want me? I heard you in the shower. Were you thinking of me? Did you touch yourself here?” He murmured against her neck kissing, licking and nibbling, his hands palming her breasts.

  “I…you did…um…please.” She couldn’t seem to form words, his hands felt so good on her breasts. Arching her back and pushing into him, she moaned again.

  “Yes, baby, I heard you call my name, were you playing here?” he asked as he turned her head and brushed her lips, trailing one hand down to her mound and squeezing, leaving the other hand playing on her breast.

  “Oh, please,” she cried again, wanting more.

  Brushing her lips again, he pinched her nipple and when she opened her mouth, slipped his tongue in. Turning her more firmly in his arms, he trailed one finger into her folds, finding her clit and gently stroking it.

  “I can make it good for you. Do you want this Tammy? Please baby let me make you feel good.” He crooned, adding another finger and applying more pressure to her clit.

  Tammy shuddered and arched in his arms wanting more, but not knowing what.

  “Tyler, I…I never—” she tried to tell him.

  “Shh, baby, I’ll make it good,” he said, slipping one finger inside her.

  “But…I haven’t,” she tried again.

  Tyler pushed deep inside her until he felt the barrier. Now he understood what she was trying to say. She was new to this. How this beautiful girl had managed to keep herself a virgin, he had no idea.

  “Baby, have you ever been with a man before?” he asked, nibbling on her lips and slowly turning her to straddle his lap and face him.

  He pushed the robe off her arms and the towel fell to pool in her lap. Pushing the towel to fall on the floor, he slipped three fingers inside her and pushed his thumb to circle her clit.

  His mouth still against hers, he asked, “Baby, do you want me? I’ll make it good for you, please, baby.” He started kissing and nibbling her breasts.

  “Oohh, Ty, I…don’t…please…oohh.” She moaned as he took a breast in his mouth. She did want this badly, but was scared and not sure.

  She hadn’t had any affection or tenderness since her mother died. Her father didn’t care and she was never with any of the families they stayed with long enough to bond with them. She was starved for kindness and love.

  Tyler was providing that, and closing her eyes, she let herself relax into his arms. What would it hurt to trust him? She had been strong for so long. She wanted someone to hold and take care of her.

  Reaching down, she wrapped her hands around his head and pulled him closer. “Yes,” she whispered, “yes I want you, take me, make me yours,” she said, holding him tighter.

  “Hold on baby, we’re taking this to a bed,” he told her, standing and slipping his hands under her thighs to hold her.

  Tammy wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder as he carried her to his bedroom.

  Kicking the door open, he laid her on the bed and crawled over her, taking her mouth again. “Just relax, baby, I’ll make it good.”

  Being careful not to put too much pressure on her back, he moved her to the center of the bed.

  Standing up he looked down at her with lust, staring deep into her eyes. “Shh, baby, I’ll take care of you.” He told her as he quickly removed his shirt, shoes and socks. Undoing his pants, but leaving them on for now, he grabbed a few condoms from the bedside table and put them within easy reach.

  Tammy watched as he removed his clothes. He was gorgeous in them, but without them there were no words to describe what she was seeing.

  His chest was massive and chiseled. She wanted to touch and taste. She knew he was strong, he had carried her to the room, and looking at his chest, she could see his strength.

  When he sat to take off his shoes and socks, his back rippled and she reached out a hand to touch, pulling back before she made contact.

  He turned to see her watching him, eyes wide.

  “Now, baby, shh,” he said as he trailed a hand from her breast to her slit and back, soothing her skin as he went.

  Following his hand with his lips, he lifted her legs over his shoulders and parted her folds. Looking into her face, he lowered his head and circled her clit with his tongue.

  “You taste so sweet, baby,” he said as he took her into his mouth. Sucking, licking, and nibbling the little nub, he pushed her to heights she had never known. She couldn’t do this with her book boyfriends and her little toy.

  Tammy lay writhing and moaning, arching her body from the bed. “Tyler, please, I’m so close, please.” She moaned.

  Tyler continued pushing her, wanting her very close before he took her.

  When she was begging and pleading, he lifted up and removed his jeans, quickly putting the condom on.

  Holding himself over her with his arms, he fitted himself to her and slowly, but relentlessly started to move inside her. Pushing just his bulbous head inside her, he held himself just at her entrance, watching her face until she relaxed.

  Leaning on one arm, he moved the other hand between them and palmed one breast, then lowered it to pinch and pull her clit.

  “Baby, I’m going to thrust inside you now, it may feel a little uncomfortable. Just relax and it will be over soon, I’ll make it as good as I can.” He breathed against her ear before turning to take her mouth.

  As his lips touched her mouth, he pushed forward and felt the barrier break. Holding still once again, he continued the kiss until he felt her body give, and then he started moving slowly, still applying pressure to her clit.

  Pulling back slightly, he whispered, “That’s it, baby, let go, when I say the word, I want you come. Can you do that for me?” He moved her hands from his neck and lifted both her arms over her head, then held them there..

  Tammy moaned and arched, ready for what was happening, not sure she could wait.

  “Oh, please, please, I… I’m so ready, please,” she cried, so close.

  Tyler braced himself with the hand not holding hers and increased the pace to a rhythm that would take them both where they needed to go. Smiling down at her, he said the one word she needed to hear.

  “Come, come now, Tammy,” he said, and they both crested the peak.

  Tammy screamed his name
again and Tyler let himself fall to the side pulling her with him, trying to be careful of her back.

  Still inside her, he rolled to his back and pulled her on top of him. “You were so good baby, so very, very good.” He murmured, his face buried in her hair, holding her tight.

  Holding her for a few more minutes, Tyler then gently turned her to her back and rose from the bed. Walking swiftly to the bathroom, he removed the condom and cleaned himself up. Taking a warm cloth, he went back to Tammy and sat on the side of the bed.

  “Baby, I’m going to wipe you off, the rag is warm, but you may be a little tender,” he told her, as he slowly parted her legs.

  “No, leave me alone, tired.” She mumbled.

  “Yes, baby, I know, I’ll take care of you,” he said softly, cleansing her of the remains of their lovemaking.

  After he had wiped her off, he bundled her into a blanket, and carried her to the spare room, laying her on the bed there. He wanted to change the sheets on his bed so she didn’t wake to the mess.

  “What, what are you doing?” she asked sleepily, confused. Why was he taking her out of his bed? Didn’t he want her anymore?

  Tyler leaned over her and kissed her. “Baby, I need to take care of a couple things, then I’ll be right back.” Then he walked out of the room, leaving her alone again.

  Tammy knew she should be used to it. She had spent most of her life alone.

  She wondered what she had done wrong. True she didn’t have any experience, but she had read lots of erotic romance books and thought she had done it right. Tyler had seemed happy while they were doing it. He was kind and gentle, treating her like she was made of glass, but maybe that was the problem, maybe he liked to be rougher. She needed to figure out a way to prove to him that she could take it, that he wouldn’t hurt her.


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