All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic)

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All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Rose Nickol

  After the interview and what they had told her about her father, she was very overwhelmed. She had known her dad was in trouble, but had no idea how deep he had gotten. And it hadn’t happened recently.

  She had learned that he was involved with the mob before her mom passed away and that was part of the reason they lost everything and kept on the move.

  Her dad had been hiding from the mob for years before they found him and he got involved with them again. Even before he stole the drug money, he owed more than he could ever pay back. Her whole life had been a lie. Nothing her dad had ever told her was the truth.

  Their house had belonged to the mob, the cars, everything. Her dad had been involved with them before he married her mom. They would never have had a normal life. It was only because her dad had changed his name before he married her mom that he had been able to hide as long as he did.

  After Tyler saw the same car pass the third time, he knew it was time to leave. He was afraid they would try to take Tammy and he hadn’t brought his gun with him. No way was he leaving the house without it again.

  Walking her quickly home, she almost couldn’t keep up and finally said something. “Tyler, you have to slow down, I can’t do this.” She was panting.

  “We need to hurry, baby, come on.” He had a really bad feeling.

  Just as they got to the house the car came by again, this time very slow. Staring them down, Tyler dragged Tammy in the house, slammed the door, and went for his gun.

  “Lock yourself in my bathroom until I tell you to come out.”

  “What? Why?” Tammy practically screamed.

  “Do it! Now!” He shoved her towards the room.

  Not sure what was going on, but sure that Tyler knew what he was doing, she did as told and crawled into the tub, covering herself with a towel, hiding.

  She heard a pounding at the door and shouting voices, it sounded like there was a fight. There were sounds of things breaking and she watched the door closely waiting for someone to bust through it.

  Oh shit, she thought, did I lock it? Scared to get up and check, and scared not to, she finally made herself get up and check. Yes, she had.

  Back in the tub, she hugged her knees and laid her head on them, praying for Tyler and herself. She didn’t even have a phone to call anyone. If Tyler didn’t come for her, what the hell was she going to do? She started looking around for something she could use as a weapon.

  What she didn’t know was that Tyler had also set the bathroom up as a safe room. The minute he heard her shut the door he activated an alarm that locked the bathroom down until he or Derek entered a code to unlock it. The alarm also sent notice to the police and to Derek and he knew in a matter of minutes the cavalry would be there. He just had to protect her until then.

  He locked himself in Tammy’s bedroom to throw them off. He wanted to be with her, but by creating another target he bought them a few more minutes. He heard the door crash and someone yell, “We know you’re fucking in here, give us the girl and no one gets hurt.” Then he heard things crashing, they were trashing the place.

  Standing squarely in front of the door, he aimed his gun so he could shoot first and ask questions later. When the door crashed in he would shoot whoever came through it first.

  Holding his stance and listening, he waited.

  “Where the fuck do you think they went? There’s no way they got out of here.” He heard voices approaching the room he was in. Hoping they would look there first and not the room Tammy was in, he waited.

  Then he heard sirens and the police.

  “Shit, get the fuck out. We’ll come back.” He heard from right outside the door. There was the sound of more crashing and then silence.

  The next sound he heard was, “Police, come on out, hands up.”

  Tyler stashed the gun and opened the door identifying himself. Giving the police his ID he quickly briefed them on the situation and went to check on Tammy.

  When Tammy heard the door open she screamed his name, jumping from the tub and running for him.

  Launching herself at him, she plastered his face with tiny kisses, glad he was safe.

  She wrapped herself around him and buried her face in his shoulder. Tyler carried her to the bed, not wanting to take her out to see the mess until he checked it himself.

  “Shh, baby, you’re fine and so am I. The police want to ask you a few questions, and I’m going to check the rest of the house. I’ll be right back.” He needed to call Derek and give him the all clear and get the picture from his phone to the cops. He also wanted to see if Dillon had found anything yet.

  Quickly surveying the damage, he grabbed his phone and headed back to Tammy.

  The police finished quickly with her and promised to increase patrols for the time being. Tyler was busy on the phone. He needed the door fixed and his security updated now instead of waiting on the things he had ordered.

  Derek suggested they stay at the club for a few days until Tyler’s condo could be secured. That idea sounded better to Tyler than a hotel. He knew the security at the club would be top notch. There were a couple suites in the club that were used for out of town visitors, and Tyler had stayed in one once. The suites rivaled top hotel suites, with the added plus of BDSM equipment. It wasn’t the way he had planned on introducing Tammy to the club, but it was the best solution for now.

  Giving the police his contact information, he gathered the things he and Tammy would need and bundled her into his truck, not telling her where they were going, only that it was some place safe.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tyler parked in the back of the club and took Tammy in through the back door. He wasn’t ready for her to see the club floor yet. He wanted a chance to talk to her and prepare her for what she was likely to see.

  Leading her to one of the two suites, he dropped the things he had grabbed and ordered some food. There were several restaurants close by that would deliver. He then called club security to let them know he was there, what was going on, and to ask them to bring the food when it arrived.

  Finally turning to Tammy, she stood where he had left her, crying in shock. He had hustled her out of the house with very little explanation and had been so busy on the phone, that he hadn’t talked to her very much except to hurry her along.

  Sitting in one of the big chairs, he pulled her into his arms and held her, letting her cry for a few minutes.

  Once she started to calm down, he pulled her away from him and started planting little kisses all over her face, until he finally took her lips.

  Thrusting his tongue inside her mouth, he swept it through her, taking all she was giving until they were both breathless.

  “I was so scared for you, baby. I hated leaving you alone in there. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you,” he told her, pulling slightly away from her.

  “Oh, Tyler, I was so scared and I heard all that noise, and I didn’t know where you were or what was happening. Then I didn’t remember locking the door, and the only place to hide was the tub, and I didn’t have a weapon and…oh my God.” Tammy started crying again.

  “I know baby, and I should have told you this before, but I didn’t think we’d need to use it so soon. The bathroom also serves as a safe room. By hitting any number of hidden triggers inside the house or on my phone or on my keychain remote, I can activate it and that room becomes a fortress that only I or Derek can access. When the repairs are complete and the new security installed and we go home, I will show you how to activate it and how to get out if you are locked in there. But if you ever do get locked in there, I don’t want you coming out unless I or Derek give you the all-clear. I will give you a catchphrase so that you know it is one of us before you come out. I have that room connected to my phone so that if I am not home, I can call you anytime you are locked inside, and Derek can do the same. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I do. Why would you need a room like that?” Tammy’s concern was that he was in danger.

y, in my job I meet all kinds of people and even though it’s usually pretty boring work, every now and then there can be trouble and it never hurts to be careful. Today was a perfect example of that. Thank God I had some place safe to hide you.” As he said the last word he pulled her tighter to him, realizing how close he came to losing her.

  “Thank you for keeping me safe. I was so scared. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Now that those men know where I’m at, it’s not safe for anyone I know. I should leave” She was starting to cry again. It really wasn’t fair. For the first time in her life, she could say she was happy and now it was all being taken away from her again.

  Spending time with Derek and Dottie had made her feel normal. That was what people did. They spent time with friends, they went out to eat, they went for walks, they sat in the park and now she couldn’t do any of those things again. She was going to have to hide or run away.

  Tyler felt the tension in her body and pulled back to look deep into her eyes. “Baby, you’re not alone any more. I will protect you. We will be safe. The house will be a fortress when I’m done, and we can stay here for as long as we need to.”

  Tyler was getting ready to kiss her again when he heard a knock at the door. “Food’s here,” he announced and went to get it.

  Tammy had been so upset she hadn’t paid any attention to where he had taken her. As they sat to eat she asked him, “Tyler, not that it matters, but where are we?”

  “Honey, this is the club that Derek and I own with a couple other guys we know. It’s called The Mix and it’s a BDSM club.’

  “Is this the club Dottie was taking about? You own it?” She was really curious.

  “Yes, after we eat, we will change and I’ll show you around. Derek and I and a couple other guys went in on it a few years back. When you and Dottie talked, was there anything you really wanted to see?” He was glad to see she was excited to look around and the night should be quiet enough not to scare her.

  Tyler was excited to show her his club, he had bought her a couple club outfits when he got all the other clothes and was excited to see them on her. He could tell it was going to be a good evening.

  After they finished eating, Tyler showed her what he had gotten her to wear. It was a midi tank top in a deep dark blue and a mini skirt to match. He also had a pair of “fuck me” heels, but she wouldn’t be wearing them tonight, since they were for his personal enjoyment.

  “Put these on baby, and we’ll go look around.”

  Tammy took the clothes he gave her and went to the bedroom to change. Luckily she had worn a thong that day so she could wear it under the skirt, but there was no way she could wear the bra she had on with the top, she needed something strapless. Well, she would just have to go without. Good thing she was small, but the top was so sheer, she was sure everyone would be able to see her all. Well, it was a nightclub, maybe it’d be dark. That was all she could hope.

  When she walked out to the living room barefoot, Tyler did a wolf whistle and motioned with his finger for her to turn around.

  Tammy giggled and twirled, laughing all the time. When she finished her twirl, she curtsied, and Tyler held out one hand to her. Placing her finger tips on his, he grasped her hand and pulled her to him.

  “You look good enough to eat,” he said, growling in her ear.

  He had changed into black leather pants that looked like they had been molded to fit him and was wearing a black satin shirt which he had tucked in but left most of the buttons open, showing his sculptured chest.

  “So do you,” she whispered, laying a hand on his exposed skin, and looking up into his eyes.

  Stepping back and grabbing her hand, he led her to the door. “If we don’t go, I’ll just strip you here and spend the night fucking you.” He told her as he pulled her along.

  “Wait, wait.”

  “What baby?”

  “I don’t have any shoes and no bra. I need a jacket or something.”

  Tyler stopped just short of the door with a sigh. “You’re fine just the way you are. Subs don’t have to wear shoes in the club and if you ask me, you’re wearing too many clothes now, so you don’t need anything else.”

  Deciding he needed to explain a few things to her, he led her back to one of the big chairs and sat her in his lap.

  “Baby, when we go into the club you may see some things that surprise or shock you. I want you to ask me any questions you have and not talk to anyone else. Some of the Doms you will meet have specific requirements of subs and if you don’t behave in a certain way they will expect you to be punished, and as one of the owners, I have to live up to those expectations. Do not assume anything about any of the scenes you will see. Everything that happens in here is consensual, meaning that both parties have agreed to it beforehand. All the subs have a safe word, just like you and Dottie discussed. There are dungeon monitors, people who watch to make sure no one is here against their will and everything stays within the club limits,.” Tyler explained

  “Before we go into the club itself, we will stop by my office and I will give you a contract to fill out. After you read it, we will talk about any questions you have and then we’ll go look around.” He was running his hand up and down her thigh as they talked and had slipped his fingers between them.

  “What are you wearing?” he asked, his voice demanding.

  “Just what you gave me, the skirt and top,” She answered innocently.

  “Under the skirt?” he said.

  “My panties?” What else could he be talking about?

  “Why are you wearing panties?”

  Huh? What? What kind of question was that? Everyone wore panties. What did he expect her to wear? Surely he didn’t expect her to go without? She didn’t answer him, not really knowing what to say.

  “I asked you a question.” Tyler’s voice was getting forceful and it sent a shiver down Tammy’s spine.

  “I…well…I just left the underwear I had on and the skirt is so short, and you didn’t tell me not to,” She finally got out.

  Tyler ran his hand through his hair and sighed. “You’re right. I didn’t tell you not to. I’d rather you never wore them, but for right now we will leave them. Come on, let’s go.” He had already decided that for her first punishment she would lose the panties. Perfect.

  Taking her the back way to avoid the club floor, he led her through a maze of hallways, and took her to his office. He sat her down to read the contract. Leaving her with it, he went to check the club and see what was going on. He wanted to know how many people were there and what kind of scenes were happening. He planned on giving Tammy a very slow introduction to the club, and if things were too intense on the floor, he would take her straight to a playroom.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Tyler got back to his office, Tammy was pacing the room nervously.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” he asked as he sat on the couch and pulled her down to his lap.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” she answered, wiggling restlessly.

  “Can’t do what, baby?”

  “This, BDSM, whatever you call it. Be what you want me to be. I don’t know…I…I’m not sure.”

  “Baby, this is what you and I want it to be. The only expectations you have to meet are mine and yours. No one else’s. I want you to be you and I want you to do this for us. If something bothers you or scares you, we need to talk about it. Just you and me okay?”

  “I guess, but what if I mess up?”

  “Baby, what are you going to mess up?”

  “I don’t know, I always find something.”

  “Don’t worry, honey, I’m right here with you and I’ll take care of you.” Tyler then leaned down and kissed her. “Okay, we are going into the club now. It’s a quiet night, so there isn’t much going on. We have one trio playing at the St. Andrew’s cross and one couple doing a piercing scene.” When he mentioned the piercing, he felt her shudder. Okay, he thought, we’ll skip that for tonight.

sp; “We are going to watch the scene on the cross for a few minutes, and then I want to take you to one of the theme rooms. Do you have any fantasies you want to play?” He wanted to get her mind off the piercing.

  “Dottie and I talked about that and I’ve been thinking. What do you like?” Tammy wasn’t sure she was ready to talk about her fantasies.

  “Oh baby, I have so many…tell you what, we’ll go check out the rooms and see what we can find and go from there. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds good,” She answered and snuggled into him.

  He was ready to go to the club, but first he had a little housekeeping to do. “Okay, up you go.” He stood her up and then, reaching under her skirt, removed the thong. He’d been going to wait until she earned a punishment, but wanted her bare while she was watching the scene.

  “Hey wait, the skirt is so short I need those,” she said, whining.

  Tyler gently slapped her mound and told her, “I didn’t give them to you and I want them off.” He took her hand and led her out the door to the club. Since it was so quiet, he wasn’t worried about protocols. He would talk with her more about them later.

  He took her to the bar first. Link was working tonight and he made the introductions. Grabbing a couple bottles of water, he slipped one arm around her waist and led her to the stage where the trio were playing on the cross.

  Sitting on one of the love seats provided, he pulled her down on his lap so he could explain what was going on. Speaking into her ear in a low voice so as not to disturb the trio playing on the stage, he told her. “The people playing are Marc, Toby, and Carrie. They are a trio. They’ve been together for years and have been members of the club for a long time.’

  Not taking her eyes off what was happening, she asked quietly, “Are they all together?”

  “Yes, honey, they all live together. Carrie is married to Marc, but considers them both her husbands. She has been collared by both of them and they consider her their wife and sub.”

  Tammy watched while Marc took a single tail whip and standing off to the side started warming up with it.


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