All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic)

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All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 12

by Rose Nickol

  “Tyler, it’s beautiful, perfect, how did you know?”

  “Baby, I just got what I thought you would like. Do you?”

  “It’s perfect. I couldn’t have picked out anything better myself and it fits perfectly. How did you do that?”

  “One night when you were asleep I measured your finger.”

  “Sneaky.” She leaned and kissed him again.

  “Come on, Dottie fixed up the master bedroom for us, and I think we need to celebrate.” He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

  Tyler sat on the side of the bed, and stood Tammy between his legs. Slowly, he started undressing her, kissing each inch of skin as it was revealed. When he had her naked, he lifted her and laid her on her bed, stretching out beside her. Slowly running his hands over her beautiful body, he spent long minutes enjoying the view.

  She saw him just staring at her and asked “What?” wondering if she had sprouted extra parts or something.

  “I can’t believe you agreed to marry me. I have to be the luckiest man on earth. You’re so beautiful.” Tyler had never thought he would find someone like Tammy, and it was as if the universe had given her to him.

  Tammy slipped her arms around Tyler’s neck and pulled his mouth down to hers, kissing him with all the passion in her soul.

  Tyler moved over her and slipped his hand between her legs. No BDSM tonight, just him and his bride to be making love. Starting tonight there would be no more condoms. He was ready to start a family, the sooner the better. Gently he started rubbing her clit, feeling her body prepare to be taken. When he had her humming and dancing on the bed, he fitted himself to her and thrust home, and home it was, where he belonged. They both came with a shower of stars, Tammy screaming his name.

  The next day they took a long ride and talked about wedding plans and what they wanted to do on the house. Once they had decided on all the renovations, Tyler would get the ball rolling and have work started. He wanted it done so they could move in right after the wedding.

  They decided to go to California to see Tyler’s family and maybe have the wedding there. If they waited until after Dottie had the baby, which was due any time now, Derek and Dottie were willing to go with them. They would have a collaring ceremony and party at the club after they got back from their honeymoon.

  Timing everything was going to be tricky because he and Tammy would have to testify at her father’s hearing and the one for the men that kidnapped her, so they needed to be in town for that. It was going to be very stressful for both of them. Tyler had taken a leave of absence from work until they had everything settled. He had enough money that he didn’t have to work, but enjoyed doing so.

  Tyler and Tammy spent their time at his condo, packing what they could, and spent a lot of time with Derek and Dottie. Her time was close.

  About two weeks after Tyler proposed, they were all playing cards when Dottie’s water broke. Frantically rushing around, they gathered Dottie’s things and all piled in one vehicle for the trip to the hospital, Derek holding Dottie, who was the calmest one of the group.

  Seven long hours later, Micah Leroy Moore was born, named for both his grandfathers. Dottie was exhausted but radiant, and Derek was strutting. Tammy got to be in the delivery room and see little Mic, as he was to be called, born. It was a wonderful moment for all of them.

  A couple months after Mic was born and he and Dottie were able to travel, they all flew to California for an extended vacation. Tammy was introduced to Tyler’s family and they were married in his parent’s back yard with family and a few friends. It was very small and intimate.

  Tyler took Tammy on an extended honeymoon to Europe and showed her everything he had seen in the service.

  When they got home, their house was almost ready to move in and they set about getting Tyler’s condo ready to sell.

  Tyler decided to retire and just work at the club. He didn’t want to be away on trips any more.

  They had stopped using condoms when Tyler asked Tammy to marry him and when they moved into their house, she had a surprise for him…like he didn’t already know.





  Hi, I'm a fifty-something mother of an twelve-year-old daughter adopted from China and a four-year-old shih tzu puppy.I started writing seriously about a year ago and am working on three series at this time. I grew up in a small town and stayed in that area until I was in my mid twenties. For the last twenty-five years I’ve lived in a major metropolitan area. Who know what the next twenty five will bring.

  For all titles by Rose Nickol, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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