Sweet as Candy (Close to Home Book 3)

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Sweet as Candy (Close to Home Book 3) Page 11

by Karla Doyle

  “Jake is the person to thank.”

  Without missing a beat, Macy pulled back from the hug, turned to Jake and wrapped her little arms around his neck. “Thank you, Jake.”

  The sight took Candace’s breath away. She’d cued Macy to use her good manners and say thank you. This reaction, this display of affection, was completely unexpected.

  Wow. Jake mouthed the word, silently, for Candace’s eyes only.

  She nodded, biting her bottom lip when Jake reciprocated the hug and Macy stayed put. This was…incredible. For so many reasons.

  “You’re more than welcome, Macy,” Jake said, as the little girl unfolded herself from the hug. “There are life jackets and floaties for you to use, so you’ll be safe.”

  “I know how to swim. I took lessons.”

  “That’s awesome. We’re going to have a great time.” His smile hadn’t dissipated, even a smidge. He pointed at the bag he’d brought. “I brought that for you, by the way. I already checked with your mom, so it’s yours, if you want it.”

  Macy dropped to the carpet as quickly as she’d leapt from it. Blue wrapping tissue paper hit the floor seconds later. “Is it a real butterfly?” she asked, lifting a small brown-framed glass case from the bag.

  “It is. It’s a blue Morpho, just like the one that landed on me.”

  Her delicate, little eyebrows drew together as she inspected the frame’s contents closely. “How did it die?”

  “It just got old. They never hurt the butterflies that live in the conservatory. Only butterflies that have died on their own go in the frames for people to keep.”

  Macy’s expression relaxed at that. “It’s pretty. Is it a girl butterfly or a boy butterfly?”

  “A boy butterfly.”

  Macy looked up at him. “How can you tell?”

  Candace bit the inside of her cheek to stave off a smile. She’d been on the receiving end of a Macy inquisition enough times to know what Jake was about to face. For his sake, Candace hoped he had a string of fictional answers ready, to go along with his claim that the encased butterfly specimen was male.

  “I asked when I bought it. The lady at the butterfly place said the boy butterflies look brighter blue, and have less brown around the edges of their wings.”

  The answer seemed to satisfy Macy, enough that she didn’t fire off another question. She rose from her place on the floor while holding the butterfly box in both hands. “Where should I put him?”

  “Wherever you’d like,” Candace said.

  “Thanks, Mommy, but I was asking Jake.”

  Candace restrained the laugh that threatened to burst from her mouth by drawing her lips between her teeth. “All right, then,” she said, pushing to a stand. “I’m going to leave you two butterfly experts to the task while I finish getting supper ready. Sound good?”

  Her two favorite people smiled and nodded. Jake was at Macy’s side by the time Candace reached the kitchen, his deep voice full of warmth and genuine interest as he engaged her daughter in conversation.

  For more than five years, Macy had gone without a male presence in her life, never questioning it, never wishing for it, seemingly fine without it. Candace’s world revolved around her daughter, yet she hadn’t known Macy’s true feelings about being without a dad. Candace couldn’t change the past. All she could do was work at making a better future for her daughter.

  A fit of Macy giggles erupted in the living room, pulling Candace from her mom-fail thoughts. She turned away from the stove for a peek at the giggler. Jake and Macy sat on the floor, their blond heads nearly touching as they drew a picture together. The perfection of it tugged at Candace’s heart.

  Jake looked up, smiling as he met her gaze. “Need help in the kitchen?”

  “No, you’re good where you are.” She returned to the meal prep before he could read the depth of truth in her statement.

  Before Jake barged into her life, she’d had a plan mapped out. A solid, plotted plan that included her and Macy. Beginning, middle, and end. Jake had changed things. First for her, and now, possibly, for Macy. He made her want things she hadn’t dared to dream about since Ken exited their lives.

  The trouble with warm and tingly feelings was their lack of permanence. Like smoke rings, they faded and disappeared, leaving only a burning cancer stick behind.

  She needed a new plan before her life, and Macy’s, went up in smoke.


  “Is Macy asleep?”

  Candace eased into place on the couch, beneath his outstretched arm. “Yes. Like an angel.”

  “Good.” Not because he wanted the little girl out of the way. He liked the kid. Genuinely, to his surprise. But he liked her mother more. “You have a nice voice. Do you sing to her every night?”

  “Except for nights she falls asleep watching a movie, or in the car, yes. It calmed her as a baby, and it has been our routine ever since.”

  “You’re a great mom.”

  “Most of the time.”

  He could let the comment go, pull her in closer and move on to the adult-content section of the night. His cock liked that plan. His gut, not so much. “Want to talk about what made you upset right before I got here?”

  “That was hours ago.”

  “Did you think I’d forget?”

  “No. You don’t forget anything.” A soft sigh left her lips as she tilted her head to look at him. “We don’t have to waste time talking about my mama drama. Wouldn’t you rather do, oh, I don’t know…” She trailed her fingers down his chest, sliding the tips beneath the waistband of his jeans. “Something else?”

  The suggestion had his cock straining to meet her fingertips. He shifted position and her hand fell away, onto his thigh. Still tempting, but less distracting. “Time with you is never a waste. As for the something else—absolutely, always. But I’m not with you just to get with you, Candace. We’ve got time for all of it, so talk to me.”

  She leaned closer, cupping his jaw in her palms, her soft gaze moving over his face. “I—” Her hair danced on her shoulders as she shook her head.

  “You can tell me anything. I’m here for you. For you and Macy.”

  “I know,” she said, straddling his lap. Balancing on her knees, she reached inside her shirt and unfastened her bra, drew it out through one sleeve and dropped it to the floor. “I don’t want to talk right now.” She lifted his hands from their safe positions on the couch and slid them under the material, up to her breasts. “Can we do something else instead?”

  “Yeah.” He barely got the word out without groaning. “We can do whatever you want.”

  “I want this.” Hands flat on his chest, she kissed him. A lips-parted, hint of tongue, body grinding against his cock kiss. “Is this okay?”

  “It’s amazing.”

  Back and forth, she rocked. Faster. Harder. “Jake,” she breathed his name against his lips between hungry kisses. “Jake.”

  He wasn’t letting her get away this time. He gave up one perfect tit to cradle the back of her neck. Hold her head in place so he could fuck her mouth with his tongue while she rocked against his throbbing dick. Stroke for stroke, he matched her rhythm. The way he’d do if he were balls-deep in her pussy.

  A hot bite of pain flamed beneath her hands as she dug her nails into his pecs. Rhythm gone, she jerked against him. Moaned into his mouth. The sexiest fucking sound he’d ever heard filled his head, vibrated throughout his body. He pushed his hips higher. Held his body taut so she could use him to ride it out. So insanely fucking sexy.

  Fuck, he was close. Too close. One wrong move, hell, any move, and he was going to explode. He held his breath, willed his dick to stand down as Candace relaxed against him. Ten, nine, eight, seven, sex— Fuck. Not sex, six. Six. Five, four—

  “Your turn,” she whispered against his neck.

  Ten. Fifty. One-fucking-hundred.

  She slid from his lap, onto the floor. Pushed his knees apart and inserted herself in the space between. Staring up at him
with glassy eyes, she popped the button on his jeans. Lowered the zipper. Freed the head of his cock from his boxers.

  The words no, don’t and stop refused to exit his mouth, so he shook his head, covering her hand with his.

  “I want this too.” She drew both their hands aside and bowed forward, pressing her lips against his crown.

  The flimsy willpower he’d summoned crumbled. Instinct moved his hand to her head. Raw need surged through him as he threaded his fingers through the golden silk and wrapped it around his fist.

  “Stop,” he said, calling up his last reserve of inner strength and using his handhold to gently guide her backward.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you’d want me to. Especially after I—” A pink flush rose on her cheeks. “Had a turn.”

  He zipped up while his big brain still had control. Letting her hair sift through his fingers, he leaned forward and lifted her onto his lap again. “Watching you come was the single hottest thing I have ever seen. And I do want your mouth on me. I want you more than I can describe with words. I think you know that.”

  Light bounced off her hair as she gave a little nod.

  Not good enough. “I want you tonight, tomorrow, next week and however long I can have you after that. I don’t want to screw this up. If that means going home with a raging case of blue balls because I won’t take the risk of getting caught by a wandering five-year-old, I’m okay with that. Traumatizing your daughter would break your heart. Not a chance I’m willing to take.”

  “That’s why you turned me down?”

  “I didn’t turn you down. I sacrificed what would’ve undoubtedly been the best blowjob of my life because I’m hoping for a lifetime of them.”

  “Ah.” She laughed softly while shaking her head. “That makes more sense.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “Nothing,” she said, shimmying off his lap.

  Didn’t seem like a “nothing” comment to him. Especially because she hadn’t looked at him since she said it.

  He watched her move about the living room, picking up crayons and papers, fluffing throw pillows, lining up the assortment of remotes on the coffee table. All of which she did without making eye contact. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. Just straightening up before calling it a night. I like waking up to a clean house.”

  “It’s 8:45.” He glanced around the room. “And the place is already spotless. Is something wrong?”


  “Bullshit.” He pushed up from the couch, cut around the coffee table and blocked her path before she could escape to clean something else that didn’t require cleaning. “You’re obviously angry or upset, presumably with me since you won’t look at me all of a sudden. And I’m sorry if this makes me a clueless idiot, but I don’t know what I did. I just told you how I feel about you. How about you take a turn and tell me what’s going on with you?”

  “Fine.” Her head jerked up and she met his gaze. “You told me how you feel about me, that’s what’s going on.”

  “That’s what pissed you off?” he asked, and she nodded. “I don’t get it.”

  “You sacrificed what would’ve undoubtedly been the best blowjob of your life,” she said, using air quotes. “That’s how you feel about me.”

  He didn’t have to worry about his aching hard-on anymore. All the blood had diverted from his dick to the vein in his temple, currently beating like a rock band’s drummer against his skull. “You’re going to have to spell it out for me, because I haven’t got a fucking clue what’s happening here.”

  Her huff would’ve been cute if it’d been directed somewhere other than him. “You told me you could handle my job, that you don’t look at me and think about what I do between nine and three.”

  “And I meant it.”

  “Bullshit right back at you, Jake. You were thinking about my job when you made that comment. You had to be. The only way you could know it would’ve been the best blowjob of your life is because you were thinking about my expertise in the field. About how many times I’ve sucked dick as a professional. About how many blowjobs I’d already given today.”

  The accusation might as well have been a punch to his gut. “You’re wrong.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I know so, Candace. I said I knew it’d be the best blowjob of my life because it’s you, the beautiful, sexy, smart, funny, incredible woman I think about constantly. I’m crazy about you.” True as all of that was, he couldn’t stop picturing the scene she’d painted. “I’m going to take off. I’ll text you about Saturday.”

  “It’s okay if you want to cancel for Saturday. If you want to cancel everything.”

  “We’re not canceling anything.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and headed for the door. The urge to look back at her nearly won as he rounded the corner into the front hall. He would’ve given in to it if she’d said his name, made any sound at all. The only thing he heard were footsteps on the floor. The door latching closed behind him. Then the click of the deadbolt as she locked it from inside.

  Chapter 10


  The alarm didn’t have an opportunity to wake her. Her eyes had been wide open when the digital clock on her bedside table changed to seven o’clock. She’d also seen the time change at midnight, one, two, three, four, five, and six. There’d been snippets of time when she’d dozed off throughout the night, the sum total of which probably amounted to an hour, maybe two. Even so, she couldn’t wait to get out of bed. To busy herself with Macy’s morning routine so she had something to focus on besides Jake and the colossal mess she’d made last night.

  Candace slipped from the sheets and headed to the bathroom. The row of lightbulbs above the vanity told no lies—she looked as wrecked as she felt. She ought to care, should start the process of hiding the dark circles and puffy bags with strategically applied makeup. Not today. Not before coffee, anyway.

  She flicked off the evil lights and crossed the hall to her daughter’s bedroom. “Good morning, sunshine,” she said, opening the door. “Time to get up.”

  “Five more minutes.” It was the same every day.

  And every day, it brought a smile to Candace’s face. “Okay, sweet girl. Five more minutes. I’ll get your breakfast ready.”

  “I love you, Mommy.”

  “I love you too.” Phone in hand, Candace descended to the main floor. The living room looked exactly as she’d left it last night—neat, clean, and haunted with Jake’s presence. Her gaze lingered on the couch, the place where he’d held her, kissed her, caressed her, made her come. Then gone without. Because he was unselfish, considerate, and responsible. Because he cared about her and about her daughter. He was a good man. A great guy. A keeper.

  Maybe that’s why she’d freaked out and acted like a raging bitch. Because Jake was a keeper. Because she’d fallen in love with him, and there was no way she’d get to keep him. Pushing him away now would hurt a little. Better that than having her heart—not to mention Macy’s—torn to shreds down the road. She needed to follow through, before she caved.

  She picked up the phone and tapped out a text, hitting Send before she lost her courage.

  I regret the way I treated you last night. I want you to know that I believe every sweet thing you said to me. Unfortunately, even if you don’t think about my job while we’re intimate, I believe I always will. For that reason, I need to say goodbye to you, Jake. I’ll miss you, golden boy. Stay smooth.

  As soon as the message showed as delivered, she silenced Jake’s number. The best she could do for now, because deleting it altogether required more courage than she currently had. She’d have to find some, though. Then find a way to forget him.


  One last swipe of bubblegum-pink lipstick and she was ready for business. Physically ready. Being mentally ready for clients had been progressively more difficult after each night she spent with Jake. Today might be the worst of all, despite their relationship reachin
g its finale.

  So many times, she’d been tempted to tell him about her exit plan. Once she’d put the massage parlor behind her, she’d be free to lead a normal life. One that included dating. Having a real boyfriend, maybe even a husband. A man who treated her well, made her laugh and turned her on. A man like Jake.

  Unfortunately, her savings account had more climbing to do before Candace could retire Candy’s bag of tricks.

  Jake had come into her life too soon. Now he was out of it, and it sucked. A lot. She ought to know, she was a professional when it came to sucking.

  Her feelings and problems didn’t matter right now. Only money. Making enough of it to get the hell out of here permanently. That required getting her head in the game of giving head—and whatever else they paid her for.

  The men who’d be walking through Lucky’s front door any minute now didn’t want to see a woman with real-life problems clouding her features. They didn’t care about her sleepless night or sad heart. They wanted a fantasy woman. They wanted Candy, and that’s who they’d get.

  She reached into her bikini top and adjusted her boobs for maximum cleavage. Soft-rock music brought the room’s speakers gently to life, signaling the attendants to get to the lounge.

  “I love Fridays,” Paris said, closing her locker. “Or ‘payday playday,’ as I like to call it.”

  “Oh yeah.” Roma gave Paris a fist bump. “Fridays always have a way of loosening men’s hold on their wallets along with their belts.”

  Candace played along, laughing with her coworkers as she followed. Those two were pretty tight when they worked the same shift, almost to the point of excluding anybody else on the floor. Didn’t bother Candace—she was here to make money, not friends. Good thing too, because her brunette and redhead coworkers clearly had an agenda today. One that didn’t include a blonde.

  Paris and Roma sat very close together on the couch most visible from the front lobby. Aha, it was going to be that kind of day. The double-team play was one of their staples. Whenever a man approached the desk, the women would start touching or kissing each other, hoping to entice the client to take both women into a room. They’d spend less time individually servicing the guy, yet they’d each walk out with the same amount of money servicing him alone would earn them. Win-win. For the women, anyway.


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