American Transcendentalism

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American Transcendentalism Page 44

by Philip F Gura

  “Our City Charities” (Fuller)


  “Oversoul, The” (Emerson)

  Owen, Robert Dale

  Palfrey, John Gorham

  Palmer, Joseph

  Panic of 1837

  Paradise Lost (Milton)

  Paradise Within the Reach of All Men, The (Etzler)

  Park, E. A.

  Parker, Lydia

  Parker, Theodore; abolitionism and; Brook Farm and; as Congregationalist minister;

  Parker, Theodore (cont.) death of; Dial and; Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” and; “Historical Development of Religion” project of; John Brown and; as lecturer; Massachusetts Quarterly Review and; Mexican War and; as reformer; scholarship of; Transcendental Club and; Unitarian ministry of

  Parsons, Theophilus

  Paul, Saint

  Paulist Fathers

  Paulus, Heinrich

  Peabody, Andrew Preston

  Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer; Aesthetic Papers and; Alcott and; as bookstore owner and publisher; Brook Farm and; Channing and; Clapp and; Dall and; as Dial publisher; Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” and; Emerson’s “egotheism” and; Emerson’s Nature reviewed by; Fuller and; Greene and; kindergarten movement and; Kraitsir and; language theory and; as lecturer; Parker and; at Temple School; Transcendental Club and

  Peabody, Ephraim

  Peabody, Mary

  Peabody, Nathaniel

  Peabody, Sophia

  Peirce, Charles Sanders

  Personality of the Deity, The (Ware)

  Peter Schlemiel in America (Wood)

  phalansteries (phalanxes)


  Phillips, Wendell

  Philo: An Evangeliad (Judd)

  Philosophical Miscellanies, Translated from the Works of Cousin, Jouffroy, and B. Constant (Ripley)

  “Philosophy of History, The” (Emerson)

  Philosophy of Man’s Spiritual Nature in Regard to the Foundation of Faith, The (Walker)


  Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan)

  Pius IX, Pope

  Planck, Gottleib Jakob

  “Plan of the West Roxbury Community” (Peabody)


  “Plea for Captain John Brown” (Thoreau)

  Podbielski, Joseph

  “Poet, The” (Emerson)


  Polk, James K.

  popular sovereignty

  Porter, Noah




  “Preliminary Essay” (Marsh)


  Present, The (Channing)

  “Present Age, The” (Emerson)

  “Prevalent Idea that Politeness is too great a Luxury to be given to the Poor” (Fuller)

  Previous Question between Mr. Andrews Norton and His Alumni Moved and Handled, in a Letter to All Those Gentlemen, The (Parker)

  Princeton University

  prison reform

  Prose Writers of Germany (Hedge)

  Proudhon, Pierre Joseph



  Psychology, or A View of the Human Soul (Rauch)

  Puritans, Puritanism

  Putnam, George

  Putnam, George Haven

  Quincy, Josiah


  Radical Club

  Radical Creed, The (Wasson)

  Raleigh, Walter

  Rapp, George

  Rationale of Religious Inquiry (Martineau)


  Rauch, Frederick

  Raymond, Henry Jarvis

  reason: Ripley’s emphasis on; understanding and

  Recollections and Impressions (Frothingham)

  “Recollections of Schleiermacher” (Lücke)

  Record of a School (Peabody)

  Redpath, James

  Reed, Sampson; Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” and

  Réfutation de l’eclecticisme (Leroux)

  Reid, Thomas

  Religion Considered in Its Origins, Forms, and Development (Constant)

  Religion of Humanity, The (Frothingham)

  Religious Union of Associationists

  Remarks in Refutation of the Treatise of Jonathan Edwards on the Freedom of the Will (Greene)

  Remarks on a Pamphlet Entitled “‘The Latest Form of Infidelity’ Examined” (Norton)

  Remarks on the Four Gospels (Furness)

  Representative Men (Emerson)

  Republican Party

  “Resistance to Civil Government” (Thoreau)

  Richard Edney and the Governor’s Family, a Rus-Urban Tale (Judd)

  Richter, Jean Paul

  Ripley, Ezra

  Ripley, George; Ballou and; Brook Farm and, see Brook Farm Institute of Agriculture and Education; Brownson and; Channing and; Christian Examiner and; Civil War and; Dial and; Elizabeth Peabody and; Emerson and; Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” and; Gospel miracles issue and; Greeley and; Harbinger and; Norton and; as reformer; Schleiermacher and; Specimens series of; Transcendental Club and; Transcendentalism defined by; as Unitarian minister

  Ripley, Marianne

  Ripley, Sophia

  Ripley’s Letters to Mr. Norton

  Robbins, Samuel

  Roberts Brothers

  Robespierre, Maximilien

  Roebling, John A.

  Roman Catholicism; Protestantism’s break with

  Romantic movement

  Rossini, Gioacchino

  Round Hill School

  Royer-Collard, Pierre-Paul

  Russell, Amelia

  Russell, William

  Sacred Anthology (Conway)

  St. Louis, Mo.

  St. Louis Philosophical Society

  Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de

  Sanborn, Franklin

  Sand, George

  Sand, Karl

  Santayana, George

  Sartor Resartus (Carlyle)

  Saxton, J. A.

  Saxton and Pierce

  Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von

  Schlegel, A. W. von

  Schleiermacher, Friedrich; Norton’s attack on; Parker and; Ripley and

  Scott, Dred

  Scott, Walter

  Scriptural Interpreter

  Second Letter to Mr. Andrews Norton (Ripley)

  “Secret Six,”

  Sedgwick, Catharine Maria

  Selections from German Literature (Edwards and Park)

  “Self-Reliance” (Emerson)

  Seminole War

  Semler, J. S.


  Sermon of the Mexican War (Parker)

  Sermon of War (Parker)

  Shackford, Charles

  Shakers (United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing)

  Shakespeare, William

  Shaw, Lemuel

  Shaw, Robert Gould

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  Significance of the Alphabet, The (Kraitsir)

  Sims, Thomas

  Sing Sing prison

  Skaneateles Community

  “Skepticism of the Present Age” (Jouffroy)

  Sketches of Modern Philosophy (Murdock)


  “Slavery in Massachusetts” (Thoreau)

  Smith, Gerrit

  Smithsonian Institution

  Social Destiny of Man; or, Association and Reorganization of Industry (Brisbane)


  Society at Amory Hall

  Society for Philosophical Inquiry

  Society for the Promotion of Christian Union and Progress

  Society of the Friends of Progress

  “Some Further Remarks on the Characteristics of the Modern German School of Infidelity” (Norton)

  “Soul’s Errand, The” (Raleigh)

  South-Boston Unitarian Ordination, The (Saxton and Pierce)

  Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature (Ripley)

  Spinoza, Baruch
/>   spirit: Bartol’s acknowledgment of; Emerson’s view of

  Spirit of the Age

  Spirit of the Age, The (Channing)

  spiritualism, materialism’s reconciliation with

  Spring, Marcus

  Spring, Rebecca

  Springfield Republican

  Staël, Anne-Louise-Germaine de, Baronne de Staël-Holstein (Madame de Staël)

  Stallo, John B.

  Stanley, Edward, Lord

  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

  Statement of Reasons for Not Believing the Doctrines of the Trinitarians (Norton)

  Stearns, George Luther

  Stedman, Edmund C.

  Stetson, Caleb

  Stewart, Dugald

  Stollmeyer, C. F.

  Stone, Thomas T.

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher

  Strauss, David Friedrich

  Stuart, Moses

  Studies in Religion (Clapp)

  Sturgis, Caroline

  Sturgis, Ellen

  Sumner, Charles

  Sumner, Horace

  Sumner, William Graham


  Supreme Court, U.S.

  Swedenborg, Emanuel

  “Swedenborg; or, the Mystic” (Emerson)

  Taney, Roger Brooke

  Taylor, Bayard

  Taylor, Zachary

  temperance movement

  Temple School; closing of; Elizabeth Peabody and

  Temptations of the Times, The (Ripley)

  Ten Great Religions, The (Clarke)


  Theodore; or, the Skeptic’s Conversion (de Wette)

  Théorie des quatre mouvements et des destinées générales (Fourier)

  Thome, James

  Thoreau, Cynthia

  Thoreau, Henry David; abolitionist movement and; Alcott and; arrest of; Brook Farm and; civil disobedience and; death of brother of; Dial and; Emerson and; Etzler and; John Brown and; as lecturer; Mexican War and; Walden Pond and

  Thoreau, John

  Ticknor, George

  Ticknor, William

  Ticknor and Fields

  “Times, The” (Emerson)

  Tocqueville, Alexis de

  Transcendental Club

  Transcendentalism: Associationist movement and; Brownson’s dismissal of; as changing movement of the “like-minded,” Civil War and; consciousness as ethical fault line in; Cousin and; distinction between knowledge and faith in; divisions within; eclectics and; Ellis’s analysis of; Emerson’s assessment of; Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” and; Fourier and; Fries and,

  Transcendentalism (cont.) ; Frothingham as memoirist of; Frothingham’s analysis of; German philosophy and; Greene’s criticism of; journals of; see also specific titles; Kraitsir and; literary impact of; Marsh’s contribution to; materialism rejected by; Murdock’s assessment of; nature and; as part of national mythology; public perception of; Reed’s disavowal of; reform movement and ; reinvigoration of Christian faith and; Ripley’s definition of; second-generation representatives of; solitude as element of; spiritual element in man as basis for; Swedenborg and; theological foundation of; Unitarianism and; varieties of; women and

  Transcendentalism (Greene)

  Transcendentalism in New England (Frothingham)

  Transcendentalism of the Germans and of Cousin and Its Influence on Opinion in the Country (Norton)

  “Transcendentalism” (Parker)

  “Transcendentalist, The” (Emerson)

  Trial of Theodore Parker for the “Misdemeanor” of A Speech in Faneuil Against Kidnapping … with the Defence (Parker)

  Tribulation Periwinkle

  Trinitarianism; Unitarianism’s doctrinal debate with

  True Messiah, The (Oegger)

  Tuckerman, Joseph

  Twenty-eighth Congregational Society

  Two Articles from the “Princeton Review” (Norton)

  Ullmann, Karl

  Underwood, Francis Henry

  Unitarian Christianity (Channing)

  Unitarianism; Brownson and; Buckminster’s contribution to; Calvinism and; Channing as foremost figure in; language in system of; miracles as basis of religious truth and; Parker and split within; radical theology and; Reed and; reform movement within; Ripley’s controversy with; Transcendentalism’s influence on; Trinitarianism’s doctrinal debate with

  “Unity” (Wasson)


  Universal Library of Biblical Literature (Eichhorn)

  “Uses of Intellectual Philosophy to the Preacher, The” (Judd)

  Van Buren, Martin

  Very, Jones

  Vigilance Committee

  Vigoureux, Clarisse

  Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew

  Walden (Thoreau)

  Walker, James

  “Walk to Wachusett, A” (Thoreau)

  Ward, Anna

  Ware, Henry

  Ware, Henry, Jr.

  Ware, William

  Warner, Charles Dudley

  War of 1812

  Wasson, David

  Webster, Daniel

  Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, A (Thoreau)

  Weeks, Jordan, and Company

  Weiss, John

  Western Messenger

  Weston, Louisa

  Wheeler, Charles Stearns

  Whig Party

  Whitman, Walt

  Whittier, John Greenleaf

  Wiley, John

  Wilkinson, James John Garth

  Williams College

  Willich, August

  Wilson, William Dexter

  “Winter Walk, A” (Thoreau)

  Wollstonecraft, Mary

  Woman in the Nineteenth Century (Fuller)

  “Woman’s Right to Labor”; or, Low Wages and Hard Work; in Three Lectures (Dall)

  women; Fourierism and; rights of

  Wood, George

  Words of a Believer (Brownson)

  Wordsworth, William

  Working Men’s Party

  Wright, Frances (Fanny)

  Yale University

  Zoar community

  Copyright © 2007 by Philip F. Gura

  All rights reserved

  Published in 2007 by Hill and Wang

  First paperback edition, 2008

  Hill and Wang

  A division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

  Designed by Jonathan D. Lippincott

  eISBN 9781429922883

  First eBook Edition : April 2011

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows: Gura, Philip F., 1950–

  American transcendentalism : a history / Philip F. Gura.—1st ed.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.

  ISBN-13: 978-0-8090-3477-2 (hardcover : alk. paper)

  ISBN-10: 0-8090-3477-8 (hardcover : alk. paper)

  1. Transcendentalism (New England) I. Title.

  B905 .G87 2007



  Paperback ISBN-13: 978-0-8090-1644-0

  Paperback ISBN-10: 0-8090-1644-3

  The figure on the front cover is derived from that on the title page of William B. Greene’s Transcendentalism (1849) and combines symbols from various religious traditions. The central figure depicts the Zoroastrian “Farohar,” its outstretched hand signifying the human soul striving for union with God; the encircling ring symbolizes eternity. The snake represents mankind’s struggle with evil, and the three intersecting circles represent the Christian Trinity.



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