Grave Consequences (Hellgate Guardians Book 2)

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Grave Consequences (Hellgate Guardians Book 2) Page 12

by Ivy Asher

  I’m unable to speak, or nod. It feels too fucking good, and I want to come so badly, my heels dig into his ass, urging him to keep going. I cling to him, trying to ride him just as hard as he’s moving inside of me. I can’t tell who’s fucking who harder, and that’s just how it should be between me and Crux. No holding back. Nothing to hide. Just him and me, with only laughter and orgasms between us.

  “Oh, fuck!” I call out as the tingles start spreading promisingly from between my thighs out into the rest of my body. They build in flashes, and Crux grunts and starts moving even faster, like he’s jealous I’m ahead in our race and he can’t let me have the win.

  “You feel so fucking good. Yes...ahhhh...yes, get nice and tight for me,” he commands, and then the tingles all contract back to my center, just to immediately explode out into me in waves of ecstasy.

  I gasp and pant and writhe as he continues to fuck me, riding the massive orgasm that just fractured through my every cell. Waves of heat lull me to become a jellied blob of pleasure, but Crux is still putting in work between my thighs, and I’m here for the show.

  My vagina screams, get it, boy when he steps back from the shower wall and pulls out of me, flipping me around until I’m now facing away from him into the shower. He runs a hand down my spine between my wings and leans forward, the strong muscles of his chest now tickling my back.

  “Let’s let Echo watch me make you come again,” he whispers in my ear, and I look up to find the shadow-touched demon sitting on a bench I hadn’t noticed that takes up the other side of the shower. He’s sitting back, his posture relaxed as he watches with rapt hunger. His smile is salacious, and his eyes are bleeding want.

  He strokes himself as I take him in, but not in a let’s finish together kind of way. More like he can’t help but touch himself as he watches me get bent over and fucked from behind. I moan as Crux’s hold on my hips becomes bruising, and he makes my body sway as he pushes into me fast and hard, pulling back on my hips at the same time. I have nothing to hold onto so I reach back and cover Crux’s hands with my own to feel steadier.

  I fix my stare on Echo, my breasts bouncing and my lips parted in pleasure. My gray eyes invite him to touch me, but his smile tells me, not yet.

  “You look gorgeous,” he tells me as Crux grunts behind me. I can feel another orgasm building.

  Echo’s breaths pick up speed, his desire stoked as the flush collects over my body, and then I slam my eyes shut as another orgasm rips through me, stealing all my focus. Crux presses into me and goes still, groaning his release seconds later.

  I don’t even have time to come down from the pleasure coursing through me or to give Crux a good game ass pat before shadows twine all around me and yank me from Crux’s hold. I gasp as I’m tugged forward and yanked against Echo, my body falling on top of his lap.

  His mouth is on mine, his tongue claiming me, his shadows swirling around my nipples and dipping between my thighs. They’re moving fast and firm, like if they don’t touch every part of me right this second they’ll shrivel up into nothing. I moan as he tweaks the peaks of my breasts with his hands, expertly coaxing out ecstasy-laced mewls and lapping them up with his lips and tongue.

  With one smooth movement, Echo picks me up and lays me on my back on the large shower bench, my wings tucking in neatly behind me and offering me some cushion.

  His hands come up to brush away the wet hair from my face as he straddles me. “He got you fast and hard, and that’s exactly how I’m going to take you, too.”

  I bite my lip on a whimper, arching up into him, my body silently begging.

  He wastes no time as he parts my thighs and lines up, not pausing before he slides smoothly inside of me.


  I clench around him as a shadow starts to flick against my clit, and I’m lost to all the sensations playing my body like it’s a familiar treasured instrument.

  Echo grinds against me with each deep thrust, and between that and the shadows playing with my clit and breasts, the only reason I’m not diving right into a screaming orgasm is because my body has already had two, and now it’s going to make me work for more.

  “Echo,” I purr as he moves in and out of me at a pussy milking pace.

  “Mmm,” Echo hums in agreement, dipping his head down and pulling my breast into his experienced mouth. “Better than I imagined,” he confesses, trading one sensitive nipple for the other and nipping and sucking until I’m overrun with sensation. When his shadows press down hard over my clit, a lazy orgasm moves through me, and I moan and settle into it like I’m a raft enjoying the lake’s soothing ripples.

  “Now, now, Delta...I think we can do better than that,” Echo challenges, his black eyes pulling me in and promising that we won’t be done here until I’m screaming his name and every muscle in my body is jelly.

  Fuck yes.

  I have no idea why I waited so long to do this. I mean, really, if they had just fucked me into oblivion that first night I met them, I would have signed on for anything, sex cult included.

  Echo’s thick cock moves in and out of me steadily, but I suddenly feel a sneaky little shadow doing something between my thighs as Echo pulls out and then thrusts back in.

  I get the distinct impression it’s collecting my and Crux’s cum. That guess is confirmed when I feel the shadow slide back and start to spread it around my ass. A thrill of anticipation rushes through me as I realize what Echo’s about to do with his shadows.


  “I know how to make you scream, Delta,” he tells me, leaning down to lick up the curve of my neck and nip at the spot beneath my ear.

  I pant and groan as Echo moves and claims my lips next, just as a slight but welcome pressure starts playing between my ass cheeks. If Peter Pan could do this shit with his shadows, then no wonder Wendy was all up in his jock.

  “Yes,” I encourage as he starts to fuck me harder and more blatantly explore just how much I like ass play.

  I fucking love that he used my and Crux’s cum to get me nice and wet. It’s so dirty and wrong, and yet so right when it comes to how I know things are going to be between me and my Guardians. It gets me so fucking hot, and there’s just no holding back, which is exactly how I want it.

  “Fuck me everywhere,” I growl into his ear, and he chuckles at the impatient command.

  I scream out in pure euphoria as Echo does exactly as instructed. He jerks his hips up, thrusting roughly into me at the same time that his shadows breach my ass, thickening and stretching and feeling so fucking good.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  “That’s better,” he says against my ear. “Fucking sing for me, Delta.”

  I do.

  I start moaning to a melody that only he and I can hear. He plays with me in ways that are familiar, but he takes it to a whole other level that has me floating on a high. I had no idea my body could feel like this or experience so much pleasure at once. It feels never ending.

  Between Echo and Crux, I’m getting wrung out in all the best ways, and I know I’ll never come back from this, which is a good thing, because I don’t have to. If the sex is this good on the first try, I can only imagine what it will be like when we know each other’s bodies inside and out.

  “Fuuuuuuck me,” I exclaim as every nerve ending in my body lights up with impending release. “Keep going.”

  “Always,” Echo growls out, doubling down on everything he’s doing to my body.

  Shadow-vises clamp tightly around my nipples and clit simultaneously, leaving nothing ignored. He slams into my front and back harder and faster, grinding against me at the same time that he starts whispering about how good I feel. My kiss-swollen lips taste his words and swallow down his promises for so much more to come, and then I’m lost to waves upon waves of the hardest orgasm I’ve ever had.

  Warmth pools between my thighs, and Echo calls my name as he comes inside of me.

  “Fuck, Delta. You didn’t tell us you were a squirter,” Echo
groans as leans down above me and sucks on my neck. I’m still riding my release, half incoherent. I feel like I’m boneless. I’ve never felt so fucking good and relaxed in my life.

  “Let’s clean up, and then I want to play with my tongue, see if I can’t get her to squirt again,” Crux announces from somewhere beside us. The thought of any more orgasms is just too much for my mind and body to process right now. I feel drunk on their sex skills, and this was just two of them. My sex dream pales in comparison to what group sex with all four of them would probably really be like. Could I even survive it? I pause my pleasure filled writhing to think on that. Eh, who cares? What a fucking way to go.

  “Sorry. Delta has been fucked into another universe. Please leave a message at the beep, and she’ll get back to you never, because she’s not getting up again,” I state robotically, tapping into my best answering machine impression.

  Echo and Crux both chuckle, and I feel Echo pull out of all the orifices he’s currently filling. I’m both lulled into a state of deep relaxation and also bummed because I miss the connection and their mad skill already.

  I make a noise of displeasure but then sigh as endorphins settle in my marrow. I already can’t wait until the next time we get our fuckfest on. That and a sandwich, and maybe a nap. But fuckfest is definitely getting penciled in right between all my daily tasks from here on out.

  Brush teeth...fuckfest.

  Eat breakfast...fuckfest.

  Go to the post office, and you guessed it...fuckfest.

  “Man, I love my life. Being a demon is the best,” I exclaim, only it sounds more like a mumble because none of my parts work right yet.

  Best fucking feeling ever.


  Crux, Echo, and I are settled on top of the king-sized bed, eating lazily from the trays that Grumpy Lurch has sent up. There’s a little bit of everything. A berry pie with flaky crust that melts in my mouth, some white sauce pasta, fresh fruit, steak, mashed potatoes that I moan over every time I taste the buttery garlic delight, and even some salad that none of us touch.

  We each eat a little bit of everything, trading off by stealing bites or feeding each other. Crux is especially fond of scooping up the whipped cream on his finger from the small dessert bowl and putting it into my mouth for me to suck off. I’m pretty fond of it too.

  When we’ve finally eaten our fill, the guys clear off the bed, leaving the trays and plates out in the hall for the imps, and I’m so sated that I’m in a happy, gluttonous daze.

  Good food, incredible sex, and now I have two of my guys on either side of me, both of them running their hands over my skin. I didn’t bother to get dressed into clothes, but I’m wearing a gray silk robe that was left in the bathroom. I have it on backward so that my wings aren’t an issue, but the fabric keeps slipping down my chest so that I have to continually pull it back over my shoulders.

  “You mentioned you went to your Rings to heal faster after the Vestibule battle,” I say, looking over at them where they’re propped up against the headboard on either side of me, my wings tucked tightly against my back.

  “Yeah, Echo and I went into Trēs for a bit. Only long enough to fully heal.”

  “Did you see your family?” I ask curiously. I know from the walk to the Vestibule that Crux has family, but Echo doesn’t. I want to know more about these demons, especially now. We’ve crossed a line, not just because of the sex, but because we’ve all seemed to claim each other without the unnecessary fanfare and back and forth. We just...are. And now that we’re connected, I want the rest of the intimacy that goes with it. The physical, the emotional, everything.

  “I did,” Crux nods. “I’ve got my folks and a few brothers who live in Trēs.”

  “What’s it like there?”

  He shrugs. “Hell isn’t so different from the way mortals live here. We have jobs, houses, families, friends. Trēs is just the middle management, so to speak. We keep the day to day demon things running for Hell. The boring stuff, like growing food and making clothes. It’s the more powerful demons, like Nihil or Ūnus and even Duo, who have certain jobs to maintain the balance in the different realms. But for me, being a Trēs is a lot like living in a middle class suburb.”

  I take in his words, my mind chewing on them as I try to picture what growing up in his world would’ve been like.

  “I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that my mom and dad weren’t my biological parents,” I admit quietly as I trace the still shadows that have sunken back into Echo’s arm.

  Echo hums in thought. “I’m sure you are. That’s a big realization. It’s going to take time.”

  “I just...It’s stupid, but it feels like I’m betraying my parents somehow. Like by learning that I’m not really their blood daughter, it…lessens what I had with them. Or maybe it doesn’t, I don’t know. It’s all so confusing. They didn’t tell me I wasn’t theirs, and I just don’t know what to think about that.”

  “Maybe they didn’t tell you that because they didn’t think it was true,” Echo tells me, his thumb gently brushing over my hip. “Whether they conceived and birthed you themselves or not, I bet you were theirs the minute they set eyes on you. That love can be more powerful than some genetic connection that isn’t there. They will never stop being your parents, and your relationship with them is unique and untouchable.”

  My breath comes out in a puff, because even though I knew he was going to say something like that and try to make me feel better, it still helps. It’s what I need to hear to reassure myself that it’s true. Sometimes when we doubt, we know that those thoughts aren’t right or even logical. But we still need to hear that voice of reason to help reinforce the truth.

  Ray and Tanya Gates were who I cuddled and looked up to my whole life. They read me my bed time stories, cleaned my owies, taught me to ride a bike and drive a car. My mom showed me how to throw a punch, and my dad screamed his face off when I scored my first goal and ran my first home run. They are who raised me, and they are who I’ve mourned and missed for the past nine years. Their blood may not run through my veins, but their love sure as fuck does.

  “You’re right,” I say, partly to him and to myself. “They’ll always be my parents.” I turn my head to the left to look over at him. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but in Hell, Jerif mentioned you don’t have family.”

  Echo doesn’t pull away from the personal question or brush me off, and that right there shows me that he wants this emotional intimacy too. “That’s right,” he says, clearing his throat. “My parents died when I was very young. They had the same power as me, so they were one of the rare Trēs demons to get called to Lucifer’s army. They died in battle.”

  I squeeze his arm in what I hope is a comforting touch. “I’m sorry,” I say, and then I scrunch up my face and mentally kick myself in the shin. “Shit, I don’t mean that,” I confess in a rush. Echo raises an eyebrow, amusement flashing in his black eyes. “I mean, I hate that you had to go through that, and I know it couldn’t have been easy. But after my mom and dad died, it drove me nuts when people would casually say, ‘I’m sorry.’ It always left me bitter. It felt like as soon as someone spoke those words, it was like they were trying to dispel the discomfort my loss and pain caused them, not that the words were spoken to really comfort me. Maybe I’m crazy, but I’ve always just hated it when that’s the first thing that pops out of someone’s mouth after I mention what I’ve lost.”

  I look at him apologetically, knowing I’m doing a horrible job of explaining what I mean. I sound like a brat whining about the way people try to offer sympathy.

  “I get it, actually,” Echo tells me, and I instantly feel relieved. “In Trēs, the thing to say was “For the balance.” Anything bad that happened was for the balance. Like that should somehow make it better. I hated when I was told that. Because yes, the fucking balance matters, but that didn’t make me any less sad. It didn’t take the pain away from what I lost.”

  I nod
, completely understanding exactly what he means.

  “Anyway, it was a long time ago,” he tells me.

  “We’re both orphans,” I say with a sad smile on my face. “Were you lonely?”

  His black eyes sweep over me with soft affection. “Yes, but then I got called as a Gate Guardian. I didn’t dread it like Crux or hate it like Jerif. When the duty was passed down to me from my grandfather, I was fucking relieved. I needed to get out of Trēs and find a new purpose. The guys became my new family.”

  Crux reaches over me and punches Echo in the arm in what I think is supposed to be a friendly bro-tap, though that hit would have definitely bruised me.

  “That’s fucking right,” Crux tells him with a smile. “And I quickly became your favorite out of those other pricks, so you can finally just admit it,” he teases.

  Echo rolls his eyes.

  I shake my head at them, smiling. “I’d like to meet your family one day, Crux. Jerif’s too.”

  At that, they both snort. “Jerif’s mom is the fucking best. How she ended up with a surly fucker for a son, I’ll never know,” Crux tells me, his green eyes filled with mirth. “She’s pretty much adopted all of us. If you asked her, she’d probably say that we’re the only reasons the realms haven’t fallen, which is just fucking adorable.”

  “Remember those cookies she made us last time we visited?” Echo muses.

  Crux groans at the memory, nearly as loud as he did when he was fucking me earlier. I’m simultaneously intrigued and a little put off by it. Seriously, what’s in those cookies?

  “So what about Iceman? What’s his story?” I ask, redirecting them before they start making me crave cookies and more cock. After all the food I ate, I don’t need to stuff my face with anything else.

  “He’s an Ūnus, the most powerful out of all of us, but Ūnus demons are stricter. He grew up with pretty rigid societal rules. They cart off all the young to be trained for Hell’s armies. But Raf got lucky, he took over the Gate from his father and didn’t have to go to battle,” Echo tells me.


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