Immortal Awakening

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Immortal Awakening Page 7

by Shana J Caldwell

The days leading up to Zeke’s midnight visit had my mind racing. What could he want? Was someone in trouble? Are there going to be more grobblers? I was frustrated that he hadn’t given me any more information about it; at least I would have known what the whole thing was about. Tomorrow night he’d be here and out of everything that was on my mind I was fretting about what to wear. I’d hung the red dress with its accompanying black lace panties in the cupboard and hadn’t looked at them since. I was too anxious to try them on in case they looked terrible on me.

  I run my fingers through my hair, pulling the knots out. I’d just made a banana sandwich and was heading out to the river when I hear a knock on the front door. I froze. Who the hell could this be?

  I put my sandwich down and slowly creep to the front door. Maybe if I didn’t answer they’d think no one was home. I hear a man clear his throat, two rapid knocks come again. I slowly ease the door open and look through the crack. Luke’s standing there. He’s wearing a blue t-shirt, beige knee-length shorts, and sneakers. Sandalwood aftershave wafts off of him and finds its way into my nose. His blonde hair is wet but wild from the wind. I open the door further.

  “Luke, how the hell did you know where I live?” I ask in confusion, frowning. Slam the door, you silly girl. He smiles slightly.

  “It’s good to see you too. Anyway, after that day at the school we followed you home to make sure you got there safely. That’s how.” My stomach drops. He would have seen Zuriel. Oh no, he’s here to kidnap me for being a vampire sympathiser.

  “Who was the guy with you? Poor fellow seemed really injured.” He eyes me curiously. Maybe I could play this off. Maybe he hasn’t realised he was a vampire. He was probably hidden enough by the jumper that covered him, I hope.

  “I’d found him outside the school when I was leaving and brought him back here with me. He’s better now and has been gone for weeks.” I nod, trying to convince myself of the lie. He shrugs and we stand there for a few moments in silence. I clear my throat.

  “Did you need something?” I ask politely. I’d offer for him to come in but didn’t feel totally comfortable with the idea.

  “Oh, yes! Tomorrow night we’re having a celebration for two new members. They’ve just joined my group and I thought you’d want to come along. I mean, you don’t have to, but I thought it’d be nice for you to come and make some friends, just in case it could be you joining one day.” He smiles at the end, his voice full of warmth. I could go and come back before Zeke got here. I’d just have to time it well. Maybe I’d be able to find out some information as well. I could take my new knife with me.

  “How would I get there and get home?” I cross my arms over my chest. It would be too dangerous to walk there and back in the dark, especially when there were vampires and grobblers on the loose.

  “I’ll walk here and escort you back, so you’ll need to wear something comfy.” I roll the idea around in my head, I knew I shouldn’t. But it might be helpful.

  “Well then, yeah, sure. I just don’t want to be home too late, if that’s okay?” I felt rude for asking but I needed answers from Zeke. A broad smile spreads across his lips, lighting up his whole face.

  “That’s fine. It’s on the other side of the wall, not very far away so the walk will fly by.” I grin anxiously. God, I hope there weren’t too many people there. I hoped I’d be able to use my knife if it came to it.

  “Okay, that sounds good.” The black jeans and dark green sweater cross my mind; I curse myself for not getting nice boots to go with it.

  “Okay awesome, that’s great.” I wonder what the camp looked like. Honestly, it was probably just a bunch of tents around a fire. I nod slowly.

  “Yes, okay. What time will you be here to get me?” I didn’t have a clock so I had no idea when it would be midnight; I just had to make sure I was home.

  “When the sun’s setting.” He stands there for a few moments in silence. I clear my throat slightly, starting to feel awkward.

  “Okay, awesome. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I give him a small wave as he leaves. I quickly munch my sandwich down and race into my room, pulling out the jeans and sweater.

  I walk into the bathroom and try them on. They were slightly baggy but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t live with. I look in the mirror and examine myself, not nearly as bad as I thought I’d look. I pick up a candle and climb into the attic. Minutes tick by as I searched through the boxes trying to find one labelled with shoes.

  I planned to go to the celebration for a few hours, look around and suss the place out. It could be at my advantage if I join.

  I finally find the right box. I peer in and see a bunch of thongs, sneakers, a nice pair of black lipstick heels, and a pair of ankle-high black boots. Perfect. I pull the boots on and walk downstairs. They were a bit tight, but I could live with that for a few hours. I put the sweater, jeans and boots in the bathroom and change into an overly baggy shirt and loose shorts.

  So many things have happened these past few days that it’s been hard to come to terms with them all. I’ve discovered a jackpot in my attic, Luke’s invited me to join his vampire hunting group again but has also invited me around for a celebration, I had a near-death encounter with another vampire, and the assistant is hot on my tail about Zeke and Zuriel, and I’m having a one on one with one of those breathtakingly beautiful vampires tomorrow night.

  Just when I thought my life was so simple, I had to go and make it a hell of a lot more complicated. So much for just living my days in peace.

  I throw a pair of shorts and sneakers on and head towards the river behind my house, holding onto a large stick to keep my hands from shaking. The knife was shoved in the pocket of my shorts. The sunlight filters through the weeping willows, kissing the unbroken surface of the water softly. I stop at the edge and glare at the other side. Not once in the years I’ve been here have I crossed the river to explore what’s on the other side. The stick felt pathetic in my grip, it would never stop a grobbler from eating me. I look down each stretch, trying to find a bridge or log I could use to cross over without getting wet, doubting I’d get very far if I did.

  I strip down to my underwear and hold my clothes and shoes above my head as I creep into the water. The chill of the water helps calm my nerves as I reach the other side. I throw my clothes ahead of me and clamber up onto the bank.

  The grass is wild, as high as my waist and as untamed as my hair. I pull my clothes and sneakers back on and grab another large stick. I take a few reluctant steps and survey the ground. Deep gouge marks cover the earth beneath me and I reach down and run my fingers along them. They’d been hard for some time now, which makes me feel slightly less nauseated about heading deeper into the forest. I follow the gouge marks through the thick undergrowth. Broken branches stick out and clumps of grass are strewn everywhere. I push ahead; the sun was still high in the sky which was comforting to me.

  The forest grows denser the further I walk, slowly blocking out the sunlight with each step. I stop at a clearing and survey the little area. Multiple gouge marks surround me; there are different depths and sizes. My heart sinks in my chest as I touch the largest one, it was fresh. I freeze as I hear a low click behind me. The stick feels stupid now, it would do nothing.

  I slowly turn my head towards the clicking and the warmth is sucked out of me. A small grobbler clings to a large tree a few metres behind me. It looks exactly like the first one I’d encountered, except it seemed to be a baby. Its wolf-shaped head twists and turns as it surveys the area. The small holes behind its eyes must be its ears; they open and close as it looks around. I stay low and hold my breath, not daring to move. It makes a low clicking sound again. To my left, a deeper clicking sound calls out.

  I was going to die; there was no way I would get out of here alive. Not with two of them. Twigs snap and crack as the large grobbler lumbers over to the smaller one, crushing the plants in its way with its huge talons. It stops below the tree and the two of them have a low clicking conversatio

  They hadn’t spotted me so far. I quickly look around for cover or a larger stick. To my right, hidden between clumps of grass, was a small hole I could squeeze into if I was fast enough. I prayed it was just a fox’s den. The clicking sounds start to get louder, eventually falling into unison as they call out for others.

  I creep slowly and steadily towards the hole, keeping my eyes on the uneven ground in front of me. I’m about three steps away when the clicking stops. I take a glance behind me and gulp. Both grobblers are watching me. Well, well, well. What do we have here? Its scratchy voice invades my thoughts. I press my palms to the sides of my face. She looks like a tasty meal; her flesh would be delicious. My heart thunders in my chest, now or never.

  “Come get me!” I yell, readying myself. The little one lets out a ferocious scream and leaps from tree to tree as the larger one thunders across the earth. A scream rips out of my chest as I dive for the hole; a scorpion tail comes down just inches from my face. I swiftly roll out of the way and scramble to my feet. Both grobblers stand tall with their tails waving back and forth, their lips pulled backwards; they definitely wanted to make a meal of me. You foolish girl, did you really think you’d get away? You’ll never beat us. I look frantically towards the hole which is now under the smaller grobbler. I grip the stick tighter and take a deep breath.

  “Bite me, you bastards!” I yell as I leap towards the hole with my stick held protectively in front of me. The smaller grobblers mouth closes around it as I skid under its body. I keep a firm grip as I anchor my legs into the hole; not caring that it seems like a long drop down. I give a hard shove against the stick as I start to fall through the hole. You bitch! The grobbler falls back, thrashing its head back and forth. The sunlight disappears as I slide down, my hands flailing for something to grab onto. The air grows denser and the metallic smell of blood becomes stronger. I stifle a cough as I land with a thud after my free-fall. A dull light filters through some holes in the ceiling of what seemed to be a large rock cave. There is a mound below each hole with a small stretch of water running along the middle. I slowly moan as I sit up and feel beneath me; soft fur and warm liquid slide between my fingers.

  I gag as I crawl down the mound, a roar rumbling off the cave walls. I tumble down the rest of the mound and land with a thud on the moist dirt. The smell is worse at the bottom, so I lift my shirt over my nose to try and filter the air. I gag again; my shirt didn’t stop the stench of rot and decay. From what I can see in the dim light I had nowhere to hide, and the only way out was up or through the large black hole where the roar was coming from.

  I crawl towards the small stretch of water and quickly wash my hands and splash my face. A soft clicking calls from the entrance; I freeze as I look up in horror. Where are you, little girl? We just want to play. Five grobblers crawl into the cave, clicking back and forth between themselves. Come, child, we won’t hurt you. The smaller grobbler was in the middle; the stick was gone, replaced by a slow trickle of green blood.

  I scramble back into the mound. I feel frantically around me; my hands slip through the blood as they catch on broken bones. My only weapons were small animal bones; there was no way I was getting close enough to do any damage with one of them.

  Oh god, I wish Zeke and Zuriel were here, they’d know what to do. They’d have been able to fight them off or, better still, they wouldn’t have been stupid enough to go looking for grobblers without weapons and back up. Foolish. This is your own death wish. No one can save you now, not even your little bloodsucking friends.

  The grobblers move towards the closest mound and start pulling it apart, scattering the small animal carcasses around the cave. You’re here somewhere, and when we find you we will devour your soul. I slowly push myself into the mound, until I was covered in rotting flesh and blood. I wipe it down my arms and over my face and legs, running it through the strands of my hair. My once white hair is now dark red.

  Each second that passes is more nerve-racking than the last. The closer they get to the mound where I’m hiding the more on edge I feel about my plan. The smaller grobbler was the first to the mound, ripping into it from the side. You’ll pay for what you did to me. The larger grobblers come over. I hold my breath as the largest one starts ripping into the area beside me.

  As it reaches behind me I roll myself into a ball. The momentum from the push of its talon throws me across the cave. I land awkwardly on my ankle before collapsing onto another mound. I keep my eyes shut and hold my breath. Tears sting my eyes as my ankle throbs. None of the grobblers seem to have noticed me.

  I open my eyes and look towards them. They are all gathered around the mound taking layer by layer away. Where are you? They were smart in the sense to know I would have hidden in the mounds. Of course, you’d hide in the mounds. I look towards the cave entrance. It was two mounds away from me, and I’d have to cross the water to reach it. I hobble slowly towards the mound closest to me, occasionally glancing towards the grobblers. They were working harder, leaving my thoughts to myself.

  I slowly sit and lean against the mound; I keep my breathing low and steady as I feel around for some sort of weapon. I was a mound away from the water and then I’d be at the entrance of the cave. My hand closes around a large, round hard object. I pull it up and turn it in my palms. The places where eyes should have been were hollow. I choke as the skull falls to the ground, with a sickening sound it rolls away from me. I was leaning against human corpses.

  The grobblers stop tearing the mound apart and turn towards me, the clicking among them becoming fierce. Got you. Game over. They start lumbering their way towards me. If I didn’t go now I wasn’t going to go at all. I haul myself up and run awkwardly towards the river. Five roars vibrate my bones as I splash through the water.

  I dive into the black hole entrance and scramble up the dirt slope as fast as my sore ankle would carry me. For each step I take, the grobblers take five. My heartbeat thunders in my ears as I climb through the dark, with each step I take I leave small pieces of my hope of living behind. I had no idea where I was going, how long it would take me to get out, and if the way out was up I was most certainly doomed.

  The cave’s tunnel took a sharp left and grew even steeper. I scramble up as fast as I can, the skin on my knees ripping as rocks dig their way in. My palms scrape against god knows what as I haul myself upwards. As I am about to lose all hope, light starts to filter into the tunnel. The scraping of talons behind me pushes me onwards. I couldn’t die like this, I had a purpose. The light grew brighter the higher I climbed and suddenly I break through the covering of bushes and pull myself out of the gaping mouth of the tunnel. Without a second thought, I run as hard and fast as I can, not daring to glance back.

  The forest around me was unfamiliar; there was nothing I recognised in sight. My legs and lungs burn from exertion and the rotten blood that was coating me had hardened and were now cracking in places from my movement. I looked and felt horrible. The sun was now low in the sky, darkening the forest. Each sound made me power on faster.

  The sooner I was out of the forest the better. I stumble and fall into a small clearing; my hands gripping the gouge marks as I pull myself back up. I look around and find the hole I’d fallen into, as well as my stick that was covered in thick green blood. I grab it swiftly and run for the river.

  As I dive into the water, the sound of the distant grobblers disappears. They hadn’t been able to track my scent and follow me. I swim towards the safer side of the river and lean against the bank, holding the stick fiercely in front of me and breathing hard. I wait and wait for the grobblers to appear.

  I wearily put the stick down, pulling the knife out of my pocket and pull my clothes off, watching as they sink to the bottom of the river. I follow soon after them, scrubbing my hands against each part of me. The water around me turns a murky red as I cleanse myself of the multiple blood layers. I run my finger through my hair until I feel like my fingers would snap off. I was definitely going to need anot
her dip tomorrow.

  I pull myself wearily onto the bank and limp to the comfort of home. I was glad my knife had survived the attack, even though I hadn’t dared get close enough to use it. Everything was how I’d left it. I sink against the couch and gingerly touched my ankle; it is a little swollen with some slight bruising blossoming near my foot. My scraped knees still trickle blood. I hiss as I limp up to the bathroom and clean both of the wounds with antiseptic before bandaging them. I lean against the wall and shut the door. Sobs wrack my body as tears stream down my face. I crumple into a ball and rock back and forth. I was lucky to be alive.


  I awake to the pitter-patter of rain gently hitting the roof. I yawn as I sit up, my legs screaming in protest. The rain had finally come. The events of the day were finally catching up with me. I hobble towards my bedroom and grab the brush as I sit down on the plush mattress. I swiftly brush my hair before pulling it into a high bun. I huddle under the sheets, shivering faintly.

  I had discovered the lair of the grobblers. Zuriel and Zeke were most likely going to be pissed as hell at me for risking my life like that. Although I’m sure once I explain it wasn’t my intended purpose to nearly be turned into a human kebab they might be able to be reasoned with. They could rally more vampire force and power and flush them out and kill them, blocking the area off and filling in the cave maybe.

  I never wanted to face a grobbler again. If I had to, at the very least I wanted a better weapon than a stick. God, what was I thinking? I could have been killed. No one would have known what had happened to me. Luke would have shown up tomorrow, knocking on the door before letting himself in. He would call my name a few times, check inside the house before checking out the back. He’d eventually come to the conclusion that I had blown him off and leave.

  Zeke would then show up, letting himself in through the back door. He’d notice my smell was stale and that I hadn’t been in the house for two days. He’d track me to the river, and beyond it. He’d come close to the hole I’d fallen down; maybe even peer into it, but the smell of rotting bodies and my scent would confuse him. Although I doubt he’d give up hope and stop looking, he’d look around, puzzled; not knowing what I was doing out this far or how I could have disappeared into thin air.


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