Immortal Awakening

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Immortal Awakening Page 10

by Shana J Caldwell

“Do you always go somewhere else when you’re walking with a complete hottie?” Zeke’s voice draws me from my thoughts.

  “Pfft, no.” A blush creeps up my face. I have to keep our friendship strictly as friends. I was not going to be sitting around waiting for someone else I cared about to leave me.

  “I mean, are you sure? From the humans I’ve seen in this town, none are particularly worthy of your attention.” I bark out a laugh at him, had he gone insane? I gesture towards myself as I catch his eye.

  “Oh yeah, because a ratty, unregistered girl is really going to spin heads.”

  His fringe falls in front of his eyes, creating a curtain. “It caught mine.” I’m thankful it was dark enough so he can’t see my grin. God knows what he would have retorted to that.

  “You must need glasses,” I murmur, still grinning like a fool. He laughs something rich and pure.

  “I used to have them before I was turned,” he breathes out, fog clouding the air from his breath.

  “What colour were your eyes?” I ask, genuinely curious. I couldn’t imagine them being anything but black. He runs a hand through his hair.

  “They were green. Just plain, boring green.” He looks up at the sky, examining the last of the stars blinking out. He turns to me, looking into my eyes.

  “What’s the go with your eyes? I’ve never seen anything like them before.” I frown at him.

  “What do you mean? They’re just eyes.” I roll them at him, laughing lightly.

  “They’re arctic blue with a red ring around the pupil. You can’t say you’ve seen something like that before?” I sigh. My eyes were one of a kind. I had no idea where I’d gotten them from as my mum and dad both had brown eyes.

  “No, I haven’t. I’m not sure,” I mumble, not wanting to continue the conversation.

  The rest of the walk was made in silence, his comment from earlier still swimming through my head. It caught mine.

  “Okay, so I’ll give you a simple run down. You need to be trusted by every single person here. I mean every…Single…Person.” The sun had begun to filter low through the trees, creating a rug of fog settling on the ground.

  “Okay, I can try my hardest.” I keep my eyes facing ahead, constantly scanning our surroundings. Zeke was dressed in his tight black jeans and a black leather jacket, with black sunglasses to match. Obviously not a vampire at all, right?

  “Ali you have to do more than try, my whole race is depending on you. I really need you to pull this off,” his voice is stern, full of authority. I can just imagine the look he’d be giving me; eyebrows furrowed, the side of his mouth twitching with annoyance.

  “Yes, I know, and I’ll give it everything I have. I just don’t want you having your hopes up too high.” If anyone could screw something big like this up, it would most certainly be me.

  “Ali, look…this isn’t easy for me either, okay? I have everything riding on the success of this. I wouldn’t be putting you through this if I personally didn’t think you could handle it and pull it off.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw his hands fly up in the air and fall back to his sides.

  “A few days ago, I was no one, I was nobody. Then you come in and tell me I’m needed for this huge mission and that a whole race’s blood is on my hands if I fail. I am nothing special; I have no abilities that make me great. I don’t even know how to fight!” Now it was my turn to throw my hands in the air. I was done with this conversation.

  Cold hands close around my arms and pull me into a tight embrace. I bury my face in his chest and breathe him in. The sandalwood and vanilla cologne was no stranger, making an imprint in my brain. He runs a hand through my hair and rests his chin on top of my head. I slowly wrap my arms around him; good things never came easy, right?

  “You are great in my eyes, Ali. You are the first human in my whole existence that has seen me as more than just being a vampire. If that isn’t something great, then I don’t know what is. I would never trust a human the way I trust you, and if the mission doesn’t work then I’ll find a different way to approach it. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’ll always be within calling distance. You won’t be alone.” I let his words wrap their way around my heart. I knew he wouldn’t always be here every time to pull me out of a sticky situation but knowing he would try to be here was good enough for me. I push myself out of his embrace and walk ahead.

  “Well, we’d better get me there before the sun has fully risen. We can’t have you getting caught.” I look over my shoulder and give him a bright smile. If I pretended everything was okay while we were together he wouldn’t be worried. I could fall apart when I’m alone.

  After it seems like we’ve been walking through the forest forever, I catch a glimpse of the wooden pillars in the distance. It towers over the trees ahead of us. I wonder how I hadn’t spotted it earlier.

  “Alright, I’ll just climb this tree quickly and survey our surroundings. We don’t want to walk into any danger.” I watch silently as he manoeuvres himself swiftly to the top of the tree. I glance around me; all I can see are trees, shrubs, and more trees.

  “Clear. They must still be asleep.” Zeke jumps down from a few branches up, landing with a soft thud. He adjusts his sunglasses and we continue walking. As the forest begins to thin we take cover under a thornbush. As I crawl in beside him a thorn snags my cheek.

  “Oh shit.” I press my fingers against the tender spot, trying to stop the bleeding. Zeke snaps his head and his eyes lock on where the cut is.

  “I’m okay; it’s just a little graze.” He gently reaches up and moves my hand away; my breath catches in my throat. I feel a small trickle of blood run towards my chin.

  “Let me get that for you.” Zeke lets go of my hand and wipes at the blood, staring at his hand blankly. If he did what I think he was about to do, I was going to be sick.

  “Um… Zeke? Are you okay?” I pull my hand away from his and look at him sceptically. He slowly lowers his hand and meets my stare.

  “Yeah… sorry. I’m fine. Still getting used to having a human companion.” He looks down at his hand one last time before wiping the blood on his shirt. The cut has stopped bleeding, but I bet all he can smell was my blood.

  I turn my attention back to the camp; the silver gate was a few yards away from us, sitting stoically against the rising sun.

  “Okay, so this is the plan,” Zeke whispers softly. My blood completely erased from his thoughts. The plan was fairly simple; join the group, gain their trust, and find out where the other vampires were being held. Sounded fairly simple.

  “Once a week I’ll return to these shrubs or that tree we stopped at, depending on how the atmosphere is feeling, just before the sun breaks the horizon. So, if anyone asks, just say you’re going for a morning jog.” Zeke fumbles with his jacket pocket, rolling onto his side to get better access. He retrieves a small gold pendant.

  “This is for you. If you ever need me, or you’re in danger, you can use this.” He places the pendant gently in my hand; it throbs softly against the warmth of my skin.

  “What is it? How will this help?” I question. How was a gold rock going to help me?

  “The throb you feel is my essence. The pendant is connected to me, and whenever you rub it between your fingers I’ll feel it. I’ll come as fast as I can to you or use the best of my abilities to send help.” I roll the pendant over in my hand. It has a small black latch embedded at the top, with a word in a language I couldn’t read engraved in the back.


  “What does that mean?” I rub my thumb gently over the word, the throb was strongest here.

  “That’s my name. Each vampire has their own unique one.” I arch an eyebrow, keeping my eyes on the word. It comforted me knowing I would have a small piece of him with me at all times.

  “Oh, okay.” I was lost for words. Do I have to give him something of mine now?

  “Here, I’ll attach it to your necklace.” He takes the pendant from my hand as I tilt my head to the side
; the cold graze of his fingers sends a jolt of electricity through me. My breath catches and I lock my eyes onto his lips. I wonder what they’d feel like against my throat. He pulls back and studies the pendant; it rests gently against my chest in line with my other one.

  “Thank you, Zeke.” I tuck the pendants under my shirt and look towards the camp again. The sun was crawling higher into the sky with each passing second; I knew he’d have to leave soon.

  “Come on, you’d better get going before the sun comes up any more.” I wiggle out from under the thornbush and adjust my bag. Zeke follows a moment later, taking cover in the shade of an oak tree in front of me. A ray of light shines between us. Maybe we were always destined to be apart, no matter what.

  “Well, I guess this is goodbye.” I kick the ground softly, stirring the dirt.

  “For now, I guess it is.” Zeke takes a step towards me, stopping before coming into contact with the light. He raises his sunglasses, his eyes meeting mine.

  “Stay safe, Ali. I’ll be back in three days unless you need me earlier. Remember the pendant. I look forward to seeing you then.” He gives me a soft smile before melting into the shadows.

  I turn and face the camp. Well, it’s now or never.

  I knock on the door, patiently waiting for the guard to hear.

  “Who is it?” A low male voice calls from behind the door.

  “Ali. I’m here to see Luke.” There is silence for a few heartbeats.

  “Alright, he’ll be out in a tick.” Their footsteps retreat away from the door quickly. I take a step back and glance towards the forest. A few dirt paths lead from the sides of it.

  My heart aches for the vampires locked away, they wouldn’t be able to roam the forest again. The door in front of me starts to creak.

  Multiple clicks follow, and finally, the door slides open. Luke pops his head out of the small crack.

  “Ali! Where did you disappear to last night? I couldn’t find you anywhere!” He envelopes me in a warm embrace, before holding me at arm’s-length to look down at me.

  “Oh, I decided to walk home. I tried to find you but I couldn’t see you anywhere.” I tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

  “Well, I’m just glad you’re okay. What are you doing here?” With the smile he’s giving me, it was hard not to smile back. I suck in a deep breath. He looks to my backpack.

  “I don’t want to intrude, but I’ve been thinking about your offer to join your group.” It’s time to ice the cake. I look up at him and think of the vampires he’s torturing. Tears begin to fall.

  “I just didn’t want to be alone anymore. Being here last night was one of the best moments of my entire life. I’m tired of being alone.” I sob hard as he wraps me in a hug. I close my eyes and imagine he’s Zeke, finally wrapping my arms around him. He strokes a hand through my hair.

  “Hey, hey, don’t cry, Ali. You know I’d love to have you. Why do you think I keep asking you?” he whispers softly against my ear.

  “I don’t know? Boredom?” His chest rumbles softly with a chuckle.

  “Oh Ali, of course, you can join.” Now it was time to sell the cake. I move away from him and take a step back.

  “I mean, as long as you’re one hundred percent okay with it. I don’t want you to feel like you have to say yes. I don’t want everyone to feel awkward or anything about me joining.” I cross my arms over my chest and bite my lip hesitantly. He holds out his hand to me.

  “Come, I’ll show you your new home.” I grab his hand and give him a broad smile.

  Little did he know I was a fox amongst the chickens.


  To my right sat rows of square tents, large enough to hold two people, having a curtain as a door. Between each tent was a small dirt path where everyone walked to get to their own tent. Hanging from a corner of each tent were gas lamps. Luke leads me to the back tents closest to the silver door that leads to the vampires, three down and we stop, he opens the curtain for me. I run my hand along the wall of the room, its rough leather material weather proof, but I doubt it’d be any challenge for a grobbler.

  It has two single beds pressed against the side walls opposite each other with a dull brown bedside table between them. The beds remind me of a prison bed.

  “Now, I know it’s not much, but it’s what everyone starts with. You’re more than welcome to write your name or hang something up outside so you don’t forget where it is. Newbie’s always have trouble finding their rooms for a while. Obviously, as you get more settled in you can add to it and change the room around. You’ll be surprised by how much stuff you can actually fit in here. Also, yes, the bed and pillow aren’t the best but it’s the best we can do for everyone. You currently don’t have a roommate, but the tent beside you is occupied by another member. I’ll introduce you to him later on. Anyway, if you just want to leave your bag here I’ll give you a tour of the place.” I shimmy around the curtain and set my bag on the bed. I was going to miss my old bed so much. Damn you, Zeke.

  “Wait, so there’s more than just this area?” I follow him out as he makes his way to the opposite side of the sleeping area. In front of me was a large enclosed crop field, three members worked away not noticing us. A few metres from the crop field a large square tent sat; Luke gestured towards it.

  “That’s out workshop, one half is for weapons, tools and repairs. The other half holds storage and a makeshift classroom.”

  “Why do you need a classroom for?” I ask, he gives me a goofy grin as a small handful of kids run past us. One stops in his tracks.

  “Luke, Luke!” the small boy with orange ringlets bouncing around his face wraps his small arms around Luke’s leg.

  “Hey there, Danny. Meet our newest recruit.” Luke ruffles his hair and looks towards me, Danny peeps up at me from behind his curls.

  “Hey there, new lady,” he squeaks. I kneel down in front of him; I didn’t want to intimidate someone so little.

  “Hey there, I’m Ali. It’s very nice to meet you.” I give him a warm smile and soften my stare at him.

  “Hi Ali. I’m Danny.” He brushes the hair out of his face with a quick sweep, giving me a small smile.

  “Gosh Danny, there you are! What have I told you about running away from Mummy like that?” The woman smiles down at Danny, her orange hair pinned up in a high braid. I could easily see the resemblance between them; orange hair; blue eyes, a few freckles spread over each cheek. I stand up and extend my hand towards the woman.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Ali.” She takes my hand warmly in hers and grins from ear to ear.

  “I’m Darla, Danny’s mum. It’s so nice to see a fresh face in this place.” She lets go of my hand and bundles Danny into her arms. She gestures towards the tent closest to the fire.

  “That’s were me and Danny stay. If you ever need help just give me a yell and I’ll be more than happy to help.” I give her a warm smile. I had thought I’d have a terrible time here, each day would be worse than the last, but it was possibly going to be the opposite.

  “Thank you, I’m sure I will.” She nods towards Luke and walks back to her room.

  “I think that answers that question.” I fall into step beside Luke as we continue on.

  Behind the workshop sat two medium sized tents, one rectangular while the other one was closer to the border rather than the camp; its circular shape hidden from prying eyes.

  “Darla was nice, and Danny was so cute.” I look sideways at Luke and see a grin spread across his face.

  “Darla’s been with us since Danny was born. She came when there were only about twenty of us and Danny was probably a few days old. The council were going to take Danny off her and put him into registered foster care. She ran away before they had the chance to.” His eyebrows furrow together, he seemed troubled by the thought. I shiver; I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have your child nearly taken away from you.

  “How old is Danny now?” Luke scratches his head at the q

  “Truthfully, I think maybe five. It’s hard to keep track of time when we don’t have a calendar.”

  “that is the food tent, people come and go throughout the day but dinner is always around when the sun sets.” He gestures towards the rectangular tent. I point to the circular one.

  “And that?”I ask.

  “That’s the leader’s tent. So my tent, and it’s where people can come and talk to me if they’re having any problems.” I nod as we carry on. We stop at the fire pit.

  “That’s where everyone usually gathers for dinner, we usually get it going just before dusk. Some prefer to eat in their rooms, so it’s up to you where you sit.”

  Luke nods as people wave and say hi, I keep my senses open. We walk past the food tent; three large wells sit in the open. A small girl is pumping a lever while water spurts out into her bucket.

  “That’s where we get our clean water. The water underneath runs from the council to the river, we just happen to be right over the continuous flow of spring water.” Luke leads me through the open silver door.

  “This is the training arena.” I hesitate slightly. He looks over his shoulder and smiles.

  “Come on, there’s people I want you to meet.” I reluctantly follow him into the area. The area was half the size of the main camp. I look towards the right; the large silver cage was full of vampires, most lying down as the sun bore down on them. The door to unlock it was closest to the boundary; three large silver locks gleam in the sun. I look away and follow Luke to the sand arena. Two shirtless, muscular males were going at it like angry dogs.

  The area around the arena was average size. To my left there were three stationary bicycles, behind the arena was a large wooden cupboard, its doors were open to reveal knives and swords of all sorts glaring at me. I focus my attention back on the arena and follow Luke towards it; standing by his side.

  “Hey guys. I want you to meet Ali, our newest recruit.” The two guys stop and turn towards me. Sand settles as they stop moving. The one on the left was bald with dragon tattoos spilling over his shoulders and onto his chest. He nods towards me.


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