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by Lawrence, James

  D. Stewart, T.E. Lawrence (1979 edn)

  W.F. Stirling, ‘Tales of Lawrence of Arabia’, Cornhill Magazine, 74 (1933).

  R. Storrs, Orientations (1944 edn).

  ——, ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, Listener, 3.2.55.

  C. Sydney Smith, The Golden Reign (1940).

  A.J.A. Symons, The Quest for Corvo (1935).

  S.E. Tabachnick and C. Matheson, Images of Lawrence (1985).

  S. Tanvir Wasti, ‘The Defence of Medina’, Middle East Studies, 27 (1991).

  L.J. Tarver, ‘In Wisdom’s House: T.E. Lawrence and the Near East’, Journal of Contemporary History, 13 (1978).

  T.E. Notes, Vols 1-5 (Honesdale, Pa., 1988–94). L. Thomas, With Lawrence in Arabia (1962 edn).

  A.L. Tibawi, ‘T.E. Lawrence, Faisal and Weizmann: The 1919 Attempt to Secure an Arab Balfour Declaration’, Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, 56 (1969).

  A.P. Townshend, My Campaign in Mesopotamia (1920).

  U. Trumpener, Germany and the Ottoman Empire (Princeton, 1968).

  Lord Vansittart, The Mist Procession (1958).

  C. Vickery, ‘Arabia and the Hejaz’, Journal of the Central Asian Society, 10 (1923).

  B. Wasserstein, The British in Palestine: The Mandatory Government and the Arab-Jewish Conflict, 1917–29 (1978).

  T. Waugh, ‘The German Counter to Revolt in the Desert’, Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, 24 (1937).

  Lord Wavell, The Palestine Campaigns (1928).

  F.J. Weber, Eagles on the Crescent (Ithaca, 1970).

  S. and R. Weintraub (eds), Evolution of a Revolt (Pittsburgh, 1968).

  Chaim Weizmann, ‘Arabs and Zionists: The Pact of 1919’, The Times, 10.6.36.

  L.B. Weldon, ‘Hard Lying’: The Eastern Mediterranean, 1914–19 (1925).

  Lady Wester-Wemyss, The Life and Letters of Lord Wester-Wemyss (1935).

  M.O. Williams, ‘Syria: The Landlink of History’s Chain’, National Geographic Magazine, 36 (November 1919).

  Sir Arnold Wilson, ‘Revolt in the Desert’, Journal of the Central Asian Society, 14 (1927).

  ——, Loyalties: Mesopotamia 1914–17 (2 vols, Oxford, 1930–1).

  J. Wilson, T.E. Lawrence (National Portrait Gallery T.E. Lawrence Exhibition Catalogue, 1988).

  ——, Lawrence of Arabia (1989).

  T. Wilson (ed.), The Political Diaries of C.P. Scott, 1911–1928 (1970)

  R. Wingate, Wingate of the Sudan (1955).

  H.V.F. Winstone, Leachman: ‘OC Desert’ (1982).

  W [Earl Winterton], ‘Arabian Nights and Days’, Blackwood’s, 207 (May 1920).

  ——, Orders of the Day (1953).

  W [Earl Winterton], Fifty Tumultuous Years (1955).

  C.M. Woodhouse, ‘T.E. Lawrence: New Legends for Old’, Twentieth Century 157 (1955).

  Sir Leonard Woolley, Dead Towns and Living Men (1920).

  Evelyn Wrench, Struggle, 1914–20 (1935).

  F. Yeats-Brown, ‘Lawrence As I Knew Him’, Spectator, 24.5.35.

  B.A. Young, The Rattigan Version: Sir Terence Rattigan and the theatre of Character (1986).

  H. Young, The Independent Arab (1933).

  Z. Zeine, Turkish–Arab Relations and the Emergence of Arab Nationalism (Beirut, 1958).


  All notes refer to manuscripts and books cited in the bibliography.


  H.L. The Home Letters of T.E. Lawrence and His Brothers.

  K.S. Knightley and Simpson Files.

  L.T.B. Letters to His Biographers Robert Graves and B. Liddell Hart.

  S.P. Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

  Part One: From Birth to Manhood: 1888–1914

  I Ancestry and Inheritance

  1 A.W. Lawrence (ed.)., T.E. Lawrence by His Friends, 81; R.R.James (ed.), 34.

  2 K.S., Box 2: Celandine Kennington to Lady Hardinge, 30.7.54.

  3 H.L., 630; 718.

  4 Meinertzhagen, 32: O‘Prey, Between Moon and Moon, 133.

  II Boyhood and Schooling, 1888–1907

  1 Mack, 33–4.

  2 T. Jones, 174.

  3 V. Richards, 25.

  4 Hogarth, 14.10.17.

  III Oxford and the Orient, 1907–1910

  1 Hogarth, Accidents, 1; Fletcher, 343.

  2 Prs-Jones, 8.

  3 K.S., Box 1, Letter from V. Richards, 4.3.65.

  4 Ibid, Interview of 12.12.64; Lawrence to Mrs Bernard Shaw, 29.3.27.

  5 O’Prey, In Broken Images, 202.

  6 V. Richards, 30.

  7 FO 861/59, 1.6.10.

  8 Trumpener, 44 ff.

  9 K.S., chs 2 and 3; Stewart, 39–42.

  10 R. Graves, 36–7.

  11 Briton and Turks, 83-93; WO 106/1570, I, 4–5.

  12 Mackenzie, Athenian Memories, 255; Hogarth, 24.7.15, 9.8.15.

  13 Stewart, 54–6.

  14 Prys-Jones, 10; R. Graves, 19–20.

  IV Wandering Scholar: The Middle East, 1910–1913

  1 Letters, ed. Garnett, 97.

  2 Clauson, Clauson to Crocker, 9.10.17.

  3 FO 861/61, 10 and 29.3.12.; H.L., 194–5.

  4 H.L., 211.

  5 Stewart, 95–6.

  6 F0 861/60,19.6.11, 30.10.11.

  7 Childs, vii: Young, 14–6; H.L., 170, 190, 447.

  8 FO 861/62, 24.2.13; Letters, ed. Garnett, 151.

  9 FO 861/62, 18.3.13.

  10 Letters, ed. Garnett, 322.

  11 Fletcher, 322.

  12 Ibid, pp. 250–1.

  13 Hansard, 5th Series, 59, 18.4.14.

  14 Barrows, 110, 129–30.

  15 Ajay, 151; Hansard, 5th Series, 59, 18.4.14.

  16 Percy, 8; H.L., 147-7, 169-70, 265.

  17 Stewart, 108–12.

  18 Williams, 457; Rolls, 249-50; L.T.B., 154.

  19 K.S., 155–7.

  20 Goldberg, ‘Captain Shakespeare’, 74; Storrs, 122–3.

  21 FO 882/10, 30.

  22 Zeine, 79, 85; Khoury, ‘Divided Loyalties’, 325.

  23 Commins, 411–12.

  24 Macpherson, III, 465, 477, 482–3; IV, 254, 301–3, 393; Macpherson (ed.), 120, 244–5; W0 95/4391 [Inspector of POW camps, Egypt]; Emin, 243–5.

  V For King and Country, 1914

  1 Hogarth, Palestine Exploration (1915), 61, 63.

  2 Ibid, 121 [Annual General Meeting Report].

  3 Brémond, 60–1; Wingate, 140/3, 37–8.

  4 Hogarth(ed.),75.

  5 Ibid, 57, 69–70; Palestine Exploration Fund Proceedings (1916), 97–100.

  6 Adm 137/97/13, 31.

  7 Williams, 457.

  8 Young, 22; H.L., 638.

  9 Ibid, 303–4.

  10 Hogarth, 3.2.17, 4.10.17.

  11 H.L., 638.

  Part Two: Intelligence Officer: December 1914–June 1916

  I War and Duty

  1 Information from Mrs Marshall, General Clayton’s daughter.

  2 WO 157/658, 8.11.14.

  3 Wingate 137/2; Clayton to Colonel Symes, 10.6.16; Murray to Robertson, 26.5.16.

  4 WO 157/702, Director of Military Intelligence to GHQ Cairo, 25.3.16; Clauson, Clauson to Crocker, 9.10.17; Wingate 144/2, 17. The Clauson and Wingate papers contain many deciphered Turkish wireless messages.

  5 Weldon, 110, 185 [Erskine Childers, the novelist and Irish nationalist, served on the Ann Rickmers with Weldon]; Ajay, passim.

  6 Statement by Colonel Watson at the annual general meeting of the Palestine Exploration Fund, 22.6.15 (Proceedings [1915] 121). See also Jones, V, 161–2.

  7 MacMunn and Falls, I, 155; Murray to Robertson, 4.7.16; Jones, V, 178; Adm 137/97, 728.

  8 WO 157/689.

  9 Ibid.

  10 L.P. & S. 10/586/548, 51.

  11 WO 157/694.

  12 WO 157/688, 8.11.14.

  13 WO 157/690, 3.4.15; 691, 1.5.15, 4.5.15.

  14 WO 157/711, 20.12.16; Wingate 144/1, 1-2.

  15 Adm 137/156,1126; Adm 137/183, 31; MacMunn and Falls, 1, 71.

  16 Rolls, 10

  17 K.S., 42–4.

  18 Lloyd 9/4, 11.3.15.

  19 H.L., 305.

  20 WO 157/711, ‘Notes on the Interrogation of Ottoman Prisoners of War, 1.12.16’.

  21 Mackenzie, Extremes Meet, 50.

  22 Mackenzie, My Life and Times, V, 29–30; WO 157/793 4 and 9.8.15; WO 158/922, ‘R’ [Major Sampson] to Newcombe, 3.8.15.

  23 FO 371/2489/90222.

  24 WO 95/4437 App. H [Intelligence Reports]. Native agents on the Western Desert Front were controlled by Bimbashie A.J. Tweedie of the Egyptian Customs Service.

  25 Adm 137/334, 42; Adm 137/335, 20; see also Arthur, 234–6; MacMunn and Falls, I, 133; WO 33/747/2009.

  26 Adm 137/97, 122A; Weber, 87. Turkish plans for a campaign of subversion in Egypt had been first laid in July 1914.

  II Men and Ideas

  1 L.T.B., i, 37.

  2 H.L., 301.

  3 Murray to Robertson, 26.1.16.

  4 WO 95/4360 [G.S. Ops. Cairo] 8.1.16; Deedes, 8.1.16; Hogarth, 12.5.17; Bray, Paladin, 296–7; Presland, 235.

  5 Robertson to Murray, 5.4.16.

  6 Hogarth, 23.12.17.

  7 Murray to Robertson, 5.4.16.

  8 Mackenzie, Gallipoli Memories, 62, 321–2.

  9 Letters, ed. Brown, 74.

  10 Deedes, letter to his mother, 31.12.15; Mackenzie, Life and Times, V, 17–18.

  11 Hogarth, 7.11.7.

  12 Wemyss, 268.

  13 Mackenzie, Athenian Memories, 139–40; Dawnay, letter to his wife, 11.4.15.

  14 Mackenzie, Gallipoli Memories, 50–1; Dawnay, letter to his wife, 14.4.15.

  15 Adam, 64.

  16 Lloyd, 4/1A.

  17 Dawnay, letter to his wife, 17.12.15; Wemyss, 265.

  18 Busch, 22.

  19 Ibid, 40–1.

  20 Adm 137/97, 1096.

  21 ‘Fragmentary Notes of 1915’ in Yale, 25.2.18. On 15 February 1915, Storrs sent a report on the ‘Syrian Problem’ to Kitchener for editing or suppression along with the Field-Marshal’s Freemasonic regalia [PRO 30/57/47].

  22 L.T.B., ii, 17.

  23 Arthur, 153-4; MacMunn and Falls, I, 20-1.

  24 Adm 137/97, 1075; ‘Notes on Alexandretta and Syria by Catoni and Kennedy’ [WO 157/689].

  25 WO 106/1570,I, 9,18; Clayton 694/3, 9.

  26 WO 157/698, Intelligence Report 5.1.15, 4.

  27 Clayton, 694/3, 10; WO 157/689, ‘Notes on Alexandretta’, 4.

  28 WO 157/698, ‘Notes on Alexandretta’, 3; Lloyd favoured British annexation of the entire province [Lloyd 9/4, 15.3.15].

  29 Clayton 694/3, memo 3.1.15.

  30 Ibid, 56–7.

  31 Dawnay [Box 3], Dawnay to Aspinall, 5.2.32; James, 330.

  32 MacMunn and Falls, I, 79-81; Arthur, 196,199–200; WO 33/747/2774A, 2790A, 2792B, 2800B, 2798A.

  III A Secret War

  1 The Sultan’s proclamation is printed in full in Mandelstam, 371-4.

  2 Einstein, 2.

  3 L. Mil 17/5/203; L. Mil 17/5/3250 App 397; see also von Sandars, 45.

  4 Einstein, 2.

  5 Waugh, 314; Weber, 182.

  6 WO 33/748, 3590, 3594.

  7 W0 175/701, 24.2.16: Daily Review of Foreign Press, 18.5.16, p. 4.

  8 Von Sandars, 46, 134-5; Weber, 169; L. Mil 17/5/2403, 13.

  9 PRO 30/75/69, 5.3.15: Cab 42/11, 7.4.16, pp. 3–4.

  10 WO 157/701, 12.2.16.

  11 MacMunn and Falls, I, 67; Wingate 141/1, 19.

  12 WO 157/701, 12.6.16; WO 157/702, 14.3.16. Just how the U-boat had managed to get into the Red Sea did not cross the minds of Cairo’s intelligence staff!

  13 De Pocock, 42.

  14 Wingate to Murray, 17.10.16.

  15 Waugh, 314; WO 157/698, 7.12.15.

  16 Adm 137/333, 621, 705, 765, 868; Adm 137/510, 223, 517; Wingate 140/3, 72-4; WO 95/4361, App 1, 25. WO 33/780, 4145.

  17 Robertson, 176–7.

  18 Adm 137/334, 1087.

  19 Presland, 176–7.

  20 Busch, 80.

  21 FO 141/461/391; FO 371/2771, fos 150 ff.

  22 Kedourie, Chatham House Version, 14.

  23 WO 33/760, 4425.

  24 Adm 137/97/1096.

  25 WO 157/700, 27.1.16.

  26 Weber, 183.

  27 Mackenzie, My Life and Times, 5, 17; Gallipoli Memories, 243; FO 371/2271, 379.

  28 Leslie, 243.

  29 L.P. & S., 10/586, 323.

  IV Adventures in Blunderland: Iraq, April 1916

  1 Lloyd 9/8, 24.5.16.

  2 L.P. & S., 10/576, 100.

  3 Lloyd 9/8, 29.5.16.

  4 WO 33/747, 2021, 2407; WO 158/668, 75; WO 95/5094, App 28.

  5 Busch, 74; FO 882/15,18 ff.

  6 Clauson, Box 2.

  7 Busch, 58-9.

  8 PRO 30/57/48.

  9 Cab 42/11, 28.4.16.

  10 L. Mil 17/5, 3249.

  11 Ibid, 744.

  12 Ibid, 3250, App 37; L. Mil 17/5, 3249.

  13 James, 46; Weber, 153–4.

  14 Knightley and Simpson, 48.

  15 P. Graves, Percy Cox, 200–1.

  16 Ibid, 201; FO 882/15, 72-7; FO 371/2771, 372.

  17 S.P., 35,

  18 Herbert, 225.

  19 L. Mil 17/5, 3250, App 39; ibid., 3251, App 397; WO 33/768/3832, 3989.

  20 Robertson to Murray, 15.3.16.

  21 WO 33/768, 3749.

  22 Wemyss, 298.

  23 Herbert, 235; WO 158/668, 75; Wingate 137/1, 19.

  24 L. Mil 17/5, 3251, App 475.

  25 Wingate 137/1, 12.

  26 L. Mil 17/5, App 458; WO 33/768, 4016; Townsend, 295, 335.

  27 L. Mil 17/5, 3251, Apps 475, 480.

  28 Ibid, 475; WO 33/768, 4279.

  29 L. Mil 17/5, 3249; WO 33/768, 4016, 4019, 4072.

  30 WO 33/768, 4287.

  31 L. Mil 17/5, App 460; WO 33/768/4288.

  32 Cab 42/11, 28.4.16.

  33 L. Mil 17/5, 8251, Apps 558, 575, 592; WO 33/768, 4350.

  34 WO 33/768, 4351; L. Mil 17/5, Apps 519, 556-7.

  35 WO 33/768, 4375. The Kaiser ordered a school holiday on the announcement of the surrender of Kut; German propaganda gave it second place to the Easter Rising in Dublin.

  36 Herbert, 255.

  37 L.T.B. i, 83: Lawrence’s report of the exchange is in FO 371/2771, 496-7, and Letters, ed. Garnett, 208-10.

  38 FO 882/15, 72.

  39 Ibid., 369–70; Wingate 137/7 [Lawrence’s Report on Iraq] 9, 13.

  40 FO 882/15, 70–3; Wingate 137/7, 9; P. Graves, Percy Cox, 202–3.

  41 Lloyd 9/8, Lloyd to Deedes, 26.5.16.

  42 FO 371/271, 392.

  43 Wingate 137/1, 1, 18–19.

  44 Wingate 136/6,153. The Sirdar found Lawrence’s report ‘very good and interesting’ [ibid., 3].

  45 Murray to Robertson, 9.3.16; Wingate 137/2, 38–9.

  46 FO 882/15, 73.

  47 Moberley, II, 296-7; III, 25, 50, 367-8; L. Mil 17/5, 3381, 14.4.16.

  48 Goldberg, ‘Philby’, passim; ‘Captain Shakespeare’, 81.

  49 WO 95/4361, App 1, 19; ibid., 4365, App A; ibid, 4380, 8 and 20.11.14; Adm 137/183, 73.

  50 WO 33/760, 459.

  51 WO 157/690, 23.4.15.

  52 MacMunn and Falls, I, 277 n.1.

  53 Von Sandars, 191.

  54 Moberley, II, 83.

  Part Three: With the Arabs at Aqaba: June 1916–July 1917

  I A Man of Destiny


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