Golden Warrior, The

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by Lawrence, James

Louis, St

  Lowe, Lance-Corporal

  Lunt, Sir James

  Lyle, Robert


  battle at

  forces at

  and Hejaz railway

  occupation by Abdullah

  offensive against

  TEL at

  see also railway

  MacAndrew, General

  MacDonnell, M.S.

  Macdonogh, Lieutenant-General Sir George

  Mack, Dr John

  A Prince of our Disorder, the Life of T.E. Lawrence

  Mackenzie, Sir Compton

  Extremes Meet

  Maclean, Alan

  McMahon, Sir Henry

  and Aqaba

  and Arab Revolt

  and France

  and Hussain

  ‘Mad Mullah’ see ibn Hassan, Abdullah


  Magnolia, SS

  Malone, L’e

  Malory, Sir Thomas

  Morte d’Arthur

  Malraux, André

  Marchand, Colonel

  Marsh, Edward

  Marsh, Major

  Marshall, Major W.E.

  Massena, Marshal

  Massey, W.T.

  Maude, General

  Maugham, Robin

  Maugham, W. Somerset

  Maulud Pasha

  ‘Maurice’ (agent)

  Maxton, James

  Maxwell, General Sir John (‘Conkie’)





  German base at

  and Hejaz railway

  Mehmed V, Sultan

  Meinertzhagen, Colonel Richard

  argument with TEL on Arabs

  and Churchill


  on Jerusalem

  and Jewish question

  meets Mrs Lawrence

  and Seven Pillars

  on TEL’s appearance

  as TEL’s confidant

  and TEL’s experience at Dera

  and TEL’s illegitimacy

  Meissner, Heinrich

  Melbourne Argus

  Metropolitan Police

  Meyers, Professor Jeffrey

  Middle Eastern Department (Colonial Office)

  Military Intelligence

  Mills, John

  Milner, Viscount


  Monréal, Major

  Monroe, Elizabeth


  Montgomery, Field-Marshal

  More, Captain


  Morris, William

  The Story of Sigurd the Volsung

  Mosley, Sir Oswald


  Mountbatten, Admiral

  Moussa, Professor Suleiman

  T.E. Lawrence: An Arab View

  Muggeridge, Malcolm

  Muhammad (the Prophet)

  Muhammad Ali, Sharif

  Muhammad Jamal Pasha

  Mukhlis, General Mawlud

  Munich crisis (1938)


  Murray, General Sir Archibald

  at Ismailia

  in Cairo

  and France

  and Hejaz railway

  and Seven Pillars

  on TEL





  and Ottoman empire

  outside Ottoman empire



  of Turkestan

  Mussolini, Benito

  ‘Mustafa’ (agent)

  Namier, Sir Lewis

  Napoleon I, Emperor

  Nash, Paul

  Nasir, Sharif

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel

  Naval Intelligence see intelligence departments


  Nazis, news agency


  Neill, Captain A.G.

  Neufeld, Karl

  New Statesman

  New York Herald Tribune

  New Zealand, forces of

  Newcombe, Major Stewart

  and Arab Revolt

  Arabs and

  and Faisal

  and Hejaz railway raids

  recruitment of agents

  taken prisoner

  at TEL’s funeral

  on TEL

  News Chronicle

  Nicolson, Harold

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Nivelle, General

  Noel, Major Edward

  Norman, Montague

  North-West Frontier

  Northcliffe, Lord

  Northern Arab Army

  Nutting, Anthony


  Ocampo, Virginia, 338171 T.E.

  O’Casey, Sean

  Odeh, Rev. N.


  Ogston, Dr Alexander

  Olden, Major

  Oppenheim, Max, Freiherr von

  Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele

  Ormsby-Gore, William

  Orwell, George (Eric Blair)

  O’Toole, Peter

  Ottoman empire

  air force

  Balkan Wars

  declares war on Allies

  discipline of forces

  dissolution of

  instability of

  and the Karkamis excavations


  Ministry of Public Instruction

  partition of

  relations with Germany

  and Syrian tribes

  TEL alleged to be spying against

  Turco-German connection

  Young Turks

  see also Turco-German alliance; Turkey


  Ashmolean Museum

  Lawrence family settle in

  Oxford High School

  Oxford Times

  Oxford University

  All Souls College

  Bodleian Library

  Jesus College

  Officers’ Training Corps

  St John’s College

  Oxford University Press


  and Abdullah

  Allied plans for

  and Balfour Declaration

  and Cairo Conference

  campaign of

  and Faisal

  Jewish immigration

  Ottoman forces in

  spies in

  uprisings in

  US missionaries in

  see also Jews; Zionists

  Palestine Exploration Fund

  Palmer, Arthur (‘Posh’)

  Pan-Islamic movement

  and Faisal

  and Hussain


  and Salonika Conference

  Paris Match

  Paris Peace Conference (1919)

  Parker, Colonel A.C.

  and Arabs

  at Rabigh

  Parnell, Charles Stewart

  Pascoe, Captain

  Pater, Walter

  Peake, Bimbashi (Major) F.G. (‘Fred’)

  Pepys, Samuel


  Persian Gulf

  Petit Parisien

  Petrie, Professor Flinders

  Philby, Harry St John

  Picot, Henri

  Pirie—Gordon, Commander Harry

  Pisani, Captain


  Poole, R.L.

  Port Said

  Pound, Ezra

  Powell, Anthony

  Prince, Lieutenant

  Private Eye

  Prys-Jones, A.G.


  Puttnam, David

  Qalat al Husa

  Qalat al Mudawarrah

  Qalat Surgar

  Quayle, Anthony




  Raho, Lieutenant


  Aleppo—Baalbek Yarmud line

  and Aqaba

  and Bani Sakhr

  Berlin—Baghdad line

��Aleppo line

  Damascus—Dera line

  Damascus—Maan line

  Damascus—Medina line

  Dera campaign

  Dera—Haifa line

  Dera—Maan line

  guarded by Beduin

  in southern Jordan

  Tabuk—el-Ela line

  Tabuk—Maan line

  and tribal sheiks

  Rains, Claud

  Raleigh, Sir Walter


  Rank Organisation

  Rankin, Major-General

  Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie)

  Rashid Ali

  Rattigan, Terence, Ross

  Read, Sir Herbert

  Rennell, Sir Francis (Lord Rennell)

  Rennell, Sir James

  Rhys, Sir John

  Richard I, King

  Richards, Vyvyan

  Riding, Laura

  Rieder, Mrs

  Roberts, William

  Robertson, General Sir William

  and Aqaba

  on Arabs as guerrillas

  and Australians

  and British troops for Hejaz

  and Kut

  and Lake

  and subsidies to Arabs

  and Syrian offensive

  on TEL

  and TEL’s planned Arab campaign

  Robinson, Edward

  Lawrence the Rebel

  Rolfe, F.W. (‘Baron Corvo’)

  Don Tarquino

  Rolls, S.C.

  Ross, Captain A.J.

  Ross Smith, Captain

  Rossetti, Christina


  Royal Air Force:

  and Cairo Conference

  The Mint and

  support of Arab forces

  Royal Air Force—continued

  TEL on

  TEL’s career in

  TEL’s companions in

  see also Cranwell; Uxbridge

  Royal Australian Air Force

  Royal Engineers’ Journal

  Royal Field Artillery

  Royal Flying Corps (later Royal Air Force)

  Royal Navy

  see also Admiralty; intelligence departments

  Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve

  Royal Tank Corps

  Royle, Captain


  Russell, Arthur


  and Alexandretta

  Arabs and


  ‘Army of Islam’ invades

  and Britain

  and Caucasus

  dissolution of army

  Foreign Ministry

  and the Kurds

  and Ottoman forces

  and Syria

  and TEL’s alleged spying activities

  and Visitor from Mecca


  Said, Professor Edward

  Said, Muhammad

  Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de

  St Quentin, Captain Doynal

  Saklatvala, Shapurji

  Salah Abdullah, Sheik

  Salmond, Air Marshal Sir Geoffrey


  Samson, Major Louis (‘R’)

  Samuel, Sir Herbert

  Samy Bey, Ali

  Sandars, General Liman von



  Sassoon, Sir Philip

  Sassoon, Siegfried

  Saudi Arabia, and Korda film project

  Sayyid Talib Pasha

  Scarborough, Lord

  Schneider Trophy Race, Plymouth

  Scott, Lady


  The Seven Golden Odes of Pagan Arabia or The Moallakat

  The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

  on Abdullah

  on al Qadir

  on Alan Dawnay

  Allenby on

  on Aqaba campaign

  on Arab Revolt

  on Arabs

  on Barrow

  on Beduin religion

  becomes bestseller

  bridge demolition described in

  on capture of Damascus

  composition of

  on Dahoum

  on Dera incident

  on Faisal

  first draft

  on guerrilla warfare

  on Hejaz railway raids

  homosexuality in


  on Nasib

  and Nietzschean sympathies

  omits mentions of ANZACs

  and Robert Graves

  on secret negotiations with Talaat Bey

  on Sykes

  on Syria

  TEL on

  on TEL’s own character

  on TEL’s role in Arab campaign

  on Turks

  on weakening of Pan-Islamic movement

  The Seven Pillars Trust

  Shahbandah, Dr Abd al Rahman

  Shakespeare, Captain

  Shalaan, Nuri

  Shaw, Charlotte (Mrs George Bernard Shaw)

  TEL’s letters to

  Shaw, George Bernard

  St Joan

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  Sidney, Sir Philip

  Simpson, Colin

  The Secret Lives of Laurence of Arabia

  Sims, Flight-Lieutenant


  charts of

  survey of

  Single, Colonel Clive

  Slade, Gurney (Stephen Bartlett):

  In Laurence’s Bodyguard

  Led by Lawrence

  Sledmere, war memorial

  Smith, Clare Sydney

  The Golden Reign

  Smith, Wing Commander Sydney


  South Africans, at capture of Damascus


  The Sphere

  Spiegel, Sam

  Steed, Henry Wickham

  Stewart, Desmond

  T.E. Lawrence

  Stirling, Colonel Walter

  Storrs, Sir Ronald

  and Arab Revolt

  defence of TEL’s reputation

  on Faisal

  friendship with TEL

  on TEL

  at TEL’s funeral

  The Story of our Submarines

  Stotzingen, Major von

  The Strand Magazine


  Suez Canal

  Sunday Times

  Swann, Air Vice-Marshal Sir Oliver

  Sykes, Sir Mark

  anti-Indian attitude of

  and Arab Revolt

  and Hussain

  on Syria

  TEL on

  on TEL’s Hejaz report

  see also Sykes-Picot agreement

  Sykes-Picot agreement

  abandonment of

  and Allenby

  on Aqaba

  Druze and

  and Faisal

  French view of

  and Hussain

  question of TEL’s knowledge of


  Abdullah plans to conquer

  agents in

  Allied plans for

  Arabs of

  Armenians in forces of

  and Balfour Declaration

  Berlin-to-Bagdad railway

  British offensive planned against

  campaign of

  charts of

  discussed at Paris Peace Conference

  Faisal’s plans

  Fourth Army

  and France see France

  Franco-Syrian War

  French schools

  Germans in

  Hussain and

  Karkamis excavations

  liberation of

  National Assembly

  nationalist movement

  in 1941

  and Palestine

  political life of

  TEL on

  TEL’s operation in

  TEL’s research thesis on castles in

  Turks in

  uprisings in

  US missionaries in

  see also Karkamis; Sykes—Picot agreem

  Syrians, prisoners of war




  Talaat, Mehmed

  T.E. Lawrence by His Friends

  Tel Halaf

  Tell el Shehab

  Le Temps

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord

  ‘Geraint and Enid’

  ‘The Palace of Art’

  Thomas, Lieutenant

  Thomas, Lowell

  The Boy’s Life of Colonel Lawrence

  With Lawrence in Arabia

  Thomas, Mrs

  Thompson, Francis

  Thomson, Lord

  Thorne, Trooper

  Thurtle, Ernest


  The Times

  TEL’s letter to

  Times Literary Supplement


  Townshend, General

  Toynbee, Arnold

  Trenchard, Air Marshal Sir Hugh


  Trotsky, Leon

  Trumbull, H. Clay

  Tuke, Henry Scott


  Turco-Arab rapprochement

  Turco—German alliance:

  Faisal and

  forces of

  and Pan—Islamic movement


  subversion campaign

  and Zionist movement


  air force

  air raids on Hejaz

  and al Faruqi


  and Britain

  defeat of

  High Command

  importance of Medina to

  invaded by Greece

  and Korda film project

  offensive against approved by Britain

  and Russia

  subsidies to Beduin

  and Suez Canal

  and TEL’s death

  see also Balkan Wars; Ottoman empire; Turco—German alliance; Turks


  attacked at el Fuweila

  and Dera incident

  Faisal and

  Fourth Army

  hated by intelligence agents

  nationalist movement


  prisoners of war

  Sharif Hussain and


  TEL’s hatred of

  Tytler, Captain


  United States

  Uprising in Damascus (film)


  Urfa (Edessa)

  Uxbridge, RAF depot

  Valentino, Rudolph

  Vansittart, Sir Robert (Lord Vansittart)

  Vansittart family

  Venizelos, Eleutherios

  Versailles, Treaty of (1919)

  see also Paris Peace Conference


  Vickery, Captain (later Major) C.E.

  Victor Emmanuel, King

  Victoria, Queen

  Virginia Quarterly Review

  Visitor from Mecca


  Wadi el Yutm


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