Box Set #3: The Serenity Deception: [The 4 book 3rd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #3: The Serenity Deception: [The 4 book 3rd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 8

by Robert Iannone

  “It’s okay.”

  “Egg, dear sister, my husband and I have come to love Molly and are overwhelmed with joy that she will become a member of this family. Yet, there is the merest shadow of regret that it is not you that will be my son’s wife. I trust you will not share that secret with anyone.”

  “Of course I won’t. I would never hurt Molly . . . she and Jenny have been through so much.”

  The Queen put her arms around Egg and hugged her close. “I have said it before and I will say it yet again. You are unique in all the universe. I do love you so, my sister.”

  The girl returned the hug. “If you’re trying to make me cry, you’re succeeding.”

  “Sadly, I had meant for this to be a joyous occasion for you. To see Aeri’elle honored by her Queen and Molly elevated to Marquesa and engaged to my son. How poorly I judged your reaction on both counts. Please forgive me.”

  “Dazzle, it was my fault for acting like a kid. I’m the one that should apologize.”

  “Then my apology cancels yours and neither need be expressed. Now, I will ask a favor.”

  “Let me guess . . . dance with Ben’Edikk.”

  “Your Feminion has taught you well.”

  “Yeah, she has.”


  After the reception, Egg and her group said their goodbyes to the Queen and Lord Z’kkk. Aeri’elle, Molly . . . oops, that’s Lady Molly and Lady Jenny, walked them back out to the balcony where they would depart for home.

  “Big bird, when do you start your new job?”


  “Today? Really?”

  “Egg, we have so much to do. Buildings to outfit, curriculum to write, professors to hire . . . I’m tired just thinking about it.”

  “Remember, you’re going to make me proud or else.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “Have you decided on a name for the university?” asked Ashley.

  “Yes. Trans-Galactic University. We’re hoping to invite scholars and students from the worlds we discover using the space portal.”

  “That is awesome. Maybe in a few years I’ll send you my application,” said Sylvia.

  “As long as I’m Head Mistress, there will always be a place for you, Syl.”

  Egg now turned to the other two former earthlings. “Lady Jenny, Lady Molly . . . can you believe it. Talk about a fairy tale. And, you get to marry a handsome Prince. Can’t wait for the movie to come out.”

  “And it’s all because . . .,” began Jenny.

  “STOP,” demanded Egg. “Please, you don’t need to keep saying it. We did what we did because we could. End of story.”

  “It will never be the end of the story Egg. Not as long as I draw a breath,” and Lady Jenny gave her, then Sylvia, a warm hug.

  “Egg, can I talk to you a minute . . . in private.”

  “Sure,” and she and Molly moved off as the others pretended disinterest but all the while trying their hardest to hear what was being said.

  “I know you kissed him.”

  Egg blushed and her mouth dropped open . . . but she couldn’t think of anything to say.

  “And I know he kissed you. He told me. He said it would be the only time he could kiss the Heroine of Aerianna and he couldn’t resist. And, I’m guessing you think he’s as handsome as I do. So I forgave him. But I won’t forgive you.”

  “Molly . . .”

  The Marquesa raised her hand. “I won’t forgive you because there’s nothing to forgive. If kissing him gave you a moment of happiness, then my debt to you is a little less. Not much, mind you, but a little.”

  “Molly, I didn’t know you guys were engaged. I would never have done it if I knew.”

  “I know. Still, you’ll have to do one thing to make it up to me. You’ll have to be my Maid-of-Honor. In fact, so will Sylvia. When I marry Ben’Edikk, I’ll become a Princess so I guess I can have pretty much whatever I want. And that’s what I want. Okay?”



  They were back in Grammy’s living room, sitting on the couch or one of her big, comfy recliners.

  “That was wonderful,” beamed the older Eloise. “Q’umulus is breathtaking . . . and so is his Lordship.”


  “What? Am I too old to enjoy the attentions of a handsome nobleman?”

  “He’s a married man,” teased her granddaughter.

  “My loss.”

  “I love the view from the city and the Queen’s Arboretum. But mostly, it was depressing.”

  “Why in the world would it be depressing, Ashley?”

  “Because I have to go off to college and learn what? Economics. It seems so boring now. I’d rather attend Aeri’elle’s new university. Now that would be an education.”

  Egg smiled. “You might not like Talon’s Perch.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s kind of scary . . .” and she went on to describe the dragon city-castle.

  “Well, it still would be more interesting than anything on earth.”

  “You seemed to enjoy your dance with Grammy’s dreamboat,” kidded Sylvia.

  “He gives me goose bumps – the good kind.”

  “So how was your dance with Benny?” Egg asked her girlfriend.

  “Ben’Edikk was a perfect gentleman. I think Molly is a lucky girl,” and she looked at her friend daring her to say something against the newly-engaged couple. To her surprise, the reaction was totally the opposite.

  “Yeah, he’s okay. He’ll make her happy.” Syl’s eyebrows arched up in amazement.

  “Did you want to tell us what his Lordship said to you? It seemed like quite a conversation.” Everyone now looked at Egg in anticipation of some juicy gossip.

  “Sorry. It was between him and me. And before you ask, so was my conversation with Dazzle.”

  The other three ladies exchanged looks. Grammy, however, put an end to the questions when she said, “We will certainly honor your privacy, dear one.”

  “Thanks, Grammy.”

  “Even though we’re dying to know”.


  “I tease,” but her eyes said something different.

  “By the way, what was in that Galleria of the Sisterhood?”

  “Oh, yes. Among other things, there was a life size painting of Mobius. I can’t believe I allowed you and Sylvia to fight that man. He was hideous to look at.”

  “I’ll have nightmares for a year,” added Ashley. “But I’ve got to say I am way impressed. You seven have more courage than I can even imagine. Kudos.”

  “Shucks, weren’t nothing,” teased Egg with false modesty. “So what else was there?”

  “Painting of the original sisters as well as the Seven Lands. There were placards explaining all that you guys encountered. If made me very proud . . . of both of you.”

  “Hey, don’t look at me,” said Sylvia with a smile. “I’m just her brain. She did the scary stuff.”

  “You know what?” Egg huffed as she stood up, “I’m kind of bored with talking about the great exploits of the Sisterhood. We did what we had to do, nothing more, so everyone needs to get over it and move on.”

  “Not until you tell me about the other rescue,” responded Ashley. “What was the name of that planet?”

  “Zynn-Zaz’zia,” answered Sylvia.

  “Not going to happen today. So let’s just drop it, please.”

  Ashley said “okay” but then looked at Sylvia, put her hand to her mouth and ear like a telephone and mouthed the words ‘call me’. The other girl nodded.

  “So, Grammy . . . if Syl and I want to go back for a couple of weeks, next weekend would be perfect. That’s when Mom and Dad will be driving Ashley to California. It’ll take them three or four days to drive in each direction and they want to spend at least a week helping Sis and sightseeing. Can you cover for us?”

  “Let me think. Well, how about another trip to that cabin in the mountains. No cell phone service up th
ere.” It’s where they said they were going when they went on the Quest.

  “Are you sure? We don’t want to put you out if you have other things to do?”

  “Sweetheart, it’s absolutely no trouble. I’m very glad to do it.”

  “Thank you Grammy,” and she gave her a hug.

  “By the way,” asked Sylvia, “if we ever need to use Ashley as our cover, how do we say we’re getting to California?”

  “Fly, of course.”

  “Egg, you can’t tell them you’re flying us there.”

  “Not me . . . not Flying Girl. We’re old enough to have Grammy drive us to the airport and put us on a plane. Kids younger than us do it all the time.”

  “Or we could take a train,” offered the other girl excitedly.


  “Oh yeah, right. We wouldn’t actually being getting on the plane. My bad.”



  They materialized in the Throne Room . . . but this time no one of importance was there to greet them. The Sentinels, however, went through their routine as usual but for the most part, no one seemed to care.

  The girls looked around wondering where they should go. Then they jumped when the Sentinels banged their lancers and opened the door. What walked in made the girls gasp.

  It was a miniature Bl’azzz . . . but with the head of Soo.

  “OH MY GOSH. Do you think they got into an accident and . . . and they sewed them back together wrong?”

  Syl began to giggle. “Jynxie . . . Jynxie,” she called to the serpent headed dragon.

  The animal looked up, eyed the person behind the voice then decided it was okay to investigate. It came prancing up to Sylvia and began to lick her with its very long, disgustingly wet, tongue.


  “So this is a Shamie,” said Egg as she realized what the animal was.

  “I’m hoping. Otherwise I’m getting drenched in saliva for no good reason.”

  “Jynxie. Jynxie,” came a voice. But it wasn’t spoken out loud. “There you are. Stop bothering those . . . Egg. Sylvia.” It was Spirit followed by the other three space-faring explorers.

  “Hi, guys.”

  “Hi,” added Sylvia. “Love your dragon fish. So cute,” referring to Jynxie.

  “Hey, I ain’t no fish,” complained Soo pretending to be hurt.

  “Serpent, fish . . . what’s the difference?” teased Egg.

  “There’s one big difference . . . serpents are cute.”

  “Not as much as you might think.”

  “Enough, you two,” cried BreeZee. “Earthlings, get over here and give me a hug. I’ve missed you both.”

  “What? A year and a half on that spaceship with me and you’re already tired of my company?” asked Bl’azzz. “I hardly burped and burned the whole time.”

  “You scorched my hair, you giant flamethrower.”

  “Spirit, how did you put up with this gang of goofs for so long?” asked Sylvia.

  “Mostly I locked myself in my cabin.”

  “She did not. Mostly she locked me in my cabin,” complained Soo.

  “We actually took a vote. Four against one.”

  “Four? Oh, Jynxie got a vote?”

  “It was her idea to begin with,” said Bl’azzz. “Gotta love that.”

  They all took a deep breath and used the time to exchange hugs.

  “When did you guys get back?” asked Sylvia.

  “Just now. How about you?”

  “Literally seconds before you walked in. How’s that for good timing?”

  “Actually, I peeked into your future and there was a great possibility you would be visiting right about now. So we planned our return accordingly.”

  “How about teaching me to be a Thought Weaver,” asked Egg. “It seems like a really useful talent.”

  “No problem. I would, however, have to remove your brain, rewire it, add a few bits and pieces that you’re missing, cut out some odds and ends that you won’t need, then sew you back up again. I’ll go wash my hands.”

  “Um, on second thought, I’ll pass for now.”

  “If you change your mind, I’m always up for a good challenge,” teased the other girl.

  “Hey, Egg. Where’s big bird?” asked Soo.

  “We need to talk. Let’s go find some place private.”

  “She’s okay, though. Right?”

  “Absolutely. “

  They found a lounge area outside. It had been designed to accommodate all three species with chairs, a shallow pond and some branch-like perches. They made themselves comfortable. Even Jynxie returned to her normal shape.

  “So what gives?” asked the serpent.

  “That grumpy Rainbow Dragon crashed my party a few weeks ago and announced that Aeri’elle and her father have been made Head Mistress and Master of a brand new university. It’s a full time job . . . “ and she left the rest of the thought unspoken.

  “Are you suggesting that she is leaving the Sisterhood?” asked BreeZee.

  “Don’t be silly,” interrupted Bl’azzz. Then she saw the look on Egg’s face. “She is?”



  “Come on you guys, it’s an amazing honor,” said Sylvia, “and a monumental challenge. She’s going to need our support.”

  “I’m happy for her . . . but it makes me incredibly sad that there will only be four of us left.” Soo was, of course, referring to the original seven sisters.

  BreeZee stole a glance at Spirit who was looking down at her hands. The serpent hadn’t meant to do it, but she had hurt the feelings of both newcomers. Egg happened to look over and saw their reactions.

  “Hey Bree . . .”

  “Yes, Egg?”

  “Do you miss your parents?”

  That was a question out of the blue. “Of course.”

  “How about you, Spirit?”

  “Yes. Very much.”

  “Just because you miss them . . . that doesn’t mean you don’t want to be here, with us. Does it?”

  “There’s no place else in the universe I would want to be. There’s no one else I would rather be with.”

  “I feel exactly the same way.”

  “Well, so do Soo and Bl’azzz and Syl and me. We miss K’ssss, Sassi and we’ll miss Aeri’elle. But when it comes to it, there’s no place else we’d want to be . . . and no one else we rather be with than with you guys.”

  Both girls offered smiles to acknowledge what Egg was saying.

  “This is the Hameggattic Sisterhood . . . the six of us right here. We can’t worry about what we can’t change. Got it?”

  They both nodded.

  “So, there are only two things we need to do right now. Make that three. We need to give Aeri’elle a memorable going away party, Syl and I need you to tell us what wonders of the universe you guys have seen . . . and we need to find a seventh sister. Any questions?”

  “Can Jynxie be number seven. She’s really nice.”

  “No Bl’azzz, but she can be our official pet. Would you like that Jynxie?”

  The Shamie morphed back into the dragon-fish and gave Flying Girl a big, very wet lick.”

  “That’s just gross.”

  Chapter 9 – Shameless Mimic

  “I almost forgot. Here, these are for you,” and Spirit handed a little patch to Egg and Sylvia.

  “Cute. What is it?”

  “It’s the official insignia of my spacecraft.”

  “I don’t get it?”

  “EGG,” cried Sylvia. “How could you not get it?”

  The girl looked at it again. “Ohhhhh. I got it now.”


  “No, really. The red thing is an egg and it has wings because it can fly . . . kind of like me. And the number seven is for the seven Hameggattic Sisters. Duh.”

  “Well, I think it’s very clever” Sylvia told Spirit.

  “Thank you. It is also the name of the craft.”

  Egg scrunch
ed her face. “You call it the seven flying eggs?”

  “Eloise Graystone, would you please stop embarrassing yourself.”

  “I would if I could. I’m just not as smart as you, smarty pants.”

  Soo felt forced to explain. “Egg-o, the name of the spacecraft is Seven.”

  “I knew that,” which caused the five other girls to laugh. Jynxie on the other hand rolled on her back with her four legs sticking straight up – as if she had just died from Egg’s humiliating display of dim-wittedness.

  “So you guys,” asked a very curious Sylvia, “where did you go? A year and a half on a space ship usually won’t take you very far. Back on earth, it might get you to the next planet over.” For some reason that made the other four girls laugh. “Why is that funny?”

  “My craft is a bit unusual. It doesn’t travel through space like you might think. It’s actually more of a traveling space portal.”

  “And that means what exactly?” asked Egg.

  “To keep it simple, it punches a hole in the fabric of space then re-enters it at whatever destination you set.”

  “Oh my gosh . . . you call that the simple answer?”

  “Egg, I’ll explain it to you later,” said her Feminion.

  “Don’t bother. If it works, it works.”

  “You’re missing the point. The craft can go anywhere – any distance – instantaneously. Am I right, Spirit?”

  “Not quite. It does take a little time . . . but not for the reason you might think. It has to do with the distortion of . . . “

  “STOP. Syl loves that stuff 'cause she actually has a brain. I was born without one. So, please, no more techno babble.”

  Sylvia took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I gotta find a smarter friend.”

  “Don’t you dare.”

  They each stuck out their tongues at the other. Sylvia turned back to the others and asked, “So, where in the galactic void did you go? What cool things did you see?”

  “For the most part, we tried to avoid any planet where there were people – or their version of people,” replied BreeZee. “We had no way of knowing if they would be peaceful or if they would welcome us aliens.”


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