Murder By the Glass

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Murder By the Glass Page 22

by Michele Scott

  He didn’t give her a chance as he turned her around and put his hands on her shoulders. His dark hair falling in front of his eyes. He raked it out of the way and looked at her like she’d never seen him look before. There was heat in those eyes that made Nikki’s heart race.

  “I’m tired of this.”

  “Of what?”

  “This game. This cat and mouse game between you and Derek, you and me. It’s driving me crazy. You’re driving me crazy.”

  “I, um, okay. You’re right. I’ve been . . .”

  Andrés placed a finger on her lips. “Shhh. Let me say what I came to say and maybe when I’m done things will be different between us.

  Nikki was stunned and couldn’t say a word even if she wanted to.

  “I know you have this thing for Malveaux, but I also feel and believe that there is something between us.”

  She started to protest, but he shook his head. “Hear me out. If Derek is such a fool that he can’t see that you’re in love with him and act upon it, well, I’ll be the fool in love with you, and hope you’ll be foolish enough to fall in love with me.”

  With that he put his arms around her and pulled her close. He kissed her hard on her lips. The kiss turned into one of heated passion as a surge of electricity shot through her body. Andrés pulled away from her as she started to fully respond to him.

  “You think about that and let me know.” He turned around and walked out the door.

  Nikki stood watching the closed door after him, her mind and body reeling in a state of confusion and nerves, high with a sexual intensity she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  Chapter 28

  After dropping Nikki back at her place, Derek wanted to kick himself. There was so much more he’d wanted to say to her tonight, to tell her how he really felt. He’d chickened out. Again. What was it about her? Her eyes, her hair, that smile, the way she made him laugh. She was the whole package and yet he couldn’t tell her. He’d never felt so afraid in his life. She held something over him and dammit, he’d never been around a woman who made his heart race the way she did. The other night in the city, he’d wanted to tell her, kiss her, and then Marco and Simon and their troubles got in the way. Since then, it was like the cat got his tongue and clamped down on his feelings.

  He flipped on the stereo and Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On,” was playing. All right, the hell with it. He was going to do it. He was going to go over to her cottage right this minute and tell her everything about how he felt.

  Derek went to the wine cellar and found the bottle of wine he wanted to share with her that he’d told her about over dinner.

  Five minutes later Derek stood outside Nikki’s door with the wine in his hand. He knew this was right. He wanted to tell Nikki that his feelings for her were far stronger than just for an employee or for a friend. His feelings weren’t nearly that simple, and he should’ve told her at dinner. The fact was he wanted to be close to her. To smell the gardenia scent that enveloped her body, to look into her green eyes, to see that smile that lit up his world every time he saw it.

  He lifted his fist to rap on the door, his heart thumping hard against his chest, his nerves taking a stranglehold on every part of him. Something caught his eye from inside Nikki’s house. He nearly dropped the bottle in his other hand. His heart almost stopped. How stupid could he be? There was Andrés, his arms around Nikki, and they were kissing. They were kissing passionately. Derek turned around and swallowed. He fought down any emotion, as he walked back home where he took the bottle of wine and slid it back into its place.

  Chapter 29

  Nikki lay awake for hours tossing and turning, willing sleep to help her escape from this madness. Life was bizarre, sad, funny, and so ironic. She didn’t know what to think of Andrés’ words and kiss that had surged through her like a bolt of lightning. She also didn’t know what to think of Derek and his flirtations, and then the way he continually backed off. It was enough to drive a woman crazy.

  Then there was the issue of that biological clock that had somehow started ticking recently. Maybe it was when she’d seen those little children with their parents at the hotel in the city, or maybe it was the fact that every time she saw a baby these days, she got all mushy inside. And Andrés wanted that. He desired a family, and God, how he could kiss. But she couldn’t deny her feelings for Derek. No matter what, they were there bubbling over the surface and she wanted to flipping explode.

  Maybe Andrés was right. Maybe she should take that chance with him. Derek certainly didn’t seem to be all that interested, and she was sure she’d sent him the signals. One minute he was hot and the next minute he was cold. Andrés did seem to know exactly what he wanted, and that was her. Both men were maddening in their own way.

  Nikki was at least thankful for the fact that her best friend was now home and in her own bed, free to let her life unfold. She turned on the clock radio on the nightstand. Sheryl Crow was singing “The First Cut Is the Deepest.” When the singer got to the part about trying to love again, Nikki groaned and turned it off.

  She started to drift off to sleep with so many questions still on her mind, one in particular kept playing out. Was it better to try and fall in love with a man she had simmering feelings for—a man she considered a dear friend? Or should she continue pining away for a friend she wished loved her in the way she loved him? There had to be an answer out there somewhere, but for that moment, sleep finally took precedence and would delay any answers to the questions on her mind and in her heart.

  Strawberries & Cream Napoleon

  with Deerfield Ranch Gold, Late

  Harvest Dessert Wine

  So, the question remains, will Nikki and Derek ever fall into each other’s arms, or will Andrés be the one who holds the key to her heart?

  No matter who the man of her dreams turns out to be, she can’t go wrong with this sensual and simple dessert. It’s full of berries and whipped cream! Karen Bertrand and her husband, Christian, the owners of the Glen Ellen Inn Restaurant and Cottages, were gracious enough to share this recipe. Karen also recommends pairing it with Deerfield Ranch 2000 Gold Late Harvest Dessert Wine. It’s a full-bodied botrytis white wine, very rich and very sexy (think of the Marilyn Monroe of dessert wine.)


  4 egg whites

  11⁄2 cups of confectioners’ sugar

  1 tsp Framboise liqueur

  Heat oven to 200°. Line baking sheet with baking paper. In electric mixer, beat egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Add confectioners’ sugar slowly, and continue to beat for approximately 10 minutes, until firm. Gently fold in Framboise liqueur.

  Using pastry bag, pipe mixture directly onto baking sheets into flat heart shapes. Bake 2 hours, until meringues are dry.


  1 cup mascarpone

  7 oz heavy cream

  1⁄4 cup confectioners’ sugar

  1 tbsp Framboise liqueur

  Fresh strawberries, tossed in sugar

  Combine all ingredients and whip until they fold into soft peaks.


  Place meringue on plate; top with dollop of strawberry cream, top with meringue; repeat with more strawberry cream and top with meringue. Garnish with fresh whipped cream; this is also delicious served with strawberry champagne:

  Fill glass 3⁄4 with champagne, add 1 oz Framboise liqueur, garnish with fresh strawberry and raspberry.




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