Finding Rest in the Nature of the Mind

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Finding Rest in the Nature of the Mind Page 31

by Longchenpa

  Shakabpa, Tsepon W. D. 1984. Tibet: A Political History. New York: Potala Publications.

  Shantideva. 2006. The Way of the Bodhisattva: A Translation of the Bodhicharyāvatāra. Translated by the Padmakara Translation Group. Rev. ed. Boston: Shambhala Publications.

  Smith, E. Gene. 2001. Among Tibetan Texts: History and Literature on the Himalayan Plateau. Boston: Wisdom Publications.

  Sperling, Elliot. 1987. “Some Notes on the Early ’Bri-gung-pa Sgom-pa.” In Silver on Lapis. Edited by Christopher Beckwith, pp. 33–53. Bloomington, IN: The Tibet Society.

  Stewart, Jampa Mackenzie. 2013. The Life of Longchenpa, the Omniscient Dharma King of the Vast Expanse. Boston: Snow Lion Publications.

  Tulku Thondup. 1984. The Tantric Tradition of the Nyingmapa: The Origin of Buddhism in Tibet. Marion, MA: Buddhayana.

  ———. 1986. Hidden Teachings of Tibet: An Explanantion of the Terma Tradition of the Nyingma School of Buddhism. London: Wisdom Publications.

  ———. 1996. Masters of Meditation and Miracles: The Longchen Nyingthig Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Boston: Shambhala Publications.

  ———. 2014. The Practice of Dzogchen: Longchen Rabjam’s Writings on the Great Perfection, revised and expanded edition. Boston: Snow Lion Publications.

  Ura, Dasho Karma. 2015. Longchen’s Forests of Poetry and Rivers of Composition in Bhutan. Thimpu: Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH Research.


  The Adornment of the Middle Way. Shantarakshita and Mipham Rinpoche. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2005, 2010.

  Counsels from My Heart. Dudjom Rinpoche. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2001, 2003.

  Enlightened Courage. Dilgo Khyentse. Dordogne: Editions Padmakara, 1992; Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion Publications, 1994, 2006.

  The Excellent Path of Enlightenment. Dilgo Khyentse. Dordogne: Editions Padmakara, 1987; Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1996.

  A Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night. The Dalai Lama. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1993. Republished as For the Benefit of All Beings. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2009.

  Food of Bodhisattvas. Shabkar Tsogdruk Rangdrol. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2004.

  A Garland of Views: A Guide to View, Meditation, and Result in the Nine Vehicles. Padmasambhava and Mipham Rinpoche. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2015.

  A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher. Khenpo Ngawang Pelzang. Translated with Dipamkara. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2004.

  The Heart of Compassion. Dilgo Khyentse. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2007.

  The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones. Dilgo Khyentse and Patrul Rinpoche. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1992.

  The Hundred Verses of Advice. Dilgo Khyentse and Padampa Sangye. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2005.

  Introduction to the Middle Way. Chandrakirti and Mipham Rinpoche. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2002, 2004.

  Journey to Enlightenment. Matthieu Ricard. New York: Aperture Foundation, 1996.

  Lady of the Lotus-Born. Gyalwa Changchub and Namkhai Nyingpo. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1999, 2002.

  The Life of Shabkar: The Autobiography of a Tibetan Yogin. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1994; Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2001.

  Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend. Longchen Yeshe Dorje, Kangyur Rinpoche. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2005.

  The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech. Kunzang Pelden. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2007, 2010.

  The Root Stanzas on the Middle Way. Nagarjuna. Dordogne: Editions Padmakara, 2008; Boulder: Shambhala Publications, 2016.

  A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom. Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2011.

  Treasury of Precious Qualities, Book One. Longchen Yeshe Dorje, Kangyur Rinpoche. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2001. Revised version with root text by Jigme Lingpa, 2010.

  Treasury of Precious Qualities, Book Two. Longchen Yeshe Dorje, Kangyur Rinpoche. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2013.

  The Way of the Bodhisattva (Bodhicharyavatara). Shantideva. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1997, 2006, 2008.

  White Lotus. Jamgön Mipham. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2007.

  The Wisdom Chapter: Jamgön Mipham’s Commentary on the Ninth Chapter of The Way of the Bodhisattva. Jamgön Mipham. Boulder: Shambhala Publications, 2017.

  Wisdom: Two Buddhist Commentaries. Khenchen Kunzang Pelden and Minyak Kunzang Sonam. Dordogne: Editions Padmakara, 1993, 1999.

  The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel. Dilgo Khyentse. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1988.

  The Words of My Perfect Teacher. Patrul Rinpoche. Sacred Literature Series of the International Sacred Literature Trust. New York: HarperCollins, 1994; 2nd ed. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 1998; Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1998; New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2010.

  Zurchungpa’s Testament. Zurchungpa and Dilgo Khyentse. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2006.


  Note: Index entries from the print edition of this book have been included for use as search terms. They can be located by using the search feature of your e-book reader.

  Abhidharmakośa (Vasubandhu)


  abridged Prajñāpāramitā-sūtra


  four formless



  in four tantras

  indications of

  of nonduality

  of spiritual masters

  of Three Jewels

  vajra masters as root of

  Accomplishment of Primordial Wisdom Tantra

  accumulation, path of

  accumulations, two

  active bodhichitta and

  calm abiding and deep insight in

  in four empowerments

  in Great Vehicle, role of

  joining of


  refuge and

  twofold kāya and

  and universal ground of various habitual tendencies

  unmistaken actual nature and


  Action tantra (Kriya)

  action/karma family. See also five enlightened families


  examining existence of

  four black and four white

  freedom from

  habitual tendencies and

  mind and

  shadow of

  universal ground and

  See also karma; nonvirtues, ten; virtue

  active bodhichitta

  activities, four

  actual nature (pariniṣpanna, yongs grub)



  aggregates, five

  dependence of

  emptiness of

  as figurative imputed nature

  purity of

  as single maṇḍala

  as source of defilements

  suffering of

  as transitory collection




  all-accomplishing wisdom

  All-Creating King Tantra, The

  all-discerning wisdom

  all-illuminating concentration

  All-Illuminating Sphere Tantra



  anger. See also aversion

  animal realm


  developed potential as

  generation and perfections stages as

  lack of need for

  Mahāyāna view of

  path of two accumulations as

  self-cognizing primal wisdom as

  union of calm abiding and deep insight as



  clinging to

  and emptiness, union of


  Madhyamaka view of

  mere perceived

  mind and
  not identifying


  transcendent wisdom and

  ultimate nature, partaking of

  apprehender and apprehended

  absence of

  arising of

  cognitions of, respective

  divergent views on

  folly of

  framework of

  as habit

  ignorance as root of

  sense objects and

  upon waking from sleep


  Asaṅga. See also

  Bodhisattvabhūmi-śāstra; Commentary to the Uttaratantraśāstra; Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra

  asura (demigod) realm



  arising of

  of desire realm

  destroying others’

  exhaustion from

  four unbounded attitudes as antidote

  freedom from



  arising of

  delusion of

  freedom from, wishing for others

  root of

  tathāgatagarbha and

  See also anger


  arising and subsiding in

  free from bias

  free from partiality


  meditation on

  primordially unconditioned

  pure state of (rigpa)

  in sleep state

  in three classes of Great Perfection

  āyatanas. See sources (āyatana, skye mched)

  Bardo Thödrol

  being and nonbeing, transcending




  four ways of taking

  suffering of

  Black Line Hell



  of bodhichitta

  from buddha-element

  of buddhahood

  of form and formless realms

  from four unbounded attitudes


  spiritual masters as source of


  See also great bliss


  benefits of

  engendering, practice instructions for

  training in


  Bodhisattvabhūmi-śāstra (Asaṅga)


  buddha nature, realization of


  desire to benefit beings of

  eight male and eight female

  enlightenment of

  as nirmāṇakāyas

  nonvirtue for others’ benefit of

  as outer Saṅgha

  purity and impurity of

  three kinds


  arising of

  as basis of delusion

  control of

  generosity of

  impermanence of

  as maṇḍala of deity


  purity of

  transcendent concentration and

  bondage and freedom, transcending


  Brahmā realms


  Buddha. See also refuge

  buddha nature. See tathāgatagarbha

  Buddha Śākyamuni

  buddha-element (khams)/essence (snying po)

  as buddhafield

  in defilement, nine similes for

  as ground for removal

  images, inadequacy of


  qualities of

  in third turning

  and universal ground of various habitual tendencies

  See also buddha-potential (rigs)


  Buddhaguhya. See Stage of the Path (Buddhaguhya)


  aspiration for

  buddha-element as

  distinctive qualities of

  grounds and paths in attaining

  level of

  as liberation from mind and mental factors

  major and minor marks of

  as nature of mind

  refuge and

  of spiritual masters

  time for attaining

  two gatherings and

  See also enlightenment


  buddha-potential (rigs)

  of all beings

  benefits of awakened

  failing to recognize

  signs of awakening

  twofold (See developed potential (bsgrub pa’i rigs); naturally present

  potential (rang bzhin gnas rigs))

  ultimate reality as

  universal ground and


  in buddhafields

  enlightenment of

  five male and five female (See also five enlightened families)

  nondual perception of

  powers of (make sure this is right)

  purity of

  spiritual masters as

  three bodies of inner luminosity and

  two wisdoms of

  Buddhism, schools of

  calm abiding (śamatha)

  defilement and

  in formless realms

  four means of focusing mind in

  instructions for

  obscuring factors of

  without deep insight

  See also under deep insight (vipaśyanā)



  causal agent of removal

  causal process

  causal refuge

  causal vehicle

  cause, concentration on


  absorption of

  analytical and nonanalytical

  of consciousnesses

  of mind

  of śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas

  Chandrakirti. See Introduction to the Middle Way

  channel of supremely unchanging luminosity


  charnel grounds

  Chetsun Senge Wangchuck

  Chögyal Phakpa

  cities, three


  False Aspectarian school

  True Aspectarian school



  Classification of Wandering Beings Sūtra

  cleanliness, ritual

  clear appearance

  clear light


  cutting at root

  to Dharma

  to generation and perfections stages

  to “I” and “mine,”


  lack of

  in production of saṃsāra

  to self and phenomena

  three concentrations and


  See also self-clinging

  coemergent ignorance


  of apprehended and apprehender

  of aspects


  nature of mind and

  as refined wind of central channel

  universal ground and

  See also preternatural cognition

  cold hells, eight

  Collected Songs of Realization

  Commentary to the Sūtrālaṃkāra (Sthiramati)

  Commentary to the Uttaratantra-śāstra (Asaṅga)

  on buddha nature, realization of

  on buddha-potential in all beings

  on emptiness of tathāgatagarbha

  on manifest enlightenment

  on purity and defilement

  on refuge

  on tathāgatagarbha in all beings

  on ultimate expanse


  in all-illuminating concentration

  arising from emptiness

  bodhichitta and

  of buddhas and bodhisattvas

  in causal and resultant refuge

  in causal and resultant vehicles

  at enlightenment

  from meditation

  patience and

  potential of

  as result

  as sign of buddha-potential

  of skillful means

  of spiritual masters


  of virtuous disciples

  Compendium Tantra of Precious Secret Wisdom

  Complete Revelation of the Essence Sūtra


  aspect of method

  aspect of person


  of buddhas


  as Dharma of realization

  in itself

  of spiritual masters

  three types



  See also absorptions

  conceptual elaboration

  conditioning effect/result

  conditioning factors




  sphere of

  of spiritual masters

  view and

  Conduct Tantra (Upa/Caryā)


  consciousness (rnam par shes pa)

  as cognition of aspects

  as momentary

  seven types

  six types

  consciousness of universal ground (kun gzhi’i rnam shes)

  karma and

  mind as

  purity of

  in sleep state

  unfolding of

  and universal ground, distinctions between

  consciousnesses, eight

  as basis of saṃsāra

  as object of removal

  relationship between

  in sleep state


  active, resembling cause

  passive, resembling cause

  Danglung Thramo

  Dangma Lhungyal


  dedication of virtue/merit

  deep insight (vipaśyanā)

  and calm abiding, union of

  instructions for

  obscuring factors of

  for uprooting defilement

  without calm abiding

  defiled mental consciousness (nyon yid)


  bodhichitta and

  body and


  dependence of

  habituation to

  meditation and

  sources of

  spiritual masters and

  tathāgatagarbha as dwelling in

  tathāgatagarbha as free from

  through friends, evil and virtuous


  universal ground and

  wisdom and

  See also veil, twofold

  definitive meaning


  of blessings

  of buddhafields

  in concentration on cause

  in outer and inner tantra, distinctions between

  peaceful and wrathful

  purity of


  appearance and

  arising of

  clinging and

  cutting through


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